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        포괄임금제의 쟁점과 전망

        심재진 한국노동법학회 2017 노동법학 Vol.0 No.64

        This article looks at the Blanket Wage System(BWS) at the time when the new Government has announced a proposal to restrict the BWS. It aims to make clear the interpretational issues in relation to the BWS and review proposals for legislative changes for the restriction or prohibition of the BWS. To begin with, the article overviews the court cases concerning the BWS over the last several decades. It finds that the rulings of the Supreme Court have been clearer since 2009. In 2009, the Court held that agreements for the BWS have not to be admitted as real ones for the BWS when clauses in employment contracts, work rules or collective agreements provide that each of overtime payments is to be paid separately. In 2010, furthermore, the Court held that the real agreements for the BWS is not valid when payments based on actual working time are less than payments on the BWS. The article criticizes such rulings while it welcomes changes to more strict and clearer regulation for the BWS. It do so for the reason that the Court does not indicate clearly the meaning of the occasion where working time is difficult to grasp. If the occasion takes place, according to the court rulings, the BWS is allowed to be maid. Moreover it maintains that the BWS has to be regarded as valid only when working time is impossible or meaningless to grasp. Lastly, the article proposes certain directions on legislative regulation in relation to the BWS. Such regulation, it suggests, is necessary to introduce not because the BWS has been one of the reasons that most workers have to work long hours but because workers in certain areas are badly treated because of the BWS. The former can be successfully tackled by strengthening enforcement of labour law according to the rulings of the Court above without legislative changes.

      • KCI우수등재

        근로기준법상 균등처우조항과 무기계약직 근로자 ― 서울고등법원 2016. 8. 31. 선고 2016나2030683 판결 ―

        심재진 한국노동법학회 2023 노동법학 Vol.- No.85

        This article is a review of a decision of Seoul High Court(SHC 2016Na2030683), in which National Road Keepers(heareafter NRKs) seek damages arising from contravention of the equal treatment clause of the Labor Standards Act(LSA)(s.6). In this case, they maintain that they are treated less favorably than their chosen comparators, namely Civil Servants doing natonal-road-keeping(hereafter CSNRKs). The High Court upheld the decision of the court of the first instance, in which the NRKs’ claim for damages was rejected on the grounds that the CSNRKs are not proper comparators to the NRKs. The NRKs are Workers of Indefinite Contract(hereafter WICs). The WICs have brought a lot of claims similar to the NRKs’. They have no choice but to rely on the equal treatment clause(s.6) of the LSA, as there are no other statutes in which their discrimination claims are able to be brought about. They are differ from part-time or fixed-term workers, whose claims for discrimination are relyed on the statute regarding non-standard workers although it is often claimed that they are less favourably treated than standard workers. The article firstly is aimed at analysing cases on the equal treatment clause with a view to find proper stages to reach a conclusion on whether there is contravention of the clause. Secondly the article suggests that there should be 4 stages of construction in order to consider a case on the equal treatment clause. The stages are a) discrimination grounds b) comparators c) unfavourable treatment d) reasonableness. In this regard, the article maintains that the court’s decisions have not made a clear distinction between stages of construction. Thirdly, the article explores how to make an proper construction of each stage in turn. In regard to the first stage of construction, the article argues that the statues of the WICs is a kind of ‘social status’, which is one of the discrimination grounds in the equal treatment clause with sex, nationality and religion. On the second stage of construction, it argues that the comparators do equal work to that of the WICs, excluding any consideration on, for instance, the difference of recruitment process. Thirdly, it maintains that reasonableness in the fourth stage is constructed on the basis of the proportionality test. Finally it concludes that this case deserves reconsideration in the Supreme Court on the basis of the 4 stages of construction.

