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      • KCI등재

        Repaired glass ionomer cement의 결합강도에 관한 연구

        서수정,김신,Seo, Su-Jeong,Kim, Shin 대한소아치과학회 1996 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to compare the bond strengths of different kinds of glass ionomer cements (GIC), which is recently increasing the clinical application in the field of pediatric dentistry and measure the repaired bond strengths in order to examine the clinical applicabilty of partial repaired cases. By using one kind of the light cured type GIC and three kinds of the chemical cured type GIC, the bond strengths of the followings were compared : unrepaired group as control, repaired conditioning group, which was treated the repaired surface using 25% polyacrylic acid and repaired non-conditioning group without surface treatment. Three point bending test was performed under Universal Testing Machine in order to measure the compressive bond strengths. The results were as follows : 1. Light cured GIC had higher bond strength than chemical cured type GIC in both of repaired and unrepaired groups. 2. In repaired cases, all of the materials decreased the bond strength when compared to the control group. In the light cured type, the bond strength of repaired conditioning group decreased 31.6%, repaired non-conditioning group decreased 40.8%. In chemical cured types, the bond strength of repaired conditining group decreased 11.8%, repaired non-conditioning group decreased 20.9%. 3. All the materials, in the case of the chemical treatment on the repaired surface using 25% polyacrylic acid had higher bond strength than untreated but, lower than control group.

      • KCI등재후보

        특별논문(特別論文) : 문인화(文人畵)의 형신론(形神論)에 관한 유(儒),도철학적(道哲學的) 고찰(考察)

        서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ) 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.57 No.-

