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배경희,이병천,노지호,한상철,소광섭 한국정신과학학회 2007 한국정신과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.27 No.-
동양문화권에서 기(氣)는 철학, 문학, 종교, 한의학 등에서 광범위하게 사용되고 있지만 그 정확한 의미는 이해하기 어렵고 아직도 그 개념이 과학적으로 해명되지 않고 있다. 1960년대 김봉한 교수팀이 한의학 경락구조의 실체와 그 안에 흐르는 액체를 규명한 바 있으며, 이 학설은 한의학에서 사용하는 기가 경락을 흐르는 액체와 신호 및 정보의 흐름으로 해석하는 것을 가능하게 한다. 지난 몇 년간 경락의 해부학적인 실체를 찾기 위한 연구가 진행되면서 봉한학설이 재조명되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 흰쥐의 대퇴정맥에 Alcian blue와 황련해독탕의 혼합액을 주입하여 혈관의 주변과 피부 및 내부 장기들 특히 흉선의 혈관주위에서 Alcian blue의 청색반점이 줄지어 분포되었음을 관찰하였으며, 복강내에서는 내외봉 한관이 청색으로 염색되는 경우를 보았다. 이 청색의 반점들로 구성되는 줄은 항상 지방, 또는 혈관과 같이 가고 있음을 확인했으며 경혈의 위치에서는 더욱 밀집되어 있음을 입체현미경으로 관찰하였다. 그 조직적인 특성을 실체현미경과 위상차 현미경으로 조사하여 광학현미경사진을 볼 수 있었다. 혈관주변 또는 지방조직 분포된 이 조직은 봉한관의 특성과 일치한다. 한의학 문헌에 의하면 ‘기혈(氣血)’ 이라 하여 기와 혈을 같이 사용하는 경우가 많다. 이는 기의순환이 혈관과 함께함을 의미할 수 있다고 해석 할 수도 있다고 본다. 우리의 연구와 봉한학설에서 봉한관과 혈관이 함께 달리고 있음은 이런 고전문헌에 관한 새로운 해석의 과학적 근거가 될 수 있다. The concept 'Qi' has been widely used in various fields such as philosophy, literature, religion, and traditional medicine in Eastern World. Yet, its meaning is not clearly defined, and its scientific relevance is not understood at all. In 1960's Bonghan Kim's team found that some liquid flowed in the Bonghan duts that corresponded to the acupuncture meridians. This discovery suggested that Qi might be viewed as the liquid, signal, and information that flowed in the Bonghan ducts. In the last several years Bonghan theory has been revived through the research to find the anatomical structure corresponding to the acupuncture meridians. In this study we injected a mixed liquid of Alcian blue and barberry-root extract into the femoral vein of a rat and found appearance of blue spots along some blood vessels in skin, internal organs, and especially in thymus. We also observed 'organ-surface BH-duct and corpuscles' that became blue by the circulation of the injected liquid. The lines of stained cells appeared in the fatty tissue or around blood vessels, and they were highly concentrated at and around acupuncture points. The specimens were examined by using phase contrast microscope and some of them were studied by H&E staining. According to classical literatures the terminologis Qi and Blood were often used together as 'Qi-Blood'. We hypothesized that Qi flow is pertinent to the BH-ducts and the BH-ducts and blood vessels form a bundle structure as two independent circulation systems. Our finding of the line of blue stained spots along the BH-duct is consistent with traditional 'Qi-blood' terminology, and our hypothesis.
裵景姬,韓泰淑 효성여자대학교 문리과대학 학도호국단 1983 文理大論集 Vol.3 No.-
The experiment was conducted to clarify the reasons of leaf tip wilting at the several garlic cultivating fields. The author studied on the percentage of leaf tip wilting, condition of impor-tant soil nutritions and soil PH at the field of healthy garlic growing area and damaged field at near by Daegu districts and Kyungbook in 1983. The result were as follows. 1. percentage of leaf tip wilting according to sampled districts were Euiseong by 41.9% Kunwi 37.0%, Chigok 35.3% and 13.6% at Youngduck in decreasing order. Euiseong was the highest wilting percentage where the garlic have cultivated for a longer time among districts. 2. Garlic of leaf tip wilting were shown shorter plant height, slender leaf sheath then that of healthy garlic as well as reduction of fresh weight by 63-71%, productivity was also reduced by 43-79% from damaged garlic field. 3. Symptoms of leaf tip wilting was first shown in late April from lower leaf tip and most of leaf tip wilting was found seriously at the 1st to 3rd leaves. 4. Soil PH at the damaged garlic field was 4.8-5.7 Mg/K ratio was lower or rather higher by range of 1.28, 4.94, and 7.86 but healthy garlic fields were range from 2.02 to 2.87. 5. Content of N.P. and K were lowered in the leaf tip wilted garlic than healthy ones. 6. Additional application of KCl and MgSO_4 at the early stage of leaf tip wilting showed increased clove weight by 28% when compared with control. The author believed that KCl and MgSO_4 influenced on the change of nutritional unbalance in the soil.
