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        수도권과 비수도권 응급환자의 서비스 만족도 영향요인

        박주문,이태호,이석민,이주은 대한응급의학회 2019 대한응급의학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        Objective: This study examined the factors affecting the satisfaction of emergency medical services in capital and noncapital areas. Methods: Descriptive and logistic regression analysis was performed using the data from the 2014 Korea Health Panel Survey. Results: Patients who resided in capital areas were likely to be more satisfied than those who resided in non-capital areas. In capital and non-capital areas, post-of-service action was an influential factor. Capital area patients, who were transferred to other hospitals instead of being admitted or returned to their homes, reported less satisfaction. In non-capital areas, delayed emergency room arrival that was self-perceived was also an influential factor. Moreover, patients who were transferred to other hospitals instead of being returned to their homes reported less satisfaction. Conclusion: In both capital and non-capital areas, the satisfaction of emergency medical services can be increased by avoiding transferring patients to other hospitals. For Koreans to be satisfied with emergency medical services, efficient and rapid emergency medical services will e needed to avoid delays in emergency room arrivals, particularly in non-capital areas.

      • 여자경찰관의 활성화 방안 연구

        박주문 한국경찰학회 2001 한국경찰학회보 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 여자경찰관의 모집과 채용, 교육훈련과 승진, 직무배치 등 여자경찰관의 운용현황과 문제점을 분석하고, 조사결과를 기초로 하여 향후 여자경찰관의 활성화를 위한 방안을 모색하여 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구를 위해 정부통계자료와 정기간행물을 통해 기초자료를 수집하였고 부족한 자료를 보완하기 위하여 관련 논문 및 관계법, 기타 관련 서적 등 다수를 참고하였다. 그리고 남자경찰관 180명과 여자경찰관 180명 그리고 일반인 180명 등 총 540명을 대상으로 2000년 5월 15일부터 5월 31일까지 직접 방문해서 인터뷰를 하여 여자경찰관의 활성화에 관한 의견을 조사하였다. 본 연구 결과에 의하면 여자경찰관은 단순 보조자로서의 역할에서 전문성을 살릴 수 있는 방향으로 영향력을 발휘하고 적극적으로 경찰업무를 수행하는 역할의 확대와 여자경찰인력의 증대 그리고 제도적인 개선 등이 필요하다. 특히 여자경찰관의 활성화를 위해서 고려해야 할 것은 여자경찰관의 운용과 관련, 여자경찰관의 질적 저하 및 체계적 교육을 어렵게 하여 전문성 제고에 영향을 미치는 채용과 교육훈련 그리고 승진 등 현행 인사제도에 내재되어 있는 불공정한 요소들을 제거하고, 경찰청과 그 산하 경찰서에 두루 만연되어 있는 일부기능중심의 집중 배치현상을 제도적으로 타파하기 위하여 외근위주의 순환 보직제를 신임여자순경과 학사경자에도 도입 · 시행이 필요하다. 이외에도 경찰내에서 여자경찰관의 영역을 구축하기 위한 여자경찰관 전담조직 내지 부서 설치와 여자경찰관의 활동에 가장 영향을 주고 있는 육아문제 등을 해결하기 위한 복지제도의 개선 및 전문가나 적극적인 업부수행자로서의 여자경찰관의 역할 확대 그리고 남녀 분리모집제도의 철폐와 함께 여성들에 대한 문호 완전 개방을 통한 여자경찰인력의 증원 등이 고려되어야 한다. This study develops the innovative alternative of the role and status of women in policing. For this study, the survey was conducted from May 15,2000 to May 31, 2000. The respondents were 180 women and 180 men in policing, the numbers of the Seoul Metropolitan police Agency and 180 residents living in Nam-ku, Incheon Metropolitan City. The study found that the recruitment, education and training, advancement, and deployment need to be improved for women in policing. In addition, the role improvement and increase in number of policewomen, the welfare system for women in policing, and division for policewomen are necessary. The findings as follows. ① In order to improve the role and status of policewoman, the barriers need to be removed. Especially, policeman must enlarge her work. ② The welfare system for woman in policing should be arranged. ③ The increase in number of woman in policing is necessary. The proportion of policewomen needs to increase by 10% of all persons in policing. However, 20% needs to be considered in the long term. ④ The recruitment should be improved in the direction of recruiting men and women all together and periodically. The entry must be simplified as two ways for the manager and for non-manager and equality in opportunity of the entry should be given to men and women. ⑤ The education institutions must be characterized for the education of policewomen, i,e. National Police University has a important function for woman cadets, Police Comprehensive School for office work education, and Central Police School for new-entry policewomen. ⑥ The advancement system needs to adopt the competition principles on the basis of career. ⑦ Assignment to a position must be rotated for effective manpower arrangement ⑧ The division for policewomen must be established for efficient personnel management in the police agency.

