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        초창기 한국 정신 의학계의 종교 체험 이해: 수운(水雲) 최제우의 종교 체험 분석 사례를 중심으로

        성해영 서울대학교 종교문제연구소 2018 종교와 문화 Vol.0 No.35

        Attempts to link religious experience to mental illness have a long history. It varies from the concept of "divine madness" of Plato, to the view that the experience of medieval Catholic female mystics as mental illness. This paper deals with the Korean psychiatric system, which was introduced by the Japanese colonial government and established as an independent branch since the 1960s, how to understand the phenomenon of religion. More specifically, the subject of the paper is religious experience and the social influence of the study of Choi Jae-woo(1824-1864). Psychiatric efforts to understand our culture from the psychological point of view, rather than the physical perspective of mental illness, have been conducted by Rhi Bou-young and Kim Gwang-il as the with the humanistic academics trying to find our identity. In contrast to Freud, who regarded religious experience as a regression to infancy, Rhi Bou-young regarded the experience of Choi as a manifestation of the collective unconscious beyond personal dimensions. Although personal and social pain including psychological conflict was an important motive of experience, the experience was the meaningful implementation of collective unconsciousness and the impetus to complete psychological development. In that respect, the religious experience of Choi was the event that evoked the ultimate meaning of life for himself and the contemporaries. Although Kim Gwang-il took a Freudian viewpoint, Kim’s paper has much in common with Rhi’s research in his approach and analysis. Kim also searched for the cause of the experience of Choi in an unfortunate life and concludes that Choi relieves personal pain in a meaningful way through pre-oedipal temporary regression. The conflict and suffering were "sublimated" by religious experience. Despite some differences, both of them put emphasis on the adaptability enhancement function of the Choi’s religious experience. This reflects the fact that the two are psychiatrists who healed mental illnesses like Freud and Jung. The researches of Rhi and Kim on Choi were attempts to understand the universality and specificity of human psychology, including human religiosity, in the Korean context. In addition, it was an endeavor to discover identity of Korean by analyzing the religious experience of Choi and his religious thoughts Donghak by the help of Western psychiatric theory. Moreover, the study of the two has become a watershed that triggered the dynamic trends in our society to understand the interrelationship between religious experience, mental illness, and mental health from a medical point of view. Their research has clearly shown how the healing of individuals with religious experience has been amplified to collective and social healing. In conclusion, the study of Choi in Korean psychiatry is very crucial for both medical history and religious history of Korea. It is more so in order to fully understand the multi-layered reality of human mind and religion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청소년 인성교육과 종교―문화체육관광부의 종교계 인성교육 지원사업을 중심으로―

        성해영 한신대학교 종교와문화연구소 2015 종교문화연구 Vol.- No.25

        이 논문은 문화체육관광부가 지원하는 종교계 청소년 인성교육 사업을 다룬다. 학교폭력의 예방책으로 본격화된 이 사업은 ‘국고보조금’ 사업 형태로 운영되고 있다. 2015년의 경우 불교, 개신교, 천주교 등 7개 종단의 22개 사업에 총 11억 원이 지원되었다. 이 사업은 많은 성과에도 불구하고, 인성 개념의 정의를 포함해 인성이 교육으로 함양될 수 있는가라는 근본적인 물음을 제기한다. 또 입시에 새로운 부담이 되리라는 우려와 함께, 종단이 왜 사업의 주체가 되어야 하는가라는 의문도 던지고 있다. 비록 학교폭력으로 시작되었지만, 이 사업은 종교와 인성교육의 바람직한 관계를 모색하는 계기가 될 수 있다. 나아가 종교의 근본 가치를 종교적 교육을 통해 구현한다면 우리 사회가 겪고 있는 위기에 좋은 돌파구를 제시할 수 있다. This paper deals with “the character education of religious organization” supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Korea. This program was introduced as a precautionary measure for school violence, and it has been a type of “government subsidies.” In 2015, twenty two projects were supported and were executed by diverse religious organizations (Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, etc.). Despite many achievements, fundamental questions are raised concerning the program, including the definition of character and the validity of character education. Even though the beginning of the program was due to school violence, this project can be a crucial opportunity to explore close relationship between religion and character education. If the core values of religion can be accomplished through “religious” education, character education can present a breakthrough in the crisis of our society.

