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환경오염원인 납의 신경독성에 대한 NMDA 수용체 길항제의 보호 효과
손영우,임요섭,서영미,Kim, Young-Wo,Rim, Yo-Sup,Seo, Young Mi 한국산업보건학회 2017 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.27 No.3
Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the neurototoxicity of the environmental pollutant lead acetate(LA) and the protective effect of the D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid(APV), N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptor antagonist on LA-induced cytotoxicity in cultured C6 glioma cells. Materials and Methods: For this study, cell viability in cultured C6 glioma cells was assessed by XTT assay and antioxidative effect, such as lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) activity, by LDH detection kit. Results: LA significantly decreased cell viability in a dose-dependent manner, and the XTT50 value was determined to be 33.3 uM of LA. The cytotoxicity of LA was deemed highly toxic according to Borenfreund and Puerner's toxic criteria. The vitamin E antioxidant significantly increased cell viability damaged by LA-induced cytotoxicity in these cultures. For the protective effect of APV on LA-induced cytotoxicity, APV significantly increased not only cell viability, but also inhibition of LDH activity. From these results, it is suggested that oxidative stress is involved in the neurotoxicity of LA, and APV effectively protected against LA-induced cytotoxicity via an antioxidative effect as an inhibotory activity of LDH. Conclusions: Natural resources like APV may be putative therapeutic agents for the toxic diminution of environmental pollutants such as LA correlated with oxidative stress.
The Pattern Recognition System Using the Fractal Dimension of Chaos Theory
In this paper, we propose a method that extracts features from character patterns using the fractal dimension of chaos theory. The input character pattern image is converted into timeseries data. Then, using the modified Henon system suggested in this paper, it determines the last features of the character pattern image after calculating the box-counting dimension, natural measure, information bit, and information (fractal) dimension. Finally, character pattern recognition is performed by statistically finding each information bit that shows the minimum difference compared with a normalized character pattern database.
손영우,김정한,Shon Young-Woo,Kim Jeong-Han 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2002 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.3 No.2
It has not been long since the current form of PDA began to be used widely. The PDA, which first came out in a recognizable form in the market a decade ago, multiplying the number of users, has recently been developed in various forms. It began to make cutting-edge technology available in PDA, and to be subdivided into various forms appropriate for special purposes, which reflected the recent intense competition in the market. It included the function of mobile phone, in tandem with the original function of PDA, by which it brought about other synergy effects and corresponded with the purpose more solidly. Due to these recent changes, PDA has had a dramatically increasing number of users, as well as the wider scope of usage and practical application by introducing new technology. However, research is required in the fields of basic usage and interface. It is important to recognize that PDA is an apparatus that stores for the users contents and information suitable for them, and that responds to them in case of need. PDA therefore needs to convey what the users require more easily and speedily without errors, and to provide them with appropriate information and contents. This paper examined the extent to which the interface of PDA including the input of contents required by the user would be efficient by questionnaires. In addition, alternatives concerning a general application environment of PDA were suggested based on the result of this survey.
포만트 기반의 가우시안 분포를 가지는 필터뱅크를 이용한 멜-주파수 켑스트럴 계수
손영우,홍재근,Son, Young-Woo,Hong, Jae-Keun 한국음향학회 2006 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.25 No.8
음성인식의 특징벡터로서 멜-주파수 켑스트럴 계수 (MFCC, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients)가 가장 널리 사용되고 있다. FMCC 추출과정은 입력되는 음성신호를 푸리에 변환한 후, 주파수 대역별로 필터를 취하여 에너지 값을 구하고 이산 코사인 변환을 하여 그 계수 값을 구한다. 본 논문에서는 멜-스케일 된 주파수 대역필터를 취할 때 가중함수에 의해서 구해진 각 대역필터별 가중치를 적용하여 필터의 출력 에너지를 계산한다. 여기서 가중치를 구하기 위해 사용된 가중함수는 포만트가 존재하는 대역을 중심으로 인접한 대역들이 가우시안 분포를 가지는 함수이다. 제안한 방법으로 실험한 결과, 잡음이 거의 없는 음성신호에 대해서는 기존의 MFCC를 사용했을 때와 비슷한 인식률을 보이고 잡음성분이 많을수록 가중치가 적용된 방법이 인식률에서 보다 높은 성능 향상을 가져온다. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients are widely used as the feature for speech recognition. In FMCC extraction process. the spectrum. obtained by Fourier transform of input speech signal is divided by met-frequency bands, and each band energy is extracted for the each frequency band. The coefficients are extracted by the discrete cosine transform of the obtained band energy. In this Paper. we calculate the output energy for each bandpass filter by taking the weighting function when applying met-frequency scaled bandpass filter. The weighting function is Gaussian distributed function whose center is at the formant frequency In the experiments, we can see the comparative performance with the standard MFCC in clean condition. and the better Performance in worse condition by the method proposed here.
