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      • KCI등재후보

        해부학수업에서 교수매체 적용에 따른 학습효과

        심정하 기초간호학회 2009 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.11 No.1

        간호교육과정에서 해부학은 필수 전공 기초과목으로서 대 부분 1학년 혹은 2학년에서 실시되고 있다. 해부학은 형태학 의 하나로서 새로이 학습해야 할 새로운 개념은 방대하다. 따 라서 효과적인 학습이 되기 위해서는 이론 수업과 더불어 시 신(cadaver)을 대상으로 한 실습이 필수적이다(McLachlan, Bligh, Bradley, & Searle, 2004). 그러나 간호교육에서 사람해부학의 이론 수업과 실습의 중 요성에도 불구하고 현재 간호대학의 교육과정에서 실시하고 있는 대부분의 해부학 학습시간은 이론 3시간에 3학점이고, 실습시간은 교육과정에 따라 다르며 또한 실습에 대한 규정 은 없는 실정이다. 간호대 학생들이 해부학 지식향상을 하는 데, 그리고 실제 임상에서 해부학 지식을 성공적으로 적용할 수 있으려면 cadaver 실습이 필수적이다. 그러나 대부분의 간호대학 실습에서는 실습장소의 부족으로 인해 실습이 제한 적으로 실시되고 있으며, 또한 의과대학 실습에 접근성의 어 려움으로 인해 cadaver 실습이 실시되지 못하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중년비만여성을 위한 보건소 비만관리 프로그램 효과

        심정하,고대규,유영주 지역사회간호학회 2007 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The Effect of an Obesity Control Program on Body Composition and Blood Lipid Level among Middle-aged Obese Women in a Health Center Sim, Jeoung Ha․.Go, Dae Gyu Yoo, Young Ju Purpose: The Purpose of this study was to examine an obesity control program using dietary consult and physical exercise among middle-aged obese women in a health center. Method: This study used a pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 63 middle-aged women with over BMI 25(㎏/㎡) or %BF 28 who participated in the obesity control program for 12 weeks. Results: After the program for 12 weeks, BMI(p= .02) and TC(p= .00) decreased significantly compared with those before the program. Conclusion: Obesity control programs in health centers can decrease the degree of obesity in middle-aged obese women. Therefore health centers should develop strategies for their members' continuous participation in such an obesity control program.

      • KCI등재

        간호선교사 변마지의 생애와 선교사역의 특징

        심정하,조혜경 한국선교신학회 2023 선교신학 Vol.70 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 1930년대 선교사로 부름받아 한국선교에 크게 이바지하였으나 역사 속에 묻혀 기록적으로 사라질 위기에 놓인 변마지 (Margaret F. Pritchard) 선교사의 생애와 선교 사역에 대해 학술적으 로 알리고자 함이다. 변마지 선교사는 돌봄과 섬김에 기초한 기독간호 사를 양성함으로써 한국 선교와 간호학의 발전에 큰 기여를 했다. 돌봄(caring)을 바탕으로 한 선교, 교육(teaching)을 중심으로 한 선교, 복음 전파에 매진하면서도 의료협력(Medical-Cooperation)을 함께 실천하는 통전적 선교를 했다. 그녀의 돌봄 선교는 간호사 양성과 위생지침을 바탕으로 예방사역에 큰 공헌을 이루었다. 교육선교를 통해 여성이 교육주체가 되는 여성 전문직관의 근간을 이루었다. 협력 의 선교에 있어 복음 전파를 우선하면서도 의료협력사역을 실천했다. 기독교 정신을 바탕으로 질병 예방과 치료, 예수 사랑을 실현하는 간호교육으로 미국남장로교 한국선교역사의 산증인 역할을 하였으며, 복음전파와 의료봉사를 통한 통전적 선교를 몸소 보인 한국선교의 귀감이었다. This study aims to shed light on the life and missionary work of Byun Maji, a nurse missionary who played a significant role in the Korean missionary movement in the 1930s. Despite her contributions, her story is at risk of being forgotten by history. Byun Maji was instrumental in the development of Korean missionary work and nursing, training Christian nurses to provide care, education, and medical cooperation that emphasized holistic missionary work and evangelism. Her efforts to promote cooperation in healthcare contributed greatly to the training of nurses and preventive services, including hygiene guidelines. In addition, her educational missionary work helped to establish women in professional positions, enabling them to become educational subjects. Byun Maji’s work as a nursing educator embodies the love of Jesus and serves as a model for Korean missionary work. She witnessed the evolution of Korean missionary work in the American Presbyterian Church, and her contributions deserve recognition.

      • KCI등재

        농어민의 디지털기술에 대한 태도, 디지털기기 효능감, 디지털활용능력이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향

        심정하 (사)한국직업건강간호협회 2023 직업건강연구 Vol.5 No.3

        Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing farmers' and fishermen's attitudes toward digital technology, efficacy with digital devices, and digital literacy skills in relation to the life satisfaction. Methods: Utilizing the data from the 2022 Digital Divide Survey, this study targeted 2,200 farmers and fishermen. Analytical methods included frequency analysis, independent sample t-tests, analysis of variance, and post hoc analysis. Additionally, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to identify the factors affecting the life satisfaction. Results: The average attitude toward digital technology was 2.73±0.71 points (out of 4), efficacy toward digital devices was 2.31±0.76 (out of 4), digital literacy scored 2.30±4.07 (out of 5), and overall satisfaction was 2.54±0.48 (out of 4). Positive correlations were found between the life satisfaction and attitude toward digital technology (r=.33, p<.001), efficacy toward digital devices (r=.41, p<.001), and digital literacy (r=.42, p<.001). Regression analysis revealed that education level (elementary school graduate or under: t=-4.03, p<.001; middle school graduate: t=-2.51, p=.012) and efficacy toward digital devices (t=4.68, p<.001), and digital literacy (t=7.55, p<.001) significantly influenced the life satisfaction. These variables collectively explained 20% of the variance in the life satisfaction among farmers and fishermen. Conclusion: In light of these findings, enhancing the life satisfaction of farmers and fishermen requires the implementation of a tailored digital education program, specifically targeting individuals with low levels of education to enhance their skills and proficiency in using digital devices.

