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      • KCI등재

        진주담치 근육중의 적색 Carotenoprotein 의 정제 및 특성

        김용태,김세권,양현필,이안종 한국수산학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        우리나라에서 대량 생산되고 있는 진주담치 근육에서 Triton X-100를 사용하여 carotenoprotein을 추출, 정제하여 그 특성을 실험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. Carotenoprotein(λ_(max)=462㎚)를 20% (w/v) (NH₄)₂SO₄, DEAE-cellulose 이온교환수지 그리고 Sephacryl S-300 겔 크로마토그래피를 통해 정제한 결과, 정제도는 5배 증가하였고 수율은 1.85%였으며 , carotenoprotein의 분자량은 약 372KDa(gel filtration)이었고, SDS-PAG 전기영동으로 단백질의 subunit를 확인한 결과, 60KDa(23.70%), 46.9KDa(9.14%), 26KDa(49.14%) 및 13KDa(18.02%)로 이루어져 있었다. Carotenoprotein의 안정성은 pH 4.0이하의 강산 및 pH 10.0 이상의 강알칼리에서는 단백질이 불안정하였고, SDS 변성제를 0.2%(w/v)되게 첨가하여 녹인 후 가시부 영역(400∼600㎚)에서 최대파장 변화를 보면 462㎚에서 456㎚로 약 6㎚ 단파장 영역으로 이동한 것을 알 수 있었다. Carotenoprotein의 구성아미노산 조성은 threonine이 35.90%로 다른 아미노산에 비해 함량이 높았으며, 필수아미노산과 소수성 아미노산의 함량은 전체아미노산 함량의 각각 62.76%와 25.02%를 차지하였고, methionine, histidine 및 proline은 존재하지 않았다. Carotenoprotein 1g당 총지질의 함량은 256㎎였고, 그 구성지방산의 조성은 polyene산이 62.4%로 가장 많았고 다음으로 포화산(19.58%) 및 monoene산(18%) 순이었다. 특히, 16:4n-3의 조성비가 33.90%로 상당히 높게 나타났고, EPA, DHA 등 ω3 계의 장쇄(長鎖)고도불포화지방산의 조성비가 22.13%로 높게 나타났으며, 양적으로 많은 지방산은 포화산 중에는 Palmitic acid(C_(16:0)), monoene산 중에서는 palmitoleic acid(C_(16:1)), polyene산 중에서는 hexadecatetraenoic acid(C_(16:4)), eicosapentaenoic acid(C_(20:5)), docosahexaenoic acid(C_(22:6)) 등이 함량이 많았다. Carotenoprotein으로부터 분리한 총 caroteoid 함량은 8.80㎎% 였고, 주 carotenoid는 mytiloxanthin(74.79%), 3,4,3′-trihydroxy-7′,8′-didehydro-β-carotene(18.26%)였다. Most of carotenoprotein complexes have been extracted by using buffered solutions. However, in this study carotenoprotein from the muscle of Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) was extracted by a detergent such as Triton X-100. It was purified and characterized by 20%(w/v)(NH₄)₂SO₄, DEAE-cellulose ion exchange and Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration. The carotenoprotein(λ_(max)=462㎚) had an approximate M. W. of 372KDa(gel filtration). SDS-PAGE analysis of the carotenoprotein indicated the presence of four polypeptides of 60KDa(23.70%), 46.9KDa(9.14%), 26KDa(49.14%) and 13KDa(18.02%). Carotenoprotein denaturated by treatment with SDS to a final concentration of 0.2%(w/v) caused a hypsochromic shift of λ_(max) from 462㎚ to 456㎚. The carotenoprotein contained lipids as structure units. The amino acid composition of the carotenoprotein contained large essential amino acid amounts of 62.8 % , and the content of threonine(35.9 % ) was higher than other amino acids, but histidine, methionine and proline were not present. In the carotenoprotein, the major fatty acids were C(16:4), C_(16:0), C-(20:5) and C_(22:6). The percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids(62.4%) were higher compared to other fatty acids(saturated fatty acids 19.6%, monounsaturated fatty acids 18.0%). Carotenoid was extracted from the carotenoprotein by acetone and it was separated into five different components by preparative TLC(benzene:petroleum ether:acetone=69:17:14). The major components of carotenoid were mytiloxanthin(74.79%) and 3,4,3′trihydroxy-7′,8′-didehydro-β-carotene(18.26%), and they were at least presented as prosthetic groups of carotenoprotein.

