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        윌리엄 포크너의 후기 작품 세계에 나타난 ‘포기’ 주제 연구

        신영헌 대한영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학연구 Vol.45 No.1

        The literary world of William Faulkner is divided into two periods. The latter half of his literary career is distinctly separate from his previous one in terms of its themes and techniques. Renunciation is the most important theme in his later work. Bayard Sartoris renounces to take his revenge on his enemy who had killed his father in a duel. Instead, he decides to confront him unarmed at the risk of his own life. Bayard’s dauntless courage and firm conviction of nonviolence ends up achieving the respect of the community. Similarly, Ike McCaslin passes up inheriting McCaslin plantation which has been tainted with exploitation and incest. His renunciation has been disparaged as an irresponsible escape and negligence of duty. His resolution, however, could be a profound form of activism which follows the kenosis of Christ who was willing to divest himself of his own divinity and take the form of a servant for the human race. Christ even laid down his own life to redeem sinners. Ike likewise gives up his own right over the property and lives as a carpenter for the rest of his life. The renunciation of both protagonists sheds light on the reason why Faulkner adopted a more positive outlook on human destiny in his later life.

      • KCI등재

        『성소』와 『어느 수녀를 위한 진혼곡』 연구: 템플 스티븐즈와 낸시 매니고에 관한 상호텍스트적 연구

        신영헌 현대영미어문학회 2019 현대영미어문학 Vol.37 No.4

        . William Faulkner’s perspective on women has been widely explored and analyzed. Most studies, however, have some common shortcomings in that they judge the affirmative or negative aspects of female protagonists within individual texts. Most of Faulkner’s female characters are very problematic characters in that they cannot be analyzed properly with a unilateral standard. They often show even contradictory behaviors in different texts. This paper aims to assess the moral change or growth of these characters through an inter-textual approach. In Sanctuary, Temple Stevens tends to escape into the world of fancy in times of crisis when she was about to be brutally raped by a gangster. She is faced with another predicament in Requiem for a Nun, caused by an obscene letter which she wrote a long time ago and decides to run away with Pete, her paramour as well as blackmailer. Meanwhile, Nancy, her babies’ nurse and ex-dope-fiend nigger whore, plays an essential role in preventing Temple from reiterating her sin by strangling her infant daughter. A couple of days before Nancy is hanged, Temple visits the governor to ask him to save her. In the process of asking for a pardon, Temple confesses her own infamous behaviors of the past. She ends up achieving moral growth by facing reality and accepting her own responsibility.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 세계관에 입각한 포크너 등장인물의 분석

        신영헌 대한영어영문학회 2007 영어영문학연구 Vol.33 No.4

        Shin, Young-hun. “An Analysis of Faulknerian Characters based upon the Christian Worldview.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 33.4(2007): 53-71. This paper aims at analyzing some Faulknerian characters in terms of three Christian worldviews such as fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and Calvinism. The former two regard this world and its culture as worthless or even harmful to their spiritual pilgrimage. The last, however, has a more positive and active perspective on this world. Percy Grimm, Simon McEachern and Doc Hines in Light in August represent religious fundamentalism, which is closely related to White Supremacy. Reverend Hightower, in the same novel, can be called an evangelical, in that he comes to make much of personal charity and sympathy. There is another group of Faulknerian characters who exemplify Calvinism or the Reformed tradition. Bayard Sartoris in The Unvanquished and Lucius Priest in The Reivers fight against corrupted social practices and perform their duties to change their own communities into better ones. (Hansung University)

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study of the Effectiveness of a Three-Week Intensive University English Immersion Camp

        신영헌,Grant Hoon Chun 대한영어영문학회 2018 영어영문학연구 Vol.44 No.4

        This paper explores the effects of a three-week immersion English camp on Korean students at a university in Korea. The first part of the main body describes which programs comprised the immersion camp and how they were run. The students were taught from the following four courses: Communicating in English, Business English, Games and Drama. The second part shows the feedback of the participants through a survey analysis and the changes in the students’ English proficiency levels on the OPIc Speaking test. The purpose of the camp was to improve the students’ communication skills and instill a motivation to continue to study English. Through an analysis of the survey, this paper seeks to assess the degree of realization of the camp’s goals. The survey analysis shows that most participants think the intensive camp was very effective in improving their English. In addition, the changes in students’ Opic scores allow us to conclude that most participants’ English speaking proficiency levels improved quite dramatically. Lastly, the paper deals with additional suggestions for improving the camp in the future.

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      • KCI등재

        ‘바꿔치기’ 모티프로 본 윌리엄 포크너의 작품 세계

        신영헌 현대영미어문학회 2012 현대영미어문학 Vol.30 No.2

        This paper aims to explicate the importance of ‘swapping’ in William Faulkner's "Yoknaphatawpha" saga. The swapping motif is the center axis of Faulkner’s literary world around which other major themes are intricately interwoven. There are two kinds of swapping: positive and negative ones. The former leads to the deliverance of other people in trouble while the latter attempts to frame somebody up into death and violence. For example, Temple Drake of Sanctuary swaps the real murderer for an innocent person by her false testimony. Crawford Gowrie, the cruel killer in Intruder in the Dust, also replaces the dead body of his brother with another cadaver to hide the fratricide. Ned McCaslin of The Reivers, in contrast, exchanges his master’s treasured automobile with a race horse past its prime to save a black relative out of his cul-de-sac. The swapping motif is not merely a technical device but closely related to the major topics of Faulkner such as race and gender. Through various kinds of swapping, Faulkner pursues and describes the deep truth of human nature.

