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        묘대기(苗垈期) 수도품종별(水稻品種別) N, P, K, Si 함량(含量)에 미치는 저온처리와 질소(窒素) 및 인산증시의 영향(影響)

        석순종,류인수,하호성,Seok, Soon-Jong,Ryu, In-Soo,Ha, Ho-Sung 한국토양비료학회 1983 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        The investigate the varietal differences is physiological characteristics related to nutrient uptake and response to nitrogen and phosphorus, a pot experiment was conducted in a temperature control chamber. Three varieties with different cold resistances were grown under normal ($23^{\circ}-25^{\circ}C$) and cold ($15^{\circ}C$) conditions with three nitrogen and phosphorus application levels. The cold temperature was treated for twelve days after thirty days from seeding. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Dry weight and nutrient contents were reduced in cold temperature treatment compared with control and the reduced ratio by low temperature were in order of dry weight 29.4% $P_2O_5$ 21.3%, N 15.3%, $K_2O$ 10.1%, $SiO_2$ 8.7%. 2. The reduced ratio of phosphorus contents of each varieties to normal condition were 13.5% in resistant, 19.5% in medium, 31.1% in susceptible variety, respectively. 3. The phosphorus and silicate contents of plants showed a good relationship with varietal differences in cold resistance but nitrogen and potassium didn't showed, therefore, phosphorus and silicate contents might be used as the index for physiological characteristics related with cold resistance. 4. Phosphorus content slightly increased with nitrogen application but silicate content decreased. Upon phosphorus application, nitrogen and silicate contents were increased. 시비수준(施肥水準)을 달리하여 저온처리를 하였을 때 내냉성(耐冷性)이 다른 수도품종간(水稻品種間) 당양특성(堂養特性)이 어떻게 변화되는지를 알고자 질소(窒素)와 인산(燐酸)의 수준(水準)을 달리하여 재배(栽培) 한30일묘(日苗)를 상온(常溫)(대조구)와 저온(低溫)($15^{\circ}C$ 생육상(生育床))에서 각각(各各) 12일간(日間) 생육(生育)시킨 후 건물중(乾物重)과 식물체중(植物體中) 무기성분(無機成分) 함량(含量)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果) 다음과 같다. 1. 저온구 수도체는 대조구에 비(比)하여 평균, 건물중(乾物重) 29.4%, 인산(燐酸) 21.3%, 질소(窒素) 15.3%, 가리(加里) 10.1% 규산함량(珪酸含量) 8.70%로 감소(減少)하였다. 2. 대조구에 비(比)하여 저온처리에 의한 인산함량(燐酸含量) 감소율(減少率)은 수도품종(水稻品種)의 내냉성(耐冷性) 강중약(强中弱) 순(順)으로 13.5%, 19.5%, 31.1%이었고 질소(窒素)는 13.5%~16.0%, 가리(加里)는 6.9%~12.9%, 규산함량(珪酸含量)은 5.1%~12.8% 범위(範圍)에서 감소(減少)되었다. 3. 저온처리한 수도체의 인산(燐酸)과 규산함량(珪酸含量)은 내냉성(耐冷性)을 달리하는 품종간(品種間) 차이(差異)를 보이므로써 저온저항성(低溫抵抗性)의 판단(判斷) 지표(指標)로 볼 수 있었다. 4. 질소증시에 따라 저온수도체의 규산함량(珪酸含量)은 약간 증가하고 규산함량(珪酸含量)은 크게 떨어졌으며 인산(燐酸)의 증시로는 질소(窒素) 및 규산함량(珪酸含量)이 다같이 증가되었다.

