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      • 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 5~6학년군 검정 과학 교과서 통합 단원 STEAM 요소 분석

        안경섭 경인교육대학교 교육전문대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 5~6학년군 검정 과학 교과서 통합 단원에 제시된 STEAM 요소를 교과서별, 학습 단계별로 분석하여 과학 교과서를 활용한 STEAM 교육의 적용 가능성을 알아보고, 향후 과학 교과서 집필에 도움이 되려는 목적으로 시행하였다. 이를 위하여 5~6학년군 통합 단원인 ‘에너지와 생활’이 포함된 검정 6-2 과학 교과서 9종을 분석하였으며 이를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 2015 개정 5~6학년군 검정 과학 교과서 통합 단원에 제시된 STEAM 요소는 교과서별로 크게 차이가 난 것으로 나타났다. 이는 교과서마다 ‘에너지와 생활’ 단원의 분량과 본 연구에서 기술공학 요소로 분류하였던 에너지 관련 예시의 개수에서 차이가 있기 때문이다. 또한, 표현예술 요소에서는 교과서마다 제시하는 활동의 유형이 다르기 때문이다. 둘째, 2015 개정 5~6학년군 검정 과학 교과서 통합 단원에 제시된 STEAM 요소는 요소별로 큰 차이가 있는 것으로 드러났다. 단원의 특성상 기술공학 요소가 가장 많이 제시되었으며 그 뒤를 표현예술 요소가 이었다. 문화예술과 수학 요소는 제한적으로 반영되어 다른 요소에 비해 적게 나타났다. 셋째, 학습 단계별로 STEAM 요소의 개수나 분포에서 다양한 양상이 나타났다. 단원 도입 단계, 탐구학습 단계, 과학 이야기 단계에서는 주로 기술공학 요소와 표현예술 요소가 제시되었고, 과학 이야기 단계에서는 주제에 따라 문화예술 요소가 제시되었다. 단원 정리 단계에서는 일부 교과서의 교과서에서 표현예술 요소가 포함되었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 후속 연구를 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 3~4학년군 과학 검정 교과서나 5~6학년군 과학 검정 교과서의 다른 영역의 STEAM 요소를 분석하여 학년 간 또는 영역 간 연계성과 STEAM 요소의 차이를 분석하는 연구가 추가로 이루어질 필요가 있다. 둘째, 본 연구를 통해 2015 개정 교육과정의 5~6학년군 통합 단원과 관련된 STEAM 프로그램이 활발하게 개발되었으면 한다. 기존 교과서에서 부족한 문화예술 요소를 보강하여 ‘에너지와 생활’ 단원과 관련된 STEAM 프로그램을 개발한다면 통합 단원에서 STEAM 교육이 정착되는 데 큰 도움이 될 것이다. 이와 더불어 학생들이 에너지와 관련된 문제를 실감하는 것에도 많은 도움이 될 것이다. 셋째, 2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 5~6학년군 과학 검정 교과서의 통합 단원 STEAM 교육 효과를 알아보기 위한 질적 연구가 더 다양하게 이루어질 필요가 있다. This study analyzes the STEAM elements presented in the integration area of science textbooks for the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school according to the 2015 revised curriculum by publisher and learning stage to find out the applicability of STEAM education using science textbooks, and to investigate the possibility of applying science textbooks in the future. It was conducted with the purpose of helping in writing textbooks. For this purpose, 9 kinds of science textbooks of 6-2 probation and accreditation including 'Energy and Life', a unit of the integrated area of 5th and 6th graders, were analyzed, and the following conclusions were obtained. First, it was found that the STEAM elements presented in the 2015 revised 5th and 6th grade group integrated area of accredited science textbooks differed greatly by publisher. This is because there are differences in the number of energy-related examples classified as engineering elements in this study and the number of ‘Energy and Life’ units for each publisher. Also, in the expressive art element, the type of activity presented by each publisher is different. Second, it was revealed that the STEAM elements presented in the 2015 revised 5th to 6th grade group integrated area of accredited science textbooks had a large difference by element. Due to the nature of the units, the technical engineering elements were presented the most, followed by the expressive arts elements. Cultural arts and mathematics elements were reflected in a limited way and appeared less than other elements. Third, various aspects appeared in the number or distribution of STEAM elements by learning stage. In the unit introduction stage, inquiry learning stage, and science story stage, technological engineering elements and expressive arts elements were mainly presented, and cultural art elements were presented according to the subject in the science story stage. At the stage of organizing the unit, elements of expressive art were included in textbooks from some publishers. Based on the results of this study, the following follow-up studies are suggested. First, additional research is being conducted to analyze the link between grades or between areas and the differences in STEAM elements by analyzing the STEAM elements of different areas of the 3rd and 4th grade science accredited textbooks or the 5th and 6th grade science accredited textbooks. It needs to be done. Second, through this study, it is hoped that the STEAM program related to the 5th and 6th grade integrated areas of the 2015 revised curriculum will be actively developed. If a STEAM program related to the 'Energy and Life' unit is developed by reinforcing cultural and artistic elements that are lacking in existing textbooks, it will be of great help in establishing STEAM education in the integrated area. In addition, it will be very helpful for students to realize problems related to energy. Third, it is necessary to conduct more diverse qualitative research to find out the effect of STEAM education in the integrated area of science inspection and accreditation textbooks for the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school according to the 2015 revised curriculum.

