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      • KCI등재

        유가 수양론과 문묘일무의 교육적 가치

        박지선 ( Park Jee-seon ) 한국무용교육학회 2017 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        Time passes, and once new creations vanish into the realm of history. However, `mankind` has been in the center of the creation and the extinction of all things. Current civilization devotes itself into STEAM education and foster autonomous, proactive individual for preservation of humanity and betterment of the society. Confucian moral cultivation coincides with modern educational trend in regard that its goal is perfection of personality and establishment of moral community by disciplining one`s body and mind. Munmyo-ilmu is a Confucian ritual dance presenting manners and rights to be shared among people which has been a means to educate liberal arts and train body and soul for ages. As said in a Confucius saying: "Arts produce a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.", the dance is a guide for developing self-taught, global talents. From cultivating human nature and building creativity to enhancing communication, collaboration, and leadership skills, qualities more emphasized nowadays, Munmyo-ilmu suggests deep implications to present education of arts. Munmyo-ilmu education will provide its trainees the opportunity to grow into trust-worthy, influencial leaders with increased creativeness and highly effiecient communication and collboration skills based on enhanced solitude by learning the ethics of Confusian and building chacacters on it. Nourishing cultural citizens and making a better society is not different from now as in the old times. It is not only for personal or national interest, but for epigyny of human and nature. This study is presented such that it can be used to pave the groundwork for nurturing creative and cultural talents.

      • KCI등재

        임학선 호흡표기법 실용화 방안

        박지선 ( Park¸ Jee-seon ),임학선 ( Lim¸ Hak-sun ) 한국무용연구학회 2021 한국무용연구 Vol.39 No.1

        본 연구는 ‘임학선 호흡표기법’의 실용화 방안으로, 호흡표기법의 창안자와 공동연구를 통해 ‘호흡 움직임 분석틀’을 제시하여 춤현장의 실증적 연구방법을 세우고자 했다. 임학선 호흡표기법은 태극의 움직임을 형상한 ‘점ㆍ선ㆍ원’의 구조적 원리에 따라 내적 흐름을 중시하는 한국춤에 특성화된 무용기록법이다. 이 표기법은 들숨ㆍ날숨ㆍ멈춤의 기호학적 호흡표기로 호흡의 장단ㆍ대소ㆍ강약을 구분하여 무용의 3요소인 시간ㆍ공간ㆍ힘을 분석할 수 있었다. 또한 호흡표기로 리듬의 변화에 따른 호흡 패턴을 분석하여 움직임에 대한 이해도를 높여, 춤동작 재현에 정확성을 기할 수 있다는 것을 확인했다. ‘호흡 움직임 분석틀’은 임학선 호흡표기법을 실용화한 구조적 체계로 호흡과 움직임을 동시에 기록하여 움직임 구조와 원리를 규명하는데 용이했다. 이 분석틀은 한국춤의 내적ㆍ외적 구조분석을 통해 움직임 기능과 예술적 표현을 향상시키고, 춤의 철학적 접근과 미학적 분석을 통해 한국춤의 역사와 전통의 맥을 이어나갈 수 있는 방법론임을 확인했다. 본 연구가 실제적인 무용예술의 이론적 체계를 세워 춤 현장과 교육, 무용학의 과학적이고 체계적인 발전에 도움이 되기를 바란다. This study is a practical use plan for ‘Lim Hak Sun Breathing Notation’ and aims to establish an empirical research method of dance science by presenting a ‘Respiratory Motion Analysis Framework’ through joint research with the creator of breathing notation. Lim Hak Sun Breathing Notation is a dance record method specialized in Korean dance that emphasizes inner flow according to the structural principles of ’points, lines, and circles‘ that shape the movement of Taegeuk. This notation was able to analyze time, space, and energy, which are three elements of dance, by distinguishing the long&short, large&small, strong&weak of breathing through the semiotic respiration of inhalation, exhalation, and stopping. I also analyzed the rhythm breathing pattern and confirmed that it can be accurate in reproducing dance movements. The ‘Respiratory Motion Analysis Framework’ is a structural system that utilizes Lim Hak-seon's breathing notation. Through internal and external structural analysis of Korean dance, this analysis framework was confirmed to be a methodology to improve movement function and artistic expression, and to continue the history and tradition of Korean dance through philosophical and aesthetic analysis. It is hoped that this study will help the scientific and systematic development of dance studies by establishing a theoretical system of practical dance art.