        흔히 文人畵란 學識을 갖춘 선비, 文人, 士大夫 등이 餘技적 次元에서 혹은 餘墨이나 墨戱적 차원에서 그리는 그림으로, 文人畵는 ``寫``로 특징 지워지는 寫意적이며 精神, 神韻을 중시한다. 동양회화 특히 문인화에서 논란거리 중의 하나는 形似와 神似의 관계이다. 당대까지 산수화는 그다지 중요시되던 것이 아니었지만 송대에 오면 문인사대부들이 회화창작에 임하면서 상황은 달라진다. 그 결과 형사와 신사에 대한 이해도 함께 달라진다. 그 바탕에는 유가와 도가의 철학이 깔려 있다. 문인화는 흔히 문인사대부들의 餘技 혹은 墨戱, 自娛 등과 연계되어 형사보다는 신사를 중시하는 것으로 이해하며 이런 점에서 형사의 공교로움에 치중하는 화원들의 화풍과 다른 것으로 이해한다. 사실 문인화는 氣韻生動과 神韻을 강조하고, 傳神을 강조하고, 높은 인품을 강조하는 점에서는 이런 경향성이 농후하다. 그러나 형사와 신사의 상관 관계가 시대적으로 어떤 모습으로 나타났는가를 살펴본 결과 반드시 신사만을 존중한 것은 아니었음을 알 수 있다. 회화에서의 형신론의 역사적 변천을 보면, 문인화가 제대로 확립되지 않은 당대에는 신사적 요소의 중요성을 말한 것이 있기는 하지만 전반적으로 신사보다는 형사를 존중하는 경향이 강했다. 이런 점은 송대 이전의 화가들이 주로 人物·道釋畵를 그린 것과 관련이 있다고 할 수 있다. 그런데 송대에 산수화가 화목의 중심이 되면서 상황은 달라진다. 기본적으로 산수화는 천지대자연의 이치를 담아내야 한다고 보며, 무엇보다도 기운생동과 신운을 강조하게 된다. 따라서 형사적 측면에서의 산수화보다는 신사적 측면을 담아내야 한다는 산수화론이 전개된다. 송대는 문인사대부들이 신사를 강조하는 경향이 많이 나타나기는 하지만 당대에 비해 형사와 신사가 골고루 강조된 시대라고 할 수 있다. 즉 송대는 형사적 측면을 무시한 것이 아니라 형사만을 존종하는 것에 대한 비판적 시각에서 신사의 중요성을 말한 것이라 할 수 있다. 그리고 유가의 文質彬彬적 사유에서 신사와 형사를 보고자 하는 시각도 있었다. 그리고 송대는 특히 소식의 常理論을 대표로 하는 ``理``와 관련된 회화이론이 나타나는데, 이같은 이론에는 송대 성리학의 이기론적 사유가 한 몫을 하였다. 원대는 사의적 화풍이 일어나 신사를 중시하고 형사를 존중하는 측면이 강하게 나타났다. 같은 원대의 사의적 화풍 속에는 道家의 神 중시적 경향과 得意忘象적 사유가 담겨 있다. 청대는 원대의 중신사·경형사적 경향에 대한 비판적 사유로서 선형사·후신사적 사유와 ``不似之似論``이 나타났다. 이처럼 송대 이후의 문인화는 형사와 신사의 관계에 있어 시대에 따라 그 상관관계가 달랐으며, 또 이같은 신사와 형사의 상관관계에 대한 다른 이해에는 유가와 도가의 철학이 그 기저가 되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 以形寫神是中國古代畵論的一個核心命題, 形與神這一對範疇無論是在中國哲學史上還是在中國文藝批評史上都是一對十分重要的、極有特色的範疇。探討這一對範疇的發展源流、實質含義和相互關系, 對於理解中國古代文學藝術及其理論的特色흔有意義. 最早的形神論多應用於人物畵之中, 只是到後來文人畵漸熾, 形神論逐漸擴展到山水、花鳥畵領域。可以說中國繪畵是以傳神論爲主的意象思維方式作爲審美需要的, 就審美本體而論, 這種寫意性爲主的創作觀一直是中國文人繪畵的傳統。古代藝術家對形神關系進行了深刻探求, 他們對形神的理解盡管各有側重。形與神本是中國哲學的一對重要範疇, 主要討論人的形體及超乎形體之外的精神的相互間關系。形神關系的討論, 原是由品鑒人物引起的。魏晉時期, 士大夫之間品鑒人物之風盛行, 他們更加看重人物的風神, 只要風神高逸, 則形骸可以遺忘。重神忘形這種品鑒人物的標准, 對藝術創作産生了深遠影響。顧愷之首先提出以形傳神的理論, 標志著形神論進入審美領域。 顧愷之所謂傳神寫照、以形寫神, 타遠紹先秦道家重精神輕形體的哲學思想, 吸收漢代形神論有關內涵, 近承魏晉玄學思潮中的形神觀, 作用於藝術創造領域的關乎形象塑造的一條美學原則, 其核心是以傳神爲主而形神兼備。繼顧愷之提出以形傳神後, 司空圖又提出了離形得似。是指可以在某種程度上離開描寫對象的原貌和狀態, 甚至運用誇張、虛幻或象征的形來具體傳達出事物在內在精神和本質特征, 達到更高的神似。中國畵達到形似幷不一定就能達到神似, 爲了更好的傳神, 形的表現可以靈活自由, 追求妙在似與不似之間的神似, 卽超越具體物象的摹擬, 强調主觀的創造作用和作者主觀情懷的流露。超越形象之外, 表現人的情感、精神、意志和內在氣質, 重視人的精神的直接抒發。道家把抽象的形而上的道看得高於一切, 貶低和否定具體的形而下的物。從形神關系出發而提出的審美原則, 其遠源是先秦道家哲學思想。那마, 在具體的藝術表現過程中, 這種形神關系是如何統一起來的니?就繪畵而言, 古代寫意畵大師們往往講究意在筆先, 畵盡意在, 他們摹寫物形或有差池, 傳達精神却惟妙惟肖。他們或許已經認識到, 盡管形似是繪畵反映生活的基本要求, 但타畢竟只是低級階段的眞實, 타固然表現了物象的貌, 却未必能傳達出物象的神。因此文人畵極重"逸氣", 提出鄙工取妙的, 重神似輕形似的形神觀.

      • KCI등재

        자근 추출물의 항산화 및 항노화 활성

        서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2016 대한미용학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        This study was conducted to determine physiological effects and anti-wrinkling activities of Lithospermi radix extracts secured using water-soluble low temperature vacuum extraction (WE) and ethanolic extraction (EE). The highest level of total polyphenol compounds was 6.90 mg/g (from WE), and the highest level of flavonoid compounds was 4.93 mg/g (from EE). WE showed the highest electron donating ability (72.42% at a concentration of 1,000 μg/mL). EE showed the highest superoxide dismutase-like activity (17.92% at a concentration 1,000 μg/mL). Additionally, the highest activity of ABTS radical-scavenging ability was found in WE (32.43% in the 50 μg/mL concentration). The nitrate scavenging ability of contents derived from WE revealed their highest effects at pH 1.2 (77.78%) and pH 3.0 (39.38%) at concentration of 1,000 μg/mL. The elastase inhibition rates were greater in contents derived from EE (64.04%), and measures of collagenase inhibition rates revealed 45.83% in extracts obtained by WE. In the cytotoxicity test of the extract on RAW264.7 macrophages and HaCaT keratinocytes using the MTT assay, cell viability increased in a concentration-dependent manner, and no cytotoxicity was observed between 10 to 50 μg/mL. In these results, the water-soluble and ethanolic extracts obtained from Lithospermi radix displayed strong antioxidant activity. Consequently, Lithospermi radix could be used as a useful antioxidant substance for nutraceutical foods, medicines and cosmetic stuffs.