배경희,이병천,한상철,소광섭 한국정신과학학회 2007 韓國精神科學學會誌 Vol.11 No.1
기혈(氣血)은 한의학에서 광범위하게 사용되고 있지만 그 정확한 의미는 이해하기 어렵고 아직도 그 개념이 과학적으로 해명되지 않고 있다. 1960년대 김봉한 교수팀이 한의학 경락구조의 실체와 그 안에 흐르는 액체를 규명한 바 있으며, 이 학설은 한의학에서 사용하는 기가 경락을 흐르는 액체와 신호 및 정보의 흐름으로 해석하는 것을 가능하게 한다. 지난 몇 년간 경락의 해부학적인 실체를 찾기 위한 연구가 진행되면서 봉한학설이 재조명되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 흰쥐의 대퇴정맥에 Alcian blue와 황련해독탕의 혼합액을 주입하여 혈관의 주변과 피부 및 내부 장기들 특히 흉선의 혈관주위에서 Alcian blue의 청색반점이 줄지어 분포되었음을 관찰하였으며, 복강내에서는 내외봉한관이 청색으로 염색되는 경우를 보았다. 이 청색의 반점들로 구성되는 줄은 항상 지방, 또는 혈관과 같이 가고 있음을 확인했으며 경혈의 위치에서는 더욱 밀집되어 있음을 입체현미경으로 관찰하였다. 그 조직적인 특성을 실체현미경과 위상차 현미경으로 조사하여 광학현미경사진을 볼 수 있었다. 혈관주변 또는 지방조직 분포된 이 조직은 봉한관의 특성과 일치한다. 한의학 문헌에 의하면 ‘기혈(氣血)’이라 하여 기와 혈을 같이 사용하는 경우가 많다. 이는 기의순환이 혈관과 함께함을 의미할 수 있다고 해석 할 수도 있다고 본다. 우리의 연구와 봉한학설에서 봉한관과 혈관이 함께 달리고 있음은 이런 고전문헌에 관한 새로운 해석의 과학적 근거가 될 수 있다. The concept 'Qi' has been widely used in various fields such as philosophy, literature, religion, and traditional medicine in Eastern World Yet, its meaning is not clearly defined, and its scientific relevance is not understood at all. In 1960's Bonghan Kim's team found that some liquid flowed in the BongHan(BH)duts that corresponded to the acupuncture meridians. This discovery suggested that Qi might be viewed as the liquid , signal, and information that flowed in the BongHan ducts. In the last several years BongHan theory has been revived through the research to find the anatomical structure corresponding to the acupuncture meridians. In this study we injected a mixed liquid of Alcian blue and barberry-root extract into the femoral vein of a rat and found appearance of blue spots along some blood vessels in skin, internal organs, and especially in thymus. We also observed 'organ-surface BH-duct and corpuscles' that became blue by the circulation of the injected liquid. The lines of stained cells appeared in the fatty tissue or around blood vessels, and they were highly concentrated at and around acupuncture points. The specimens were examined by using phase contrast microscope and some of them were studied by H&E staining. According to classical literatures the terminologis Qi and Blood were often used together as 'Qi-Blood'. We hypothesized that Qi flow is pertinent to the BH-ducts and the BH-ducts and blood vessels form a bundle structure as two independent circulation systems. Our finding of the line of blue stained spots along the BH-duct is consistent with traditional 'Gi-blood' terminology, and our hypothesis.
Neurovascular Primo Bundles at the Kidney Meridian Revealed Using Hemacolor Staining
배경희,길현지,유영웅,태주호,권희민,소광섭 사단법인약침학회 2015 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.8 No.6
Neurovascular bundles were observed earlier in connection with the K-meridians of a rat [1]. At that time, the existence of the primo vessel (PV) in the bundle was not noticed despite expectations in accordance with the description of Kim [2]. Applying the hemacolor staining technique, which was recently developed to detect the subcutaneous primo vascular system (PVS) [3], the expected PV was, indeed, revealed. This finding of a neurovascular primo (NVP) bundle is the first example of a PVS found in the peripheral nerves.