      • 대학 시설 및 공간의 효율적인 관리를 위한 연구 : 공주대학교를 중심으로

        안경섭 공주대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In accordance with the trend of globalization and informatization oriented society, the present university education have changed into a student-centered and interactive education curriculum which focuses on self-control and initiativeness from the previous single-directional education. Therefore, more diversified and specialized university facilities considering the characteristics of each region and school are being required. However, universities in Korea have insufficient data on education facilities and equipments and this is being a detrimental factor of the educational activities and the education quality. Likewise, university facilities should be planned simultaneously and by equal weight with the education plan. Thus, as the facilities and equipments in universities are diversified and modernized, systematic and professional university facility administration and space management are being required. Therefore, this study inquired into the definition of university facilities, the changing process of university facilities and the changes in university environments through a documentary survey on academic papers and special works. Also, in order to look into the actual conditions of overall space management of universities in Korea, the study investigated the current status of facility space management and computerized system in national universities and carried out a comparative analysis with Kongju national university. From the result, the problem in facility management of Kongju national university could be divided into the problems in facility management department and the problems in facility management system. As for the problems in facility management department, unbalance in department structure due to unusual position distribution, heavy workload and unfair distribution of workload, position based workload distribution and weak correspondence to the demand for new facility are the problems found. Regarding the problems in facility management system, insufficient specialists in facility management, shortage of economic resources for facility management, ex-post maintenance and management system, absence of professional facility management technology, absence of standardized facility management system are the problems observed. Hence, for more efficient facility and space management in Kongju national university, it is necessary to save budget by stationing the specialized human resource and economic resource to the right places and to optimize space utilization together with building up a systematic asset management system. To ease the problems of facility and space management of Kongju national university, the study provided plans to improve the facility and space management as follows. First, for betterment of facility management department, the study provided plans on reformation to healthy structure, balanced distribution of human resource, flexible human resource management and outsourcing. Second, for betterment of facility management system, the study provided plans such as expansion of asset and economic resource, building up an ex-ante facility management system, establishment of facility management system, establishment of knowledge based system of facility management and establishment of standardized performance management system. Third, for the systematic administration of university facility space management, the study provided the objective of space management and basic principles. Fourth, the study provided practical tools for efficient facility and space management such as space cost accountability, space endowment standard, computerization of space utilization time and central control, space utilization rate study, university facility management performance index and facility management system. However, the schemes provided in this study are still not realizable without formation of the concept of public in university facilities. In particular, to enforce space endowment standard or space cost accountability in universities emphasizing self-regulated administration, there should be a strong promotion by the management and members of universities; and a clear goal of facility and space management is important as well. In other words, it should be administered fairly and consistently to every user, and should be able to secure the maximum efficiency in facility utilization and to cope with future changes efficiently.