      • KCI등재

        수도 냉해에 관련된 생리적 특성 고찰

        석순종,허일봉,임정남 韓國作物學會 1991 한국작물학회지 Vol.36 No.5

        수도품종의 내냉성 관련인자로서, 생체막 구성물질로서 중요한 역활을하는 phospholipid의 지방산조성과 지방산 불포화비율, 생체의 가장 중요한 대사과정의 하나인 호흡에 관련된 특성인 mitochondria의 호흡활성, 광합성된 엽록소 형광강도 등 여러가지 생리적 인자들과 내냉성과의 관계를 검토하고 내냉성 품종선발과 냉해를 경감시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 관련자료를 종합정리하였다. 1. 지방산의 불포화비율은 저온처리를 함으로서 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 내냉성정도와 비교하여 볼 때 내냉성이 강한 품종에서 불포화비율이 높고 약한 품종에서 낮아 내냉성 정도와 일치하는 경향이었다. 2. 경화처리에 의하여 인지질의 지방산조성중 palmitic acid는 감소하고 linolenic acid의 함량은 증가되었으며 지방산 불포화비율이 대조구에 비하여 19~24% 증가되어 내냉성을 증가시킨 것으로 생각되었다. 3. 수도 백화묘(25℃ 암상태 2주간 생육) 및 야외에서 생육시킨 유묘에서 분리한 mitochondria의 호흡활성 전이온도와 내냉성 정도와의 관계를 보면 내냉성이 강한 품종에서 전이온도가 낮았고, 약한 품종에서는 높은 경향이었다. 4. 생육시기별 mitochondria의 호흡활성 전이온도는 상풍벼 11.5~12.5℃ , 풍산벼 15.0~l6.0℃ , 샛별벼 17.0~l8.0℃ 로서 큰 차이가 없었으나 내냉성 강, 중, 약 정도간에는 뚜렷한 차이를 보였다. 5. 엽록소 형광강도와 내냉성 정도와의 관계는 내냉성이 강한 품종에서 형광강도가 높고 약한 품종에서 낮은 경향을 보였으며 높은 산관관계를 보였다. 6. Mn을 엽면시용하므로서 호흡활성 전이온도를 0~2℃ 낮추었으며 토양처리를 하였을 때 내냉성이 약한 품종에서 효과가 켰다 7 내냉성 정도와 인지질 지방산불포화도, 호흡활성 전이온도 및 엽록소 형광과의 관계에서 대체적으로 이들 세 인자와는 높은 상관을 보였으나 그중에는 독특한 반응을 보인 품종들도 있었으며, 호흡활성 전이온도는 지방용 불포화비율과는 부의 관계를, 엽록소형광과 지방산 불포화비율과는 정의 상관관계를 보였다. Cold stress influence plant growth through a wide range of growth characters. Adverse effects of low temperature to plant growth come from results of colligative and complex physiological responses to cold stress. To evaluate more exactly cold tolerance of crop plant, it is needed to observe physiological changes induced by cold stress and to analyze relationships between intraspecific variations in physiological factors related to cold tolerance and the extent of cold tolerance in the field. Therefore, the composition and unsaturation ratio of fatty acids in phospholipid, a constituent of membrane, the transition-temperature in respiratory activity of mitochodria, the chlorophyll fluorescence as a factor related to photosynthesis were investigated in rice plant and data on these factors were compared with the degree of cold tolerance obtained in the field experiment. Also, effects of hardening and Mn++ treatment were evaluated as a method to reduce chilling injuries. The unsaturation ratio of fatty acids, whether rice plants were grown in a natural condition or under the chilling stress, was higher in the cold- tolerant varieties and was significantly correlated with the degree of cold tolerance (1-9) observed in the field experiment. And it was also increased by chilling treatment or hardening treatment, due to a reduction in palmitic acid content and an increase in linolenic acid content. The transition-temperature of respiratory activity of mitochodria isolated from etiolated rice seedlings (25~circC , two week-grown in the dark), was correlated with the degree of cold tolerance in the field, cold -tolerant varieties showing a lower transition-temperature. It was not influenced by growth stages. The intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence was highly correlated with the degree of cold tolerance, cold-tolerant varieties having a higher fluorescence intensity. By foliar application of Mn, the transition-temperature of respiratory activity was lowered as much as 0-2~circC in all tested varieties. Soil application of Mn induced more significant effect in cold-susceptible varieties with a possibility of reducing chilling injuries. On the whole, there were high correlationships among the degree of cold tolerance, the unsaturation ratio of fatty acids in phospholipid, the transition- temperature of respiratory activity and chlorophyll fluorescence except for a few varieties. The transition- temperature of respiratory activity appeared to be negatively correlated with the unsaturation ratio of fatty acids. and the chlorophyll fluorescence to be positively correlated with the unsaturation ratio. This implies that these physical and physiological factors were very closely related to cold tolerance and can be used as an effective index of the evaluation of cold tolerance of crop plant. But other factors as well as three factors discussed above are needed to be considered colligatively and altogether with a systematic analysis for the more exact evaluation of cold tolerance. in rice cultivars. in rice cultivars.