      • KCI등재

        『팔월의 빛』에 묘사된 하이타워의 환상의 원인 연구

        신영헌 한국현대영미소설학회 2015 현대영미소설 Vol.22 No.1

        This article aims to analyze the origin of the ‘cavalry’ fantasy of Gail Hightower, who is one of the protagonists in Light in August. Until now, studies on him have been focused on the question whether he is saved from his fantasy at the last moment or not. A majority of critics argue Hightower comes to get salvation through helping with Lena’s delivery, returning to and reconciling with the community at last. Others disagree with such a positive interpretation, and assert that he fails to be saved from his suffering in that he dies in his lifelong fantasy, which distorted and destroyed his life. However, there have not been enough studies on the origin of his fantasy. With the help of Freud and Lacan, this paper tries to prove that Hightower’s fantasy comes from a self-defense mechanism, not from a genuine worship of his grandfather’s heroic death. In short, Hightower developed the obsessive passion for his grandfather’s heroic military exploits to conceal his inappropriate hate toward his father, providing a typical example of Oedipus complex. Young Hightower retained a strong sense of unity with his mother, who had been, he believed, suffering to death from her husband’s self-righteous negligence. As a result, young Hightower transferred his desire of patricide to a more positive feeling of hero worship of his grandfather. In conclusion, it can be said that Hightower’s fantasy comes from his anxiety hysteria that he might commit a patricide, which caused him to create a hero worship to conceal and divert the horrible desire.

      • KCI등재

        이주서사로서의 『완득이』에 그려진 성장의 의미

        신영헌,강지현 이주사학회 2020 Homo Migrans Vol.22 No.-

        Since 2000, the number of Asian immigrants has explosively increased due to a high number of Southeast Asian laborers entering Korea and international marriages between Southeast Asian women and Korean men. As the result, Korean society has rapidly changed into a multicultural society, causing various social problems such as racial discrimination and human rights violations. Most notably, children from multicultural families not only experience racial discrimination, but they also suffer from identity crisis as well. This paper analyzes the novel, Wandeuki and its eponymous movie as migration growth narratives. They disclose our prejudices and discriminational gazes against foreigners. They also show that Korean society tends to unconsciously look down on dark-skinned foreigners from Southeast Asian countries. In order to grow into adulthood in such a society, the protagonist is required to learn and acquire some essential traits. First, he should learn how to discern the hidden truth from the external appearance, which enables him to figure out the real motives of people. Second, he needs to achieve orality through which he can express what he thinks and feels and persuade others. Orality is a necessary skill in order to be acknowledged as a member of the community. Finally, he also learns how to build relationship with people around him. He especially needs to admit and accept his Vietnamese mother. He also recovers mutual understanding and respect with his father as his father ends up retracting his strong disapproval of him and allowing him to practice kickboxing. It can be said Wandeuk successfully goes through initiation into the adult world in that he finally admits his own identity as a multicultural adolescent and reaches reconciliation with the world. 2000년 이후 동남아 출신 이주 노동자들의 증가와 국제결혼의 확대 등으로 국내에 거주하는 이주민들의 숫자가 폭발적으로 증가하면서, 한국 사회는 다문화사회로 급속히 변화해가고 있다. 이러한 급격한 사회 변화는 여러 가지 사회문제를 배태하기 마련이다. 다문화가족 자녀의 경우, 부모 세대의 차별을 고스란히 이어받으면서 여기에 더해 자신의 정체성에 대한 혼란과 이로 인한 방황이라는 문제를 떠안는다. 본 연구는 김려령이 쓴 소설 『완득이』와 이를 영화로 각색한 이한 감독의 <완득이>를 이주 성장 서사 관점에서 살펴본다. 이주 서사로서의 『완득이』는 우리 사회에 만연한 타자에 대한 무의식적인 차별과 편견을 폭로한다. 우리는 무의식적으로 피부색에 근거해 우리와 저들로 구분하며, 이주노동자나 결혼이주여성에 대한 차별적 시선을 감추지 않는다. 그러나 이러한 편 가르기는 모든 외국인들에게 해당되는 보편적인 구분이 아니라 우리보다 피부색이 더 짙은 동남아시아 출신 이주민들에게만 해당된다는 점에서 한국인들의 의식에 각인된 뿌리 깊은 백인선호, 흑백 차별, 사대주의 등을 보여준다. 도완득은 장애인 아버지를 둔 가난한 집 아이라는 자신의 환경에 주눅이 들어서 혼자만의 세계에 숨어 지내 온 십칠 세 소년이다. 그러나 자신의 약점과 수치를 세상에 떠벌이면서 세상으로 나오도록 도발하는 담임선생 이동주에 이끌려 세상과 마주하며, 어른으로 성장해 간다. 이 과정에서 완득은 겉으로 보이는 모습과 내면에 숨겨진 실체를 구분해서 사람을 제대로 알아보는 법을 배운다. 또한 자신의 생각과 감정을 폭력이 아니라 말을 통해서 주변 사람들에게 전달하고 그들을 설득하는 이야기 능력을 배운다. 끝으로, 완득은 타인과 관계 맺는 법을 배운다. 이는 이주여성이라는 소수자 정체성을 지닌 어머니를 공개적으로 수용하고, 장애인이라는 신체적 소수자인 아버지를 인정하고 존중하는 것으로 나타난다.

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