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        신생아에서 호흡곤란을 초래한 비인두 신경교종 1예

        박영학,고석윤,김성원,조승호 대한이비인후과학회 2004 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.47 No.9

        Nasal gliomas are rare benign congenital midline tumors composed of heterotopic neuroglial tissue with the potential for intracranial extension. They are commomly seen in newborns and children but rarely in adults. Preoperative diagnostic imaging is essential to delineate the exact site and extension of tumor and to plan the appropriate surgical approach. Endoscopic surgery is considered appropriate for the removal of intranasal glioma without intracranial extension. We experienced a case of nasophryngeal glioma in a newborn who had been presented with respiratory distress. The tumor was successfully removed by endoscopic surgery. So we report this rare case with the review of literatures.

      • KCI등재

        소아에서 구인두 연하의 시간적 분석

        박영학,전범조,송창은,박찬순,김민식,조승호,Jeri A Logemann 대한이비인후과학회 2004 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.47 No.7

        Background and Objectives:Studies of normal oropharyngeal swallow in children are essential for the analysis of pediatric dysphagia. The purpose of this study is to define the temporal characteristics of the oropharyngeal swallow in children and to compare these data with young adults. Subjects and Method:This investigation evaluated oropharyngeal swallow physiology during swallows of pudding in 16 children (age 3-13) who had no swallowing complaints including velopharyngeal deficits after surgical treatment of cleft palate and submucous cleft, and 16 normal young adults with no swallowing complaints. temporal analysis of swallow in the children was compared with that of similar temporal measures in the 16 young adults (age 21-29). Results:Temporal measures of pharyngeal swallow events in the children revealed significantly shorter pharyngeal response time, shorter duration of tongue base contact to the posterior pharyngeal wall and longer duration of tongue base posterior movement toward the pharyngeal wall as compared with the normal young adult subjects. Conclusion:These differences in the temporal measures of the pharyngeal swallow between children and adults could be the results of differences in the pharyngeal anatomy and the pharyngeal contraction pattern between children and adults. further study of a larger population of normal children is needed.

      • KCI등재

        조기 성문암에서 수술과 방사선치료 후 음성과 연하기능 비교

        박영학,이정학,박홍진,방충일,김민식,조승호 대한이비인후과학회 2005 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.48 No.11

        Background and Objectives:Laryngeal neoplasms such as early glottic cancer can be effectively treated with several methods, namely laser surgery, conservation laryngeal surgery and radiotherapy. Therefore, the preservation of the ability to speak and swallow normally is another important consideration in the selection of therapy for early glottic cancer. The purpose of this study is to compare the functional results of voice and deglutition for early glottic cancer patients treated with surgery or radiation. Subjects and Method:Between January 2002 and September 2004, 17 patients with the early glottic cancer who had undergone radiotherapy (n=6) or surgery (n=11) were retrospectively investigated. All the patients were phonetically analysed using CSL and Fo, Jitter, Shimmer and NHR were evaluated. For aerodynamic test, maximum phonation time (MPT) and mean air flow rate (MFR) were also evaluated. Modified barium swallow (MBS) was performed to evaluate swallowing function. Results: There were no significant difference in all the vocal parameters between radiotherapy group and surgery group. But Shimmer differed significantly between radiotherapy group and laser cordectomy group. In aerodynamic study, MPT was significantly longer in the radiotherapy group than in the surgery group, but no significant difference was observed between the radiotherapy group and laser cordectomy group. MBS showed better results in the surgery group than in the radiotherapy group. Conclusion: Therapeutic modality for patients with early glottic cancer should be chosen in consideration of voice quality and swallowing, and according to multiple parameters of the patients’ conditions.

      • KCI등재

        성대마비 197례에 대한 임상적 고찰

        박영학,최지영,정현철,이석은,김민식,조승호,Park, Young-Hak,Choi, Ji-Young,Jung, Hyun-Chul,Lee, Seok-Eun,Kim, Min-Sik,Cho, Seung-Ho 대한후두음성언어의학회 2006 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Objectives : Vocal cord paralysis(VCP) is a complex disorder which may result from numerous causes. We reviewed and analyzed the trend of clinical characteristics and causes of VCP in Korean patient. Method : A total 197 patients with VCP who visited St.Mary's hospital from March, 2000 to August, 2006 were reviewed retrospectively. They were analyzed according to sex, age, cause of VCP, position of paralyzed vocal fold, treatment methods. Results : The male and female ratio was 1.6 : 1. The unilateral paralyzed vocal fold was fixed at paramedian position in 84% of the cases. The left vocal fold was paralyzed about 2 1/2 times as much as the right vocal fold. Among the causes of VCP 30.9% of the cases were due to postoperative paralysis, and most of those were developed after lung, mediastinal surgery. laryngeal EMG was performed in 47 patients for determines the prognosis and treatment method. In the unilateral VCP, 90 patients were treated with injection laryngoplasty, 21 patients were performed thyroplasty type I. Conclusion : The causes of VCP include various diseases, so, detection of the primary disease is very important, because many fatal diseases are included among the primary diseases, and late detection can cause serious problems. VCP is not only a disease entity in itself, but can be seen as a sign of an underlying disease.

