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        녹화 영상 분석을 통한 일개 권역 응급의료센터에서 시행된 심폐소생술의 질에 관한 고찰

        양의석,정원준,조성욱,조용철,유연호,이준완,유승 대한응급의학회 2015 대한응급의학회지 Vol.26 No.6

        Purpose: Maintaining the quality of CPR is connected with improvement in survival rates, but CPR performance in the field does not always fulfill the guidelines. Therefore, many ways to obtain the quality of CPR have been studied and tried, including CPR education, manikin training, mechanical CPR, audio-visible feedback system, and video-recording system, et cetera. The aim of our study is to determine how CPR procedures are actually performed on the scene by real-time video recording. Methods: Digital video of CPR cases was obtained from April 2014 to March 2015 in a wide regional emergency medical center. The video was analyzed by two physicians in the emergency department. We evaluated quality of major CPR variables including compression rate, hands-off time, chest compression fraction, ventilation rate, et cetera. Results: A total of 52 cases were analyzed. Mean chest compression rate was 122.43±10.74/min, and mean ventilation rate was 7.47±2.58/min. Performance of adequate compression-to-ventilation ratio before insertion of advanced airway was 37%. Mean recognition to compression time was 31.31±27.32 seconds, and proportion of chest compression interruption time exceeding 10 seconds was 7.6%. Mean chest compression fraction was 91.12± 0.4%. In five out of 25 cases of defibrillation, chest compression was interrupted during charging, resulting in prolongation of chest compression interruption time. Conclusion: In this study, overall performance met the qualification of AHA guidelines. However, poor compliance was observed for some parameters. Continuous education and feedback are required in order to make an improvement in these areas.

      • KCI등재

        태풍에 의한 벼 엽신손상과 엽신 특성과의 관계

        양의석,강양순,정연태,정근식 한국작물학회 1988 한국작물학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        태풍 'Thelma'(87년 7월 15~16일)로 엽신 손상장해가 심했던 통일형품종(한강찰벼, 삼강벼, 가야벼, 남영벼)과 일본형품종(팔공벼, 동진벼, 섬진벼, 대창벼)을 대상으로 엽신고사정도와 이에 관련한 잎의 생리 생태적 특성을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 바람에 의한 엽신의 고사율은 일본형품종들이 3.1~4.4%인데 비하여 통일형품종은 5.1~8.0% 로서 품종군별 고사율의 차이가 현저하였다. 2. 엽신손상이 컸던 통일형품종들은 일본형품종들에 비하여 엽신이 다소 짧으면서 광엽이었고 엽신중의 규화세포수가 현저히 많았으며 기공개도가 커서 수분손실율이 높았다. 3. 엽신의 손상정도는 엽신의 기공개도(r=0.8460$^{**}$ ), 수분손실율(r=0.8343$^{**}$ ) 및 규화세포수(r=0.7546$^{*}$ )와 각각 유의한 정의 상관관계가 인정되었다.관계가 인정되었다. To find out the relationship between the eco-physiological characteristics and wind damage of rice leaves by typhoon 'Thelma' occurred at young panicle formation stage of rice plant, the study was carried out. The rate of dead leaves by wind damage in Indica X Japonica varieties were higher than that in Jap. varieties. Ind. X Jap. varieties which had erect and broader leaves had the higher number of silicified cell, moisture loss and stomatal aperture in leaves. And the wind damage were positvely correlated with the characteristics such as the number of silicified cell (r=0.7546$\^$*/), rate of moisture loss (r=0.8343$\^$**/) and stomatal aperture (r=0.8460$\^$**/) of rice leaf blade etc.

      • KCI등재

        폴리스티렌 기반 유기 라디칼 공중합체의 합성과 전지특성

        양의석,류상욱,Yang, Eui-Seok,Ryu, Sang-Woog 한국전기화학회 2016 한국전기화학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 실험에서는 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl methacrylate(TMA)와 합성된 스티렌 계열의 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-4-vinylbenzyl ether(TVBE)으로 구성된 단독 및 공중합체를 합성하였으며 산화반응을 이용하여 고분자 라디칼로 변환시켰다. 제조된 고분자 라디칼은 카본블랙, 바인더와 함께 혼합되어 알루미늄 극판에 코팅되었으며 코인셀로 구성하여 전지특성을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 폴리스티렌 기반의 중합체는 폴리메타크릴레이트 기반의 재료에 비해 낮은 산화반응성과 낮은 방전용량을 보여주었다. 하지만 $60^{\circ}C$의 고온에서 실시된 방전실험에서는 폴리스티렌 기반에서 더욱 우수한 방전특성을 나타났다. 또한 예상대로 고분자 라디칼로 구성된 전지에서 우수한 율특성을 확인할 수 있었다. In this study, homo and copolymers of 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl methacrylate(TMA) and synthesized styrene derivative, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-4-vinylbenzyl ether(TVBE) were obtained by radical polymerization and oxidized to produce corresponding polymer radicals. The polymer radicals were mixed with carbon black, binders and coated onto Al current collector. The battery performance is then characterized by fabricating coin cells. As results, the polystyrene based organic radicals show lower oxidize efficiency and discharge capacity than methacrylate based one. However, the former shows better capacities from discharge experiments performed at $60^{\circ}C$ which suggests a possible way to overcome the high temperature fade out of performance in usual organic radical batteries. Also as expected, an excellent C-rate performance is observed in all the cells consisted of organic polymer radicals.

