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      • KCI등재
      • 냉동식품 중 Listeria monocytogenes의 분포 조사 및 시험방법에 관한 연구

        백선영,곽효선,차진,박성국,임순영,김형일,박선희,김창민 식품의약품안전청 1997 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.1 No.-

        최근 급속히 소비가 증가되고 :긴는 냉동식품을 대상으로 교 monoef09☞HfS의 오염도를 확인하오 분리균웨 특성 조사 및 신속 시험법을 확립하고자 서울, 부산 둥 5개 지역에서 판매 되고 있는 냉동식품을 구입하여 쿄 monoe-frgrnes를 분리, 동정하고 분리균에 대하여는 혈청형 조사 및 항생제 내싱 검사를 실시하였다. 냉동피자, 만두, 식육 및 수산물 가공품 둥 총 624건의 냉동식품을 구입하여 L uonoefof☞nog뫼 오염도를 조사한 결과 55건(9.5%)의 검체에서 t raonoofog☞oeg가 검출되첬으며 각 식품군별로는 냉동 만두 5.a%, 피자류 12.8%, 식욱가공품 10.4%, 해산물 기공품 9.1%, 기타 8.8%에서 양성률을 나타내었다. 분리균의 혈청형은 type 1이 87.5%를 나타내었으며 type4가 12.5%, 기타가 3.6%를 나타내었다. 항생제 내성 시험 결과 대부뚠의 항생제체 대해 감수석을 나타내었으나 nalidixic ac펀, polyrnyxin 8에 대하여는 저항성을 나타내었다. 또한 Hernolysin gene (fJy 1, ffy 2)과 Internalin gene (inf 1, inf2)의 mixed primer를 이용하여 최종 확인을 위한 신속하교 정확한 시험법인 multi-pleB PCR 분석법을 확립하였다. 표준균준 및 분리균의 DNA 추출을 위하여 Iysozyme (3mg/m쓰과 Proteinase (200fe/mf)처리 및 boiling을 싫시하였다. PCR 후 전기영동시 교 mortoofofeneg의 표준균주와 분리균은 446bp와 714bp band를 나타낸 반면 t innocua와 교. iuanovi 균주는 band를 나타내지 않았다. We surveyed the dfstribution of L. monocytogenes with five groups of frozen fooods. Six hundreds twenty four samples of frozen foods were randomly purchased in the market and tested. Fifty nine samples were ploved to be L. monocytogenes (9.5%) including kyoza(4.3%), pizza(12.8%), processed meat foods (10.4%), processed sea foods(9.1%), other frozen foods (10.5%). Serotypes of those isolates were; serotype 1(87.5%), type 4 (12.5%) and others (3.1 %). Also, isolates were tested for the antibiotic susceptibility. They were resistant to nalidixic acid, streptomycin, and polymyxin B and sensitive to ohlorarnphenicol, ampicillin, carbenicillin, tetracycline, tobramycin, gentamicin, kanamycin. neomycin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazale. A multiplex-PCR method for rapid confirmation of L. monocytogenes was applied to the isolates.. We developed a new PCR technique to extract DNA form the cell. Treatmient of lysezyme (2mg/ml), proteinase (200㎍/m1) and boiling (15 min) were carried ou. hly 1, hly 2 and inl 1, inl 2 were used as primers. Standard strains and isolates of L. monocytobenes showed a specific amplified products of 719 bp and 446bp. These fragment was not shown with L. innocua andd L. ivanovii samples on agarose gel electrophoresis.

      • KCI우수등재

        꿈의 오케스트라 바이올린 단원의 경험과 이에 따른 변화 탐색

        백선영 한국음악교육학회 2019 음악교육연구 Vol.48 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to discover the experiences and changes of the violin student’s in the ‘El Sistema Korea’ orchestra program. Participating observations, classroom observations, activity journals, group interviews and in-depth interviews with participants in the study, and recordings were taken in order to collect data for this research. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, ‘El Sistema Korea’ orchestra education has allowed students to experience a variety of activities that they have never experienced in a more practical way before, which has contributed to expanding there artistic experience. Second, the ‘El Sistema Korea’ orchestra education has improved the students’ self-confidence and self-esteem, and these personal changes have produced positive improvements in their social skills. Finally, the students’ interest to enjoy music in life, to major in music, and to enjoy art in life improved consistently through the ‘El Sistema Korea’ orchestra education. However, despite these positive factors, the opportunity costs to study was a decisive factor in forcing them to abandon their orchestra education.

