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        박혜순,신은수,김숙영 한국지질학회 1993 韓國脂質學會誌 Vol.3 No.2

        Hypercholesterolemia is recognized as a major risk factor of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Recently, as dietary pattern in Korea is changed to Westernized dietary pattern, so the concentration of serum cholesterol is being observed higher than the past. The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of dietary pattern between hypercholesterolemia and control group in Korea. We gathered case group among persons who had been verified hypercholesterolemia and control group among persons who had taken medical examination in Asan Medical Center. The results are as follows; 1) The hypercholesterolemia group and control group consist of 78 and 140 cases, respectively. 2) The differences of smoking and alcohol histories between two groups were not significant. The number of cases of participating regular exercise in male hypercholesterolemia group is significantly less than the control group, but not in female case. 3) The body weight, relative body weight, and body mass index in male hypercholesterolemia group were significantly greater than those in control group, but not in female case. 4) The total cholesterol, LDL-C and TC/HDL-C in hypercholesterolemia group were significantly greater than control group. The difference of HDL-C between two groups was not significant. The triglyceride in male hypercholesterolemia group was significantly greater than control group, but not in female case. 5) The cholesterol intake in male and premenopausal female hypercholesterolemia group was greater than that in control group, but not in postmenopausal female case. The differences of intake in total energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, animal fat, vegetable fat, animal protein and soy protein between two groups were not significant.

      • KCI등재

        EFL Context and Learners' Affective factors in Korean Secondary Education

        박혜순,Park, Hae-Soon The English Teachers Association in Korea 2006 영어어문교육 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper attempts to discuss the complex nature of social contexts regarding English language education in Korean middle school and to demonstrate the affective factors that should be considered to find appropriate approaches within the context. To do this, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 85 middle school students regarding learners' motivation, and attitudes toward EFL learning. Additionally, teachers in secondary school were asked about the general circumstances of English language education. Findings indicate that in spite of the participants' high instrumental motivation, they rather show a negative attitude toward English learning. This paper intends to raise practitioners' attention to the fact that the effect of learners' affective variables on EFL learning seems distinctive depending on the host country's EFL contexts.

      • KCI우수등재
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      • KCI등재

        Indexicality of Commercial Signs in South Korea

        박혜순 한국영어학학회 2020 영어학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This research stands on changing sociolinguistic paradigms in South Korea (hereafter Korea). Sociolinguistic paradigms in Korean society have long gone beyond the wide use of Korean language as semiotic resources since Korea embraced globalization as a national policy in 1990s. Let alone the penetration of English into Koreans’ daily activities, an encounter with compounds of various linguistic resources in the street is not foreign, rendering indexicality of linguistic semiosis complex. Within this context, the followings are highlighted to investigate indexical meanings of commercial signs appreciating arguments from the Discourse-Historical Approach further appropriating Silverstein’s order of indexicality: Socio-historical accounts of Korean nationalism that is still believed to be one of the most influential ideologies; the effect of nationalism on sociolinguistics of globalization in Korea; and Koreans’ negotiation between nationalism and globalization, through which we can illuminate scaling processes of sociolinguistics of globalization in Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 시기 대학 글쓰기 교육 방향과 수업의 실제 -자기 치유 쓰기 과정에 기반한 S대학 글쓰기 사례 중심으로-

        박혜순 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2022 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.58 No.-

