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        Udenafil (Zydena)이 생쥐의 수정과 초기 배아 발달에 미치는 영향

        천근수 ( Keun Soo Cheon ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Sim ),양회생 ( Hoe Saeng Yang ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.9

        목적: Udenafil (Zydena)이 생쥐의 수정률, 그리고 배아 발달에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실험을 시행하였다. 연구방법: 수컷 생쥐에게 udenafil (사람 경구 용량과 같은 0.06 mg/0.05 mL)을 투여한 후 암컷과 교미 시켜서 교미 후 첫째 날, 둘째 날, 셋째 날 그리고 넷째 날 각각 수정률과 초기 배아 발달 정도를 알아보기 해 대조군과 비교하여 미수정난, 1-cell (zygote), 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, morula 그리고 blastocyst의 개수의 차이를 평가하였다. 결과: 실험결과 첫째 날은 udenafil을 투여한 군에서 대조군에 비해 수정되지 않은 난자수가 더 많았고 1-cell (zygote)의 경우는 대조군에 비하여 더 적었으며 2-cell의 경우도 대조군에 비하여 더 적었다. 둘째 날은 udenafil을 투여한 군에서 대조군에 비해 수정되지 않은 난자수가 더 많았고 1-cell (zygote)의 경우는 대조군에 비하여 더 적었으며 2-cell의 경우도 대조군에 비하여 더 적었으며 4-cell 역시 대조군에 비하여더 적었다. 셋째 날은 udenafil을 투여한 군에서 대조군에 비해 수정되지 않은 난자수가 더 많았고 1-cell (zygote)의 경우는 대조군에 비하여 더 많았으며 8-cell의 경우도 대조군에 비하여 더 많았으나 morula는 대조군에 비하여 더 적었다. 넷째 날은 udenafil을 투여한 군에서 대조군에 비해 수정되지 않은 난자수가 더 많았고 1-cell (zygote)의 경우는 대조군에 비하여 더 많았으며 morula의 경우는 대조군에 비하여 더 적었으며 morula 역시 대조군에 비하여 더 적었다. 결론: 본 연구에서 udenafil이 동물 실험에 있어서 수정률을 낮추고, 배아 발달을 억제한다고 논증하고있다. 이는 불임센터에서 임신을 위해 성교전에 udenafil을 복용하는 이들에게 udenafil이 수정률과 배아 발달에 좋지 않은 영향을 미친다는 것을 암시를 하고 있다. Objective: To determine the effect of udenafil, a cyclic monophosphate-specific type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor, on fertilization and early embryo cleavage of mice, Methods: This mammal study included randomly assigned male and female mice, The females were sacrificed after mating to evaluate their oocytes and embryos in four different time intervals following the treatment. Female mice were injected intraperitoneally with 5 IU of gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate follicular growth and induce ovulation. They were separately caged with males that had been gavaged with udenafil (0.06 mg/0.05mL) and allowed to mate. After 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of time intervals, females were killed, their oviducts were dissected out, and retrieved embryos were assessed for blastomere number and quality. Fertilization rates and numbers of embryos were evaluated after treatment. Results: Fertilization rates were reduced in females that were mated with udenafil gavaged males. Over days 2-4, the numbers of embryo that of the treated group were significantly fewer than in the control group. There was also a tendency of impaired cleavage rates with those embryos. Conclusion: The impairments of fertility caused by udenafil have important implications for infertility centers and couples who are using this drug precoitally while attempting to conceive.

      • KCI등재

        임신 주기에 따른 산소라디칼 생성계 및 해독계 활성도의 변화

        김종호(Jong Ho Kim),심재철(Jae Chul Sim),배철성(Cheol Seong Bae),윤혜원(Hae Won Yoon),이영기(Young Gee Lee),박윤기(Yoon Ki Park),이두진(Doo Jin Lee),이승호(Sung Ho Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.2