      • KCI등재

        우유중 잔류 항생물질 분석방법에 관한 비교연구

        백선영,김형일,박건상,김소희,권경란 한국식품위생안전성학회 1996 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Recently, as concern about the residual antibiotics in milk increase, the detection methods of residual antibiotics used extensevely at the present time were investigated and compared to their properties and the detection limits of variable antibiotics. At first, comparative tests of the detectable sensitivity of 4 teat organisms, B.cereus, B.subtilis, M.luteus, B. stearothermophilus C-953, were performed by disc assay. As a result, B.stearotleermoph.ilus was the most sensitive strain of all other strains and showed the detect limit of 5-50 ppb for penicillins (PCs). And also, B.subtilis was showed the more effective detection limit, 200-400 ppb, for aminoglycosides (AGs) and M.luteus was showed predominant sensitivity , 50-500 ppb for macrolides(MLs) and B.cereus was the most sensitive strain for tetracyclines (TCs) and showed the detection limit of 100-400 ppb. Therefore, each test strains were showed a different sensitivity in the detection of the different antibiotic families. When the detection limit of disc assay and other methods were compared, TTCmethod was less sensitive than other methods showing 5-50 ppb detectable lebel for PCs. Also, for the detection of other antibiotic families TTC method was showed the worst sensitivity and Delvo and Charm Farm tests were similar to the detectable properties of AGs and MLs. Although disc assay was showed the similar detection limit for PCs with Delvo and Charm Farm, it was more widely effective for the detection of kanamycin, erythromycin, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, verginiamycin and so on than Delvo or Charm Farm. CharmII test was showed the best sensitivity for the most of antibiotics except neomycin and gentamycin. But it was necessary that different tests must be performed to each antibiotic family and so it was regarded that the effectiveness of that method was low.

      • KCI등재

        우유중 잔류 항생물질 분서방법에 관한 비교연구

        백선영,김형일,박건상,김소희,권경란 한국식품위생안전성학회 1996 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Recently, as concern about the residual antibiotics in milk increase, the detection methods of residual antibiotics used extensevely at the present time were investigated and compared to their properties and the detection limits of variable antibiotics. At first, comparactive tests of the detectable sensitivity of 4 test organisms, B. cereus, B. subtilis, M.luteus, B.stearothermophilus C-953, were performed by disc assay. As a result, B.stearothermophilus was the most sensitive strain of all other strains and showe the detect limit of 5-50 ppb for penlicillins (PCs). And also, B.subitilis was showed the more effective detection limit, 200-400 ppb, for aminoglycosides (AGs) and M.luteus was showed predominant sensitivity , 50-500 ppb for macrolides(MLs) and B.cereus was the most sensitive strain for tetracyclines (TCs) and showed the detection limit of 100-400 ppb. Therefore, each test strains were showed a different sensitivity in the detection of the different antibiotic families. When the detection limit of disc assay and other methods were compared, TTCmethod was less sensitive than other methods showing 5-50 ppb detectable lebel for PCs. Also, for the detection of other antibiotic families TTC method was showed the worst sensitivity and Delvo and Charm Farm tests were similar to the detectable properties of AGs and MLs. Although disc assay was showed the similar detection limit for PCs with Delvo and Charm Farm, it was more widely effective for the detection of kanamycin, erythromycin, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, verginiamycin and so on than Delvo or Charm Farm. CharmII test was showed the best sensitivity for the most of antibiotics except neomycin and gentamycin. But it was necessary that different tests must be performed to each antibiotic family and so it was regarded that the effectiveness of that method was low.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Corynebacterium세균의 이종간 원형질체 융합에 의한 재조합주의 유전학적 분석과 L-glutamate 와 L-glutamine 생성

