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      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자에 대한 금전 지급제한 원인과 판단근거에 관한 연구 : 구조금 및 경제적 지원 사례를 중심으로

        송귀채(Song, Gwi-chai) 한국피해자학회 2021 被害者學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        범죄피해자 보호・지원의 주된 목적은 생명・신체에 침해를 받은 피해자를 조속히 복구시켜 일상의 삶으로 복귀할 수 있도록 돕는데 그 본질적인 목적이 있다. 따라서 피해자의 신체적・정신적・재산적 침해에 대한 복구를 위해서는 반드시 경제적・비경제적 다양한 활동이 수반되기 마련이다. 다만, 국가 등은 모든 범죄피해자를 대상으로 동일한 금전을 지급하는 것은 아니며 사건의 특성이나 피해의 경중, 피해자의 범위, 피해복구의 정도, 가해자와 피해자의 책임 등에 따라 지급 여부와 그 한도를 정한다. 이러한 절차는 검찰청 내 구조금을 심의하는 ‘지구심의회’와 ‘경제적 지원심의회’, 범죄피해자지원센터의‘범죄피해자지원심의회’등을 통해 이루어진다. 그러나 피해자에게 금전 지급을 위한 심의를 함에 있어 부지급 또는 일부 지급과 같은 여러 지급제한 사례가 수없이 발생하였음에도 이에 대한 합리적인 판단근거가 마련되지 않았다. 그 결과, 각 검찰청 심의회의 결정상의 차이가 발생하거나 사례별 해석과 판단의 차이로 형평의 문제가 발생하기도 한다. 이에 본 연구는 각 심의회 심의과정에서 발생한 다양한 지급제한 사례를 중심으로 합리적인 판단근거를 제시하여 피해자 구조와 지원 의사결정에 기여 하고자 한다. The main objective of the protection and support for crime victims lies in helping the victims to return to their daily lives as soon as possible, whose life and body have been infringed upon. Therefore, restoration of the victim s physical, mental and property damage must involve several economic and non-economic activities. However, the state and so on does not provide equal amount of money to all crime victims but decides whether to provide and its limitations according to the nature of the incident, the scale of damage, the extent of victim, the degree of damage recovery, the responsibility of the perpetrator and the victim and so on. Such procedures are carried out through the District deliberation Council , which deliberates on aid fund payment within the prosecution office, and others such as economic support deliberation council , support center s crime victim support deliberation council and so on. However, despite the numerous emergence of various reason for restriction of payment regarding deliberation on payment such as non-payment or partial payment, there has been no reasonable ground for judgment on this matter. As a result, problem of equity arises due to the differences between each prosecutor s office in deliberation council s content of decision or interpretation and judgement per case. Therefore, the study intends to contribute to decision-making by presenting reasonable grounds for judgment, focusing on various cases of payment restriction occurred during deliberation process between each council.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자보호,지원 관련 법제의 문제점 및 정비방안

        강동욱 ( Dong Wook Kang ),송귀채 ( Gwi Chai Song ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2016 법학논총 Vol.33 No.2

