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      • 국내 실용무용 코레오그래피 교육의 개선 방향과 과제

        배건희 한국실용무용학회 2024 한국실용무용학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 국내 실용무용 코레오그래피 교육의 질적 성장을 위해 교육의 개선점을 고찰하여 개선 방향을 살펴보고, 그에 따른 과제를 제시하는 것에 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 무용학 박사 3인과의 삼각검증을 통한, 판단 표집 방법과 눈덩이 표집 방법을 통해 코레오그래피 교육을 대표하는 전문가 7인을 선정하였다. 심층 면담을 통해 수집된 자료를 현상학적 체험 연구방법인 지오르지(Giorgy)의 자료 분석절차 5단계를 적용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, <개인적 요인>에서는 ‘안무 원리에 대한 이해도 부족’, ‘전공생들의 소비적인 사고방식’이 나타났다. <내부적 요인>에서는‘대학 안무 창작 교육의 체계화 필요성’, ‘비학위 심화 과정 중심의 학점은행제 교육’, ‘학원 안무교육과 유사한 교육과정’이 나타났다. <외부적 요인>에서는 ‘일회성 안무 스튜디오 교육 형태’, ‘실용무용 기초 교육 결핍’, ‘결과물 중심의 상업적 의도’로 나타났다. 이와 같은 개선점의 고찰을 통해 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결과를 개선 방향으로 제시한다. 첫째, <개인적 요인>에서 ‘동작의 과정 탐구를 통한 안무 원리 이해의 필요성’, ‘문화 애착 형성을 통한 인식 개선의 필요성’이다. 둘째, <내부적 요인>에서 ‘코레오그래피 전공생들을 위한 안무 창작 교육 프로그램 개발 필요’, ‘학점은행제 교육의 교과목 명칭 개편과 시스템 개선의 필요성’, ‘코레오그래피 전공의 이론적 교육 필요’이다. 셋째, <외부적 요인>에서 ‘장기적인 교육 커리큘럼 도입 필요’, ‘안무 동작의 정확성을 기르기 위한 기초적인 훈련 증가 필요’, ‘과정 중심의 교육방안 필요’이다. 따라서 실용무용 코레오그래피의 이론적 교육 방안연구, 코레오그래피 전공생의 안무 역량과 창작능력 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 개발 연구, 실용무용 학점은행제 교과목 명칭의 개편에 관한 지속적인 연구, 안무가를 양성하기에 적합한 교육환경을 제공할 수 있는 장기적인 교육 커리큘럼의 연구를 제언하였다. 이는 본 논문의 연구 결과에 기초해 앞으로의 코레오그래피 교육의 과제들을 해결하고 보다 효율적인 교육방안의 발전을 위한 기반을 마련하는데 기여하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to consider the improvement of education for the qualitative growth of domestic practical dance choreography education, examine the direction of improvement, and present tasks accordingly. To this end, 7 experts representing choreography education were selected through the judgment sampling method and snowball sampling method through triangular verification with 3 doctors in dance. The following results were derived by applying the 5 steps of the data analysis procedure of Giorgy, a phenomenological experience research method, to the data collected through in-depth interviews. First, in <Personal Factors>, 'lack of understanding of the choreography principle' and 'consumption mindset of majors' were shown as improvements. In <Internal Factors>, 'the necessity of systematizing university choreography creative education', 'credit banking system education centered on non-degree intensive course', and 'curriculum similar to academy choreography education' appeared. In <External Factors>, 'one-time choreography studio education form', 'lack of basic practical dance education', and 'consequence-oriented commercial intention' were found. Through the consideration of these improvements, this study presents the following results in the direction of improvement. First, in <Personal Factors>, it is 'the need to understand the choreography principle through the process of movement' and 'the need to improve awareness through the formation of cultural attachment'. Second, in <Internal Factors>, there are 'need to develop a choreography creative education program for students majoring in choreography', 'need to reorganize the subject name and system improvement of the credit banking system education', and 'need to provide theoretical education for the choreography major'. Third, in <External Factors>, there is 'need to introduce a long-term education curriculum', 'need to increase basic training to improve the accuracy of choreography movements', and 'need to provide a process-oriented education plan'. Therefore, a study on the theoretical educational plan of practical dance choreography education, a study on the development of an educational program to improve the choreography and creative ability of choreography majors, a continuous study on the reorganization of the subject name of the practical dance credit banking system, and a study on a long-term educational curriculum that can provide an appropriate educational environment for fostering choreographers were suggested. Based on the research results of this paper, it is intended to contribute to solving the challenges of future choreography education and laying the foundation for the development of more efficient educational plans.