      • 정부투자기관의 경영성과평가 연구 : 균형성과표(BSC)활용

        안경섭 단국대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 경영환경 변화는 혁신적이고 총체적인 변화 양상을 띠고 있다. 이러한 경영환경 변화 속에서 기업들은 경쟁력을 갖기 위하여 다양한 혁신을 도모하고 있다. 경영환경의 변화는 일반사기업에만 국한된 것이 아니라 그동안 독과점 체제로 운영되어 온 정부투자기관에게도 해당되는 것이다. 이에 정부투자기관을 포함하는 공기업은 민영화나 자체 경영혁신을 통해 비전과 전략을 수립하고 환경의 변화에 능동적으로 대응하려는 움직임을 보이고 있다. 이러한 경영환경의 변화는 정부투자기관의 경영성과평가방법에도 변화를 가져오고 있다. 그러나 현재 우리나라 정부투자기관의 경영성과평가방법은 변화되는 경영환경을 충분히 반영하고 있다고 볼 수는 없다. 따라서 여러 정부투자기관은 기존과는 다른 더욱 합리적인 경영관리기법을 도입하여 성과를 측정하려고 노력하고 있고 이러한 노력의 일환으로 올바른 성과측정과 조직원의 동기부여를 위한 보상과의 적절한 연계를 위해서, 재무적인 지표에 중점을 둔 기존의 전통적인 성과측정방법과는 다른 ‘균형성과표(Balanced Scorecard : BSC)’에 관심을 가지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 전략적 성과평가시스템으로 도입되고 있는 BSC에 대해 이론적으로 고찰해 보고 BSC의 도입-시행중인 KOTRA의 적용사례를 통해 정부투자기관의 BSC적용을 위한 바람직한 모델을 제시하며 나아가 정부부처의 BSC적용 가능성을 고찰하고자 한다. KOTRA의 BSC 성과평가 시스템은 기존의 매출액이나 순익에만 의존하던 기업성과 측정 방식에서 탈피하여 고객만족도, 신규고객창출능력, 자체프로세스개선, 정보서비스 관리, 혁신과 종업원 역량 등의 비재무적 측정치를 포함한 분야에서 총체적으로 광범위하게 평가하는 방식이다. 특히 KOTRA는 경영혁신을 통하여 조직, 사업, 평가, 보상이 연계된 일관성을 갖춘 경영체제를 구축하여 업적평가는 BSC와 MBO 온라인 시스템을 통해 계량화된 실적을 실시간 평가분석하고, 평가결과는 공정하고 객관적인 절차에 따라 인사에 반영하고, 금전적으로 차등연봉제를 통해 보상함으로써 조직운영성과가 극대화 될 수 있게 하였다. 사업추진 후 업적평가가 BSC 온라인 시스템을 통해 실시간으로 평가가 되므로 KOTRA의 핵심성과로 정의된 지표들(고객창출 수, 고객만족도, 자체수입, 수출창출액, 투자창출액)의 성과가 지속적으로 향상되었다. 본 연구에서는 KOTRA의 성공요인과 문제점, 개선방안을 고찰하였다. 첫째, KOTRA의 BSC도입을 성공적으로 이끈 요인들은 다음과 같다. ① 최고경영층의 적극적인 지원, ② 외부평가단과 내부평가단을 활용하여 평가에 대한 공정성 확보, ③ MBO / BSC 통합 시스템에 의한 on-line 평가방법으로 목표수립에서 평가까지 일관된 평가체제를 구축, ④ 평가결과에 있어 인사/보상과의 철저한 연계, ⑤ 직원들 특히 노조의 적극적인 참여 등으로 살펴볼 수 있다. 둘째, 현행 BSC의 문제점을 살펴본다면 다음과 같이 요약된다. 평가지표의 문제점으로 ① 단기적인 성과지표의 설정, ② 평가지표의 관련성 미흡 등이 지적될 수 있고, 평가방법상의 문제점은 ① 질적인 목표달성 노력이 중요함에도 일부의 경우 단순히 건수나 물량 등으로 목표치를 부여하는 점, ② 목표를 달성하면 그 이상의 노력을 하지 않는 경향, ③ Top- down 방식으로 부서의 현실적인 여건을 무시한 채 무리한 수준의 목표를 달성할 것을 요구하는 경우 등을 지적할 수 있다. 셋째, 공공부문의 성공적인 BSC를 정착하기 위한 개선방안 중에서 장기적 기본방향으로는 ① 중장기 관점에서의 평가지표 설정, ② 전략목표지표의 상호 연계, ③ 성장성 관련지표 가중치 상향조정, ④ 질적 지표의 개발, ⑤ 평가지표의 합리성 제고, ⑥ 팀윅유지를 위한 평가결과의 활용이 있으며 BSC의 정착을 위해 고려해야할 사항으로는 ① 조직 특성의 파악, ② 정부투자기관 경영성과평가 지표와 BSC 지표의 연계가 있다. KOTRA뿐 아니라 정부투자기관과 정부부처가 이러한 문제점을 개선하고 고려하여 BSC를 설계· 도입한다면 조직의 특성이 반영된 성공적인 BSC를 정착시킬 수 있을 것이다. Recently, the change in the management environment tends to be innovative and collective. Amidst such changing environment, companies are implementing various innovations so as to be equiped with cutting edges. The management change is not confined to private sector, but it also affects government-invested companies which have monopolized the markets. Therefore, public corporations including government-invested companies establish their own visions and strategies through privatization and innovative management, and move to cope with environmental changes. The change in management environments leads to the change in the management performance measurement method. But, Korea's measurement method cannot fully reflect such changing environments. So several government-invested corporations get together to introduce more reasonable techniques for the measurement of performances. As part of such efforts, attention is paid