        현행 우리나라 범죄피해자 보호 · 지원 관련 법제의 가장 큰 문제점으로는 법률체계의 ``복잡성`` 과 ``중복성``이라 할 수 있다. 피해자보호 · 지원에 관한 일반법으로 「범죄피해자보호법」이 있으나 마약 및 조직범죄 등에 관하여는 「특정강력범죄 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」과 「특정범죄 신고자 등 보호법」등이 있고, 여성가족부에서 주관하는 성폭력 · 가정폭력 범죄에 대하여는 「성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」, 「성매매알선 등 행위의 처벌에 관한 법률」 「성폭력방지 및 피해자 보호등에 관한 법률」, 「성매매방지 및 피해자보호 등에 관한 법률」 등에 피해자 보호 · 지원 규정이 산재하여 있다. 한편, 가정폭력범죄 대응에 관한 법제도 성폭력범죄와 유사한 구조로써 「가정폭력범죄의 처벌등에 관한 특례법」과 「가정폭력방지 및 피해자 보호 등에 관한 법률」이 제정되어 있다. 보건복지 부에서 주관하는 아동학대 범죄의 경우도 「아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」과 「아동복지법」 등에 피해자 보호규정이 산재되어 있다. 이러한 법률 외에도 피해자보호 · 지원에 관련된 법률은 「아동 · 청소년 성 보호에 관한 법률」, 「소년법」, 「노인복지법」, 「학교폭력예방 및 대책에 관한법률」, 「소송촉진 등에 관한 특례법」 및 「형사소송법」 등 대략 17개에 이른다. 그런데 이러한 법제는 그 내용면에서도 대응체계가 유사하고 중복된 내용 등이 다수 존재하고 있다. 때문에 수사 기관의 담당자조차 그 내용을 다 알지 못하고, 피해자보호 · 지원 실무를 하는 담당자들도 관련 법 률체계를 다 알지 못한다. 따라서 피해자에 대한 보호 · 지원의 효율성을 위하여 관련 법제를 일부 통합하여 단순화 할 필요가 있다. 특히 이러한 법률은 형사절차상 특례법으로 규정할만한 불가피한 측면이 있다고 판단되나 피해자 중심 서비스전달체계 개선과, 정부조직 및 단체 정비를 통하 여 국가 예산을 효율적으로 운용하기 위해서는 법제 정비가 우선되어야 한다. 이에 본고는 피해자보호 · 지원 관련 법률을 통합하여 범죄피해자보호법으로 일원화 하는 방향으로 큰 틀을 제시하고자 한다. The biggest problems of the current Korean protection and support legislation of crime victims can be said to be the legal system``s complexity and duplication. Although, the Crime Victim Protection Act is in place as a general law for victims`` protection and support, separate protection regulations are set forth in the Act on Special Cases Concerning Specific Violent Crime Punishment and Protection Act of Specific Crime Reporters regarding drugs and organized crimes. The victim protection and support regulations on sexual violence and domestic violence managed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family are dispersed in the Act on Special Cases Concerning Sexual Violence Punishment, Act on Punishment of Prostitution Arrangement, and Act on Sexual Violence Prevention and Victim Protection. The legislation on coping with domestic violence has a structure similar to that for sexual violence, and the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment of Domestic Violence and Act on Domestic Violence Prevention and Victim Protection are enacted. The victim protection regulations on child abuse managed by the Ministry of Welfare and Health are also dispersed in the Act on Special Cases Concerning Child Abuse Punishment and Child Welfare Act. Besides those laws, there are about 17 laws concerning victim protection and support including the Sexual Protection Act of Children and Adolescents, Juvenile Law, Elderly Welfare Law, Act on School Violence Prevention and Countermeasure, Act on Special Cases Concerning the Expedition of Legal Proceedings, and Criminal Procedure Act. In such laws, however, the systems for coping are similar, and many duplicate contents exist. Therefore, even investigators in an investigation agency do not know all the details of those laws, and those who are engaged in the practical work of victim protection and support do not know all the relevant legal systems. Consequently, there is a need to integrate some relevant laws and simplify them for victim protection and support efficiency. Even though those laws are judged to have an unavoidable aspect of being defined as laws on special cases in terms of procedure of criminal cases, the reorganization of legislation should be a priority in order to operate the national budget efficiently through the improvement of the victim-centered service delivery system and reorganization of government organization and association. This study presents the framework in the direction that integrates the acts on victim protection and support and unifies them into the Crime Victim Protection Act.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자지원시스템의 문제점 및 그 개선방안

        강동욱(Kang, Dong-Wook),송귀채(Song, Gwi-Chai) 한국피해자학회 2015 被害者學硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        Unexpectedly occurring body and life injuring crimes accompany not only physical and mental pains but also economic damages. Therefore all the systems and supports act for damage recovery should be also focused on the crime victims, however due to the lack of government budget, the shortage of the number of members, and the weakness of the system of the Center, the provider oriented service of only economic support has been done. But to facilitate the damage recovery of the crime victims who have the different individualized desire from that of end user of general social services, the support of integrated and comprehensive service was necessary. Integrated support victims through the Center for Crime Victims Support activities must be done. But government policy and systemic inefficiency, the imbalance in the budget, such as du-plication of work was the problem. Additionally, many centers of manpower shortages and lack of an adequate system of business development, due to problems facing difficulties. Therefore, of individual improvement measures has put forward to these problems. In order to meet the need of crime victims, Integrated Crime Victims Support System is established for joint development and utilization of community so-cial service resources, prevention of duplicate support, and end user oriented integrated service provide. Integrated Crime Victims Support System through the Center is theo-retically based on the study of former social service integrated support transfer system. Since there has been no pre-study case of crime victims support service transfer sys-tem, we feel the need of the advices of the experts and the continous study in order to settle down the system stably, and expect our country’s crime victims support poli-cies and service transfer system will be further enhanced than ever before by way of the work of present paper.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자구조제도의 현황 및 개선방안

        강동욱(Kang Dong Wook),송귀채(Song Gwi Chai) 한국피해자학회 2014 被害者學硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        Since the enforcement of Victim's Compensation System, there had been several legislative efforts to protect the status and human rights of crime victims in 1990s. However Compensation System for substantial protection of and support for the crime victims has not been emerged from the state of stagnation for 22 years after the enforcement. In order to identify what the reasons of the stagnation are, Compensation application chart, payment chart, the size of budget, revision history of related laws and so on have been compared and analyzed on the basis of 10 years after the enforcement of Compensation System in July 1988 until July 2014 present, in this study. Meanwhile, according to the analyzed information, the problems of protection of and support of victims system in the past could be summarized by severe legal restrictions, absence of government policies, lack of budget, indifferences and so on. Though these problems are not yet satisfactorily resolved, it is fortunate that viewpoint has been changed human right of crime victims must be balanced with that of assailant. The protection of and support for the crime victims will be gradually expanding from now on. Therefore above all, improvement of laws and system is most important. From this point of view, we introduce the problems and improvements that have been mostly raised in the practical services toward the crime victims in this study. However we acknowledge the improvements against the suggested problems are not yet fully studied ahead, and we expect this will be a small step toward the development of more advanced improvements proposal.

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