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        외식산업정책 연구동향 고찰 : KCI 등재지를 중심으로

        복준영(Bok, Jun-Young) 한국외식경영학회 2021 외식경영연구 Vol.24 No.7

        본 연구는 2011년 외식산업진흥에 관한 법률이 시행된 이후 다양한 분야에서 외식산업정책에 관한 연구가 이루어져왔다. 2020년 초 본격화된 코로나19 상황으로 인해 외식산업과 시장은 가장 힘든 시기를 겪고 있다. 이처럼 어려운 상황에서 외식산업발전의 재도약을 위해 외식산업정책의 연구동향을 살펴보는 것은 미래를 위한 탐색과 준비로 의미가 있을 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 2011년부터 2020년까지 KCI에 등재된 239편 중 내용분석방법과 원문읽기가 가능한 62편을 선정하여 연구주제, 연구성격, 연구방법 등의 분류유목을 기준으로 분석하였다. 결과적으로 외식산업정책은 외식업의 생존과 폐업에 관한 연구, 동반성장과 상생협력, 프랜차이즈 사업모델에 따른 가맹본부와 가맹점의 관계설정, 안전위생 및 식자재 유통에 관한 연구의 비중이 높았으며 지속적인 연구과제로 다루어졌다. 또한 대부분 연구방향은 외식산업 활성화보다는 외식산업과 시장질서 확립을 위한 규제정책에 집중되어왔다. 향후 연구에서는 시장 지원방안 및 운영 시스템 등의 고도화 정책 논의가 더욱 활성화될 필요가 있으며 외식 자영업자의 안정적인 성장과 보호에 관한 실효성 있는 정책 연구과제 발굴과 제안이 필요하다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study is to review researches has been conducted on food service industry policy in various fields since the Act on Promotion of the Food Service Industry since 2011. The food service industry and the market are in the most difficult situation due to the COVID-19 that began in earnest in early 2020. In this moment, to explore and examine the academic research trend is a meaningful approach to prepare for the future of the restaurant industry policy which will take another leap forward in the food service industry development. For this study, 62 articles are selected to read the original text and content analysis method among the 239 articles registered in the KCI from 2011 to 2020. And also, these research papers were analyzed based on classification categories such as research topic, research nature, and research method. As a result, the researches focused on such as the survival and closure of the restaurant business, shared growth and win-win cooperation, establishment of relationship between franchise headquarters and franchisees according to the franchise business model, safety and hygiene, and distribution of food materials. Also, most of the research directions have been focused on regulatory policies to establish the restaurant industry and market system rather than revitalize the restaurant industry. In future research, it is necessary to further stimulate discussion of policy advancements such as market support policies and operating systems, and also it is necessary to discover and propose effective policy research tasks related to the stable growth and protection of self-employed food service entrepreneurs.

      • 무선인터넷 환경하의 지능형 뉴스 추천 시스템 설계와 유효성 검증

        복준영 ( Jun-young Bok ),최준연 ( Joon-yeon Choi ),황종선 ( Jong-sun Hwang ) 한국정보처리학회 2004 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        최근 Device 의 대중화로 모바일 폰 사용자는 언제 어디서라도 정보서비스 및 멀티미디어 동영상 서비스를 쉽게 접할 수 있게 되었다. 하지만, 작은 화면과 불편한 User Interface 를 가진 모바일 Device 의 한계와 양적인 컨텐츠의 증가로 인하여 사용자가 원하는 정보를 Access 하기에는 너무 많은 시간과 비용이 소요되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 사용자의 Accessibility 욕구를 충족하고 시간과 비용을 절감하기 위한 방법으로서 무선 인터넷 환경에서의 추천 시스템을 기반으로 방대한 분량의 뉴스 컨텐츠 가운데 개인화 된 뉴스를 선별, 제공해 주는 지능형 추천 시스템을 설계 구현하고자 한다. 본 논문은 인공 지능 분야 중 에이전트의 추천 역할과 기능면에서 Collaborative Filtering 방법이 갖고 있는 계산 속도 문제에 대한 대안으로서, 유사한 선호도의 사용자를 특성에 따라 분류하기 위해 군집분석을 이용했으며, 각 군집별로 뉴스 카테고리를 Weighting 한 후, 뉴스 컨텐츠를 Scoring, Listing 하여 사용자가 읽은 뉴스에 대한 평가를 기록하고 이를 각 군집별로 반영하는 방법을 수행하였다. 추가로 뉴스 컨텐츠의 사용자 만족도를 평가하기 위하여 뉴스를 처음부터 끝까지 읽은 완독률을 측정기준으로 제시하고 일반적인 무선 인터넷 환경하의 뉴스 메뉴체계와 비교하여 설계된 시스템의 성능에 대한 유효성을 검증하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        고속도로휴게소의 선택속성에 따른 지각된 가치가 재방문의향에 미치는 영향