        N/A Objective; This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of pregnancy on the activities of oxygen hee radical generating and scavenging system in the female rats. Material & Method; Rats weighing 200-220 gm were grouped to non-pregnant, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The experiment was carried out following overnight fasting. Animals were anesthetized by administration of pentothal sodium, and blood was drawn via abdominal aorta. After exsanguination, the liver, kidney, heart, lung, with or without placenta tissues were excised immediately. The excised tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen rapidly, and stored in liquid nitrogen for analysis. Results; The gain in body weight was higher in pregnant rats than in normal rats. Lipid peroxidation was not significantly different among all groups in the liver, kidney, heart, lung, and placenta tissue. Xanthine oxidase activity of the kidney in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy was lower than that of non-pregnant rats. Superoxide dismutase activity of the liver was significantly decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pegnancy compared with that of non-pregnant rats, and that of lung was also decreased than that of non-pregnant rats. Catalase activity of the kidney was decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy compared with that of non-pregnant rats. Glutathione content of the liver was markedly decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy compared with that of non-pregnant rats. Conclusion; In conclusion, these results suggest that oxygen free radical will not increase in the liver, kidney, heart, lung, and placenta during normal pregnancy, but in the cases of overproduction of oxygen free radical, the liver, kidney, and lung will have me chance of tissue damage because of decreased activity of some anti-oxidant enzymes and/or decreased amount of anti-oxidant materials.

      • KCI등재

        과배란 미성숙 흰쥐에서 prolactin이 난소 내 tissue type plasminogen activator와 prostaglandin E2에 미치는 영향

        김경원 ( Kyoung Won Kim ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Sim ),양회생 ( Hoe Saeng Yang ) 대한산부인과학회 2007 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.50 No.2

        목적: 고PRL혈증이 불임, 무월경, 배란장애 등 여성 생식기능 장애를 유발시키는 난소 내 원인을 알아보고자 한다. 연구방법: 고PRL혈증이 배란 및 난소 형태적 변화에 영향을 미치는지 확인하기 위해 미성숙 암컷 흰쥐를 과배란 시킨 후 control, PRL 150 ug, PRL 300 ug, PRL 300 ug과 naloxone 300 ug을 복강 주사한 group으로 각각 분류 후 시간경과에 따를 배란수 및 조직학적 형태 관찰한다. 고PRL혈증으로 인한 난소내 t-PA 및 PGE2 변화를 확인하기 위해 미성숙 암컷 흰쥐를 동일한 방법으로 배란 유도 후 hCG투여 4시간 경과하여 control과 culture medium내 PRL 300 ng을 혼합한 group으로 분류하고, gonadotropin 투여로 인한 PGE2 농도변화를 확인하기 위해 PRL과 hMG 혼합군, PRL 300 ng과 FSH 혼합군으로 임의 분류 후 도살한 뒤 상층액을 채취해 EIA방법으로 t-PA 및 PGE2농도를 측정한다. 각 변수는 이원배치분석 후 각 군별 또는 각 시간별 종속변수의 변화치를 Mann-Whitney U 검사 또는 Kruskal-Wallis 검사를 시행하여, p<0.05일 때 유의하다고 판정하였다. 결과: PRL농도와 상관없이 시간이 경과될수록 배란된 난자수는 증가되었고 (p<0.05), 각 시간별 배란수는 PRL농도가 증가될수록 감소되었으나 시간이 경과됨에 따라 배란 억제율은 감소되어 PRL의 배란억제 효과는 일시적임을 알 수 있다. 또한 opioid antagonist인 naloxone 투여로 억제된 배란이 회복되는 것으로 보아 PRL은 배란과정중 opioid pathway에 영향을 미침이 간접적으로 확인되었다. PRL투여 후 t-PA 농도를 변화는 PRL투여군에서 control보다 낮은 농도를 나타내는 것으로 보아 PRL은 t-PA를 억제하는 것으로 사료된다. 그러나 PRL투여로 인한 PGE2 억제소견은 없었으며 hMG나 FSH와 같은 gonadotrophin을 병합 투여한 경우 난소내 PGE2농도는 상승하였다. 결론: 고PRL혈증은 대단히 복잡한 난소내 작용에 의해 배란을 억제시키며 앞으로 배란에 관여하는 더 많은 인자들에 대한 고PRL혈증의 영향에 대한 연구는 고PRL혈증 환자들의 임신능력 회복 및 여성 생식기능 유지에 많은 기여를 하리라 생각된다. Objective: This study is to analyze the direct effects of hyperprolactinemia, cause of anovulation and infertility, on ovarian function. Methods: The prepubertal female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were obtained and ovulation was induced with PMSG and hCG s.c.. The rats were divided into four groups, which received the following treatments IP : saline 0.2 ml, 150 ug PRL, 300 ug PRL, 300 ug PRL plus 300 ug naloxone. The animals were killed and the oviducts were evaluated for the presence of ova. The ovary were then removed and evaluated under light microscopy. For changes of follicular t-PA and PGE2 concentration after PRL, immature female SD rats were stimulated as described above. At four hours after the hCG injection the rats were killed and the ovaried were removed. Each isolated ovaries were incubated in culture plate containing incubation medium or 300 ng PRL to be tested. And PRL plus gonadotropin in incubation medium was tested because of change of PGE2 concentration. After incubation period, t-PA and PGE2 were measured by EIA. Differences between groups were assessed by two-way ANOVA of variance followed Mann-Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple comparisons. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: As result, prolactin transiently suppresses ovulation, especially with its increased concentration not by altering the ovarian morphology. But ovulation inhibition was reversed by naloxone injection. The level of t-PA in control and prolactin-treated group increased steadily in response to human chorionic gonadotropin administration, yet lower in prolactin-treated group. But PGE2 concentration was increased in gonadotropin mixed groups but not affected in prolactin-treated group despite a significant blockade of ovulation. Conclusion: Thus, further studies on the effect of high level prolactin on ovulatory function would significantly contribute toward the patient with hyperprolactinemia for managing infertility and maintaining appropriate female reproductive function.

