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        실시간 다중 객체인식 알고리즘 구현

        박태룡,Park, Tae-Ryong 한국전기전자학회 2013 전기전자학회논문지 Vol.17 No.1

        본 논문에서는 ORB 알고리즘을 기반으로 하는 다중객체 인식 구현을 위하여 개선된 매칭 기법을 제안한다. 객체 인식 알고리즘으로 잘 알려진 SURF 알고리즘은 객체인식에 강인하지만 연산량이 많아 실시간으로 구현하기에는 어려운 단점이 있다. 따라서 ORB 알고리즘을 활용하여 객체를 인식하였고, 실시간 다중객체인식을 위해 매칭 단계를 개선하여 속도를 약 70% 향상 시켰다. This thesis propose a improved matching method for implementing an ORB algorithm based multi-object recognition. SURF algorithm that is well known in the object recognition algorithms is robust in object recognition. However, there is a disadvantage for real time operation because, SURF implemention requires a lot of computation. Therefore we propose a modified ORB algorithm which shows the result of almost 70% speed improvement by improving matching part to recognize multi object on real time.

      • 양로 및 노인요양시설의 운영실태

        박태룡 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 시설의 평가제 도입에 따른 평가기준을 마련하기 위한 1차 연구로서 우선 대구·경북지역의 양로 및 노인요양시설 20개소의 시설장 및 총무를 대상으로 시설의 물리환경적 서비스 측면을 중심으로 직접 면접조사를 실시하였으며 시설의 실태를 확인?관찰하였다. 조사결과 시설의 외형적 시설물은 상당한 변화와 발전을 가져왔으나 내적 운영실태는 노인복지법상의 시설기준과 운영기준에도 크게 미달하였으며, 입소자의 편의증진은 물론 이들의 욕구충족에 미흡했다. 따라서 시설은 입소자의 접근성, 용이성, 안전성을 고려한 시설 및 설비구조와 더불어 재가노인에게 제공되는 프로그램과 서비스를 입소자에게 접목·연계 추진하는 등의 통합화·정상화 이념을 구현하는 등 시설운영자와 지역주민의 의식전환이 있어야겠다.

      • 통합된 感受性

        박태룡 牧園大學校 1997 論文集 - 牧園大學校 Vol.33 No.-

        Eliot believed John Donne and other metaphysical poets excelled in the fusion of thought and feeling. Their poetry. in Eliot's opinion. has the essential quality of transmuting ideas into sensation. of transforming experience into a state of mind. In his famous essay ‘The Metaphysical poets’. he called this poetic mind ‘unification of sensibility’ or ‘refined sensibility’. He thought that in the seventeenth century a dissociation of sensibility had set in. from which we have never recovered: his dissociation was aggravated by the influence of Milton and Dryden. And he added that while their language became more refined. Their feeling became more crude. On the other hand. the romantic poets. especially Tennyson and Browning. were descriptive and meditative; they thought and felt by fits. Therefore both of the groups remain in unbalanced sensibility. Thus. Donne's technical discoveries did not belong to him alone. They were a product of a whole mode of thought and feeling which has seemed to Eliot the richest and most varied that has ever come to expression in English. His profound literary intelligence found that this mode of unification of sensibility is revealed in the complex functions such as metaphor. simile. rapid association. sharp antithesis, and so on. He is not content to designate the characteristic of the metaphysical poetry as simple ‘metaphysical conceit’ or Johnson's wit. We can suppose he has in mind a comprehensive wit for the term. Such a principal quality is also found in the French Symbolists. who show similar characteristic in their poems. Our civilization comprehends great variety and complexity. and this variety and complexity playing upon a refined sensibility. must produce varied and complex results. The poet must be more and more comprehensive in order to appeal to modern minds. For this reason. he practiced the unified sensibility in his poems. and maintained that modern poetry should find its roots in this principle.

      • T.S. Eliot詩劇의 主題와 劇的 技巧 : The Elder Statesman을 中心으로 Reading The Elder Statesman

