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      • 재인 오스틴 소설의 특성

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1968 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        19세기 영국이 낳은 위대한 여류작가 Jane Austen은 Richardson 및 Fielding 이후 당시 낭만주의의 거센 물결에 휩쓸려 침체일로를 걷고 있던 영국 근대 전통 사실 문학을 소생시켜 이를 계승발전 시킨 작가로서 영국 소설을 기술적으로 일약 전진 시켰음은 물론 당시의 퇴폐된 낭만적 사상을 박차고 사실주의를 택하므로서 영국적 전통 문학의 제일인자가 되어 후대 George Eliot, Henry James, Virginia Woolf, E.M. Foster 등 무수한 문학가들의 앞길을 개척해준 작가로서 영문학 사상 특기 할만한 거성적 존재이다. 한때 문학 평론가 매큐리 경에 의하여 세익스피어와 대등한 위치로 까지 비평된바 있는 Jane Austen의 존재는 많은 비평가들의 연구대상이 되었거니와 근년에 이르러 새삼 그녀와 그녀의 작품에 대한 연구들은 점증 고조되고 있는 실정이다. 그녀가 남긴 6편의 작품중 최대 걸작으로 알려진 Pride and Prejudice와 Emma 속에 나오는 작중 인물의 묘사, 주제, 작품구성 및 문체등의 연구를 통해서 그녀의 작품과 작품의 본질 그리고 전반적 특성을 구명하므로서 그녀의 영문학사상에 남긴 업적과 작가로서의 위대성을 평가해 보려는 것이 본 논문의 시도이다.

      • The Meaning of Jim's Death in Lord Jim : With reference to social practice

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1995 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        조셉콘라드의 작품세계는 흔히 비극적 인생관과 도덕적 비전의 제시로서 널리 알려져 있다. 특히 그의 비극적 인간관은 인간의 본성에 대한 부정적 시각에 기인한다. 그러나 콘라드는 인간성에 대한 깊은 애착 때문에 부정적 인간관을 극복하고 도덕적 비전을 제시하고 있는 작가로 일반적으로 알려져 있다. 필자가 이 논문에서 다루고 있는『로드 점』역시 예외가 아니다. 이 작품의 기존의 해석은 주인공 짐이 일등항해사로서 직무유기를 했고 그 양심의 가책 때문에 파투산에서 끝까지 영웅적이며 도덕적 성실성을 보인다는 것이다. 이런한 시각에서 보면 짐의 죽음은 양심에 따른 고귀한 죽음이 된다. 그러나 필자는 이논문에서 <짐의 죽음의 문제>를 맑시즘적 시각에서 조명해 보았다. 맑시즘과 문학과의 연계성이 최근에 고조되어 왔고 특히 작품과 그시대의 정치적, 사회적 환경과 연계시켜 해석하는 경향은 새로운 해석을 가능케 한다. 이 논문의 결과에 따르면 <짐의 죽음의 의미>는 양심에 의한 도덕적 승리가 아니다. 오히려 짐의 죽음은 가족과 종교 그리고 그가 읽었던 문학작품과 영국의 제국주의의 자본주의의 이념성등이 복합적으로 작용해서 발생됐다. 따라서 그의 죽음의 의미는 어디까지나 이념적 희생물로서 제시 된다.

      • The Literary Characteristics of Synge

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1980 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        A new Irish literary movement began to take place as a movement to awaken the Irish nationality by way of the reconstruction of the Irish culture and literature. By 1890 the Irish national independent movement began to take a spiritual tendency instead of the political stuggle. In 1981 W. B. Yeats tried to encourage the revival of the national literature by organizing Irish national literary Society in dublin. As a wing of this cultural movement Irish literary thoatere came to be established in 1899.

      • Shakespeare 悲劇考察 : 秩序觀을 中心으로

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1986 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        This is a study on how the world order conception is reflected on Shakespearean Tragedy. In order to realized the very essence of Shakspearean tragedy, it is necessary to search for the traditional conception on the world picture and the current trend of idea in that period as well as the social, cultural, polictical background. Therefore in this paper the traditional conception of the world picture is treated with the new conception of Elizabethan ages. Then as a way to realize the order problem of the tragic world of Macbeth is mainly analized with the problem of conflict between evil and virtue. The course of moral disintegeration is intensely discussed with regard to the influence on the inner self as well as the problem of the world order. At the same time it is pointed out that Shakespearean tragic drama is an artistic work based on the traditional conception of moral integrity with consideration of the new idea of Elizabethan people.

