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      • KCI등재

        팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>의 대중화 전략

        신원선 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 人文硏究 Vol.- No.64

        이 논문의 목적은 기존 역사드라마와 차별화된 대중성을 확보한 팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>만의 대중화 전략을 분석해 내는데 있다. 이를 위해 팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>의 대중화 전략을 각색 과정을 통한 서사구조의 재구성과 문(文)과 무(武)의 판타지적 컨버전스라는 두 가지 측면에서 고찰해 보았다. 팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>는 드라마 장르에 적합하지 않은 원작소설의 서사구조를 그레마스의 행위소 모델과 일치하는 구조로 재편함으로써 드라마적 대중성을 얻는데 성공한다. 또한 팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>는 문(文)으로 대표되는 추리극과 무(武)로 대표되는 무협액션극의 단순한 컨버전스에 머무르지 않고 판타지극으로 재차 컨버전스됨으로써 드라마적 시너지 효과를 극대화 한다. 결론적으로 팩션사극 <뿌리깊은 나무>는 역사적 사실인 세종과 한글만을 남긴 채 대중화 전략을 위해 만들어진 허구적 인물들을 최종적으로 모두 죽게 함으로써 드라마상 허구(Fiction)를 ‘사실(Fact)’로 돌려놓는데 성공한다. This paper is to analyze popular code of the faction historical dramas Deeply-rooted trees in two respects, the structure of the actant model(Modele actantiel) of Greimas and As a convergence of pen and sword. The novel Deeply-rooted trees was adapted for TV drama by completely reorganized the structure of the novel. Unlike novel, structure of drama Deeplyrooted trees was recreated as completely in accord with actant model(Modele actantiel) of Greimas. Drama Deeply-rooted trees is a type of convergence works mixed with various genres of mystery, martial art, fantasy etc and fact and fiction. Convergence phenomenon of dramas is related to synergy effect. The fusion of we are familiar with produce transvalue and interest. Then, it would be easier increase public satisfaction. Drama Deeply-rooted trees succeeds to amplify the synergy by reorganized the structure of the novel and Convergence of various genres. Dramas Deeply-rooted trees is made all fictional characters die. Because It’s important to distinguish fact from fiction. In a faction of historical drama Supposing fiction is strategy has become popular, fact is directing point of historical drama.

      • KCI등재

        일본 취업 희망자의 이문화커뮤니케이션 능력 배양을 위한 기반 연구

        신원선 한국일본어문학회 2021 日本語文學 Vol.88 No.-

        韓国では就職難が続いており、大学を卒業してから、日本で仕事を見つけ移住する若者が年々増えてきている。しかし、3年以上のキャリアを達成できないまま途中帰国してしまう例も少くない。その原因の1つに日本の企業や生活における文化の違いが理解できず、組織や周りに馴染めなかったことが挙げられる。本研究ではその点を改善するためには日本への就職を準備する段階で、言語教育と並行し文化に対する教育が伴われるべきであると考えた。そこで、「外国語の学習において言語能力を含めた文化に対する理解と、他文化に属する人たちとの相互作用を調整できる能力」を「異文化コミュニケーション能力」と定義し、これを育成するための教育方法を提案した。まず、先行研究を参考に、1) 段階的かつ複合的な導入、2) 自文化に対する省察と他文化との比較、3) 日常生活や職務現場を反映した課題遂行といった異文化を導入する方向性を決めた。それに基づいき、実際、日本のIT分野に就職するための準備プログラムで使われている教材を用いて授業例を示した。今後、本研究の成果を教育現場に適応し、検証と修正を重ねていく必要があると思われる。 Employment difficulties continue in South Korea and the number of young people who find jobs and immigrate to Japan after graduating from university is increasing year by year. However, there are numerous cases in which they return home without completing a career of more than three years. Among the reasons for this are the cultural differences in Japanese companies and life and the difficulty of adapting to the organization and surroundings. This study suggests that to improve this transition, education on culture should be provided parallel to language education while preparing for employment in Japan. Therefore, this study proposes an educational method to develop "intercultural communication ability," defined as "the ability to understand culture including language ability in learning a foreign language and to adjust the interaction with people belonging to different cultures.