        朴泰龍 牧園大學校 1992 論文集 - 牧園大學校 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis focuses on Eliot's thematic belief and dramatic methods in his playsThe basic contention is that Eliot's plays demonstrate a significant growth from presenting saintly solitude(the Negative Way) as the one valid way to'discover spiritual renewal, to offering communal affirmation(the Positive Way) as an equally valuable avenue to peace with self, society, and God. Though the characters in his drama do not often appear as readily recognizable types, they do tend to fulfill one(or two) of four identifiable roles pilgrims or martyrs(character7- who make spiritual progress or gain insight) ; witnesses or helpars(those who aid the protagonist or pilgrims in growing or gaining understan-ding) ; watchers(those who observe the pilgrim's growth but, gain little in either growth or insight) ; and tempters(those who attempt to stile the progress of pilg rims but usually unwittingly promote the growth they try to prevent). This technique of displaying through other charaters the inner qualities of the central charactar was continuously used by Eliot in his major plays. But his use of this technique in The Elder Statesman is certainly more natural and convincing. As Eliot's final play, The Elder Statesman represents a culmination of many of Eliot's themes and techniques. It is most human drama and the one play offering the Positive way alone. The miracle play quality many critics have noted in Eliot's play is evident at its best. Each character portrays an aspect of love, whether perfect or perverted. Each supporting character also portrays some quality or deficiency in Lord-Claverton, about whom the play revolves. The way out of his sinful past life is through suffering in full consciousness. Liberation from his shame and failures is achieved in finding a new life in human effort to love and to be loved. In terms of the poet's dramatic technique, many of the characters in The Elder Statesman also fit into the above-mentioned recognizable types Lord Claveton is the pilgrim who in learning to face the past gains his redemption. Monica and Charles serve as witnesses who help reveal the pilgrim's struggles and guide him to a place of peace made possible by their love and forgiveness. Michael is a watcher who sees much but learns little, and he is destined to failure. Mrs. Carghill and Gomez are the tempters who haunt Lord Claverton and exact their mercilessrevenge through Michael. Especially the tempters in this play are far more natural and believable than those in his earlier plays. It is because they are human ones. Eliot wished liberation both from the barren world and from spiritual death. Es-pecially he filled his last play with more human and psychological study of the salvation of individual soul. The movement from solitary suffering to communal affirmation completes Eliot's vision of the christian community and also demonsrtates his mature ability to identify with his intended audience.

      • 사회복지관 중간관리자의 업무수행에 관한 연구

        박태룡 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1996 社會科學硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        사회복지관은 종합적인 사회복지사업을 통해 저소득층의 자립능력을 배양하여 중산층으로 유도하고, 지역사회 문제를 예방·치료하며, 지역사회 및 주민의 연대감을 조성하는 매체로서 지역사회 주민의 복지증진을 위한 종합복지센타의 역할을 수행하고 있다. 이러한 사회복지관이 "주택건설 기준 등에 관한 규정"과 "사회복지관 설치·운영에 관한 규정"에 의거 크게 늘어날것으로 예측되며, 아울러 사회복지관 운영에 따른 지역주민의 관심과 기대가 점증될것으로 보인다. 그러나 사회복지관의 대부분이 민간기관에 의해서 운영되고, 1992년 이후에 설치·운영된곳이 많아 운영경험이 부족하고, 정부의 재정지원의 미흡과 유지법인의 법인부담금 및 지역사회 자원 동원의 미흡 등으로 사회복지프로그램을 제대로 개발·수행하지 못하고, 심지어는 사회복지사 마저 정원데로 충원치 못하는가 하면 이들의 이직율 조차 높아 지역사회복지센타로서의 기능을 다하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 사회복지관 운영의 중추적 역할을 수행하고 있는 중간관리자들이 관리자로서의 임무를 성실히 수행할 수 있는지를 이들의 일반적 속성, 업무활동, 직원개발, 주관적 평가를 중심으로 파악·분석한 결과 업무내용과 의사결정, 위원회 운영과 참여, 평가에 대한 인식 및 평가교육, 직원개발프로그램 등의 개선이 요구되었으며, 중간관리자 자신들의 주관적 평가에서도 사회복지관 운영의 미흡을 지적하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 지역주민 역시 긍정적 평가보다는 중도적 혹은 부정적 평가를 하고 있는 것으로 나타나 점진적인 개선이 요구되고 있다. 아울러 지금까지의 규모에 따른 일률적이고 획일적인 지원에서 사회복지관의 유형, 프로그램의 종류 및 내용, 지역사회자원의 활용정도, 지역주민의 참여도 등의 평가에 따른 차등지원으로 사회복지 관간의 경쟁속에서 양질의 서비스를 제공하도록 유도해가야겠다.

