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BER Simulator Development for Link Compliance Analysis
강현철,김우섭,장영찬,박환욱,김종훈,이정배,김창현 대한전자공학회 2008 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.8 No.2
This paper is related to developing new Bit Error Rate (BER) simulator, Samsung BER simulator(SBERS), in order to evaluate the link compliance and all kinds of effects of link compliance in a real environment. SBERS allows to generate transmit pulse accurately by using the various parameters, and obtain the eye diagram and bathtub curve, which represents the performance of link, by calculating the transmit pulse and the measured frequency response characteristics. SBERS give results as same as real environment after taking account of distribution and value of noise. To verify the accuracy of simulator, we derive the simulated and measured result and compare eye opening. The difference came out to be within 5% error. It is possible to estimate the real environment and design the transmitter and receiver circuit effectively using new BER simulator, SBERS.