      • KCI등재

        文人畵論에 나타난 人品의 儒家哲學的 考察

        서수정(seo su-jeong) 한국서예학회 2005 서예학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        文人畵를 문인의 그림이라고 최초로 언급한 사람은 明代의 董其昌이라고 본다. 董其昌은 화가들을 지리적으로 남과 북으로 나누어 南宗畵와 北宗畵로 나누었는데 흔히 南宗畵는 文人畵라고 말하고, 北宗畵는 화원들의 그림을 뜻하는 院体畵라고 말한다. 董其昌은 당대 王維를 南宗畵의 창시자로 본다. 文人畵는 문인, 사대부의 회화로서, 민간과 궁정화원의 회화와 구분하기 때문에 이와 같은 文人畵를 또 士人畵, 士夫畵, 士大夫畵라고 한다. 본고는 먼저 德上藝下論과 도를 담고 있는 도구(器)로서의 회화는 인품과 화품이 연결될 수 있는 고리 역할을 하였음을 고찰하였다. 다음 인품이 높은 것이 기운이 생동하는 것과 관련이 있음을 고찰하였다. 그리고 인품을 높이고 기운이 생동하게 하는 방법론으로 讀萬卷書와 行萬里路를 통하여 고찰하였다. 讀萬卷書 하고 行萬里路 하면 明理, 俗氣 제거, 養性의 세 가지 측면의 효용성이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 기운이 생동하여 형사를 넘어서 존재하는 生生不窮하는 세계를 한 폭의 종이에 담으려면 讀萬卷書, 行萬里路를 해야 함을 알 수 있었다. 이같은 사유에 입각한 文人畵家들은 기본적으로 士氣와 逸格을 旗幟로 삼아 形似의 脫略과 함께 神韻을 강조하고 필묵의 情趣를 강구하면서, 水墨, 寫意 등의 기법을 통하여 畵中의 意境을 표현하는데 주목하였다. 회화가 전승됨은 오래되었고, 또 시대마다 명가가 있어 그 격은 인품에 따라서 달랐다. 하지만 그 생평을 고찰하면 대부분 고상한 인품의 선비였다. 결국 인품을 강조하는 것은 인품이 높은 사람이 기운 생동하는 그림을 그릴 수 있기 때문이다. 이러한 기운은 우주론적으로 보면 생생불궁하는 자연의 眞氣이기도 하다. 이와 같은 인품에 바탕한 기운이 생동하는 그림은 형사적 차원을 넘어서며, 그런 작품을 명품이라고 평가하는 것이다. 이런 점을 볼 때 문인화가들은 인품과 화품은 다른 것이 아니라고 여긴 점을 알 수 있었다. Tung Ch'ich'ang in Ming first mentioned that a literary painting is a painting of a literary man. He divided painters geographically into Southern and Northern ones, which led to the division of a painting into the one of the Southern school and the one of the Northern school. The former is usually called a literary painting and the latter imperial-court decorative painting that means painters’ painting. He saw Wang Wei in Tang as the founder for a painting of the Southern school. A literary painting as the one of a literary man and the one of a man of noble birth is also called the one of a classical scholar and the one of a man of noble birth because it is distinguished from civilian and court painters' paintings. First of all, this thesis investigated the theory of respecting virtue and belittling art and the painting as an instrument containing the way which played the role as a link between personality and artistic merit of a picture. Next, it investigated that high personality was related to the vivid expression of objects by containing one's own emotion, spirit and elegance. And it investigated 'reading many books and travelling much' as a methodology of heightening personality and expressing objects vividly by containing one's own emotion, spirit and elegance. 'Reading many books and travelling much' revealed utility in the three aspects such as showing the principles of things, removing worldliness and fostering nature. It was clear that 'reading many books and travelling much' were required to contain into a piece of paper the world of connecting all creatures incessantly by threading them through living mind, which exists beyond similar forms, in the technique of expressing objects vividly by containing one's own emotion, spirit and elegance. Basically under the banner of morale and great dignity the literary painters based on such thinking stressed lofty and mysterious elegance with looted similar forms and studied the artistic effect of the brush and Chinese ink, paying attention to expressing the intention in a painting through the techniques such as India ink and description of an artist's inner world as well as the external shapes of things. Painting has been handed down for a long time and the dignity of great masters in each period varied according to his or her personality. However, their daily lives showed that most of them were classical scholars of noble personality. Eventually, the emphasis on personality was due to the possibility that a man of high personality painted the painting with vividness Cosmologically, the vividness is also the pure essence of nature that connects all creatures incessantly by threading them through living mind. The painting with vividness, which is based on the personality, goes beyond similar forms, which is valued as a masterpiece. The point indicated that literary painters regarded personality and artistic merit of a picture as not different.