      • KCI등재

        신비주의의 관점에서 바라본 간화선(看話禪) - 종교체험과 수행 개념을 중심으로 -

        성해영 한국선학회 2013 한국선학 Vol.36 No.-

        이 논문은 ‘종교체험(religious experience)’을 분석의 도구로 삼아 신비주의의 비교 연구(comparative study of mysticism) 관점에서 간화선을 분석한다. 간화선 전통이 속해 있는 선 불교는 수행과 체험의 관계를 믿음이나 은총과 같은 개념에 의지하지 않고 이성에 호소해 설명하 려는 대표적인 신비주의 전통이다. 수행 전통으로서의 간화선의 특징을 종교체험과 신비주의라는 개념을 활용해 분석하면 이 점이 훨씬 분명하게 드러난다. 비교의 관점에서 간화선은 여타 전통에 비해 다음과 같은 특성을 보인다. 첫째, 간화선은 인간 언 어의 한계를 명확하게 인식하면서도 언어를 수행에 적극적으로 활용한다. 둘째, 간화선은 여타 전 통보다 개인의 체험에 초점을 맞추는 철저한 경험주의와 개인주의에 기반을 둔다. 끝으로 간화선 은 풍부한 ‘역설(paradox)’을 포착한다는 점에서 신비주의의 특성을 잘 드러낸다. 그리고 간화선의 이런 특성은 신비주의의 비교 연구 관점에서 매우 흥미로운 질문들로 이어진다. 간화선은 언어와 언어 너머의 경지, 주체로서의 개인과 자성(自性)이 없는 개인, 종교체험(禪)과 해석(敎)의 사이의 긴장, 초월과 내재 등 여러 차원의 역설을 명쾌하게 인식하는 수행 전통이다. 하 지만 빛이 밝을수록 어두움 또한 깊어지는 것처럼, 간화선 전통이 자리한 역설적 기반은 엄중한 균 형 감각을 요구한다. 요컨대 간화선 수행의 신비주의적 해석은 그 독특성을 잘 보여주는 거울이 될 수 있다. 반대로 간화선 전통은 신비주의에 내재된 대극적 쌍이 만들어 내는 긴장과 역동성을 극명 하게 드러내 보여, 신비주의 그 자체를 더욱 깊이 이해하게 만들 수 있다. 이 점이 바로 우리가 비 교종교학과 간화선 전통의 만남에 주목해야 하는 이유다. ‘Religious experience’ can be a useful tool for analysing ‘Ganhwaseon(看話禪)’, which is a typical mystical tradition. Ganhwaseon, analyzed by means of the concept of religious experience and mysticism, bring to light mystical dimension in many ways. First, Ganhwaseon clearly recognized the limit of human language, yet it positively utilized it. Second, Ganhwaseon is more firmly based on radical empiricism and individualism than any other mystical traditions. Finally, rich paradox inherent in Ganhwaseon conspicuously reveals the various characteristics of mysticism. Furthermore, these traits raised numerous interesting questions in terms of mystical practices, mystical experience, and mystical thoughts. As a result, the comparative study of mysticism can be a very useful ‘mirror’ which reflects uniqueness of Ganhwaseon. On the other hand, Ganhwaseon, exposing the tension and dynamics of pairs conflicting opposites, provides a chance for in-depth understanding of mysticism. This is why the encounter between Ganhwaseon and the comparative study of mysticism can be fruitful and productive.

      • KCI등재

        동서양 종교 전통의 ‘신비적 합일 체험’은 동일할까? ―보편주의와 구축주의의 논쟁을 중심으로

        성해영 한신대학교 종교와문화연구소 2018 종교문화연구 Vol.- No.31

        This paper focuses on the controversy of ‘universalism’ and ‘constructivism’ surrounding the equality of the experience of mystical union. Constructivism argues that the cultural context, including religious doctrine, is the main cause of experience, whereas Universalism insists that the experience of mystical union is the same. Due to the fundamental limitation of personal experience, it is impossible to present the final solution. But this debate presented many insights into understanding the difference between human religiosity and religion. In order for controversy to be given new meaning, the typology of mystical experience, secular mysticism, and research trends in the field of brain science must be considered. The question of the identity of mystical union has long been raised, and is likely to become more important in the future. 이 논문은 신비적 합일 체험의 동일성 여부를 둘러싸고 전개된 ‘보편주의’(普遍主義, universalism)와 ‘구축주의’(構築主義, constructivism)의 논쟁을 다룬다. 보편주의가 동일한 신비적 합일 체험이 문화적 맥락에 의해 달리 표현된다는 점을 강조한다면, 구축주의는 교리를 포함한 문화적 맥락이 체험의 주된 원인이라고 주장한다. 개인적 체험이라는 한계로 인해 최종적인 해답 제시는 불가능하지만, 이 논쟁은 인간의 종교성과 제도화된 종교의 차이를 이해하는 데 많은 통찰을 제시했다. 그러나 현 시점에서 논쟁이 새로운 돌파구를 찾기 위해서는 신비적 합일 체험의 유형론, 세속적 신비주의, 뇌 과학 분야의 연구 결과와 같은 요인들이 반드시 고려되어야 한다. 신비주의의 비교 연구에서 치열하게 전개된 신적 합일 체험의 동일성 물음은 종교간 교류가 활성화되는 현대에 더욱 중요해질 가능성이 크다.

      • KCI등재

        염불선(念佛禪)과 예수기도의 비교 - 만트라(Mantra)와 변형의식상태(ASC) 개념을 중심으로 -

        성해영 서울대학교 인문학연구원 2013 人文論叢 Vol.69 No.-

        As a meditation technique, the ‘Jesus prayer’ of Christianity and ‘the repetition of the sacred name of Amitabha’ of Buddhism demonstrates unusual similarities. For both religious practices, ‘language’ functions as the most important key to changing the human consciousness. Both meditation techniques also imply that our everyday consciousness may not be all, and that the subliminal dimension of human consciousness may be revealed by means of the repetition of certain words. In this way, human language can be a crucial tool guiding us to the dimension that human language cannot represent. Furthermore, a comparison between ‘Jesus prayer’ and ‘the repetition of the sacred name of Amitabha’ provides us with some insights concerning meditation techniques. Indeed, the difference of meditation techniques should not be exaggerated. The unusual similarities clearly demonstrate that, as a mantra technique, ‘Jesus prayer’ and ‘the repetition of the sacred name of Amitabha’ are of the same kind. Both methods emphasize love and commitment and also emphasize the emotional aspects which have been neglected by the mainstream in both religious traditions. At the same time, both methods can be properly analyzed by the concepts of ‘deautomatization’ and ‘altered states of consciousness’. In that sense, the comparative study of meditation technique illustrates the need to adopt a more balanced stance towards inter-religious conflict regarding which of the two is the better meditation skill.

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