        백선영,이혜경,최순영,김종욱,이세배,임번삼,민경희 한국산업미생물학회 1990 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        자외선 조사와 NTG를 처리하여 Brevibacterium flavum 10AHR(arg his Rif^r)과 Corynebacterium glutamicum 11TS(trp Sm^r)의 돌연변이주를 분리하였다. B. flavum 10AHR과 C. glutamicum 11TS를 300㎍/㎖의 lysozyme으로 18시간 처리하여 원형질체를 형성하고, 융합시 30%의 PEG 6,000으로 처리하였을 때 가장 높은 3.7×10 exp(-6)의 융합빈도를 나타내었다. 재조합주의 유전적 분석결과 재조합주들은 FMM(Rif^r Sm^r), FA(Rif^r Sm^r arg), FH(Rif^r Sm^r his), FT(Rif^r Sm^r trp), FAH(Rif^r Sm^r arg his), FAT(Rif^r Sm^r arg trp), FAHT(Rif^r Sm^r arg his trp)으로 분류되었다. FAH에 속하는 균주들은 대부분 모균주에 비해 glutamate와 glutamine의 생산성이 월등히 증가하였으며, FAH1의 경우 glutamate 생성에 있어 모균주인 B. flavum 10AHR에 비해 12배, glutamine은 모균주인 C. glutamicum 11TS에 비해 2.6배 정도 생성이 현저히 증가하였다. 재조합주들의 효소활성을 측정해본 결과 glutamate와 glutamine의 생성량은 GDH와 GS의 활성도와 각각 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다. For interspecific portoplast fusion, Brevibacterium flavum 10AHR(Rif^r arg his) and Corynebacterium glutamicum 11TS(Sm^r trp) were induced by UV and NTG treatment. The protoplast fusion frequency between B. flavum 10AHR and C. glutamicum 11TS was 3.7×10 exp(-6) with the lysozyme treatment(300㎍/㎖) for 18 hrs. Genotypes of recombinants were analized as FMM(Rif^r Sm^r), FA (Rif^r Sm^r arg), FH(Rif^r Sm^r his), FT(Rif^r Sm^r trp), FAH(Rif^r Sm^r arg trp), FAT(Rif^r Sm^r arg trp), and FAHT(Rif^r Sm^r arg his trp). FAH 1 produced 12 fold of glutamate production compared to parental type, B. flavum 10AHR. In glutamine productivity, it produced 2.6 fold to parental type, C. glutamicum 11TS. Production of glutamate or glutamine by recombinants was involved in the specific activities of glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH) and glutamine synthetase(GS), respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Potential use of transgenic domestic pigs expressing recombinant human erythropoietin in diabetes translation research

        백선영,정학재,김경운,조규호,최인철,이훈택 한국통합생물학회 2019 Animal cells and systems Vol.23 No.1

        Recently, diabetes mellitus (DM) has shown rapid global increases with about five million deaths annually. Animal models are imperative to understand disease mechanisms and develop diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic interventions in translational research. Rodent and minipig models have been established and widely used for DM research. However, domestic pig models are limited in spite of advantages such as pharmacokinetic and physiopathological availability. This study examines the potential use of domestic pigs expressing recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) as disease and therapeutic response models for DM. We previously generated transgenic pigs (n = 16, EPO Tg) in which rhEPO was expressed and circulated in all organs. Thirty-two pigs, including 16 controls, were fed high fat (HF) diets for 42 weeks. Subsequently, blood samples for chemical and metabolic analysis were collected after fasting for 24 h and glucose loading for oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). We found increased activation of the PI3 K/Akt signaling pathway under hypoxic conditions after rhEPO treatment, and HF diet-inducible-obesity in the EPO Tg and control pigs. OGTTs showed lower fasting glucose levels in the EPO Tg pigs than in controls before and after the HF diet, suggesting that rhEPO may affect glucose concentrations. Insulin and C-peptide concentrations responded slowly to glucose administration and returned to initial levels after 2 h. The blood test results suggest that EPO might affect metabolic and chemical components such as glucose, high-density lipoprotein, glucagon, triglyceride, and free fatty acid. Our findings support the use of rhEPO transgenic domestic pigs as model animals for translational DM research.