      • KCI등재

        경피적 미주 신경 자극술의 근골격계 통증에 대한 적용 현황 파악: 한의학적 활용 및 후속 연구를 위한 Scoping Review

        배건희 ( Gun Hee Bae ),안정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Ahn ),장동진 ( Dong Jin Jang ),노정희 ( Jeong Hee Noh ),신재권 ( Jae Kwon Shin ),진은석 ( Eun Seok Jin ),염선규 ( Sun Kyu Yeom ),오승주 ( Seung Ju Oh ) 한방재활의학과학회 2024 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Objectives This study aimed to understand the general research trends, applicated disease, and methodology of transcutaneous/percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation, contemplating its clinical use in traditional Korean medicine and future research directions. Methods A scoping review was conducted following Arksey and O'Malley Framework Stage and adhering to the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews: checklist and explanation. Papers published until October 30, 2023, were investigated across 10 databases (PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System, Korean Studies Information Service System, KMbase, Science ON, Research Information Sharing Service. The search terms used were ‘Transcutaneous/Percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation’. Results Since 2021, the application of transcutaneous/percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation for musculoskeletal symptoms has been actively researched, predominantly in Asia (37%), Europe (37%), and North America (21%). All 19 papers were part of clinical studies. Chronic pain was noted that most applied disease, it also was found to potentially aid in acute post-surgical pain relief. Major assessment tools include not only simple pain metrics but also pain perception, vagal nerve tension, quality of life, and inflammatory markers. Most procedures were carried out through the ear, which offers a favorable site for therapeutic stimulation without notable side effects. And parameter analysis, frequencies typically ranged around 25 Hz to 30 Hz, while pulse widths were commonly set at 250 μs or 300 μs. Conclusions Transcutaneous/percutaneous vagus nerve stimulation is easily accessible through acupuncture in Korean medicine. Therefore, if future studies establish parameters and clinical significance, it could be utilized as a therapeutic modality. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2024;34(1):65-81)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        용탕가압침투법에 의한 알루미늄 보레이트 강화 Mg-3Al-2Ag-1Zn 금속복합재료의 물성

        강호준,배건희,박용하,한상호,박용호,조경목,박익민,Kang Hojune,Bae Gunhee,Park Yongha,Han Sangho,Park Yongho,Cho Kyungmox,Park Ikmin 한국재료학회 2005 한국재료학회지 Vol.15 No.12

        In this study, aluminum borate whisker reinforced Mg-3Al-2Ag-1Zn matrix composites were fabricated by the squeeze infiltration technique. The purpose is to develop materials for elevated temperature applications. Microstructure observation revealed successful fabrication of the metal matrix composites, namely no cast defects such as porosity and matrix/reinforcement interface delamination etc. High temperature hardness and creep rupture properties were improved significantly with addition of Ag to the Al borate whisker reinforced Mg alloy composite. $Mg_3Ag$ phase formed during aging heat treatment could improve creep properties of the Mg matrix composites.

      • KCI등재

        추간판탈출증 환자에서 발생한 기능성 소화불량에 대한 한방통합치료 호전사례

        오은제,박무진,송우섭,오주희,배건희,이수경,장동진,Oh, Eun-je,Park, Mu-jin,Song, Woo-sub,Oh, Joo-hee,Bae, Gun-hee,Lee, Soo-kyeong,Jang, Dong-jin 대한한방내과학회 2022 대한한방내과학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of using Korean medical treatments on a patient with functional dyspepsia. Methods: A 61-year-old female patient with functional dyspepsia and C/L-spine HIVD was treated with herbal medicine (Gamihyangsayukgunja-tang), acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, chuna manual therapy, and cupping therapy for 18 days. The treatment effects on the functional dyspepsia were evaluated using the Numerical Rating Scale score, Gastrointestinal Symptom Score, and Bristol Stool Scale results. Results: Following treatment, the patient showed decreases on the Numerical Rating Scale and Gastrointestinal Symptom Score and improvement on the Bristol Stool Scale. Conclusions: Korean medical treatment improved the condition of a patient with functional dyspepsia.