      • KCI등재

        산전 태아 체중 평가에 도플러 초음파의 이용

        김종호(Jong Ho Kim),최석철(Suck Chul Choi),양회생(Hoe Saeng Yang),심재철(Jae Chul Sim),배철성(Cheol Seong Bae),윤혜원(Hae Won Yoon),강민아(Min A Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.3

        N/A Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the fetal doppler flow velocimetry and birth weight in low risk pregnancy population. Methods: From December 1995 to May 1996, We prospectively performed doppler study in 254 uncomplicated, term pregnant women, who visited Pohang Hospital, Dongguk University. Using pulsed color doppler, we measured umbilical artery RI, middle cerebral artery RI and middle cerebral-umbilical artery RI ratio within one week before delivery. Results: The result was that low birth weight group (below 2500gm) had very significant lationship with umbilical artery RI(P<0.01), middle cerebral artery RI(P<0.05) and middle cerebral-umbilical artery RI ratio(P<0.05), but there was no significant relationship in these blood flow indices between normal birth weight group (2501gm- 3999gm) and macrosomia group (above 4000gm). Conclusions: We concluded that application of doppler ultrasonopaphy in the assessment of fetal weight is somewhat helpful for identification of low birth weight, not for macrosomia.

      • KCI등재

        완전 고환성 여성화증후군 환자에 생긴 Sertoli 세포선종 1 예

        강민아(Min A Kang),김종호(Jong Ho Kim),최석철(Suck Chul Choi),양회생(Hoe Saeng Yang),심재철(Jae Chul Sim),김정란(Jung Ran Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.1

        Testicular feminization is an uncommon genetic disorder with considerably familial predisposition and results in total feminization due to end-organ unresponsiveness to androgens. It is characterized by the presence of testes in phenotypically female with adequate breast development, normal extemal genitalia, absence of mullerian structures, and meager or absence of body hair. These patients characteristically have male karyotype(XY) and negative sex chromatin and are at increased risk of undergoing malignant transformation of the undescended gonad. In recent times, the malignant potential of the dysgenetic gonads in the intersex patients with a Y chromosome has been stressed by many authors, but few reports of an association between testicular feminization syndrome and benign tumors such as Sertoli cell adenomas. In the present study, postoperative pathology revealed that the gonads were Sertoli cell adenomas. The main features of clinical presentation and histological studies are briefly discussed with a review of the literature.

