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      • KCI등재

        CRIP1결손조건 하에서 Salmonella Typhimurium 감염에 의해 유도되는 면역반응에 관한 연구

        서동주,이세희,박선,김혜윤,양진영 한국생명과학회 2024 생명과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Salmonella is a common food-borne intracellular bacterial pathogen that has triggered significant public health concerns. Salmonella hosts’ genetic factors play a pivotal role in determining their susceptibility to the pathogen. Cysteine-rich intestinal protein 1 (CRIP1), a member of LIM/double zinc finger protein family, is widely expressed in humans, such as in the lungs, spleen, and especially the gut. Recently, CRIP1 has been reported as a key marker of several immune disorders; however, the effect of CRIP1 on bacterial infection remains unknown. We aimed to elucidate the relationship between Salmonella infection and CRIP1 gene deficiency, as Salmonella spp. is known to invade the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine, where CRIP1 is highly expressed. We found that CRIP1-deficient conditions could not alter the characteristics of bone marrow-derived myeloid cells in terms of phagocytosis on macrophages and the activation of costimulatory molecules on dendritic cells using ex vivo differentiation. Moreover, flow cytometry data showed comparable levels of MHCII+CD11b+CD11c+ dendritic cells and MHCII+F4/80+CD11b+ macrophages between WT and CRIP1 knockout (KO) mice. Interestingly, the basal population of monocytes in the spleen and neutrophils in MLNs is more abundant in a steady state of CRIP1 KO mice than WT mice. Here, we demonstrated that the CRIP1 genetic factor plays dispensable roles in host susceptibility to Salmonella Typhimurium infections and the activation of myeloid cells. In addition, differential immune cell populations without antigen exposure in CRIP1 KO mice suggest that the regulation of CRIP1 expression may be a novel immunotherapeutic approach to various infectious diseases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노동을 위한 <의학>·국가를 위한 <위생> -근대일본의 위생학자 데루오카 기토의 과학적 위생론을 중심으로-

        서동주 역사학연구소 2019 역사연구 Vol.- No.36

        This paper examines the perspective of ‘knowledge-power’ that captures the body of a worker with a focus on “labor science” and “social hygiene” of Deruokagito, a representative physiologist and hygienist in modern Japan. Deruoka pioneered the field of ‘labor science’ on the basis of a survey of ‘labor tiredness’ in the 1920s. Labor science was different from the scientific management of labor (Taylorism) and the scientific theory of labor movement (Marxism). It meant ‘science for workers’. He wanted to improve the disadvantaged situation of workers in capitalist society and thought that medicine should contribute to such social problems. And his interest in the health of workers has gradually expanded to society. As a result, his book “Social Hygiene” was published twice(1927, 1935). In his first book he emphasized the social character of life and analyzed the impact of social problems such as poverty on life activities. In his second book, however, he focused on the question of how to manage the quality of the people as organic whole. In other words, in his second book he positively advocated an ‘eugenic’ prescription to maintain a better genetic quality among the people. Since 1938, when Japan entered into a total power system, Deruoka's scientific hygiene theory revealed the nature of 'science for the nation'. In other words, the labor science that originally aimed at the health of the workers changed into a science that justified the improvement of the quality of the labor force under the control of the state. However, the hygiene theory of Deruoka was not consistent with the logic of cooperation. He criticized the reality that the system of total power wasted or destroyed the labor force. But this is different from the claim of ‘resistance’. This is because his argument came from the gap between the ideal of scientific hygiene and the reality of total power. What he intended was to approach reality to the ideology rather than to resist. In this sense, his scientific hygiene theory during the period of total power can be defined as ‘cooperation for innovation’. 이 글은 근대일본의 대표적인 생리학자이자 위생학자인 데루오카 기토(暉峻義等) 의 ‘노동과학’ 및 ‘사회위생학’에 초점을 맞춰 일본에서 노동자의 신체를 포착하는 ‘지식-권력’의 시선에 대해 고찰하고 있다. 데루오카는 1920년대 여공의 ‘노동피로’에 대한 조사를 토대로 ‘노동과학’이라는 분야를 개척했다. 그의 노동과학은 노동에 대한 과학적 관리(테일러주의)도 아니었고, 노동운동에 과한 과학적 이론(마르크스 주의)과도 달랐다. 그것은 ‘노동자를 위한 과학’을 의미했다. 데루오카는 자본주의 사회에서 노동자가 처한 ‘불우한’ 처지를 개선하고자 했으며, 의학은 그러한 사회적 문제에 기여해야 한다고 생각했다. 노동자의 건강에 대한 그의 관심은 점차 사회로 확장되었다. 그 결과 『사회위생학』이라는 저서가 두 번(1927년, 1935년)에 걸쳐 출판 되었다. 첫 번째 『사회위생학』에서는 생명의 사회적 성격이 강조되고 있고, 빈곤과 같은 사회문제가 생명활동에 미치는 향이 거론되고 있다. 반면 두 번째 『사회위생 학』은 유기체적 전체로서의 국민의 소질을 어떻게 관리할 것인가라는 문제가 초점 이 되고 있다. 달리 말하면1935년의 『사회위생학』에서는 국민의 ‘보다 좋은 유전적 소질’을 유지하기 위한 ‘우생학’적 처방이 적극으로 활용되고 있다. 1938년 이래로 일본이 총력전체제로 접어들자, 데루오카의 과학적 위생론은 ‘국가를 위한 과학’의 성격을 강하게 드러냈다. 당초 노동자의 건강을 목표로 했던 노동과학은 이 시기에 이르러 노동력을 ‘양 ’에서 ‘질 ’로 전환시켜 국가관리 하에 두는 것을 정당화하는 학문 으로 변화했다. 그렇다고 데루오카의 위생론이 ‘체제 협력’의 논리로 일관되었던 것은 아니다. 그는 현실의 총력전체제가 노동력을 ‘낭비’ 혹은 ‘파괴’하는 측면이 있다 고 비판하기도 했다. 하지만 이것을 ‘저항’으로 보기는 어려울 것 같다. 왜냐하면 이런 주장은 그의 과학적 위생론의 ‘이상’과 총력전의 ‘현실’ 사이의 격차에 근거하고 있기 때문이다. 즉 그의 주장은 ‘저항’이라기보다는 현실을 이념에 접근시키려는 ‘혁신’을 지향했다. 그런 의미에서 그의 총력전시기의 과학적 위생론은 ‘혁신을 위한 협력’으로 규정할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        비디오 카메라를 이용한 3차원 도로중심선 추출