to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) which focuses on financial indicators to associate compensation for motivating employees with the right measurement of performances. This study will look into the background theories of BSC and propose the appropriate model for the adoption of BSC by government-invested corporations through the case of KOTRA which adopted BSC. Furthermore the study aims to look into the possibility to implement BSC. BSC performance system that KOTRA has in place is a method to broadly measure performances factoring in customer service, job creation, and service provision, In particular, KOTRA has built the firm-wide consistent system including organization, business, compensation and evaluation. It evaluates and analyzes performances real time through online BSC and MBO, reflects the evaluation outcome in the human resource policies in a fair and objective manners. It also maximizes the management result by providing monetary compensation through the graded annual salary system. As the performances are evaluated real time on the online BSC system, the core indicators of KOTRA (creation of customers, customer satisfaction, revenues, export creation, investment creation) continue to improve. This study investigated the success factors, problems and improvements of KOTRA. First, The success factors for the BSC are as follows. ⓐ Unsparing support from the top management ⓑ Securing fairness of evaluation by in-house and outside evaluation groups ⓒ Building the consistent evaluation system from goal setup to evaluation through integrated online MBO/BSC system ⓓ Strictly reflecting the evaluation outcome in human management and compensation policies ⓔ Active participation by employees, particularly by the trade union. Second, the problems of the present BSC are as follows. For evaluation indicators: ⓐ Short-term indicators ⓑ Lack of relevance among indicators. For the evaluation method: ⓐ A quantity or volume-focused goal is awarded though the effort to achieve qualitative goals is important ⓑ Tendency to stop to achieve further when the goal is reached ⓒ Far-fetched, top-down request for the goal ignoring the present environment of the department. Third, Mid to long-term policies for successful BSC in the public sector include: ⓐ Establishing evaluation indicators in the mid- to long-term perspective ⓑ Interrelationship of strategic goal indicators ⓒ Adjusting upward the weights of growth indicators ⓓ Developing quality indicators ⓔ Enhancing the rationality of evaluation indicators ⓕ Utilizing evaluation outcomes to maintain teamwork, Factors to consider include: ⓐ Understanding of the organizational characteristics ⓑ Associating management performance indicators of government-invested corporations with BSC indicators When not only KOTRA but also other government-invested corporations and government agencies design and adopt BSC after addressing the problems, BSC will fully reflect the characteristics of an organization and successfully settle down.

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