        복준영(Jun Young Bok) 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회 2017 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of study is to explore how the users’ selective attributes and perceived values to influence revisit intention on the highway service areas. Nevertheless the total 189 highway service facilities operate at nationwide, most of studies have focused on the facilities’ efficiencies and services’ quality improvement perspectives. This study is to investigate to find out the users’ selective attributes and perceive values, and also how they induce to the user’s revisits to there. For the study, the selective attributes and perceived values are redefined based on the advanced studies. This study analyzed 191 visitors on 3 highway service areas which are located at KyungBu and WestSea Highway Lines, and also used by confirmatory factors analysis, reliability and validity analysis by using multiple regression methodology. The consequences of this research are founded as follows: facility convenience, information correctiveness, stores atmosphere, and employees’ services were positively adopted as the selective attributes and the perceived values to the visitors, but products variance was needed to improve for the users’choice.

      • KCI등재후보

        K-방역 모델과 향후 과제 고찰: COVID-19 대응 사례를 중심으로

        복준영(Bok, Jun-Young) 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회 2020 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Discouraged and Somber. The global villages have now become the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic with more reported cases and deaths than any other worldwide virus cases such as SARS and MERS. The purpose of this study explores so called K-Epidemic Prevention Model based on the Korea’s experiences against the COVID-19 outbreak. As the Korea’s prevention framework has been developed from the SARS and MERS experiences, its prevention performances of the COVID-19 become one of bench-marking examples by transparent and effective prevention policies. Although the pandemic prevention framework requires more development, otherwise, the study would provide a basic data and analysis of how to be more prevention effective. Also, this study suggests 7 tasks of K-prevention model to be completed as a representative prevention system against the future disease. Some of tasks are not covered in detail because the COVID-19 is still in process. Cited Korean data and indicated expectations that the other countries situation would align similarly with that of Korea. Based on this case study, it looks forward to helping on scholars and related managers’ decisions for effective prevention management of the COVID-19 in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        고속도로 휴게소 서비스품질에 따른 브랜드 이미지, 브랜드 인지도가 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        복준영(Bok, Jun Young) 한국서비스경영학회 2017 서비스경영학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purposes of the study are to explore the effects among service quality, brand image, brand awareness, and revisit intention, including mediating effects of brand image and brand awareness on revisit intention in the expressway service area business. Data is collected from 240 visitors at the two expressway service areas of Cheongdo province and the research adopts multiple regression analysis with mediating test to examine the hypotheses. The results are: (a) the relations among the service quality, brand image and brand awareness for revisit intention are mostly significant and positive effect, (b) brand image and awareness will meditate the effects on revisit intention, but (c) physical environment quality of service has negative effect on brand awareness. The study suggests that the expressway service operators ought to build its brand awareness through physical environment service improvement such as adopting more branded stores, private stores environment improvement and other marketing activities. When brand awareness is high, its service quality may also increase consumers’ service quality expectation and decrease service quality uncertainty. As a result, service quality, brand image and brand awareness will increase revisit intention on the expressway service areas.