      • 寄宿舍生의 給食營養 및 體位發達에 關한 調査硏究 : 全北地域 男子高等學校 學生을 中心으로

        白善榮 圓光大學校大學院 1982 學位論叢 Vol.8-2 No.-

        This thesis is designed to study the nutrition intake status of dormitcry students and the physical index of boys' senior high school of Jeon Bug provincial area. And it is also an attempt to find, define nutritional problems, and help in their growth and development through proper nutritional management. Three of boys' senior high schools in Jeon Bug provincial area have been selected as subjects and the nutritional survey was conducted for nine days in the period covered from July 14th to July 25th, 1981. The results obtained through this survey were; I. Feeding nutrition survey a) In the intake of energy, groups were divided into A, B, C and fed 2,240, 2,654 and 3,034 kcal respectively, but it was found out, compared with the recommended level 2,900 kcal, groups of A, B indicated as shortage and C group was surpassed. They obtained nutrition chiefly from carbohydrate. b) In the intake of protein, group in A, B, C were fed 74, 83, 125g respectively and out of total protein, animal protein contained 28.72%, 15.72% and 46.72%, but it was discovered, compared with the recommended level of 80g, A group indicated as stortage and B group showed as shortage of animal protein. c) In the intake of calcium, A, B, C group was fed 537, 446, 797mg respectively, but it was found out, compared with the recommended level of 100mg, all were recorded as shortage and in iron intake, A, B, C group was fed 11, 24, 40mg respectively, but A group showed as shortage. d) It was indicated that all vitamin was short, particularly vitamin Bz as great shortage. II. Physical growth and development a) The average height was 169, 167, 169cm respectively in A, B, C group, but B group was found to be below the standard level. b) The average weight was 55, 62, 64kg respectively in A, B, C group, but A group was found to be below the standard level. c) The average chest-girth was 88, 89, 92cm respectively in A, B, C group, and it was found as the order of group A<B<C in their chest-girth. d) The average sitting-height was 91, 90, 93cm respectively in A, B, C group, and it was found as the order of group B<A<C in their sitting-height. e) In the Relative weight, all was found to be above 35 and fine as normal state. f) In the Relative chest-girth, all was found to be normal. g) In the Relative sitting-height, it was found out that length of legs of C group was longer. h) In Rohrer index, it was found as the order of A<B<C and all maintained 1.2. i) In kaup index, all was found to be above 2.0 and indicated ordinary development state. j) The Vervaeck index was 87, 89, 92 respectively in A, B, C group and the nutrition status was found to be good as the order of A<B<C, but indicated that the nutr-ition status of A group was far below.