      • KCI등재

        저근백피 추출물의 항노화 활성에 관한 연구

        서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ),박가은 ( Ga Eun Park ),장민정 ( Min Jung Jang ),이양숙 ( Yang Suk Lee ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2018 대한미용학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the anti-aging effects and cell toxicity of water extracts obtained from Ailanthi radicis cortex at 95℃. The amount of total flavonoid and polyphenol compounds was 4.80 mg/g and 136.89 mg/g, respectively. The astringent effect as a measure of pore tightening activity of the Ailanthi radicis cortex extract was 36.34% at 100 μg/mL. The tyrosinase inhibition as a measure of whitening activity was 53.20% at a concentration of 1,000 μg/mL. The collagenase and elastase inhibitory activities as a measure of anti-wrinkle activity were 48.97% and 18.02% at 1,000 μg/mL, respectively. Cell viability, as determined using the MTT assay, Ailanthi radicis cortex water extract showed no toxicity toward RAW264.7 macrophages and HaCaT keratinocytes. The Ailanthi radicis cortex water extract promoted the synthesis of procollagen type-1 and collagen type-1 at concentration dependent manner. These results suggested that the water extract from the Ailanthi radicis cortex have anti-aging properties and could be used as a natural source for development of functional cosmetics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Magnetron sputtering 법으로 제조된 Al-1%Cu/Tungsten Nitride 다층 박막

        이기선,김장현,서수정,김남철,Lee, Gi-Seon,Kim, Jang-Hyeon,Seo, Su-Jeong,Kim, Nam-Cheol 한국재료학회 2000 한국재료학회지 Vol.10 No.9

        표면 탄성과 디바이스의 전극재료로 사용되는 Al-%Cu(4000$\AA$)/tungsten nitride 박막을 magnetron sputtering 법으로 제조하고 전기저항을 평가한 비정질상의 tungsten nitride 박막을 제조할 수 있었고, 비정질 형성을 위해 질소비(R =$N_2$/(Ar+$N_2$)가 10~40% 정도 필요하다. Tungsten nitride 박막의 잔류응력은 비정질이 형성되면서 급격히 감소되었다. 이러한 비정질 박막위에 Al-1%Cu 합금막이 형성되었다. 다층막은 453K에서 4시간 동안 열처리함으로써 $3.6{\mu}{\Omega}-cm$의 저항을 나타냈는데, 이는 박막내 결정립 성장과 결함의 감소에 기인하였다. As a power durable-electrode in SAW filter, Al-1%Cu/tungsten nitride multi-layer thin film was fabricated by magnetron sputtering process. Tungsten nitride films had the amorphous phase at the nitrogen ratio, R, ranging from 10~40%. The amorphization could be controlled by nitrogen ratio, R= $N_2$/($N_2$+Ar) as a sputtering process parameter. Residual stress in tungsten nitride abruptly decreased with the formation of amorphous phase. Al-1%Cu thin film was deposited on the amorphous tungsten nitride. After the multi-layed thin film was annealed for 4 hours at 453K, the resistivity decreased as $3.6{\mu}{\Omega}-cm$, which was due to grain growth reduced crystal defects.