      • KCI등재

        수도(水稻) 품종(品種)의 냉해관련인자(冷害關聯因子) 특성(特性)에 의(依)한 내냉성(耐冷性) 평가(評價) -II. 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)와 내냉성(耐冷性)

        석순종,하호성,Seok, Soon-Jong,Ha, Ho-Sung 한국토양비료학회 1991 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        수도품종(水稻品種)의 내냉성(耐冷性)을 실험실내(實驗室內)에서 화학적(化學的)인 분석방법(分析方法)에 의하여 조사(調査)하기 위하여 백화묘(白化苗) 및 유묘(幼苗)와 생육시기별(生育時期別) 잎 및 유수의 mitochondria 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)를 측정(測定)하고 내냉성정도(耐冷性程度)와의 관계(關係)를 검토(檢討)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 수도(水稻) 백화묘(白化苗)($25^{\circ}C$, 암상태(暗狀態) 2주간(間) 생육(生育))에서 분리(分離)한 mitochondria의 호흡활성전이온도(呼吸活性轉移溫度)와 내냉성정도(耐冷性程度)와의 관계(關係)를 보면 내냉성(耐冷性)이 강한 품종(品種)에서 전이온도(轉移溫度)가 낮고 약(弱)한 품종(品種)에서 높은 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 2. 백화묘(白化苗)의 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)와 내냉성정도(耐冷性程度)와의 관계(關係)에서 1988년에는 상관계수(相關係數) $r=0.8935^{**}$, 1989년은 $r=0.8236^{**}$으로서 높은 상관관계(相關關係)를 보였고 유묘(幼苗)(4엽기(葉期))의 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)와는 $r=0.6239^{**}$로서 약간 낮았다. 3. 수잉기 유수의 mitochondria의 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)와 내냉성정도(耐冷性程度)와의 관계(關係)는 몇 품종(品種) 벗어나는 것도 있었으나 일치(一致)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 4. 수도묘(水稻苗)의 생육시기(生育時期)에 따른 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)는 1주묘(苗) $12.5^{\circ}C$, 2주묘(苗) $14.5^{\circ}C$, 3주와 4주묘(苗) $15.5^{\circ}C$, 5주묘(苗)는 $16.5^{\circ}C$로서 어린묘(苗) 일수록 낮았다. 5. 생육시기별(生育時期別) 엽신(葉身)과 유수의 mitochondria 호흡활성(呼吸活性) 전이온도(轉移溫度)는 상풍벼 $11.5{\sim}12.5^{\circ}C$, 풍산벼 $15.0{\sim}16.0^{\circ}C$, 샛별벼 $17.0{\sim}18.0^{\circ}C$로서 시기별(時期別) 큰 차이(差異)가 없었으나 내냉성(耐冷性) 강, 중(中), 약(弱) 정도별(程度別)로는 뚜렷한 차이(差異)를 보였다. To evaluate cold tolerance of rice cultivars on the basis of a relationship between cold tolerance in the field test and a biochemical character, transition-temperature of respiratory activity of mitochondria(TRM) which were isolated from different parts and at different growth stages and from etiolated rice seedling was investigated, and its relationship with degree of cold tolerance(DCT) in the field experiment was studied. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The transition-temperature of respiratory activity of mitochodria (TRM) isolated from etiolated seedling ($25^{\circ}C$, two week-grown in the dark) of cold tolerant cultivars tended to be low, while that of cold susceptible cultivars to be high. 2. The correlation between TRM of etiolated seedling and the degree of cold tolerance(DCT) was $r=0.8935^{**}$ in 1988 and $r=0.8236^{**}$ in 1989. The correlation coefficient between TRM of 4-leaf seedling and DCT was $0.6239^{**}$ 3. TRM of young panicle was correlated with DCT except a few varieties. 4. TRM of seedling increased with growth as $12.5^{\circ}C$, $14.5^{\circ}C$, $15.5^{\circ}C$ and $16.5^{\circ}C$ at 1, 2, 3~4 and 5weeks respectively. 5. The transition temperature of mitochondrial respiratory activity was not significantly influenced by growth stages as $15.0{\sim}16.0^{\circ}C$ in Pungsanbyeo and $17.0{\sim}18.0^{\circ}C$ in Satbyelbyeo, while it was significantly different depending upon the degree of cold tolerance(tolerant, medium, susceptible).

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