      • 코로나19 등 감염병 예방을 위한 학교급식 가이드라인 개발을 위한 현장 전문가의 요구 조사

        백선영,김기환,김석경,김우기,김태은,민성희,박은혜,서민국,신유리,이경은,이민준,이현숙,주세영,채선희,함선옥 동아시아식생활학회 2021 동아시아식생활학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        코로나19 팬데믹 시기에 학교급식 관련 가이드라인의 부재로 인하여 학교 현장은 급식 운영에 많은 어려움을 겪었다. 이에, 교육부에서는 학교급식 안전성 유지를 목적으로 코로나19 등 감염병 예방을 위한 학교급식 가이드라인을 개발하게 되었다. 본 연구는 가이드라인 개발에 앞서 현장 전문가의 요구를 파악하기 위한 목적으로 진행되었으며, 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 이용한 질적연구이다. 포커스 그룹 인터뷰는 총 2회 이루어졌고, 회차당 소요시간 약 2시간으로 오프라인과 온라인 동시 진행되었다. 1회차는 2020년 9월10일, 초등학교 영양(교)사 9인을 대상으로 진행하였고, 2회차는 2020년 9월 14일, 중·고등학교 영양(교)사 9인을 대상으로 진행하였다. 반구조화된 질의내용에 대한 토론으로 진행되었으며, 연구 결과는 내용 분석(Content Analysis) 과정을 통해 도출되었다. 세부 주제는 감염병 예방을 위한 학교급식 위생관리, 공간관리, 식단관리, 운영관리였으며 내용 분석 결과는 아래와 같다. 위생관리에 대한 현장 전문가의 요구는 감염병 위기 단계별 급식 위생관리 가이드라인으로 조사되었다. 배식 대기부터 식사 공간 퇴장까지의 감염병 예방법, 소독액의 종류 및 사용법, 마스크 종류 및 사용법, 급식 도구의 청소·세척·소독 방법 등이 제시되어야 한다고 하였다. 공간관리에 대한 현장 전문가의 요구는 환기 및 거리두기에 대한 정확한 가이드라인으로 조사되었다. 식당 및 교실에서의 거리두기에 대한 기준, 비말 차단에 효과적인 가림막의 재질 및 규격, 급식 공간(식당, 교실, 조리장, 조리원 휴게실 등)별 환경에 따른 감염병 예방법이 제시되어야 한다고 하였다. 식단관리에 대한 현장 전문가의 요구는 감염병 위기 단계별 식단 운영 가이드라인과 간편식 메뉴 개발로 조사되었다. 간편식 제공에 대한 학교 구성원의 인식 제고를 위하여 간편식 정의 및 제공의 당위성이 제시되어야 한다고 하였다. 또한 만족도와 영양, 조리 및 배식시간 단축, 거리두기 등이 고려된 간편식 개발이 필요하다고 하였다. 운영관리에 대한 현장 전문가의 요구는 감염병 위기 단계별 급식운영 가이드라인과 국가 재난 시의 행정업무 간소화로 조사되었다. 구체적으로, 감염병 확진자 및 유증상자 발생 시 학교급식대응 방법이 필요하다고 하였다. 행정업무 간소화로는 영양 기준, 식재료 입찰 및 구매기준, 위생 및 안전점검 완화 등이 필요하다고 하였다. 본 연구를 통해 현장 적용 가능한 감염병 예방을 위한 학교급식 가이드라인 개발이 가능했으며, 이에 본 연구의 의의가 있다고 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 김종량의 H자형 한일절충식 도시주택

        백선영,전봉희,Baek, Sun-Young,Jeon, Bong-Hee 한국건축역사학회 2009 건축역사연구 Vol.18 No.5

        This stydy investigates H-shaped houses in 1930s and examines the characters and meanigs of Kim, Jong-Ryang's H-shaped houses as a new trial to urban Hanok of those days. He, who was concerned about the housing problem of Seoul, made an attempt to make various types of dwellings. Among them, this study focuses on Japanese-Korean Style H-shaped houses in Samcheong-dong. As the alternative housing type against other urban Hanok of Seoul in 1930s, the H-shaped houses of Kim, Jong Ryang had characters as follows : 1) H-shaped houses has two special characters. First, the whole space of a single house can be divided into a left region and a right region. Second, it can be divided to a front region and a rear region. In his H-shaped houses, the left/right division was expressed as folding of space-layers in parallel with urban streets. The front/rear division was used as classification of main-living space and sub-living space. 2) KJR's H-shaped Japanese-Korean Style houses were proved to be designed as urban housing against the extreme housing shortage of Seoul in 1930s. 3) His houses however were not accepted broadly as a urban house type because the construction cost of those was higher than an average and the element of Japanese style house was not adapted to Korea. Kim, Jong-Ryang's trial is valuable because it was the rare case of realization of many discourses as defects of existing house type. With more rigorous investigations on KJR's experiment in modern house type, we could understand the housing condition of Seoul in 1930s and modern urban houses more than before.

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