      • KCI등재

        마우스 안구건조증 모델에서 포도껍질 추출물인 안토시아닌 올리고머의 효과에 관한 연구

        강규동,정재균,Ramsha Afzal,양현필,황형빈 한국식품영양과학회 2019 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.48 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of anthocyanin oligomers on dry eye disease through animal experiments. To accomplish this, 80 eyes of 40 mice were used, and dry eyes were induced by administration of 0.02% benzalkonium chloride (BAC). Anthocyanin oligomers of two doses (10 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg) were administered once a day for 2 weeks, while the control group received 0.1% cyclosporine A (CA) eye drops twice a day. Under a slit lamp microscope, the degree of corneal erosion (NEI grading system), tear break up time (TBUT) and phenol red test were observed. Moreover, histopathologic analysis of the lacrimal gland and corneal tissue was also performed. In the anthocyanin oligomer group (50 mg/kg), NEI score was significantly lower than that of the BAC treated group, while the TBUT and the wet length of phenol red thread were significantly higher than in the BAC group (P<0.01). Analysis of corneal tissue by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining showed that keratinization and thickening of the cornea epithelial layer was not more prominent than those of eyes treated with anthocyanin oligomer (50 mg/kg) and CA eye drops. Overall, our results demonstrated that this natural compound has potential positive effects on the clinical index of dry eyes in the murine dry eye model. 본 연구에서는 안토시아닌 올리고머(50 mg/kg)가 염화벤잘코늄으로 유발된 안구건조증에서 다양한 안구건조증 지표의 개선에 효과가 있음을 보여주었다. 본 연구에서 염화벤잘코늄을 안구에 점안하였을 때 안구표면에 다양한 반응이 나타났다. 염화벤잘코늄이 각막상피세포에 직접적인 손상을 주어서 각막상피세포의 편평상피화생(squamous metaplasia)이 나타났고 다양한 염증세포의 각막침윤이 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 염화벤잘코늄을 이용한 안구건조증 유발 모델에서 안토시아닌 올리고머는 염화벤잘코늄의 점안 이후에 나타나는 다양한 염증성 사이토카인의 증가 및 이로 인한 세포 사멸을 억제함으로써 각막표면상피세포의 편평상피화생을 막아 안구건조증에 나타나는 다양한 변화를 개선시키는 것으로 추정해볼 수 있다. 이러한 안구건조증에서 안토시아닌 올리고머의 효과는 항염 작용과 더불어 안토시아닌이 본래 가지고 있는 강력한 항산화 작용에 의한 것으로 생각된다. 특히 본 연구에 사용된 안토시아닌은 단량체가 아닌 중합체로써 기존의 단량체보다 생리활성이 높을 것으로 생각되는데, 향후 추가적인 연구를 통하여 중합체의 우수한 생리활성이 추가로 규명된다면 다양한 안과영역에서 관심을 받을 것으로 생각된다. 안구건조증은 치료가 쉽지 않고 환자의 삶의 질까지 영향을 미치는 질환이다. 치료가 잘 되지 않는 이유 중에 하루에도 수차례씩 치료 약제를 점안하여야 하므로 환자의 순응도가 떨어지는 점이 있는데 경구 약제가 이러한 점을 보완해줄 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. 향후 좀 더 장기적인 연구, 염증 관련 단백질 분석 등과 점안제와 동시에 복용했을 경우의 효과 등에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        효소에 의한 가자미피 젤라틴 가수분해물의 제조 조건