      • KCI등재

        잎새버섯 신품종 대황 및 산느타리버섯 신품종 호산의 특성 및 재배법

        박영학,이광재,조병주,김경희,정은경,박정식,성재모 한국버섯학회 2008 한국버섯학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        잎새버섯(Grifola frondosa)은 민주름목, 구멍장이버섯 과에 속하는 사물기생균으로서 늦가을에 물참나무와 물 푸레나무 등 활엽수의 고사목 그루터기에 발생하며 식용 및 생리활성이 뛰어난 약용 겸용버섯이다. 본 실험은 새로 운 버섯 품목을 개발하기 위하여 국내·외에서 잎새버섯 계통을 수집, 균사생리 특성 조사를 하여 등록품종 잎새1호 및 MKACC52026계통을 교배모본으로 선발한 후 잎새1 호의 단포자를 분리, 발아된 1핵균사와 MKACC52026계 통의 2핵 균사간 교배를 하여 우량 교배계통으로서 새로 운 다수성 품종 대황을 육성하였다. 주요 특성으로는 균 사생장 최적온도는 30℃, 자실체 발생 온도는 16∼18℃, 자실체 생육온도는 15∼-18℃, 갓의 색깔은 황갈색, 자 실체 발생형은 다발형이었으며 병재배가 가능하며 갓 표 면에는 윤문이 있고 자실체는 다발이 크며 수확은 밑면 갓 이 두꺼워지기 직전이며 수량은 850㎖ 병당 85g이었다. 적합한 배지조성은 참나무톱밥 75(입도 3∼5㎜ 25% + 입도 1∼2㎜ 75%)%+미강 10+옥수수피 15%이며 병재 배 균사배양 적온은 21∼23℃, 후숙기간은 10일, 후숙온 도는 21±1℃였으며 균긁기 및 버섯발생 초기의 충분한 배지표면 습도관리와 소량의 환기 및 1일 16시간의 조명 이 필요하고 자실체 생육시 충분한 환기가 있어야 할 것으 로 생각되었다. 산느타리버섯(Pleurotus pulmonarius)은 담자균문, 주 름버섯목, 송이과, 느타리 버섯속에 속하며 성숙한 갓의 모양은 폐모양이며 자실체는 여름에서 초가을 사이에 침 엽수의 죽은 부위에서 발생하며 항염증, 항콜레스테롤, 항고지혈증의 생리활성을 가지고 있는 것으로 알려져 있 다. 본 실험은 강원도 내·외에서 수집한 산느타리버섯 10계통에 대하여 균사배양 특성 및 병재배시 자실체 특 성을 검정하여 수량 및 품질이 우수한 GWM-20107 등 4계통을 1차로 선발한 후 선발된 4계통의 단포자 분리 및 4계통간 교배를 하여 교배계통 600계통을 육성하고, 육성된 교배계통에 대한 2차 선발을 하여 강원도 자생종 수집계통인 GWM20107와 GWM20139와의 교배계통 으로서 Pp-m-151 계통을 우량 계통으로 선발하여 기 존에 보급되어있지 않은 산느타리버섯의 새로운 품종 호 산을 육성하였다. 주요 특성으로는 자실체 발생형은 다 발형, 균사생장 최적온도는 30℃, 자실체 발생온도는 16 ∼18℃, 생육온도는 15∼17℃, 850㎖ 병재배시 균사배 양기간은 28일, 초발이소요일수는 4일, 갓 단면의 형태는 얕은깔때기형, 갓의 색깔은 흑갈색, 대의 형태는 굵고 대 의 색깔은 백색, 갓에 대한 대의 부착형태는 편심형, 유효경 수는 병당 9.2개, 수량은 115.3g이었으며 적합한 배지조 성은 미송톱밥25+면실박20+콘코브25+비트펄프30% 이며 수확적기는 갓 모양이 폐모양에서 선풍기 펜모양으 로 변할 때이었다.

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