      • KCI등재

        교육수준과 지역결핍지수에 따른 뇌혈관질환 사망률 차이

        심정하,안동춘,손미아 한국보건행정학회 2012 보건행정학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was performed to identify the difference of the area-based deprivation and the educational level on the cerebrovascular mortality in Korea. Data used in this study was obtained from the Death Certificate Data 2000 and the 2000 Census produced by Korean National Statistics(NSO). We classified the whole country into 246 areas based on the administrative districts. Then, the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) in cerebrovascular disease was calculated according to the sex, education level and 246 areas. Its Predicted SMR was calculated by the Empirical Bayes Methods to reduce the variation of the SMR values. The area-based deprivation of 246 areas were measured using the modified Carstairs index in which the 5 indicators consisted of overcrowding, the unemployment ratio of men, the percentage of households classified low social class, the percentage of non home owners, and finally those houses lacking basic amenities. The correlation between the area-based deprivation and the SMR of the whole country and the correlation between the area-based deprivation and the SMR of each metropolitan cities or provinces was analyzed by the Pearson correlation analysis method. After classifying the deprivation of 246 areas into 5 levels, we performed the random intercept Poisson regression analysis after adjusting education level and age using Empirical Bayes Method to investigate the relationship between the 5 deprivation levels and the cerebrovascular mortality. The SMR was increased in lower education level. Each 246 areas had different values in SMR, Predicted SMR and area-based deprivation. The area-based deprivation and the SMR of the whole country was not correlated in both sexes. The education level of an individual was associated the risk of cerebrovascular mortality in men. The risk of cerebrovascular mortality increased with age compared to the reference (<30). The area-based deprivation was not associated with the risk of cerebrovascular in both sexes. The findings of this study suggest that the SMR had positive and negative correlations with area-based deprivation depending on the metropolitan cities or province. It also suggests that the individual education level and age were related with mortality and finally that the area-based deprivation was not associated to the cerebrovascular mortality in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        죽염된장의 항산화 및 HT-29 암세포에서 in vitro 항암 효과

        심정하(Jung-Ha Shim),박의성(Eui Seong Park),김인석(In-Suk Kim),박건영(Kun-Young Park) 한국식품영양과학회 2015 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        죽염된장의 발효기간(3년, 6년)과 죽염의 구운 횟수(3×, 9×)에 따른 항산화 및 HT-29 암세포에서 in vitro 항암효과를 측정하였다. 죽염된장의 발효 기간에 따른 pH 및 아미노태 질소, 암모니아태 질소 함량은 3B-S(3×, 삶은 콩)를 제외하고는 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 총 폴리페놀 함량은 6Y9B-D(6년, 9×)가 유의적으로 가장 함량이 높았다(P<0.05). DPPH free radical 소거 효과에서는 6Y3BD(6년, 3×)는 34.1±0.4%, 6Y9B-D는 38.2±2.5%, hydroxyl radical 소거 효과 역시 6Y3B-D는 80.8±0.9%, 6Y9B-D는 86.2±2.0%로 높은 소거 효과를 나타내었다. HT-29 인체 대장암세포를 이용한 암세포 성장 억제 효과 역시 6Y3B-D는 65.9±2.4%, 6Y9B-D는 72.8±1.7%로 가장 높은 성장 억제율을 나타내었다. TNF-α, IL-6과 iNOS, COX-2 염증 유발 인자에서 6Y9B-D군이 유의적인 차이를 보이며 mRNA의 발현을 가장 많이 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 장기간 숙성된 6년 죽염된장이 3년 죽염된장보다 항산화, 항암 효과가 뛰어났고, 3회 죽염보다 9회 죽염을 첨가한 된장이 천일염과 정제염을 혼합해 제조한 시판된장보다 항산화, 항암 효과가 더 우수했다. Antioxidant activities and in vitro anticancer effects of bamboo salt doenjang on HT-29 human colon cancer cells were studied. 3Y3B-D (three-year fermentation using three-time baked bamboo salt doenjang), 3Y9B-D (three-year fermentation using nine-time baked bamboo salt doenjang), 6Y3B-D (six-year fermentation using three-time baked bamboo salt doenjang), and 6Y9B-D (six-year fermentation using nine-time baked bamboo salt doenjang) were compared to C-D (commercial doenjang) and 3B-S (cooked soy beans prepared using three-time baked bamboo salt). There were no differences between experimental groups in pH, amino-type nitrogen, or ammonia-type nitrogen levels. 6Y9B-D showed the highest antioxidative effect, followed by 6Y3B-D, 3Y9B-D, and 3Y3B-D, in order. 6Y9B-D showed the highest total polyphenol concentration. 6Y9B-D showed the highest anticancer effect, as determined by MTT assay, as well as levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6, iNOS, and COX-2, followed by 6Y3B-D, 3Y9B-D, and 3Y3B-D, in order. From the results above, 6Y9B-D showed the highest antioxidative and anticancer effects, followed by 6Y3B-D, 3Y9B-D, 3Y3B-D, C-D, and 3B-S.

      • KCI등재

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