        강태중(Tae-Jung Kang),양현필(Hyun-Pil Yang),김세권(Se-Kwon Kim),송대진(Dae-Jin Song) 한국식품영양과학회 1992 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        어류가공시 부산물로 얻어지는 어피를 효율적으로 천연조미료로 이용하기 위한 기초 자료를 얻기 위해 가자미피로 부터 알칼리 전처리법(B-type)과 효소 전처리법 (E-type)으로 젤라틴을 추출하여 trypsin으로가 수분해할 때 가수분해조건과 그 가수분해물의 물성, 분자량 및 아미노산 조성을 비교 검토하였다. 젤라틴 가수분해물의 제조를 위한 가수분해 조건은 B-type과 E-type 젤라틴 모두 반응온도 55℃, pH9.0 및 효소농도 E/S(w/w)=0.001이었고 1반응시간은 B-type은 4시간, E-type은 1시간이었다. 최적 가수분해조건하에서 B-type 및 E-type 젤라틴의 가수분해도는 각각 63%와 82%였다. 가수분해물의 등전점은 B-type과 E-type이 각각 pH 5.30와 pH 5.27이었고, 전기전도도는 각각 352.8μmho/㎝와 268.8μmho/㎝로 시판 젤라틴의 193.2μmho/㎝보다 높았다. 점도는 농도와 온도에 따라서는 다소 변화가 있었으나 pH의 변화에는 크게 영향을 받지 않았다. 분자량은 B-type이 6.5~25kDa으로 분포되어 있고 15kDa이 주종을 이루고 있었으나 E-type의 경우는 분자량이 6~20kDa이며 12.4kDa이 주종을 이루고 있었다. 아미노산 조성은 B-type과 E-type간에 거의 차이가 없었으며 단맛을 내는 glycine, alanine, proline, hydroxyproline, serine 등이 전체아미노산의 57%를 차지하였으며 쓴맛을 내는 valine, leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, methionine, arginine, histidine 등의 함량은 전체아미노산에 대해 18%에 불과하였다. In order to develop a new flavourant using the fish skin gelatin, the proteolytic conditions for the gelatin hydrolysate of the alkali (B-type) and Alcalase (E-type) pretreated flounder (Limanda aspera) skin gelatin were investigated, and some physical properties, molecular weight and amino acid compositions of the hydrolysates were, also, compared with each other. The proteolytic conditions of the gelatins (B-type and E-type) by trypsin were as follows: reaction temperature, 55℃: pH, 9.0 : enzyme concentration, 0.1% : reaction time, 4hrs for B-type and 1 hr for E-type. The degrees of hydrolysis of the B-type and E-type gelatin under the conditions stated above were 63% and 82%, respectively. The major molecular weights of the hydrolysates were 15,000 dalton for B-type and 12,400 dalton for E-type. Among the amino acids in the hydrolysates, glycine, alanine, proline, hydroxyproline and serine having a sweet taste were responsible for 57% of the total amino acid. But valine, leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, methionine, arginine and histidine having a bitter taste were only 18%.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effects of N-Acetylglucosamine on Suppression of Collagenolysis and Bone Resorption in Mouse Calvarial Osteoblasts

