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        香港新學制下漢字敎學如何定位? -以副學位實用中文課程爲例

        양강정 ( Hong Ting Yeung ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2012 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.28 No.-

        自2009年開始, 香港推行“334”新學制, 卽三年初中、三年高中、四年大學制。香港敎育局爲配合新高中課程發展, 發出『中國語文課程及評고指引(中四及中六-定稿)』, 把現行課程重新分爲九個學習範疇, 目的是讓學生獲得“全面而均衡的學習經歷”, 可是, 簡化字、異體字等基本的漢字知識還沒有列爲重點學習的部分。於是, 敎授這些實用的漢語知識的重任就落在專上院校的實用中文課程上。現時, 香港的專上院校分爲專上學院、大學兩類, 分別提供副學位、學位課程。過往, 學術界對大學的實用中文課程多有討論; 但專上學院則相對較少, 需要加以注意。 근大學一樣, 香港的副學位實用中文課程也包括簡化字等漢字知識, 學生需兼備“認讀”與“書寫”簡化字的能力, 要求比中學略高。惟因課程緊逼, 相關的漢字知識部分仍然欠缺系統性的敎授, 學生對於規範漢字的認識非常薄弱。中、港兩地接觸漸趨緊密, “漢字”是兩地書面語溝通的重要工具, 香港實在需要正視規範漢字的敎學狀況。新學制剛剛實施, 正爲推動漢字敎學提供一個良好的契機。本文主要從香港副學位實用中文課程一途, 正面硏究副學位現行的漢字敎學的狀況與定位; 側面探討課程的角色和功用, 擬就有關的課程、敎材、敎學法等提供一些分析和建議。 The new education policy “3-3-4”, which represents the three-year junior secondary, three-year senior secondary, and four-year undergraduate study, has been implemented in Hong Kong since 2009. To supplement with the new senior secondary curriculum development, the Education Bureau in Hong Kong released “Chinese Language Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6)”. In the guide, the curriculum is restructured into 9 key learning areas, aiming at providing students with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience. However, basic knowledge of Han Characters including the simplified Chinese and the Chinese variants is not listed as one of those key learning areas. Hence, the responsibility of teaching such knowledge falls on tertiary institutions through Practical Chinese courses. Nowadays in Hong Kong, the two types of tertiary institutions, namely community colleges and universities, offer sub-degree and undergraduate degree programmes respectively. In recent years, there are numerous academic discussions related to Practical Chinese courses in universities. However, it is noteworthy that similar discussions in the context of community college are limited. Similar to the ones in universities, the Practical Chinese courses in community colleges include knowledge of Han characters such as the simplified Chinese. In these courses, students are expected to recognise and write simplified Chinese characters, and the requirements are usually higher than those in the secondary school curriculum. Nevertheless, owing to the tight teaching schedule in tertiary institutions, Han characters related content cannot be taught systematically, resulting in students` poor understanding of traditional Han characters. As the relationship between Hong Kong and China becomes closer, Han characters now become an inevitable tool of written communication among the two regions. Thus, awareness of teaching traditional, formal Chinese characters should be raised in Hong Kong. The imposition of the new curriculum offers a good opportunity to promote Han characters teaching. This article investigates the current situation of Han characters teaching and its positioning in the sub-degree level in Hong Kong, as well as exploring the corresponding roles and functions. Analyses and recommendations were also made to the course syllabus, teaching materials and teaching methodologies.

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