      • T.S. Eliot의 詩作背景

        朴泰龍 牧園大學校 1985 論文集 - 牧園大學校 Vol.9 No.-

        Eliot grew up in a prosperous and cultivated Unitarian home with the puritanical tradition. One of the most pressing was the law of public service, which Eliot thought had left him throughout his life with an uncomfortable obligation to serve upon society. Judging from the family background, we can suppose that he was under a sort of excessive protection, and when growing up he was prudent and increasingly conscious of the burden of realities of life. Investigation of the early influences of his poem writing, I believe, will contribute to a better understanding of his world of poetry. Eliot in his early poems seems to have been as susceptible to the French Symbolist poets as to that the Metaphysical poets. The methods of these two schools are adapted and extended. From Laforgue, Donne and Elizabethan dramatists, he learned the techniques such as colloquial rhythm, ironic tone, the form of free verse and objectification. And he also contained in his poems the unpoetic elements such as the impressions of industrial civilization from Baudelaire. With these sources and techniques, Eliot made his poems more realistic in our time. This became the characteristic of modern poetry. Eliot's view of poetry in his criticism serves a major function in he interpretation of his poetical work. Two of his major critical theory, "Impersonal Theory of Poetry" and "Objective Correlative" reveals the true nature of his poems. His poetry suffers lack of logical links or explanatory transitions But his critical tenets accounts for true nature of his poetry and comprehensive mind.

      • 엘리엇의 前期 批評理論

        박태룡 牧園大學校 1997 論文集 - 牧園大學校 Vol.31 No.-

        As for the division of Eliot's critical career. the year 1928 marks the important transition. It is because he announced his conversion to Catholicism and Classicism. This thesis treats chiefly on four important critical essays before the year 1928. As a matter of fact. his early essays. which has emerged mostly from the creative context of his work. are not only the key to all of his after critical works but the abiding portions of his literary criticism. Eliot's literary term “Tradition” is an simultaneous order of the literature of Europe as an organic whole and can only be perceived by the historical sense. Historical sense involves a perception. not only of the pastness of the past. but of its presence. Therefore. tradition drives a poet to transform the personal into the impersonal. The impersonal theory of art embodies Eliot's doctrine of the “objective Correlative”. It is an concreate example and application of good impersonality. And it also images or artistic emotion. His theory of “unified sensibility” has its origin in his analyzing the poetry of John Donne and other metaphysical poets. When poetry is considered the emotional equivalent of thought. the unification of thought and emotion is said to be basic to the poetic art. He praises their excellence in this art of union. And he paid attention to the similarity between this unified sensibility and the symbolism of the French 19th century symbolists. He tried to combine these two traditions in his poetry. As a poet and critic. Eliot has great influence on modern literary criticism. Though this thesis observes only some of important issues of his critical writing. to the reader of his poetry they will offer useful instruction that cannot be ignored. For there we can find the main aspects of modern poetry that tell us what to expect in the attitude. material. form and method of the poet.

      • Murder in the Cathedral의 劇的 構造와 ego의 表現

        박태룡 牧園大學校 1999 論文集 - 牧園大學校 Vol.36 No.-

        Murder in the Cathedral is not just a dramatization of the death of Thomas Becket ; it is deep searching study of the singificance of martyrdom. Eiot turned to what was to be the central theme of almost all his plays the role of the spiritually elect in society, and the fructification of communal life by the example of the saint. In this play the poet combines the elements of Medieval morality play and those of Greek tragedy into his unique form of modern verse drama. One of the conspicuous merit is his use of the chorus. The chorus are designed to be spoken by the working women of Canterbury. They present the ideological commentary on the action which would make the audience feel and understand the more profound implications of the events. In view of the text-based psychology, this play has three psychic zones of Freudianism. According to Freuds definition, the id is identical in many respects to the devil by theologians. However, the ids quality within this work moves from the outer forces to the protagonists mentality. The kings worldly order which oppresses Archbishop Becket functions as id. Because of ids dangerous potentialities, it is necessary that other psychic agencies function to protect the individual and society. Beckets psychological complications prior to his martyrdom evidently shows the ego, which is governed by reality principle. The sublime action of his martydom is in the zone of super-ego, which we recognize psychologically to the higher things in human life. Thomas four temptations of ego zone, though not exactly analogous to Christs in the desert, are close enough to be convincing if one equates the Devils requests. The fourth tempters shocking offer constitutes the crisis in the dramatic structure. The tempter urges Beck-et to seek the way of martyrdom intentionally. But Becket soon realizes his error that the pride of willing martyrdom is the great treason : to do the right deed for the wrong reason. Becket accepts martyrdom not as the design of man but as the design of God, for he thinks that the true martyr is he who has become the instrument of God. In this point, the most obvious analogy is the acceptance of death by both Christ and Becket as the part of Gods design for the redemption of mankind. At the plays end, the Canterbury women who have witnessed his way begin to be enlightened through hope. They ask forgiveness for their fear of God and His design, and thanks God for His blessings at Canterbury. The problem of sacrifice and salvation is one of the fundamental themes in Eliots literature. His Christian insight teach us that the continual sacrifice sacrifice of heroic members of the community is vital in order to maintain wholesome society.

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