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        색상 비율평정으로 확인한 한국인의 심리적 고유색

        박현수,이만영 한국인지및생물심리학회 2006 한국심리학회지 인지 및 생물 Vol.18 No.2

        Two experiments based on hue scaling were conducted to identify the psychological unique hues corresponding to the opponent colors of Hering (1878)'s theory. Recently, Kuehni (2001a) used a color-chip selection task to identify the unique hues of English speakers and found different results from those of Oh et al. (2003) and Pak et al. (2005) where similar tasks were used with Korean speakers. The present set of experiments used different experimental tasks to ascertain whether the discrepancy between previous results was caused by task differences or genuinely different psychological representations of unique hues in speakers of different languages. Experiment 1 adopted a single-hue scaling paradigm frequently used in similar studies and Experiment 2 used a double-hue scaling paradigm that reflects Hering's opponent theory. Munsell color-chips were used in both tasks and the results supported the findings of Oh et al.(2003) and Pak et al.(2005) rather than those of Kuehni (2001a). The findings suggest that differences in unique hue judgments between speakers of different languages lie at a deep representational level and are not an artefact of the experimental task methodology. Theoretical implications of discrepant psychological unique hues across speakers of different languages are discussed. Hering의 대립색에 해당하는 심리적 고유색을 확인하기 위하여 색상비율평정에 기초한 두 개의 실험을 실시하였다. 최근에 색편선택과제를 사용하여 고유색을 확인하고자 한 오경기 등(2003)과 박현수 등(2005)의 국내 연구결과는 유사한 과제를 사용한 Kuehni(2001a)의 영어권 연구결과와 일부 색상에서 불일치하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 그러한 불일치가 실험과제의 차이 때문인지 아니면 언어에 따른 고유색 본래의 심리적 표상의 차이 때문인지를 알아보기 위하여 다른 실험과제들을 사용하였다. 실험 1에서는 단색광을 이용한 고유색 연구에서 많이 사용되었던 단일색상 비율평정을 실험과제로 사용하였고, 실험 2에서는 Hering의 대립색 이론을 잘 반영한다고 할 수 있는 이중색상 비율평정을 실험과제로 사용하였다. 선행연구들과 마찬가지로 먼셀 색편을 실험자극으로 사용한 본 연구의 실험결과들은 Kuehni(2001a)의 연구결과보다는 오경기 등(2003)과 박현수 등(2005)의 연구결과에 더 가까웠다. 그러한 결과는 상이한 언어사용자들이 보이는 고유색 판단의 차이가 실험과제의 부산물이 아니라 심층 표상수준에서 비롯되었음을 시사한다. 상이한 언어사용자들에서 나타난 심리적 고유색의 불일치가 갖는 이론적 함의들을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • 온라인게임제국의 그림자

        박현수,Park, Hyeon-Su 한국데이터베이스진흥원 2006 디지털콘텐츠 Vol.7 No.-

        불과 10년이 채되지 않은 우리나라 온라인 게임의 성장세는 가히 눈이 부실 정도다. 국산 온라인 게임은 중국시장의 절반이상을 석권하고 있으며, 일본, 동남아 지역 뿐 아니라 북미, 유럽 등 전세계에 걸쳐 진출한 상태다. 그러나 최근 국내 온라인게임산업의 미래에 대해 우려의 목소리가 조금씩 흘러 나오고 있다. 후발경쟁국들이 무서운 속도로 시장을 잠식하고 있는 현시점에서, 새롭게 체질개선이 필요하다는 지적이 설득력을 얻고있다.

      • 인포테크 : 영한번역기 인가이드 2000

        박현수 한국디지틀도서관포럼 2000 디지틀 도서관 Vol.19 No.-

        기존의 영한번역기가 단일 번역엔진에 거의 의존하는 반면 인가이드 2000은 단어별 엔진을 사용하여 지능적으로 번역하는 우수한 제품으로 번역원리 구현의 기본 개념과 그 용도 및 활용방안, 특징에 대해 알아보기로 한다.

      • 1920년대 초기 문학의 재인식 - 기존 논의 검토

        박현수 상허학회 2000 상허학보 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the result and limitation of previous studies on the early 1920s’ Korean literature. And I wish to grope for a new view that elucidates the character of literature at that period. The first tendency of the previous studies is to approach our literature in relation to the Western literature. This tendency of study is, at first, different from the truth of literature at that time. And it is still a question to look upon the Western literature as universality. The second tendency of the previous studies is to estimate our literature in consideration of the socialistic prospect. This tendency of research is also required to be thought twice in relation to the collapse of the socialist state. The third tendency of the previous studies is to regard the literature of this period as the product of our own strength. In fact, this tendency is not different from the former arguments from a opponent point of universal view. In order to approach the early 1920s’ literature justly, at first we have to get out of the logic that the Western literature is universality. We must examine the actual phase that inflowed as a Modern literature at that time. And make clear the meaning of that from a point of our own view.