      • KCI등재

        어깨충돌증후군에 대한 침치료의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석

        안정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Ahn ),배건희 ( Gun Hee Bae ),김병준 ( Byung-jun Kim ),박인화 ( In-hwa Park ),허인 ( In Heo ),차윤엽 ( Yun-yeop Cha ) 한방재활의학과학회 2024 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Objectives This review was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effects of manual acupuncture (MA) for shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS). Methods We searched 12 electronic databases (DBpia, Korean studies Information Service System [KISS], Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System [OASIS], Research Information Sharing Service [RISS], China National Knowledge Infrastructure [CNKI], CINAHL, Clinical Key, Cochrane Library, Embase, JAMA, PubMed, Web of Science) to find randomized-controlled clinical trials (RCTs) investigating therapeutic effects of MA for treating SIS. Shoulder Pain and Disability Index scores and numeric pain rating scale or visual analogue scale were analyzed as the main evaluation criteria. Results Among 181 studies, 169 were screened and only 12 RCTs were eligible in our review. Finally, 11 RCTs could be statistically analyzed. MA was more effective than sham treatment and physical therapy in terms of reducing pain (p=0.003, p=0.0007 each). Electroacupuncture (EA) showed more significant effect than physical therapy (PT) for improving shoulder pain (p<0.00001) and shoulder functionality (p<0.00001). Conclusions These results suggest that MA and EA could be superior option for treating SIS than sham treatment or PT. However this review has its limitations due to the small sample size and lack of well-designed RCTs that were included in the study. Further well-designed RCTs are necessary to provide high-level evidence. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2024;34(1):83-95)

      • KCI등재

        피로증상을 동반한 말초성 안면마비 환자에게 익기보혈탕과 약침치료를 포함한 한의복합치료 증례보고 1례

        오은제,송우섭,오주희,이승희,배건희,장동진,이수경,이윤정,박무진 대한한방내과학회 2023 대한한방내과학회지 Vol.44 No.5

        Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of using Korean medicine treatments on a patient with peripheral palsy with fatigue symptoms. Methods: A 58-year-old female patient with peripheral palsy and fatigue symptoms was treated with herbal medicine (Yikgeebohyul-tang), acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, Chuna manual therapy, and cupping therapy for 21 days. The treatment effects on peripheral palsy were evaluated using the Yanagihara and House-Brackmann grading systems. Results: Following treatment, the patient showed decreases in the House-Brackmann grading system and fatigue symptoms, as well as an improved Yanagihara grading system score. Conclusions: These results show that Korean medicine treatment improved the condition of a patient with peripheral palsy with fatigue symptoms.

      • KCI등재

        소뇌동맥 경색으로 발생한 말초성 안면마비 환자에 대한 한방통합치료 증례보고

        박무진,진소리,오은제,오주희,송우섭,이현석,우재혁,황규현,배건희,윤영찬 대한한방내과학회 2022 대한한방내과학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Objective: This study investigates the efficacy of Korean medical treatment for a patient with peripheral facial palsy caused by cerebellar artery infarction. Methods: A 45-year-old male patient with right facial palsy and left side numbness from cerebellar artery infarction was treated with herbal medicine (ligigeopoongsan), acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, and cupping therapy for 37 days. The effects were evaluated using the House-Brackmann (H-B) and Yanagihara’s unweighted grading systems. Results: Following treatment, the patient’s H-B grade decreased and Yanagihara score improved. Conclusion: Korean medical treatment improved peripheral facial palsy in a patient with cerebellar artery infarction.

      • KCI등재

        온경탕을 포함한 한방치료로 호전된 섬유근육통 환자의 치험 1례

        진소리,박무진,오은제,김경훈,송우섭,김은송,이현석,이수경,황규현,배건희,오승주,Jin, So-ri,Park, Mu-jin,Oh, Eun-jae,Kim, Kyoung-hoon,Song, Woo-sub,Kim, Eun-song,Lee, Hyun-seok,Lee, Soo-kyeong,Hwang, Kyu-hyun,Bae, Keon-hee,Oh, Seung-ju 대한한방내과학회 2021 대한한방내과학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to report the effects of Korean medicine treatment, including Onkyung-tang, on fibromyalgia. Methods: The patient was treated with herbal medicine, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, and chuna manual therapy for 13 days. To evaluate the improvements, we used a numeric rating scale (NRS), the American College of Rheumatology Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria (ACR), the neck disability index (NDI), and the Oswestry disability index (ODI). Results: After treatment, the scores for the NRS, ACR, NDI, and ODI all decreased compared with baseline. Conclusion: This study suggests that Korean medicine treatment that includes Onkyung-tang can be effective in reducing pain and increasing ability to function in patients with fibromyalgia.

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