      • KCI등재

        IPA를 활용한 복합외식공간 선택속성에 관한 연구 서울․수도권 지역 복합외식공간을 중심으로

        이봉식(Lee, Bong-Shik),복준영(Bok, Jun-Young) 한국외식경영학회 2018 외식경영연구 Vol.21 No.5

        최근 대규모 상업시설 증가에 따라 외식분야에서도 다양한 브랜드 경험을 제공 하는 복합외식공간(Food Hall)이 늘어나는 추세다. 이러한 추세를 흔히 복합외 식공간이라 하여 기업들마다 차별화된 공간 컨셉을 토대로 다양한 메뉴상품과 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이용 고객이 점차 늘어가고 있는 복합외식 공간에 대한 선택속성을 고객관점에서 중요도-성취도 분석을 통하여 탐색하고자 한다. 연구결과, 일반적으로 외식에서 중요한 선택 속성인 위생, 다양한 브랜드 메뉴경험 및 체험 활동 등의 요인이 복합외식공간의 선택에 있어 중요도와 성취도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 이에 외식 기업은 다양한 경험이 가능한 메뉴 구성을 비롯하여 신속한 서비스 제공과 음식 맛의 일정한 관리유지가 요구되며, 다양한 브랜드와 체험 활동에 대한 지속적인 개발과 연구가 필요한 것으로 사료된 다. 본 연구를 통해 복합외식공간의 개념과 고객관점의 선택 속성을 제시하였으 며, 실무적으로는 관리자가 비교적 용이하게 복합외식공간의 선택 속성 파악이 가능한 IPA를 활용하여 개선된 서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Recently, it is a trend for consumers to experience various branded restaurants in large scale commercial facilities which has been increased in food service area. This is called as a ‘Food Hall’, and the food service companies have provided various menus and services based on their differentiate spatial concepts. This study is to explore the customers’ selective attributes on the places through the Importance-Performance analysis. As a result, the study found sanitization, a general dining selection attribute, was considered as an important consideration, and also various brands experiential activities in the spaces were founded in their selection attributes. Therefore, the food service providers are required extending more branded menu products, food quality management, and speedy delivery of the foods to the customers. This study verifies the concept of a food hall that has not been defined yet, and suggested customers’ selection criteria of the halls. In addition, it provided the restaurant managers with easier approach to understand the customers needs by utilizing the IPA.

      • 세계 우주임무운영기관의 위성 지상국 네트워크 현황

        이명신(Myeong-shin Lee),양형모(Hyung-mo Yang),현대환(Dae-hwan Hyun),정대원(Dae-won Chung),복준영(Jun-young Bok),김은규(Eun-kyou Kim) 한국항공우주연구원 2014 항공우주산업기술동향 Vol.12 No.1

        세계 우주임무운영기관들은 자국의 우주 임무를 안정적으로 수행하기 위하여 전 세계적으로 분산되어 있는 지상국을 구축하여 위성의 관제 및 임무데이터를 수신하여 임무관제센터 및 사용자에게 공급하고 있다. 전 지구에 고르게 분포된 지상국 네트워크를 활용하여 교신기회를 증가시킴으로써 위성 긴급 시의 조속한 대처, 궤도조정 및 코드패치 등 유지보수 등에서 많은 장점을 얻을 수 있다. 또한 임무데이터의 수신기능 까지 보유하는 경우 데이터 수신 가능 용량을 증가시킴으로써 위성활용도를 한층 더 높일 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 미항공우주국, 유럽우주국을 비롯한 세계 주요 우주운영기관들의 위성 지상국 현황을 살펴본다. 또한, 항우연의 지상국 운영 현황 및 구축 시 고려되어야 할 사항에 대하여 제언하고자 한다. The world space operations agencies provide mission control centers and users with the space operational data and the mission data through the ground station network that is dispersed worldwide to perform the their own space mission. The increased contact capacity by the worldwide station network allows us to take quick response in the emergency situation and to benefit from the maintenance activities of satellite such as orbit adjustment and code patch. In addition, the stations which have the function of the mission data reception raise efficiency of satellite through the increased receiving capacity. This paper describes the ground station network of the world space agency such as NASA, ESA, etc. In addition, it includes the operational status of KARI’s ground station network and the consideration for additional implementation in the future.

      • 외식 복합화 발전전략 : CJ 푸드월드를 중심으로

        복준영 김천대학교 2016 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze how a certain type of food service influences and develops the complex model of multi-brand food service with the increase of complex commercial facilities. The object is restricted to CJFoodworld, which was the first multi-branded food complex model in Korea. As the commercial complex buildings and facilities increase, the food service concept and model has changed also to meet customers’ needs which enjoy the multi-brands consumption of food service. The study was conducted to the case analysis by the in-depth interviews of managerial level of employees and facility observations. The result is as follows; 1) a food service complex is one of the efficient ways of service management in terms of initial investment of food service including interior cost saving and competitive advantages of tenant fees to be paid. 2) Also, the food complex business model plays a role of incubating a newly born brand of food service to increase its brand recognition by the existing brands of halo effects. 3) In order to maximize a managerial performance systematically, operational framework of service at field and multi-brands planning strategies needs the management team. But this case study has the limitation of few numbers of food service complex and without any empirical methodologies. In other words, the main purpose of this research is placed to suggest the following results about on the food service complex trend, which customers need the increase of various brands consumption simultaneously with the placement of the complex commercial facilities.

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