      • KCI등재

        괭이밥 초음파 추출물의 항노화 및 항산화 활성 비교

        김자희 ( Ja Hee Kim ),서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ),김남우 ( Nam Woo Kim ),이양숙 ( Yang Suk Lee ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2018 대한미용학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Oxalis corniculata L. (Oxalidaceae) has been used as a natural remedy to help relieve hemorrhoids, boils and dermatopathies. This study was conducted to investigate the anti-aging, anti-oxidation activities and cell toxicity of water and ethanol extracts obtained from O. corniculata by ultrasonic extractor at 40℃, to characterize their practical utility. The content of total polyphenol compounds was higher UW (33.95 mg/g) than UE (18.61 mg/g), total flavonoid compounds was roughly twice as much UE (20.28 mg/g) than UW (10.26 mg/g). The tyrosinase inhibitory, collagenase inhibitory, ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities of the ultrasonic ethanol extract, UE were over 1.2 times higher than that of the UW. The xanthine oxidase inhibitory rate of UE (32.71%) was higher than UW (26.41%), in 1.0 mg/mL. The elastase inhibitory activity of UE and UW were 41.75% and 48.00%, respectively. Nitrite scavenging activity was the highest as 51.05% at UW at pH 1.2 at a concentration of 1.0 mg/mL. Cell viability, as determined using the MTT assay, was significantly increased with increasing concentrations of both UW and UE, and showed no toxicity to RAW264.7 macrophages. The inhibitory effect on NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells was decreased in about 10% of UW and UE. These results suggests that the ultrasonic water and ethanol extracts from O. corniculata have anti-aging and anti-oxidative properties and could be used as a natural source for the development of functional cosmetics.

      • KCI등재

        붉나무 (Rhus javanica) 가지 추출물의 항노화 및 항염증 효과

        안대성 ( Dae Sung An ),서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ),김남우 ( Nam Woo Kim ),이양숙 ( Yang Suk Lee ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2017 대한미용학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Anti-aging and anti-inflammatory activities of water extract (WE) and ethanol extract (EE) of Rhus javanica branches were investigated for application as cosmetics and beauty industrial materials. The collagenase inhibition rate for anti-wrinkle effects was 44.02% (WE) and 59.95% (EE) at a concentration of 1.0 mg/mL. The elastase inhibition activities of WE and EE were 69.29% and 80.66%, respectively. Measurements of the tyrosinase inhibition rate revealed 22.30% and 23.30% in WE and EE, respectively. In the cytotoxicity test of the extracts on RAW264.7 macrophages and HaCaT keratinocytes using the MTT assay, RAW264.7 macrophages viability decrease was 17.65% in the WE at 10 μg/mL, EE did not show cytotoxicity on RAW264.7 cells at the test concentration. HaCaT cell viability decreased in WE (4.33%) and EE (11.55%) at 10 μg/mL, but no cytotoxicity was observed over 20 μg/mL concentration. For xanthine oxidase inhibition, WE showed the highest value 50.42% at the concentration of 1.0 mg/mL, while the activity from EE was 47.96%. The inhibitory effect on NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells decreased with increasing concentration. The production of TNF-α and IL-6 were suppressed, and the production of IL-6 was inhibited over 60% after treatment with 100 μg/mL EE. These results suggested that R. javanica branches has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a natural source for the development of functional cosmetically agents and beauty industry materials.

      • KCI등재

        화장료 소재로서 뜰보리수 과실 추출물의 항산화, 항염증 및 항노화 활성

        장민정 ( Min Jung Jang ),서수정 ( Su Jeong Seo ),이양숙 ( Yang Suk Lee ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2021 대한미용학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Elaeagnus multiflora, commonly called cherry silver berry, is used as a medicinal material in China and Korea. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and anti-aging properties of the fruit extract of E. multiflora using different solvents, such as hot water extract (HWE), butylene glycol with water and ethanol extract (BGE), and propylene glycol with water and ethanol extract (PGE). In the measurement of the radical scavenging of 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH), PGE showed the highest scavenging rates of 84.27% and 95.30%, respectively at a concentration of 2 mg/mL. The SOD-like activity was the highest, 39.98%, in HWE at 2.0 mg/mL, xanthine oxidase inhibition showed 44.98% in HWE. In the analysis of anti-aging effect at 2.0 mg/mL, collagenase and elastase showed the highest inhibition activities, viz. 37.83% and 19.78% in HWE, respectively. In the astringent effect analysis, HWE showed about 90% activity at a concentration of 5.0 mg/mL and about 50% at 25 mg/mL. Tyrosinase inhibition activity for whitening effect was the highest (44.24%) in PGE, followed by HWE, 40.07% at 2.0 mg/mL. Results revealed that PGE had excellent antioxidant activity and HWE showed better anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and astringent effects than BGE and PGE. Therefore, E. multiflora fruits seems to be a natural resource that can be used as a cosmetic material.

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