      • KCI등재

        Predictors Affecting the Elderly’s Use of Emergency Medical Services

        박주문,손애리 질병관리본부 2020 Osong Public Health and Research Persptectives Vol.11 No.4

        Objectives Elderly adults are the demographic most likely to utilize emergency medical services (EMS). This study aimed to examine the difference in EMS utilization in subgroups of the elderly population by assessing the predictors for using EMS. Methods Using both descriptive and logistic regression analyses, this study analyses data from the 2014 Korean Health Panel Survey (n = 3,175). Results It was observed that certain predisposing factors such as age, sex, and marital status were significant predictors of EMS utilization. However, differences in EMS need do not fully account for the original differences observed between subgroups of elderly Koreans. While health status and disability were important predictors of elderly Koreans using EMS, place of residence did not account for subgroup differences. Nonetheless, place of residence remained particularly important predictors of EMS utilization for the elderly. Conclusion Emergency needs and resource availability are 2 main determinants for elderly Koreans using EMS. In addition, it was observed that the demographic subgroup profile of unmarried/divorced/separated/widowed men who were aged 75 and older was least likely to utilize EMS. Improving their resource availability to meet their EMS needs should be a top priority for national policy making to narrow elderly population subgroup differences.

      • KCI등재

        The Determinants of Long-Term Care Services Among Older adults

        박주문 한국노인복지학회 2013 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.61

        This study examines the determinants of long-term care utilization by the Korean elderly and how equitable the population subgroup differences might be. Data on a sample of 4,040 older adults (65+ years of age) from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing were used. Descriptive and logistic regression analysis was performed examining the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables and the relative importance of factors. Health status and need were important determinants of the Korean elderly using long-term care services. Differences in need generally account for somewhat of the original differences observed between demographic subgroups. Age, Sex, social network , insurance coverage, and personal income remain important independent predictors of access. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of the factors that have an impact on utilization and non-financial policy options or modifications of the existing financing system that may be required to enhance access for certain demographic subgroups, i.e., those 80 and older, men, those who lack a social network.

      • KCI등재

        Solitary and Social Drinking in South Korea: An Exploratory Study

        박주문,손애리,Choi Chanho 질병관리본부 2020 Osong Public Health and Research Persptectives Vol.11 No.6

        Objectives This study aimed to identify differences in drinking norms, heavy drinking, and motives between types of drinkers (abstainers, solitary, and social drinkers) in a representative sample of Korean adults. Methods An online survey of people registered on the electoral roll were randomly invited to be part of the “National Korean Drinking Culture Study” conducted in 2018 (n = 3,015). Participants included 1,532 men and 1,469 women aged 19–60 years. Questions included the number of times they drank in the last month, what they drank, and the volume drank. The amount of pure alcohol consumed was calculated. Drinking norms, motives, and types were determined in the survey questions. Results Solitary drinkers were more likely to be divorced or separated, less educated, and marginally employed. Solitary drinking peaked in those in their 30s (18.5%) and social drinkers in their 50s (68.1%). Solitary drinkers drank more frequently compared with social drinkers (6.1 vs. 3.6 times per month, p < 0.001), and consumed a significantly larger quantity of alcohol (69.5 g vs. 46.8 g per week). Solitary drinkers were more accepting of drinking-related behaviors in diverse situations compared with social drinkers. The regression analysis revealed that personal drinking motives were the most important factor influencing the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption in both solitary and social drinking. Conclusion Solitary drinkers may be more vulnerable to alcohol abuse than social drinkers.

      • KCI등재

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