      • KCI등재

        Prophylactic Antiemetic Effect of Metoclopramide Against Intravenous Contrast Media-Induced Nausea in the Emergency Department

        박현수,서길준 대한응급의학회 2011 大韓應急醫學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose: Iodine contrast media used in computed tomography (CT) often induces nausea in patients. This study evaluated the prophylactic effect of metoclopramide against nausea induced by intravenous contrast media. Methods: A prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial was performed in the emergency department of an urban teaching hospital. Adult patients(>15 years old),who required enhanced CT scans, were infused with 52 ml normal saline solution mixed with either 10 mg/2 ml metoclopramide or 2 ml normal saline over 10 minutes prior to the CT scan. After the scan, the patients were asked about nausea. Patients who had any other cause for their nausea or had received metoclopramide prior to the study were excluded. Results: In total, 69 patients were analyzed. The metoclopramide group contained 37 patients, and the placebo group contained 32 patients. Five patients in the placebo group complained of nausea(15.6%), whereas none of the patients in the metoclopramide group experienced nausea (Fisher’s exact test, p=0.018). Conclusion: Metoclopramide can prevent nausea induced by intravenous iodine contrast media.

      • KCI등재

        로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 유의어 「大事」와 「大切」의 사용 양상 비교

        박현수 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        The present study presents a qualitative, comparative account of the uses of the synonyms daiji and taisetsu, collecting data from large-scale resources and conducting a logistic regression analysis. Our finding indicates that the factors for statistically significant differences between the frequency of daiji and that of taisetsu are “domain,” “importance,” “interest,” “obligatoriness,” and “time-orientation.” Among these factors, the positive correlations for the frequency of daiji are found in “interest” and “obligatoriness,” while the negative correlations are found in “domain,” “importance,” and “time-orientation.” From the point of view of prediction, this result can be restated as follows: taisetsu may be frequently used even when the object is not favored by the speaker and he/she is not obliged to take actions about it, and its frequency may be high even when the speaker is not familiar with the object. Furthermore, the more the speaker values the object in question, the more he/she uses taisetsu than daiji, and if the object has had a continuous relationship with the subject, it is more likely that taisetsu, rather than daiji, is chosen. 本研究では類義語の関係にある「大事」と「大切」の使用様相を比較․分析するため、大規模な言語データから用例を抽出し、ロジスティック回帰分析という統計分析手法を用いた量的研究の側面から考察を行った。 その結果、各語の使用率において有意差が認められた要因は「領域」「重要性」「利害」「義務感」「志向時制」であることが分かった。この中で「大事」の使用率において正の相関がある要因は「利害」「義務感」であり、負の相関がある要因は「領域」「重要性」「志向時制」である。これらを予測の立場から言い換えると、「大切」は対象が主体にとって得にならない存在であり、それに対して義務を感じない場合でも使用される可能性は増加でき、対象が主体と身近な存在でなくても使用される可能性は高くなり得ることを示唆する。また、人々にとって重要な対象であるほど「大切」の使用率は「大事」より増加し、対象が主体と過去からの継続的な関係にあるならば、「大事」よりは「大切」が選択される確率は増加すると思われる。

      • KCI등재

        호남평야지 재배시기별 조생종 벼 품종의 수량과 이삭 관련 형질 특성 분석

        박현수,서정필,백만기,이창민,김우재,이건미,김석만,김춘송,조영찬 한국육종학회 2020 한국육종학회지 Vol.52 No.2

        The cultivation of early maturing rice in the Honam plain area of Korea is increasing to diversify the cropping systems. The croppingsystems of this rice are usually classified as early, ordinary, and late cultivations based on transplanting time. The characteristics of varietiesvary depending on the cultivations. To evaluate the performance of varieties and interpret the relationships between genotype and environment,nine yield and 17 panicle-related traits of six early maturing rice varieties (Jopyeong, Odae, Unkwang, Haedamssal, Jinkwang, and Haedeul)were characterized on early, ordinary, and late cultivations. Heading date was longer in order of early, ordinary, and late cultivations. Thecumulative mean temperature of growth stage was similar for all cultivations. The variation in the number of spikelets per panicle (NS) wasmainly due to the variety and the traits related with secondary rachis-branch were affected more by variety than the traits related to primaryrachis-branch. The varieties with the highest yield were Haedamssal on early maturing cultivation and Unkwang on ordinary and late cultivations. Haedamssal displayed a panicle-number type plant architecture with relatively higher number of panicles per hill (PN) and average NS. Unkwangexhibited panicle-weight type with many NS and less PN. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis revealed that, NS andHD were mostly affected by genotype and environment, respectively. Among yield-related traits, NS contributed the most to enhanced yieldof varieties in all cultivations. NS could be the target trait of breeding programs intended to improve the yield potential of early maturingrice adaptable to the Honam plain area. However, proper PN should be considered because PN, which was negatively correlated with NS,also affected the yield.

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