      • KCI등재

        장기간(長期間)의 비료연용(肥料連用)이 수도(水稻)의 생육(生育)과 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        양의석,안수봉,Yang, Euy Seog,Ahn, Su Bong 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1986 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.13 No.1

        다년간(多年間) 동일(同一) 비료(肥料)를 시용(施用)한 논에서 시비조건(施肥條件)의 차이(差異)가 토양(土壤)의 특성(特性)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)함과 아울러 수도(水稻)의 반응(反應)올 형태(形態), 생리(生理), 생육면(生育面)으로 분석검토(分析檢討)하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 무비구(無肥區)와 무질소구(無窒素區)에서는 엽면적(葉面積)과 평균(平均) 생장속도(生長速度)의 감소(減少), 출수지연(出穗遲延), 수수(穗數)와 단위영화수(單位潁花數)의 감소(減少)로 3 요소구(要素區)에 비(比)하여 수량(收量)이 각각(各各) 43%와 53%정도(程度) 감소(減少)되었다. 2. 무인산구(無燐酸區)에서는 토양(土壤) 및 도체(稻體)의 인산함량(燐酸含量)이 낮았으나 그 결핍증상(缺乏症狀)이 나타날 정도(程度)는 아니었으며 수량(收量) 감수(減收)도 적었다. 3. 무가리구(無加里區)에서는 토양(土壤) 및 도체(稻體)의 가리함량(加里含量이 크게 떨어졌으며 1 수영화수(穗潁花數)의 감소(減少)로 삼요소구(三要素區)에 비(比)하여 약(約) 9%의 수량(收量) 감수(減收)가 있었다. 4. 삼요소(三要素)+퇴비시용구(堆肥施用區)에서는 토양중(土樓中)의 유효인산(有效燐酸), 치환성가리(置換性加里) 및 규산함량(珪酸含量)이 높았으며 도체내질소(稻體內窒素), 인산(燐酸), 가리(加里) 및 규산(珪酸)의 흡수량(吸收量)이 증대(增大)되고 단위영화수(單位潁花數)와 수수(穗數) 증가(增加)로 삼요소(三要素) 시용구(施用區)보다 6~9% 증수(增收)되었다. 5. 퇴비시용구(堆肥施用區)는 질소(窒素), 인산(燐酸)의 흡수량(吸收量) 감소(減少)와 영양생장부진(營養生長不振), 수수(穗數) 및 영화수(潁花數) 감소(減少)로 과실(結實)의 양호(良好)에도 불구(不拘)하고 삼요소구(三要素區)보다 수량(收量)이 약(約) 30% 감소(減少)되었으나 무비료(無肥料)보다는 28%의 증수효과(增收效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. Long-term fertilizer application have been carried out at experimental farm of the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station from 1967 to 1983 to obtain basic informations about longterm effect of fertilizer regime, especially, compost and chemical fertilizer on the soil chemical properties and the rice growth. 1. Rice yields obtained from the non-fertilized plot and PK applied plot were significantly reduced compared to NPK applied plot by 43% and 53%, respectively, primarily due to decrease of leaf area, crop growth rate, number of panicles and number of spikelets and delayed flowering. 2. No visible phosphorus-symptom and yield loss were obserbed at the plot that phosphorus was not included even though phosphorus content in the soil and rice plant were lowered. 3. The plot that was not received potassium resulted in yield loss by 9% compared to NPK applied plot due to decrease in potassium content in soil and rice plant, and spikelt number. 4. Available phosphorus, silica, and exchangeable potassium in soil significantly increased by adding compost to NPK applied plot and hence, increased grin yield by 6 to 9% compared to applied plot through improvement of nutrient uptake efficiency. 5. Grain yield of compost applied plot lowered by 30% than NPK applied plot due to decreased nutrient uptake efficiency and delayed rice growth while this yield was higher than Non-fertilized plot.

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