      • KCI등재

        『논어』를 통해 본 인문정신문화로서의 예술에 관한 연구

        박지선 ( Park Jee-seon ) 한국무용교육학회 2021 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        This study began with a re-examination of Confucius’ humanities and artistic spirit. It was interpreted 『The Analects of Confucius』 from the perspective of artists, aiming to solidify the status of arts as a humanistic and spiritual culture by analyzing Confucius’ books contained in the Analects. I extracted and analyzed the records of 『The Analects of Confucius』, which supported that arts was the pinnacle of Confucius’ humanistic spirit. Confucius was greeted with a dance symbolizing high virtue and admired the cultivation of arts. I analyzed the correlation between dance and virtue and confirmed that arts based on Confucius’ humanities and spirit has a function to enlighten people and society. The completion of character through Ak樂 is the peak of life. This was the way for Confucius to realize his humanistic spirit and create a perfect life. Confucius considered morality important, and at the same time made it the ultimate in life to lead a happier life through arts experience. As a result, it was confirmed that the arts as a humanistic and spiritual culture are the pinnacle of Confucius’ humanities and spirit. Confucius philosophy from the artist’s point of view is energized. For Confucius, arts is a humanistic and spiritual culture that cultivates humans and enriches human life on the basis of his human spirit. In order to secure human dignity and stability in society, the promotion of humanistic and spiritual culture, which is essential to reflect on humans and to foster wisdom in life, is necessary. Through this research, I hope that it will help strengthen the foundation of arts by enhancing the status of arts, which is the humanistic and spiritual culture.

      • KCI등재

        문묘일무의 사의적(寫意的) 표현과 간고(簡古)의 미학 연구

        박지선 ( Jee Seon Park ) 한국무용연구학회 2016 한국무용연구 Vol.34 No.1

        문묘일무는 공자를 비롯한 성현을 기리는 제사에 봉행하는 춤이다. 이 춤은 공자가 존숭(尊崇)한 성인, 요임금과 순임금이 주고받았다는 ``수수지례(授受之禮)``에서 사상적 배경을 찾으며 육대대무(六代大舞)에 기원을 둔다. 유가사상을 그려내는 문묘일무의 춤사위는 형상보다 정신에 치중하는 사의(寫意)적 표현으로 나타난다. 공자님과 앞선 성인들의 훌륭한 인품을 송축하는 문무의 춤사위는 덕성스럽게, 무사의 씩씩한 기상과 의로운 절개를 치하하는 무무의 춤사위는 위풍당당하게 드러난다. 이처럼 문묘일무는 덕을 밝혀 천지의 조화를 이루는 경지와 맞닿아 있으며, 평화를 기원한다. 춤사위 형상으로 성인의 정신을 그림[以形寫神]으로써 신묘함을 얻어[遷想妙得] 천지인합일(天地人合一)을 염원하는 춤, 이것이 바로 문묘일무이다. 만고불변의 지극한 이러한 뜻은 간략한 형상에 실려 전달된다. 일자일무(一字一舞)의 간결한 춤 형식은 간고(簡古)의 미학으로 나타나며 이 춤의 큰 뜻을 널리 전파하기 적합하였다. 전통춤으로 자리매김한 문묘일무의 사의적 표현과 춤 형식체계의 미적 고찰은 ``옛 것을 익히고 미루어 새것을 안다``는 온고지신의 정신으로, 오늘날의 춤 예술계에 대두되고 있는 소통의 문제를 환기시킬 수 있는 방법이다. 현재를 위해 근원지를 되돌아보는 이 연구가 오늘을 위한 움직임에 동행하기를 바란다. Munmyo-Ilmu is a dance paying tribute to a ritual memorializing the sages, including Confucius. The dance originates from Yukdae-Daemu of ancient China. The dancing posture of Munmyo-Ilmu focuses on its spirit rather than on the form of the dance, because it depicts Confucian philosophy. As the dance was composed to reflect such deep meaning and philosophy, we say that it uses ``Saeui``-style (spritual) expression. The posture of the Mun-Mu dance, which celebrates Confucius and his preceding prominent saints, represents virtuousness; and the posture of the Mu-Mu dance, which praises the valiant spirit and righteous fidelity of warriors, symbolizes majesty. As such Munmyo-Ilmu, enlightening virtue, reaches a state that evokes harmony of heaven and earth and, furthermore, expresses a prayer for peace. The extreme significance of unchangeable eternity is expressed and communicated to the audience in the form of this simple dance. The one-movement, one-posture style of the brief dancing mode emphasizes the simple aesthetics of ``Gango`` (simplicity & modesty), so the dance is able to impart its essence freely. Today, aesthetic research of Munmyo-Ilmu`s ``Saeui`` (spiritual) style of expression and the dance`s formal Gango system is a good example of a method to inform emerging opinions in the contemporary art world, through so-called Ongojisin, ``reviewing the old and learning the new.``

