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        크로스오버를 통해서 본 포스트 모더니즘 비판

        양효 연세대학교 음악연구소 2003 음악이론포럼 Vol.10 No.-

        Cross-Over as an aesthetic phenomenon is closely associated with postmodernism. So we have to return once again to the relation between modernism and postmodernism. Postmodemism especially relating to cross-over is defined as anti-modernism. Postmodernism as antimodemism considers modernism as too intelligent, difficult, elitisic art. Moreover modernism is no longer an actual artistic theory but just a past theory. Elitism of modernism is replaced by populism of postmodemism. Especially after 1980's, Crossover, characteristic of postmodernism as being oriented towards popular culture has been seen in every apect of life. For example, crossover between high culture and popular culture, between history and fiction, even between image and reality. Postmodemism is a principal logic in society where every hierarchy is demolished and an aesthetic version of democracy, pluralism and relativism. In this essay, Postmodernsim relating to crossover is regarde and interpreted as an American cultural theory. So it is a very serious problem that Postmodemism as a national and local theory is accepted as if it is a global cultural theory. The call for modernism in the middle of 19th century was in connection with the question of the status of art in the capitalism. In the capitalist society where every human action and meaning was reduced to money, modernism chose to isolate itself from contemporary society and dedicated itself to art. It limited its main question to the artistic experiment. The Art Cult of Modernism was a resistent activity of modem artists against their society. In that process, art inevitably became esoteric, ambiguous and difficult. Because of its difficulty, thus, Modernism is accessible only to a few spectators. In that situation, numerous constructions of museums and concert halls for industrial and financial aim made Modernism much expensive commodity. The others of Modernism, for example, female artists, homosexual artists and artists of colored races criticized occidental, white, male centrality of Modernism. They argued Modernism is not a universal but only a local aesthetic theory. Postmodemism as one of the others of Modernism appears in criticizing those negative aspects of Modernism. It is argued that Postmodemism is not only a new cultural and aesthetic logic but also a new historical theory. But the reason why this essay interprets postmodernism as an American theory or a kind of americanism lies in the fact that the program of postmodernism itself is solely American. In America as multicultural nation, there can be various heterogeneous cultures, and even they can coexist peacefully. America has no dominant high culture handed down fiom old times. American culture is represented as popular culture. So Postmodernism as affirming lightness, joke, style and appearance instead of heaviness, reality and meaning can be propagated in America. It is natural that Postmodemism is an American theory. But it is not a local theory. Postmodemism as Americanism or cultural imperialism wants to homogenize cultures of entire world and at last dominate that world mentally. Postmodernism is cultural logic of political dominance of all the world by America. In conclusion, we must call crossover in question instead of treating it solely as an aesthetic phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        차이의 코뮌, 감각의 연대: 두리반농성과 자립음악생산조합의 경우

        양효실 ( Hyo Sil Yang ) 한국미학회 2014 美學 Vol.80 No.-

        2009년부터 장장 531일 동안 벌어진 홍대 근처 칼국수 식당 두리반의 철거 반대 농성은 철거민 문제에 인디 음악가들과 시민들이 연대해서 건설시공사와 협상에 성공한 예외적 사건이다. 청년 인디음악가들은 농성장에서 정기적으로 공연을 했고, 그 과정에서 자립음악생산조합이라는 단체가 조직되기도 했다. 철거민의 문제에 공감한 음악가들, 문학인들, 청소년 활동가들, 시민들이 함께 거주하면서 놀고 춤추고 대화했던 두리반 농성은 기존 농성의 문법으로는 분석불가능한 사건이다. 본 논문은 이러한 두리반 농성의 특이성을 랑시에르, 바디우, 낭시와 같은 이론가들의 이론으로 분석한다. 지도자나 대의도 없이, 진지함보다는 유쾌함이 압도한 두리반 농성은 함께 있음(코뮌)의 정치, 감각의 공동체를 현시했다. 근대적인 정체성/동일성의 정치로 환원불가능한 사건-두리반은 감각적이고 우발적인 연대, 상황이나 장소가 출현시키는 공동체의 형상을 통해 정치와 미학, 미적인 것과 윤리적인 것이 접합되는 지점을 구현해 냈다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze differences and diversities of participants in sit-in protest, ‘Duriban’, small noodle restaurant near Hongik University, against building demolition. It lasted for 531 days from 26th december in 2009 to 6th May in 2011 and finally succeeded in negotiation with construction firm. During that event emerged a rare and unprecedented commune, consisted of eccentric voices like restaurant owner, novelists, artists, activists, adolescent activists, anonymous citizens, etc. Especially a number of Indie musicians usually performing at clubs near Duriban played their music periodically in Duriban, and the protest changed into something like music festival. Accordingly, political subjects in classical meaning were transformed into aesthetic subjects. People inhabiting or visiting Duriban, just played music, wrote the novel or poetry, or enjoyed music all together. They fought against the power not as political subjects but as aesthetic subjects. During that movement, indie musicians organized ‘Independent Music Manufacturing Union(Jarip)’ in 2010, main concern of which until now focuses on the independent production and distribution of underground music. Without any collective cause and leader, people in Duriban, just existed together, with their senses and bodies. They were in common, eating noodle together around duriban and sharing corporeal contiguity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        텍스트 실천의 관점에서 보들레르의 「현대적 삶의 화가」 읽기