        서동주,이종출 한국도로학회 2006 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        According to development of computer technology, the utilization of the fourth generation of digital photogrammetry progresses favorably. Especially the method of using digital video camera is very practicable and has an advantage such as a profitability for the amateur. In road field which is centrical facilities of national industry, this method was utilized to acquire road information for the safety diagnosis or maintenance. In this study, 3-dimensional position information of road centerline was extracted using digital video camera which has practicality and economical efficiency. This data could be a basic source in road information project.

      • KCI등재

        지배의 역설・광기의 식민지 -나카시마 아쓰시 「순사가 있는 풍경」에서의 제국・천황・타자-

        서동주 단국대학교 일본연구소 2011 일본학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        The picture of Korea in the colonial period drawn by Nakajima Atsushi in his 'Junsa no iru fukei' is not just an embodiment of his own experience of Korea, or the harsh reality of a colony overflowing with discrimination at the hands of the Japanese. Rather, as is shown by analyzing the setting of a 'Korean policeman' and '1923', it at once preserves the structure of discrimination, while presenting the assimilationism that function together with this. Again, it presents the ambivalence surrounding Imperial Japan's discrimination which, while rejecting discrimination, could not in fact cease discriminating. As we see from scenes where Koreans are arrested and oppressed by Koreans, a feature shared by the characters 'Cho Kyo Young' and 'Kim Dong Ryen' in the story, the upshot of this is that we find inscribed in the narrative the process whereby the relations of domination in the colony are replaced by divisions among the colonized, and in the end this stimulates a sense of their own ethnicity, leading to the breakdown of assimilationism itself. At this point it is not difficult to imagine the repugnance that Nakajima himself felt fot assimilationism.

      • KCI등재

        일본 고도성장기 ‘핵=원자력’의 표상과 ‘피폭’의 기억

        서동주 한국일본학회 2014 日本學報 Vol.99 No.-

        이 글은 전후 일본이 피폭체험에도 불구하고 원전대국이 될 수 있었던 배경을 대중인식의 차원에서 살펴보고 있다. 피폭의 집합적 기억에 의해 지탱되는 핵=원자력에 대한 전후 일본인들의 뿌리 깊은 부정적 인식과 감정에도 불구하고, 고도성장기를 통해 ‘국책’의 차원에서 추진된 원자력 개발은 어떤 결정적인 도전에도 직면하지 않았다. 오히려 핵=원자력의 ‘군사적 이용’과 구분되는 ‘평화적 이용’의 가능성은 고도성장기를 통해 광범위하게 지지받았다. 즉, 많은 경우 원자력의 평화적 이용은 ‘문명의 필연’이고, 군사적 목적과 분리된 원자력은 ‘생활과 산업 상의 혁신’을 가져다줄 새로운 에너지로 받아들여졌다. 이 시기 원자력에 대한 전후 일본인들의 인식에서 특징적인 것은 ‘평화이용(원전)’과 ‘군사이용(폭탄)’을 철저하게 구분하는 것이다. 하지만 당시 일본인들은 두 가지를 완전히 별도의 것으로 생각하지는 않았다. 즉, 1950-60년대의 원자력 군사이용과 구분되는 평화이용은 그 원천(기원) 아니라 원자력의 목적과 용도의 수준에서 구분되는 수준에서 인식되고 있었다. 여기에 일본은 원자력의 군사이용이 가져오는 폐해와 위험을 잘 알고 있기에 원자력의 평화이용을 실현할 수 있는 신뢰할 만한 주체가 될 수 있다는 담론이 형성되면서 원자력 개발을 위한 대중적 동의의 심리적 기반이 마련되었다. This article focuses on the way in which the government’s nuclear power policy became institutionalized as a result of public consent in post-war Japan. The investigation was based on the following preconditions: the memory of prior exposure to the effects of nuclear energy was not a valid restriction factor when it came to accepting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, acceptance of which is viewed by Japanese people to depend on the personal opinion of the subject. Most of all, the Japanese were found to be convinced that nuclear power would not be misused for military purposes because of the experience of exposure. The research established that the memory of prior exposure contributed to the discourse relating to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and that it enabled subjects to accept the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