        이 연구는 S 대학 글쓰기 수업에서 비대면 수업이 진행된 시기 동안 ‘자기 치유 쓰기’ 수업 운영을 통해 비대면 시기 대학 글쓰기 교육의 방향이 어떻게 나아가야 하는지 그 시대적 패러다임에 대해 고민한 것이다. 비대면 수업이 언제 끝나게 될지 모르는 상황에서 대학들은 학생들이 가진 고민과 불안이 소통될 수 있는 다양한 창구를 마련할 필요가 있다. 하지만 실제 대학 생활을 통해 이것이 분출될 수 있는 통로가 절대적으로 적다 보니 혼자서만 안고 있던 감정이 자신을 드러내는 글쓰기에서 다양한 방향으로 드러나고 있었다. 이렇게 학생들의 심리가 자기를 소재로 하는 실습 글에 표출되는 것을 보면서 연구자는 비대면 수업 시기 글쓰기 교육이 어떤 형태로 나아가야 하는가에 관해 고민하게 되었다. 그런 문제의식 속에서 ‘자기 치유 쓰기’의 비대면 수업전략으로 성찰과 치유에 기반한 글쓰기 부분을 강화하고 이에 따른 첨삭 방식도 일반 첨삭보다 학생과의 소통에 초점을 맞추어 설계한 후 이를 실제 수업에 적용해 본 결과 이전과는 확실하게 비교할 만한 결과를 얻었다. 강의 초반에 자기 치유 쓰기 과정을 배치하고 소통에 맞춘 첨삭을 진행한 수업 방식은 몇 가지 측면에서 효용성을 기대할 수 있었다. 첫 번째, 자신의 이야기를 어떠한 형식적 제한 없이 마구 끄집어내는 작업, 그리고 자신이 현재 느끼는 감정에 초점을 맞추어 이것을 자기 서사로 재구성하는 작업 이 두 가지(이 두 가지는 연결해도 되고 분리해도 가능)를 통해 학생들이 자신의 상황을 진단하고 돌아보는 기회를 가질 수 있다. 두 번째, 이 기회를 혼자 안고 있는 심리적 불안과 고민을 표출할 수 있는 소통의 창구로 삼을 수 있다. 이것은 글을 쓰는 행위 자체에서 느낄 수 있을 것이고, 첨삭 이후에 교수자와의 소통을 통해 느낄 수도 있을 것이다. 세 번째, S 대 표준 강의안에 따라 이후 진행되는 비판적 에세이 과정 진입을 수월하게 하고 학생들이 글을 쓰는 행위가 편안하고 자유로운 해방감을 줄 수 있다는 인식을 심어줄 수 있다. 네 번째, ‘자기 치유 쓰기’의 첨삭을 통해 글쓰기 능력의 향상과 더불어 교수자와의 진지한 소통을 통해 학생들이 앞으로 나아갈 수 있는 방향성 확보라는 두 가지 부분에서의 긍정적 반응을 이끌 수 있다. 상황에 따라 학생들의 생각은 끊임없이 변화하고 그에 따른 대응 방식도 달라져야 할 것이다. 그렇기에 이러한 점검을 통해 변화하는 교육, 문화에 맞추어 다소 정체될 수 있는 글쓰기 수업 방식에 모색을 기대해 볼 수 있을 것이다. This study is on investigating the paradigm of the times on which direction college writing education during contact-free times should take through the operation of ‘self-healing (free association) writing’ class held while contact-free classes were held during writing class at S University Students need a window for communicating their concerns and anxieties in a situation where it is unknown when contact-free classes will end. And as there is an absolute shortage of channels for venting this in actual college life, emotions hidden within are being revealed in various directions through writings that reveal themselves. When looking at the psychologies of students expressed in writings about themselves, I began to think about what way college writing education in contact-free classes should unfold. Based on such critical mind, I reinforced writing based on introspection and healing as the contact-free class strategy for self-healing writing, and I also designed the editing method to focus on communication with students, rather than normal editing, and applied it in actual class, and obtained results comparable to the past. During the intial lectures, self-healing writing courses were planned, and the class method of editing according to communication made it possible to expect effectiveness in several aspects. Such class method can have efficacy from several aspects. First, through the two works (that can be connected or separated) of free writing one's story without any formative restrictions or recomposing various things as a narrative focusing on the current emotions being felt, students can have the opportunity to make self-diagnostics and reflect on themselves while feeling a sense of freedom. Second, this opportunity can be used as a window of communication to express the psychological anxieties and concerns that students hold in alone. This can be felt from the act of writing in itself, or be felt through communication with the instructor after editing. Third, it can make it easier to enter the critical essay course that will follow according to the standard lecture plans at S University and give students a sense of relief and freedom in writing. Fourth, through editing of writing for self-healing, it is possible to bring about positive reactions in two areas such as improved writing abilities and obtaining direction for students to move forward through sincere communication with the instructor. The psychology and thoughts of students change continuously according to the situation of the times, and thus, the response method of writing should also change. Therefore, through such inspections, we can expect to search for writing class directions that may be stagnant during the contact-free times to meet the changes of education and culture.