      • KCI등재

        유엔 장애인권리협약의 접근권 개념과 개별 국가의 사례 : 반차별권(합리적 편의제공 의무)과의 관계를 중심으로

        심재진,서정희,오욱찬 한국장애인복지학회 2018 한국장애인복지학 Vol.40 No.40

        본 연구는 유엔 장애인권리협약에 제시된 접근권의 개념과 성격을 규명하고자 하였다. 특히 장애인의 접근성 실현이라는 공통의 목적을 가지면서 반차별권의 성격을 갖는 합리적 편의제공 의무와의 차이점과 상호관계를 밝힌다. 또한 미국, 영국, 노르웨이의 사례를 통해 개별 국가에서 접근권이 이해되는 방식과 이행의 구체적인 방법을 확인하였다. 연구의 주된 발견은 접근권과 합리적 편의제공 의무는 권리의 성격, 권리주체 및 실현시점, 조건성의 측면에서 차별화된다는 것이다. 또한 접근권이 점진적 이행을 전제로 하면서도 권리의 침해를 차별로 간주하도록 한 유엔 장애인권리위원회의 해석은 접근권의 최소기준에 대해 차별법적 구제수단을 적용하도록 한 것으로 풀이할 수 있다. 이는 실제로 개별 국가의 사례에서도 확인되고 있으며, 장애인의 실질적인 접근성 확보를 위해 접근권과 합리적 편의제공 의무가 상호보완적이며 상호확장적 역할을 할 수 있음을 보여준다. This study aims to clarify the concept and nature of the right to accessibility in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD). In particular, it will reveal the differences and relationships with the duty of reasonable accommodation understood as one of the anti-discrimination rights, although both rights have the common purpose of achieving accessibility of persons with disabilities. In an effort to explore how the right to accessibility exists and the actual relationship with the duty of reasonable accommodation, the study takes 3 countries(the United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway) as selected cases. The main finding of the study is that the two rights are differentiated in terms of the nature of rights. The right to accessibility is a social right whereas the duty of reasonable accommodation is a civil one. This difference results in the fact that the former is universally implemented without the application of ‘undue hardship’ while the latter is realised only after a person with disabilities requires accommodation on the condition that such accommodation does not give rise to ‘undue hardship’. This fact is confirmed in the cases of individual countries as well. The cases of three countries show that the right to accessibility and the duty of reasonable ccommodation obligations can and should complement each other in order to achieve practical accessibility for persons with disabilities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사용자의 언론의 자유와 지배ㆍ개입의 부당노동행위 ― 최근 대법원 신판결의 분석과 비교법학적 평가 ―

        심재진 서울대학교노동법연구회 2013 노동법연구 Vol.0 No.35

        이 글은 사용자의 언론의 자유와 지배ㆍ개입의 부당노동행위에 관한 대법원의 2013년 신판결을 분석한다. 그 결과로 이 글은 신판결이 일반설시와 추가일반설시가 부분적으로 충돌되고 있고, 추가일방설시만으로 보면 기존의 종합적 판단설에서 벗어나 ‘불이익의 위협이나 이익제공의 약속’이 사용자의 언론활동과 관련하여 지배ㆍ개입의 부당노동행위성을 판단할 때 중요한 기준이 됨을 밝힌다. 우선 ‘불이익의 위협이나 이익제공의 약속’은 미국에서 사용자의 언론활동과 관련하여 부당노동행위의 판단기준인 ‘보복이나 강제(force)의 위협이나 이익의 약속’과 거의 유사하다. 이러한 대법원의 입장은 이전의 종합적 판단설에서 완전히 벗어나 새로운 기준을 제시하고 있으나 충분하고 논리적인 설명이 없다. 이 글은 대법원 신판결의 더 큰 문제는 이 판결에서 제시하는 기준이 헌법규범적으로 성립하기 가능하지 않음을 미국와 일본의 사례에 대한 비교법학적 검토를 통해 주장한다. 미국의 기준은 미국헌법에서 언론의 자유는 명시적으로 보장되는 반면에 노동3권은 그렇지 못한, 권리보장구조의 비대칭성에서 연원하는 것이다. 미국와 달리 일본의 판례와 통설은 종합적 판단설의 입장에서 사용자의 언론의 자유와 관련하여 부당노동행위성을 판단함을 확인한다. 그리고 이 글은 이 종합적 판단설이 일본 헌법상의 언론의 자유와 노동3권을 조화롭게 해석하기 위한 산물임을 입증한다.

      • KCI등재

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