        양효실 ( Hyo Sil Yang ) 한국미학회 2011 美學 Vol.67 No.-

        세계에 대한 객관적인 인식을 통한 현실 변혁을 이야기한 리얼리즘은 구조주의적 인식에 의한다면 재현의 수단, 혹은 매체로서의 언어 자체의 불투명성을 통찰하지 못함으로써 권력으로서의 언어를 벗어나지 못한 채 중심의 권력을 반복하고 강화한 이데올로기로서의 한계를 드러냈다. 언어가 재현의 주체라는 구조주의적 인식 이후 지배하고 총체화하는 언어 자체를 경계하고 성찰하는 언어적 실천에 대한 논의가 새로이 전개되었다. 이런 맥락에서 이미 언어에 깃들어 있는 권력과 지배의 욕망을 성찰하는 이른바 "텍스트적 실천"은 예술의 정치성을 논하는 데 새로운 방향을 제시한다. 텍스트적 실천은 깊이/표면, 의미/무의미, 동일자/타자, 중심/주변, 생산/소비와 같은 이미 항상 이항대립적으로 움직이는 언어의 욕망에 저항하는 글쓰기이다. 의미와 깊이의 권력에 지배당하지 않는 글쓰기, 무의미와 표면이 벌이는 유희에 천착하는 글쓰기는 이항대립적 서열이 지배하는 언어의 권력에 저항한다는 점에서 정치적이고 심지어 윤리적이다. 언어를 통해 말하고 쓰는 주체의 사유의 일관성, 의도를 전달하는 대신 텍스트적 실천은 기표들의 연쇄로서의 언어의 무늬, 차이를 제시하려고 한다. 본 논문은 보들레르의 「현대적 삶의 화가」를 텍스트 실천의 관점에서 읽는다. 보들레르는 미학적으로 뛰어난 "예술가"가 아닌 시시한 이류화가 M. G. - 보들레르는 의미의 주인/주체로서의 작가의 이름을 이니셜로만 남겨둠으로써 저자의 권위를 최소화한다 - 의 풍속화를 중심으로 "현대적 삶"의 특성과 그것의 미적 재현 방식을 논하는 가운데 현대적 삶을 "닮은" 글쓰기를 실천한다. 즉, 현대적 삶을 재현한 글이 아니라 현대적 삶을 반복하는 글쓰기를 통해 겉으로 보이는 것이 전부인 현대적 삶과 무한한 환유의 연쇄로서의 글쓰기를 등치시킨다. 보들레르의 글(쓰기)은 깊이 없는 세계에서 여전히 깊이를 논하는 부르주아적 삶을 반복·재현하는 대신에 모든 것이 유령 같은 환영성을 드러내는 현대적 삶을 드러내는 글쓰기를 실천함으로써 삶을 닮은 글을 성취한다. With the advent of cognition that language is not a medium of representation but the subject in itself, new discussion about discourses rises reflecting on language itself. "Textual practice" struggling against the structure of language appears as political writing, which delimits desire of dominating power dwelling on the language. It is against the binary opposition of language such as depth/surface, sense/nonsense, the same/the other, center/margin, production/consumption. By way of post-structuralism, modernist writers until now regarded as formalistic modernism are redistributed as an example of discursive and textual practice criticizing modern reality and presenting other world. Textual practice tries to represent the difference of language as signifying chains instead of carrying coherence and intention of speaking and writing subject. Not writing about what but writing how appears political stance of writing. In this essay, I read "Painter of Modern Life" by Baudelaire through the perspective of textual practice. In discussing character of modern life and its aesthetic way of representation, Baudelaire practices writing which mimes modern life. M. G., painter of modern life is in fact a minor artist. So, he is the antithesis to Art. Nevertheless, Baudelaire "calls" him painter of modern life. The Practice of naming is important in his writing practice because he never defines the essence of painter but only continues to name M. G. differently. Baudelaire equates modern life which is nothing but the appearance with writing as continuous chains of metonymy. Writing of Baudelaire is not based on the question of essentialist who tries to define substance of what the modern life is. Instead, He calls various names of modern painter and exposes its undecidability. Moreover, He shows how the writing as criticism on genre painting converges on the meaningless play of surface, fragmental signifier or language. Instead of repeating or representing bourgeois life focusing on the depth of meaning in a superficial world of the modern, Baudelaire achieves modern writing by writing modern life as ghostlike phantasmagoria.