      • Hardy의 Pessimism

        서영기 忠州大學校 1971 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.4 No.2

        This is a brief study on the pessimism of thomas Hardy which is characteristic in the history of English novel. In this paper the author tried to disuss Hardy's Pessimistic Philosophy from the view point of artistic aspect.

      • Experimenter 로서의 V.Woolf의 手法

        徐永琪 충주대학교 1970 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        This paper is a brief study on the technique of Virginia Woolf known as a master of "the stream of consciousness" technique in English novel. On the contrary to her claim that the technique of her novel was different from that of the Edwardian novelists such as Galsworthy, Bennet, and wells, I found there were many similar points among them. In fact she invented and developed a new technique in the modern English novel. But it dose not mean that she was a pagan writer who had no relation with the traditionalists. With furtherstudy, we can find that her technique was based on the tradition of English novel since her novel was in a way the same nature as that of traditionists in itself. We can say that she invented and developed a new way for the future writer in English novel. In this paper I tried to note the above mentioned facts. In order to attain this purpose, I treated her best novels - Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves. Especially in the main parts of this paper I tried to explain the nature of her new technique and then the common relationship between her technique and that of her contemporary writers. In the conclusion I made clear that in spite of her different claim she was one of the great experimenters in English novel. At the same time I made it a point of showing the vastness of her contribution to the English literature. Surely she was a great modern woman writer in the 20th century.

      • George Eliot의 소설에 대하여 : The Mill on the Floss를 중심으로

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1973 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        This is a brief try to seek the essence of George Eliot's novels. With the appearance in 1948 of F.R. Leavis' The Great Tradition, her stature was compared with Tolstoy's because of a similar moral interest in human nature combined with profound psychological insight. In this study I discussed the psychological and moral interest of her novel, and her symbolism mainly in her autobiographical novel, The Mill on the Floss.

      • On the Lawrencial art and human relationship

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1976 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        Some of Lawrence's novels are autobiographical since they are written as the aesthetic renderings of his own experience, and the others are written as a kind of means, sometimes for his own thought-adventures, sometimes for his wish-fulfilments. As far as the artistic literary works are concerned, the personality of a writer is more or less reflected on his work but in case of Lawrence we find his personality is more closely connected with his novel than in any other writer's case. Once Lawrence declared his motto was 'art for my sake'.

      • Shakespeare 悲劇 : 四大悲劇을 中心으로

        徐永琪 忠州大學校 1985 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper is a study on the essential substance of Shakespearean tragedies. The main purpose of this paper is an attempt to point out the proper elements commonly found in Shakespeare's tragedies. Therefore in order to attain the purpose it is necessary to survey the background of Elizabethan world trying to find the characteristics of Shakespeare's times. then it is also necessary to put Shakespeare's works in proper perspectives comparing the tragedies of shakespeare with those of the classical Greek writers. As a result of this study, we realize that shakespeare's tragedies contain many common ideas different from those of the other writers. In the first place we come to understand that the element of destiny is not necessarily treated in the tragedies of Shakespeare. Secondly we came to realize that one or a few happy characters of high estate are treated to fall into the calamities and deaths owing to their inner and outer fault. Next it should also be pointed out that tragic persons are not only noble and high in their estate but they are extraordinary and peculiar in their personality and nature. So they are liable to lose the balance of their temper and reason owing to their peculiar inclinations such as ambition, idealism, and extreme passion. Next it should be noted that the actions of the tragic persons are the center of tragedy and the main cause of these actions is character. Lastly we should also point that in shakespearean tragedies there is profusely depicted the outward conflict between virtuous characters and evil said that through the tragic suffering and conflict in their soul tragic persons acquire a new belance of character rehabilitation the lost soul and gaining the salvation in the end.

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