      • KCI우수등재

        분무열분해법에 의한 ZnO:In 박막의 구조와 전기적 특성

        서동주,박선흠 한국진공학회 2001 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.10 No.2

        ZnO and ZnO:In films were deposited on the glass substrates by a spray pyrolysis method. It is found that ZnO films were polycrystalline with the preferred orientation (002) and have a hexagonal structure with lattice constants of a=3.242 $\AA$ and c=5.237 $\AA$. The crystalline structure of ZnO:In films deposited at the In content of 0~6.03 at. % were the same as that of ZnO films, but its lattice constants was slightly larger than those of ZnO films. The relative atomic ratios of metal ion of ZnO:In films were in accordance with those of the spray solution within the experimental error. The minimum resistivity of and the maximum carrier concentration of 19.1 $\Omega\cdot\textrm{cm}$ and the maximum carrier concentration of $2.11\times10^{19}\textrm{cm}^{-3]$ obtained from the ZnO:In films when In content was 2.76 at. %. The optical transmission of the sample grown at the In content of 3.93 at. % was about 95% in the wavelength between 400 and 800 nm. 분무열분해법으로 유리기판 위에 ZnO와 ZnO:In 박막을 성장시켰다. 성장된 ZnO 박막은 hexagonal 구조를 이루고, 격자상수 a=3.242 $\AA$, c=5.237 $\AA$였고, (002) 방향으로 선택 성장되었다. In을 0~6.03 at. % 불순물로 첨가하여 성장시킨 ZnO:In박막은 ZnO 박막의 결정구조와 같고 격자상수가 약간 증가하였다. ZnO:In 박막의 금속 이온의 비는 분무용액의 금속 이온의 비와 거의 일치하였다. ZnO:In 박막의 최소 비저항과 최대 운반자 농도는 In를 2.76 at % 불순물로 첨가하여 성장시킨 경우였는데, 그 값은 각각 19.1 $\Omega\cdot\textrm{cm}$, $2.11\times10^{19}\textrm{cm}^{-3]$이었다. In를 3.93 at. % 불순물로 첨가하여 성장시킨 ZnO:In 박막 경우 400~800 nm 영역에서의 광투과율은 95% 이상이었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        근대일본 ‘국문학연구’의 형성과 ‘문예’의 지식장 : 오카자키 요시에의 ‘일본문예학’을 중심으로

        서동주 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2016 탈경계인문학 Vol.9 No.2

        In Japan, poetry and novel have been recognized as “Art” since the mid-1880s. However, in the field of the “study of national literature,” it is after the 1920s that artistic value came to be established as a criteria for assessing literature. Mainstream academic methodology of the Department of National Literature at the Tokyo Imperial University, the stronghold of Japanese “study of national literature,” had its foundation in “Philologie.” On the other hand, the stance that set store on literature’s aesthetic value became founded as an academic methodology through the introduction of Deutsch “Literaturwissenschaft” in the 1920s, and the establishment of Okazaki Yosie’s “Japanese Literaturwissenschaft” in the 1930s. This science of literature that values “appreciation” made its appearance as a resistance to the empirical Philologie. But it would be a simplification to state that the two were constantly in opposition. In the 1930s, there was an attempt by scholars of philology to combine the “appreciation” concept of the Literaturwissenschaft with that of the objective method of philology. Okazaki Yosie himself, who was critical of ideological influence on literature, participated in an government-run academic movement led by philologists. Okazaki focused in analyzing the particularity of Japanese literature in the late-1930s, but shifted to emphasizing its “universality” in the 1940s. His claim was that the wait-and-see aesthetics of Japanese literature, as it did not favor severe strife and struggle, was “purer” than that of Western art. He saw the literature as essentially unrelated to the teleological point of view. His theory of Japanese Literature is considered to be an example of “aesthetic Japan-centrism” as separate from political Japancentrism.

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