      • KCI등재

        일반적 금기 환자군에 대한 질식전자궁적출술의 임상적 고찰

        김경원 ( Kyoung Won Kim ),김도균 ( Do Gyun Kim ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Sim ) 대한산부인과학회 2003 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.46 No.2

        목적 : 기존의 질식전자궁적출술의 금기로 고려되는 환자군과 일반적인 질식전자궁적출술 및 복식전자궁적출술의 환자군을 서로 비교하여 금기사항의 효용성을 평가하였다. 연구 대상과 방법 : 1999년 3월부터 2002년 3월까지 본원에서 시행한 질식전자궁적출술 중 일반적인 질식전자궁적출술의 금기 환자군인 ① 임신 12주 이상 크기 (280 gm)의 자궁, ② 미산부거나 이전 자연분만의 기왕력이 없는 경우, ③ 개복술의 기왕력이 있는 경우의 환자군을 Group Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of vaginal hysterectomy on contraindicated cases. Material and Methods : We examined the medical records of 154 patients who underwent vaginal hysterectomy and 139 patients who underwen

      • KCI등재

        성숙 기형종에서 유래한 난소의 편평상피세포암 2 예

        박영복(Young Bok Park),김승만(Sung Man Kim),조재훈(Jae Hun Jo),이동기(Dong Ki Lee),김경원(Kyoung Won Kim),김도균(Do Gyun Kim),김종호(Jong Ho Kim),양회생(Hoe Saeng Yang),윤혜원(Hae Won Yoon),심재철(Jae Chul Sim) 대한산부인과학회 2001 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.44 No.11

        Between 1 and 2% of benign cystic teratomas undergo malignant transformation. This occurs most frequently in postmenopausal women, who account for only 10% of benign cystic teratoma. A wide variety of neoplasms arise in the mature tissues of otherwise benign teratomas. Of the malignancies arising in teratomas, squamous carcinoma is the most common (83%) with sarcomas accounting for 7%, adenocarcinoma and carcinoid tumors make up most of the others. The presentation in StageⅠ disease does not differ from that of benign cystic teratoma, except that ascites is occasionally present. In the more advanced neoplasms, the symptoms are those of epithelial ovarian cancer of the same stage. Differential diagnosis between squamous cell carcinoma and benign mature teratoma is difficult but seems to be related to age, size, serum tumor marker (SCC, CA125, CEA). Prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma in mature cystic teratoma was reported much poorer than other epithelial ovarian cancers. In the early stages, treatment is possible through surgical intervention alone, but when advanced, 5 year survival rate shows less than 15 percent. We experienced two cases of squamous cell carcinoma of ovary arising in mature teratoma and present with a brief review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        장환형 (Large-circular) 안티센스를 이용한 난소암세포 성장 관련 유전자의 발굴

        도경오 ( Kyung Oh Doh ),천근수 ( Geun Soo Chun ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Sim ),양회생 ( Hoe Saeng Yang ) 대한산부인과학회 2009 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.52 No.7

        목적: 난소암의 성장에 관련된 새로운 치료목표 유전자의 발굴을 시도하였다. 연구 방법: 재조합 M13 파아지에서 유래한 단일가닥 장환형 (large-circular, LC) 안티센스 DNA를 이용하여 난소암의 성장에 관련된 유전자를 발굴하기 위해 240개의 유전자가 클로닝 된 플라스미드를 대장균에서 배양한 후 단일가닥 장환형 안티센스 DNA를 생산하였다. 생산된 장환형 안티센스를 난소암 세포주에 주입하여 각각의 유전자의 발현과 이것이 암세포의 성장을 저해하는지를 현미경과 MTT 정량으로 관찰하였다. 결과: 240개 유전자의 발현을 억제한 결과 17개의 유전자가 암세포의 성장과 관련이 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 중에는 CD44, EpCAM 등 암세포의 성장과 관련된 것으로 알려진 유전자도 있었고 이 연구를 통해 새롭게 발굴된 것들도 있었다. 결론: 다량의 안티센스를 이용하여 유효한 난소암 치료 표적을 발굴하였고 이들에 대한 더욱 자세한 연구로 새로운 항암목표물을 개발할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Objective: The aim of this study is to find out the genes which are related to ovarian cancer cell growth using large circular antisense library. Methods: Clones for antisense library were uni-directionally sub-cloned into pBS SK (-) vector. LC-antisense molecules were then purified from the culture supernatants of the bacterial competent cells superinfected with M13K07 helper bacteriophages. The LC-antisense library to 240 unigene clone was constructed and utilized in the identification of genes functionally involved in the growth of ovarian cancer cells. Results: The 17 numbers out of the 240 numbers of the antisense library exerted a marked inhibitory effect on the growth of SK-OV 3. Conclusion: The putative functional categorization of each gene was then conducted via public databases. These candidates may be used as target genes for drug development or adjuvant of conventional chemotherapeutic drugs.

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