      • KCI등재

        동서양 예술론을 통한 한국 문묘일무의 예술교육적 가치정립 및 그 활용방안 - 공자와 존 듀이의 예술론 교차연구 -

        박지선 ( Park Jee-seon ) 한국무용연구학회 2019 한국무용연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 동서양의 거장인 공자와 존 듀이의 예술론 교차연구를 통해 한국 문묘일무의 예술교육적 가치를 정립하고 그 활용방안을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. 공자와 존듀이의 이론은 ‘도덕론·교육론·예술론’의 유기적 체계 속에서 이해의 폭을 넓힌다. 그들은 인간 본성에 의거한 도덕을 교육의 중심에 두었다. 또한 교육의 장에서 직접경험을 쌓는 예술교육을 지향하며 개인과 사회에 이로운 영향력을 행사하길 원했다. 본 연구의 주제인 문묘일무는 유가의 가르침에 따라 인성을 계발하고 사회구성원으로서 갖춰야할 덕목들을 익혀 세상에 나아가는 수기치인을 실천하는 춤이다. 최근 교육동향에 따라 문묘일무의 예술교육은 주입식 교육을 뛰어넘어 자연스레 사람의 몸과 마음에 체득되는 교육 콘텐츠로서 다양한 교육현장에 활용될 수 있다. 우리의 귀중한 문화유산인 문묘일무가 창의인성을 함양한 사회인을 배양하고 건전한 사회를 이룩하는데 이바지하길 바란다. 더불어 이 춤의 예술경험을 통해 삶의 지혜를 얻으며 인간의 오랜 염원인 행복으로 나아가는 삶의 질적 측면을 채울 수 있길 바란다. The purpose of this thesis is 'Establishing artistic education value of Munmyo-Ilmu in korea' and 'Suggesting its application plans' through a Case-crossover Study for Art Theory of Confucius and John Dewey. Confucius and John Dewey's theory broadens the scope of understanding in the theory of 'morality, education, and art'. They put morality on the basis of human nature at the center of education. They also wanted to have a influence on individuals and society in order to pursue art education by gaining experience in the field of education. Munmyo-Ilmu is a dance practicing Sugi-chijin, who develops character and learns the virtues of a member of society, and advances to the world. According to recent educational trends, arts education of Munmyo-Ilmu can be used in educational sites as educational contents that are learned in the body and mind of a person. I hope that Munmyo-Ilmu will serve to build a healthy society by creating a career path for developing into a creative culture. I also hope to improve the quality of life through the art experience of this dance.

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