      • KCI등재

        골반장기탈출증을 동반한 복압성 요실금에서 tension-free vaginal tape (TVT)과 transobturator tape (TOT)의 치료 성적 비교

        양효인 ( Hyo In Yang ),정현주 ( Hyun Joo Jung ),전명재 ( Myung Jae Jeon ),남가현 ( Ka Hyun Nam ),최지훈 ( Ji Hoon Choi ),김세광 ( Sei Kwang Kim ),배상욱 ( Sang Wook Bai ) 대한산부인과학회 2009 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.52 No.1

        목적: 골반장기탈출증과 병합된 복압성 요실금 환자에 있어서 tension-free vaginal tape (TVT)과 transobturator tape (TOT)의 수술 후 합병증과 요실금의 치료 성적을 비교하기 위함이다. 연구 방법: POP-Q (Pelvic Organ Prolapse-Quantification)에 따른 2기 이상의 골반장기탈출증이 병합된 복압성 요실금 환자 중 TVT 혹은 TOT를 시행하여 1년 이상 추적 관찰이 가능했던 환자 278명을 대상으로 후향적으로 연구를 시행하였다. 수술 후 합병증 (방광손상, 수술 후 혈색소 감소, 요저류, 새로 발생한 요절박, 요로감염, 질미란, 질혈종)과 복압성 요실금의 치료 성적을 비교하였다. 통계 방법은 SPSS (version 12.0)을 이용하여 Student t-test, chi square test를 시행하였으며 P-value 0.05미만을 유의한 것으로 정의하였다. 결과: 두 환자군의 일반적 특성은 차이를 보이지 않았다. 수술 후 합병증은 혈색소 감소, 요저류, 요로감염에서 TVT를 시행한 환자군에서 TOT를 시행한 환자군보다 통계학적으로 유의하게 높은 발생률을 보였다 [혈색소 감소: TVT (25.51%), TOT (15.03%), P=0.04; 요저류: TVT (37.93%), TOT (21.05%), P=0.02; 요로감염: TVT (11.72%), TOT (3.75%), P=0.02]. 두 그룹간의 치료 성적은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 결론: 골반장기탈출증이 병합된 복압성 요실금 환자의 수술적 치료로서 TVT와 TOT는 비슷한 치료 성적을 보이지만 TOT를 시행한 경우 수술 후 혈색소 감소, 요저류 및 요로감염의 수술 후 합병증이 적은 것으로 나타났다. Objective: To compare tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) and transobturator tape (TOT) for surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) associated with pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Methods: Two hundred seventy eight consecutive patients affected by SUI associated with POP more than stage II were included in this retrospective study. Cure rate and postoperative complications such as hemoglobin difference between preoperative and postoperative period, vaginal hematoma, bladder and bowel injury, vaginal mesh erosion, urinary retention, de novo urgency, urinary tract infection were compared. Student`s t-test and chi square test were used for statistical analysis. A P-value below 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The number of patients underwent TVT was 145 and TOT was 133. All patients were followed up for more than 12 months. The general characteristics of patients showed no significant difference between the two groups. There was no difference between two groups in cure rate. However, hemoglobin difference (TVT, 2.91±0.93 g/dL; TOT, 1.53±0.77 g/dL; P=0.04) was higher in TVT group than TOT group and urinary retention within 1 month (TVT, 35.17%; TOT, 21.05; P=0.02), and urinary tract infection (TVT, 11.72%; TOT, 3.75%; P=0.02) more frequently appeared in TVT group than TOT group. Other postoperative complications such as vaginal hematoma (TVT, 6.89%; TOT, 6.76%; P=0.86), bowel injury (TVT, 0%; TOT, 1.5%; P=0.64), vaginal mesh erosion (TVT, 7.58%; TOT, 4.51%; P=0.47), urinary retention after 1 month (TVT, 2.76%; TOT, 3.00%; P=0.35), de novo urgency (TVT 7.58%, TOT: 6.01%, P=0.48) were not different between two groups. Conclusion: Both procedures appear to be equally effective in the surgical treatment of SUI associated with POP. However, TOT seems to be a more safe procedure in postoperative complications.

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