      • KCI등재

        『음부경(陰符經)』의 기(機) 연구

        박혜순 서강대학교 생명문화연구원 2008 생명연구 Vol.9 No.-

        동양사상 전통에는 작금의 생태계 문제를 해결할 대안이 있는가? 나는 이 글에서『음부경』은 “기(機)”개념을 통해 생태학적 대안을 모색해보고자 한다.『음부경(陰符經)』이 삼재상도(三才相盜)사상을 통해 말하고자 하는 이치는 간단하다. 그것은 바로 하늘과 땅 그리고 천지만물이 모두 각자에게서 기(氣)를 훔치며 살아간다는 것이고, 그 구조가 곧 도기(盜機)라는 것이다. 천지인 삼재가 서로서로 기(氣)를 뺏고 빼앗기며 살아가는 구조 속에서는 자연의 이법에 맞게 훔치는 도(道)가 필요하다. 자연에는 천기(天機)의 법칙이 있고 그 주된 기능은 생살(生殺)작용에 있다. 즉 하늘은 때가 되면 낳고 때가 다하면 죽인다. 이 법칙은 자연 사물에만 적용되는 것이 아니고 우주 만물에 두루두루 적용된다. 따라서 인간 역시 이 법칙을 벗어날 수 없다. 때문에 인간과 자연의 영속성이 보장되기 위해서는 인간은 물론이고 자연사물 모두가 이 법칙을 따라야 한다. 그러나 자연의 법칙은 쉬운 듯 하면서도 손에 잡히지 않고 눈에 보이지 않는다. 누구나 그 속에 살지만 자연의 이법에 따라 살 수 있는 사람은 오직 성인밖에 없다. 인간의 욕망에 발맞추어 발달한 현대기술문명은 천기(天機)의 구조를 벗어나고 있다. 때문에 생살(生殺)의 조화가 깨졌고, 나아가 생태계파괴가 급속화되고 있는 실정이다. 천지, 만물 그리고 인간의 공생(共生)이 실현되기 위해서는 무엇보다도 인간의 도기(盜機) 사용이 중요시된다. 인간이 우주 변화의 중심주체이기 때문이다. 결국 지구의 미래, 우리의 미래는 도기(盜機)사용에 대한 우리의 선택 여하에 달려 있다는 것이나의 결론이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        비만 환자에서 12주 Fluoxetine 치료의 용량별 체중 감량 및 식욕 감소 효과

        박혜순 대한비만학회 1999 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.8 No.2

        Background: The drug theraphy for obesity could be considered in patients who are BMI$gt;30 kg/㎡ or BMI $gt;25 kg/㎡ with substantial co-morbidity in spite of nonpharmacologic treatment. SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) has been shown to reduce appetite, and decrease body weight in obese patients, and its recommended dose for obesity is 60 mg. The purposes of this study are to investigate the efficacy of low dose fluoxetine (20 mg or 40 mg) in obesity treatment, and the dase-response relationship on weight reduction and appetite loss in obese patients. Methods: Eighty eight subjects (7 men and 81 women) followed-up after 12 weeks treatment of fluoxetine 20 mg (45) or 40 mg (43) were selected among two hundreds and seventy one patients (34 men and 237 women) who visited into 'Clinic for Obesity' in AMC and were treated for weight control by behavior, diet, exercise, and drug therapy. We monitored and compared anthropometries, dietary intakes, appetite, and adverse events before and after fluoxetine therapy. Results: 1) The age, anthropometries, and dietary intakes were not different between two groups. 2) The fluoxetine-treated patients lost 6.81 kg with 40 mg compared 4.26 kg with 20 mg. The decrese of BMI were 2.57 kg/㎡ with 40 mg compared 1.64 kg/㎡ with 20 mg. 3) The appetite loss in 40mg fluoxetine-treated group was more prominent than 20 mg fluoxetine-treated group. 4) The dietary intakes in 40 mg fluoxetine-treated group much more decreased than 20 mg fluoxetine-treated group. 5) The adverse events were not significantly different between two groups except nausea. Conclusion: Fluoxetine therapy combined with behavior, diet, and exercise showed 5.3% weight reduction with 20 mg, and 7.9% with 40 mg in obese patients. There were significant dose-response relationships on weight reduction, appetite loss, and food consumption. Fluoxetine is a comparatively safe and effective adjunctive therapy for obesity treatment. We need long-term clinical trials in drug therapy for obesity treatment.

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