      • KCI등재

        한일 여성 첫만남 대화에 있어서의 발화기능 비교 : 정보교환을 중심으로

        신원선 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2010 日本硏究 Vol.45 No.-


      • KCI등재

        <춘향전>의 문화콘텐츠화 연구 - 2000년 이후 영상화 양상을 중심으로 -

        신원선 동아대학교 석당학술원 2012 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.52

        임권택 감독의 <춘향뎐>, 드라마 <쾌걸춘향>, <향단전>, 김대우 감독의 <방자전> 등은 문화콘텐츠로서 <춘향전>이 영상화 과정을 통해 시도했던 다양한 변모 양상을 조망해 볼 수 있는 대표적 작품들이다. 임권택 감독의 <춘향뎐>은 판소리의 리듬을 영화에 담아내는 새로운 형식 실험으로 기존의 <춘향전>과 차별화를 시도한다. 그러나 새롭게 시도한 판소리 형식의 잦은 서사 개입은 관객들의 영화 몰입을 방해함으로써 대중들의 외면을 받는 주요 원인이 된다. 대중들은 형식의 새로움이 아닌 몰입의 과정을 통해 자신들이 해석하고 만들어내는 새로운 적층문화로서의 <춘향전>을 원했기 때문이다. 이와 달리 드라마 <쾌걸춘향>은 고전 <춘향전>의 기본구조를 토대로 당시 트랜드에 맞게 시대배경과 인물들의 성격을 바꿔 시청자들의 몰입도를 높임으로써 대중들의 호응을 얻는데 성공한다. <향단전>과 <방자전> 역시 원전인 <춘향전>의 구조를 기본으로 하면서 주조연의 전복을 통한 차별화 전략으로 관객들의 영화 몰입도를 증폭시킴으로써 대중적 성공을 거둔다. 결론적으로 한국고전서사의 문화콘텐츠화 성공 가능성은 고전서사의 구조를 토대로 하면서 관객들이 몰입할 수 있는 이야기 서사를 시대상에 맞게 미학적으로 재배열하는데 있음을 알 수 있다. movie Chun-hyang(2000) by director Im Kwon-taek, Drama Sassy Girl Chun-hyang(2005), Drama Hyang-dan(2007), movie The Servant(2010) by director kim Dae-woo is representative of the film version of Chun-hyang. These movies show the Chun-hyang Image content process of Changable Aspect. Director Im Kwon-taek is trying to differentiate his Chun-hyang by creating rhythm of pansori include films form. But rhythm of pansori include films form's narration intervention in the have the support of the public not help. Because narration intervention protesters blocked immersed in films. The populace want to new Chun-hyan by their own Analysis. On the other side of the coin, Drama Sassy Girl Chun- hyang(2005) was widely accepted by viewers. The reason is because the original story of the novel is not destroyed, but simply adapted for the trend. The era and character that fits in the times of trend really draws viewers into the Drama. Drama Hyang-dan(2007), movie The Servant(2010) is based on the famous Korean tale Chun-hyang, too. And the role reversal, which is as funny as the title suggests, the audience can feel more involved in a film. This films have the support of the general public because transformation of leading role and supporting is renew and interesting. In conclusion, the way to succeed in cultural contents of classics is based on structure of classical narration. And we can create that through Aesthetic reconstitution of classical narration, the audience can feel more involved in a film.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기관상관후 발생한 기관식도루의 교정 1 례

        신원선,곽영태 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1997 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.30 No.6

        The common cause of tracheoesophageal fistula(T-I fistula) after tracheal intubation is ulceration and necrosis of the posterior wall of trachea by compression pressure generated by cuff. We experienced a young woman sustaining a T-I fistula which was found on the 12th day of intubation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Because spontaneous closure of the fistula is far uncommon, operative closure should be aimed for and should be done as soon as diagnosis is conformed. We delayed ope ative closure because of poor general condition of the patient. In spite of delayed reconstruction, the tracheal reconstruction itself was successful, but the patient died of peritonitis induced sepsis on the postoperative 41th day. 기관 식도루의 발생은 대개 카프 주변의 압력에 의한 기관후벽의 궤양 및 괴사에 의한 식도와의 누공 발생에 의하여 생긴다. 본 교실에서는 23세의 여자 환자에서 심폐소생술을 위한 기관삽관후 12일째 발견한 기관식도루 1예를 치험 하였다. 기관식도루는 자연 치유가 드물어 수술로서 교정을 시행하여야 하며 진단 즉시 수술해야 하는 것이 원칙이나 본 예에서는 환자의 전신 상태가 쇠약하여 수술을 지연하였으며 기관 재건술후 재건 부위는 양호하였으나 위루관 제거부위 누출에 의한 복막염 및 패혈증으로 사망한 1예를 보고한다.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 중도종료형발화의 양면성 연구

        신원선 한국일본어문학회 2019 日本語文學 Vol.81 No.-

        本硏究はポライトネス理論に基づき、言及領域という觀点から日本語の中途終了型發話の性質を明らかにしようとしたものである。初對面の二人が日にちを開け3回會って話したデ一タを文字化し、中途終了型發話を抽出、使用頻度の高いものを中心に發話の內容が話し手、聞き手、中立のうち、どちらの領域に屬するかを回別に分析した。その結果をポライトネス理論に基づいて解釋した。言語形式別に主に聞き手領域の言及に用いられているものもあれば、話し手領域に傾いているもの、全ての領域に渡って自由に使われているものもあった。中途終了型發話は硏究者によって「丁寧さ」についての意識が異なってきたが、本硏究の結果、それは、中途終了型發話を成している多樣な言語形式の多樣な性質によるものと考えられる。 This study aims to clarify the properties of the Japanese incomplete utterance from the viewpoint of the mention area on the basis of the Politeness Theory. The data are based on conversations between two Japanese women. They met for the first time for this research and engaged in conversation for a total of three times at intervals of two to five days. Incomplete utterances were classified by whether the content of the utterance belongs to the speaker, the listener, or is neutral, focusing on the most frequent utterances used ones. The results were interpreted on the basis of the Politeness Theory. Some types of utterances are mainly used to refer to the listener’s area, others are inclined toward the speaker’s area, and still others are used freely across all areas. The Japanese incomplete utterance is evaluated differently with regard to “politeness” depending on the researcher. This study shows that this is due to the diverse nature of various language forms that make up the Japanese incomplete utterances.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한용운 시의 대중성 연구

        신원선 한민족문화학회 2002 한민족문화연구 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper is to examine the source popularity of han, ryong-woon poetry. Han, ryong-woon poertry is easy but close examination is hard to understand. because of we cannot run after a grow conscious of Han, ryong-woon. This paper is analysis in Han, ryong-woon poetry a point of view not specialization thought. Not specialization is a korean the original form that is arche-pattern. arche-pattern is a korean the depths thought, arche-pattern criticism is the original form critique. It is not an outward look critique and this is the depths of one's consciousness. what we call Han, ryong-woon poertry is paradox. But this paper is arche-pattern to explanation that Han, ryong-woon poertry is not paradox. Because of the final end on popularity of han, ryong-woon poetry is not specialization thought that is arche-pattern.

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