        Park, Cheon,Chung, Kang Hyun,Jeong, Teuk Rae,Yang, Hyun Pill,Nam, Kyung Soo,Kim, Cheorl Ho 한국키틴키토산학회 2000 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        생쥐의 osteoblasts를 골재흡수 약물인 PTH, 1,25(OH) 2D3, 그리고 IL-1으로 자극시키면 gelatinase생산을 촉진하여 콜라겐분해가 증가하지만, indomethacin과 dexamethasone은 생쥐의 osteoblastic세포의 collagenolysiss를 저해하였다. 골재흡수에 IL-1을 생쥐태아 유래의 장골조직 배양 (fetal mouse long bone organ culture)에 처리하자 IL-1 은 골재흡수를 촉진하였다. 이러한 골대사의 지견을 바탕으로 키린의 분해잔기인 N-acetylglucosamine의 활성을 검정하였다. 시험관내 독성검사에서 N-acetylglucosamine 1-200 yg/ml의 농도에서는 독성이 없었다. N-acetylglucosamine은 PTH (2units/ml), MCM (5%, v/v), IL-1α (1 ng/ml) 1,25(OH) 2D3 (10 ng/ml)처리에 대해서 그리고 IL-1α와 IL-1β-유발collagenolysis에 대해서도 보호효과를 나타내었다. N-acetylglucosamine을 1시간동안 전처리와 후처리에서 콜라겐분해에 약간의 보호활성이 있었으며 IL-1 α 와 IL-1 β 에 의해 유발되는 콜라겐분해에 보호활성이 보였다. 1시간동안 전처리는 콜라겐분해를 감소시키며, N-acetylglucosamine은 gelatinase효소를 저해하였으며 PTH,1,25(OH) 2D3, IL-1 β 및 IL-1 α로 유발된 효소활성화가 저해되었다. 즉, N-acetylglucosamine은 IL-1 α - and IL-1 β에 의해 촉진되는 골재흡수에 효과적이었으며. 이러한 결과는 N-acetylglucosamine가 골다공증치료에 효과적임을 나타내는 것이다. We show that mouse calvarial osteoblasts in culture constitutively synthesize progelatinase-A. Then, mouse osteoblasts, which were stimulated by PTH, 1,25(OH)2D3, mononuclear cell conditioned medium (MCM) and IL-1 as bone resorption agents, showed increased collagenolysis by producing the active gelatinase. However, treatment of indomethacin and dexamethasone significantly decreased those effects of collagenolysis in mouse osteoblastic cells. On the other hand, IL-1 in stimulating bone resorption was examined using fetal mouse long bone organ culture. IL-1 stimulated bone resorption and produced marked resorption when present simultaneously. Furthermore, when it was examined the effects of indomethacin and dexamethasone on the dose dependent responses of IL-1 α , indomethacin and dexametasone produced a rightward shift in the IL-1dose response curve. The results of in vitro cytotoxicities showed that N-acetylglucosamine have no any cytotoxicities in concentrations of 1-200 yg/ml and furthermore there is no any cytotoxicity even in concentration of 300 yg/ml on mouse calvarial bone cells. N-acetylglucosamine had Protective activity against PTH (2 units/ml), or MCM (5%, v/v), or IL-1 α (1 ng/ml) or 1,25(OH) 2D3 (10 ng/ml), IL-1 α and IL-1β-induced collagenolysis in the mouse calvarial cells. Pretreatment of theN-acetylglucosamine for 1 h, which by itself had little effect on cell survival, did not enhance the collagenolysis, nor significantly reduced the collagenolysis by pretreatment. Furthermore, the medicinal extracts were shown to have the protective effects against collagenolysis induced by IL-1 α and IL-1 β. Pretreatment of the extracts for 1 h significantly reduced the collagenolysis. Interestingly, the N-acetylglucosamine were shown to have the inhibiting effects against gelatinase enzyme and prosseing activity induced by the bone resortion agents of PTH, 1,25(OH)2D3, IL-1 β and IL-1 α , with strong protective effect in pretreatment with the extracts. JV-acetylglucosamine were shown to have the inhibiting effects against IL-1 α - and IL-1 β -stimulated bone resorption and the effect of the pretreatment with a various concentrations of the medicinal extracts were significant. The inhibition extent and phenomena of IL-1-stimulated bone resorption by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents of indomethacin and dexamethasone were similar to those obtained by H-acetylglucosamine treatment in the mouse calvarial tissue culture system. These results indicated that the N-acetylglucosamine are highly stable and applicable to clinical uses in osteoporosis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCIEKCI등재

        2단계 막반응기를 이용한 어피젤라틴 가수분해물의 연속적 생산

        김세권(Se Kwon Kim),변희국(Hee Guk Byun),전유진(You Jin Jeon),양현필(Hyun Phil Yang),조덕제(Duk Je Jou) 한국응용생명화학회 1994 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.37 No.2

        A continuous two-stage membrane (1st-SCMR, MWCO 10,000; 2nd-SCMR, MWCO 5,000) reactor was developed and optimized for the production of fish skin gelatin hydrolysate with different molecular size distribution profiles using trypsin and pronase E. The optimum operating conditions in the 1st-step membrane reactor using trypsin were: temperature, 55℃ ; pH 9.0; enzyme concentration, 0.1 ㎎/㎖; flux, 6.14 ㎖/min; reaction volume, 600 ㎖; and the ratio of substrate to trypsin, 100 (w/w). After operating for 1 hr under the above conditions, 79% of total amount of initial gelatin was hydrolysed. In the 2nd-step using pronase E under optimum operating conditions[temperature, 50℃ ; pH 8.0; enzyme concentration, 0.3 ㎎/㎖; flux, 6.14 ㎖/min; reaction volume, 600 ㎖; and the ratio of substrate to pronase E, 33 (w/w)], the 1st-step hydrolysate was hydrolysed above 80%. Total enzyme leakages in the 1st-step and 2nd-step membrane reactors were about 11.5% at 55℃ for 5 hrs and 9.0% at 50℃ for 4 hrs, respectively. However, there was no apparent correlation between enzyme leakage and substrate hydrolysis. The membrane has a significant effect on activity lose of trypsin and pronase E activity for 1 hr of the membrane reactors operation. The loss of initial activity of enzymes were 34% and 18% in the 1st-step and 2nd-step membrane reactor, whereas were 23% and 10% after operating time 3 hr in the 1st-step and 2nd-step membrane reactor lacking the membrane, respectively. The productivities of 1st-step and 2nd-step membrane reactor for 8 times of volume replacement were 334 ㎎ and 250 ㎎ per ㎎ enzyme, respectively.

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