한국형 사회적 대화 기구의 특징과 발전 방향에 관한 연구 : 경제사회노동위원회를 중심으로
손영우 한양대학교 제3섹터연구소 2018 시민사회와 NGO Vol.16 No.2
The purpose of this study is to socially clarify the direction of strategic activities of major committees in Economic, Social & Labor Council and enhance the purpose of related actors by linking the core tasks of social dialogue demanded by our society and the activities of major committees. This paper summarizes our research on the restructuration of social dialogue since September 2017 and practical activities on its preparatory process, with the combination of core tasks of social dialogue and the direction of Council activities. According to our study result, the social dialogue in Korea now in a transitional period will distinguish consultation, concertation and bargaining as it progresses. Moreover, the main direction of the new social dialogue body is to ‘institutionalize social inclusion’ in order to overcome social polarization. Therefore, the activities of agenda, industry and social classes committees are to expand the participation of the vulnerable group and increase the representation of the labor union group (actors). The agenda enlargement and spatio-temporal extension (contents) can also contribute to the development of social dialogue with the substantial development of the trans-enterprise level of social dialogue (form). 본 연구의 목적은 오늘날 우리사회가 요구하는 사회적 대화의 핵심과제와 경제사회노동위원회 주요 기관의 활동을 연결시킴으로써 주요 회의체의 전략적 활동방향을 사회적으로 명확히 하고 관련 주체들의 목적의식을 고취하는데 있다. 본 논문은 2017년 9월부터 사회적 대화기구 개편 연구와 경사노위 준비 과정에 참여·관찰 내용을 핵심과제와 활동방향의 결합이라는 측면에서 정리한 것이다. 본 연구는 한국의 사회적 대화는 과도기에 놓여 있으며, 사회적 대화의 활성화를 통해 자문, 협의, 교섭의 형태가 사회적으로 분화될 것이라 내다봤다. 또한 한국형 사회적 대화 기구의 특징은 사회양극화 개선을 위한 ‘사회적 포용성의 제도화’에 있다고 주장한다. 결국, 경사노위의 의제, 업종, 계층별위원회 활동이 사회적 대화 주체(취약계층 참여확대와 노사단체 대표성 증대), 내용(의제의 내용적 심화와 시공간적 확장), 형식(초기업 수준 사회적 대화의 실질적 전개)에 중요하게 결합될 때 한국의 사회적 대화는 한층 더 발전할 수 있을 것이라 내다봤다.
애기똥풀 추출물이 정균제인 수은의 항산화 및 멜라닌화에 미치는 영향
손영우,정인주,오성균,최유란,박신희,서영미,이화정 대한미용학회 2013 대한미용학회지 Vol.9 No.3
인체피부흑색종세포(SK-MEL-3)를 사용하여 수은의 일종인 염화제2수은(HgCl2)에 대한 양귀비과(Papaveraceae)에 속하는 애기똥풀(Chelidonium majus, CM) 추출물의 영향을 항산화(antioxidation)와 멜라닌화(melanogenesis)의 측면에서 조사하였다. HgCl2는 배양 SK-MEL-3 세포의 생존율을 유의하게 감소시켰으며, XTT50값이 29.1 μM에서 나타났다. 한편, 항산화제인 vitamin E는 HgCl2에 의하여 감소된 세포생존율을 유의하게 증가시킴으로서, HgCl2의 세포독성을 방어하였다. CM 추출물이 HgCl2에 미치는 영향에 있어서는, CM 추출물은 HgCl2만의 처리에 비하여 세포생존율을 유의하게 증가시켰다. 이와 동시에, CM 추출물은 유의한 LDH 활성 감소를 나타냄으로서 항산화능을 보였다. 멜라닌화에 있어서, CM 추출물은 HgCl2에 의하여 증가된 멜라닌합성 및 티로시나제(tyrosinase)의 활성을 유의하게 감소시켰다. 이상의 결과로부터 HgCl2의 세포독성에 산화적 손상이 관여하고 있으며, CM 추출물은 항산화능에 의하여 HgCl2의 세포독성을 효과적으로 방어하였을 뿐만 아니라 티로시나제 활성 및 멜라닌합성을 억제함으로써 멜라닌화를 유효하게 억제하였다. 따라서, CM 추출물과 같은 천연물질은 화장제 중 정균제인 수은과 같이 산화적 손상과 관련이 깊은 물질의 독성을 항산화 측면에서 방어 내지는 치료할 수 있는 미용소재로서의 개발적 가치가 크다고 생각된다. To clarify the effect of Chelidonium majus (CM) extract on mercury (Hg)-induced cytotoxicity and melanogenesis, cell viability was done by XTT assay after human skin melanoma cells (SK-MEL-3) were cultured in media containing various concentrations of mercuric chloride (HgCl2). And also, the effect of vitamin E on HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity was assessed. For the protective effect of CM extract on HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity and melanogenesis, SK-MEL-3 cells were pretreated with 50 or 80 μg/mL of CM extract for 2 hours, and also, the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity for antioxidative effect as well as the melanin synthesis and tyrosinase activity for the melanogenesis on CM extract were analysed. In this study, HgCl2 significantly decreased cell viability in dose-dependent way compared with control, and the XTT50 value was calculated at 29.1 μM of HgCl2. In the protective effect of vitamin E, it effectively prevented HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity by a significant increase of cell viability. In the protective effect of CM extract on HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity, CM extract significantly increased cell viability which was decreased by HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity, and also it showed the inhibitory effect of LDH activity. While, in the melanogenesis of CM extract, CM extract remarkably decreased melanin synthesis and tyrosinase activity compared with HgCl2-treated group. From these results, it suggested that HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity was involved in oxidative stress, and also, CM extract effectively prevented HgCl2-induced cytotoxicity and melanogenesis. Conclusively, plant extract such as CM may be a putative beauty resources for the prevention or diminution of the toxicity or melanogenesis induced by heavy metals correlated with oxidative stress.