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      • KCI등재

        손귀달 밀항 서사를 통해 보는 원폭 피해자 문제‒공개 외교문서 속 1960년대 한국 정부의 대처를 중심으로‒

        박미아 한국일본근대학회 2022 일본근대학연구 Vol.- No.78

        In October 1968, the atomic bomb survivor, Son Gwidal, was arrested for smuggling into Japan. After being exposed to radiation in Hiroshima, she was troubled with various illness and she tried to get proper treatment at the atomic bomb hospital in Japan. However, the Korean government, concerned about the approach of the Japanese left-leaning forces, controlled her activities. quickly forcibly repatriated her. Even after the repatriation, there were Japanese who wanted to help her, but this opportunity was deprived due to her criminal record of being an illegal immigrant. At that time, the government did not establish fundamental measures against the atomic bomb victim problem, and the problem was not mentioned in the Korea-Japan agreement. Rather than listening to Son Gwi-dal’s appeal, the Korean diplomacy was focused on preventing contact with Japanese leftists based on anti-communism prevailing in the Korean government. Later, her brother, Son Jin-doo, also attempted to stow away and won the rights as a victim of the atomic bomb through a trial, which was an important opportunity to give Korean victims a chance. However, she ended up living her life without getting the same opportunity as her brother when she was involved in various criminal cases. 1968년 10월, 원폭 피해자 손귀달은 일본에 밀항해 체포되었다. 히로시마에서 피폭된 후 20여년이 넘도록 병마에 시달렸던 그녀는 일본 원폭병원에서 치료를 받으려는 희망을 가지고 있었다. 하지만 일본 ‘좌경세력’의 접근을 우려한 한국 정부는 그녀의 활동을 통제하였다. 원폭 후유증으로 일생을 고통받았던 그녀는 일본 병원에서 원폭 증세가 경미하다는 석연치 않은 판정을 받았고, 이를 핑계로 한국 정부는 그녀를 신속하게 강제송환했다. 송환 이후에도 그녀를 돕겠다는 일본인들이 있었으나 불법 입국자라는 전과로 인해 이런 기회조차도 박탈되었다. 당시 정부는 원폭 피해자 문제에 대해 근본적 대책을 수립하지 않았고, 한일협정에서도 피해자 문제는 언급되지 않았다. 손귀달의 호소에 귀 기울이기보다는 한국 정부에 팽배한 반공주의에 의거해 일본 좌파들과의 접촉을 막는 데만 급급한 것이 당시 한국 외교의 현주소였다. 이후에 그녀의 오빠인 손진두도 밀항을 시도하였고, 재판을 통해 원폭 피해자로서의 권리를 쟁취하였고, 이는 한국 피해자들에게 기회를 주는 중요한 계기가 되었다. 하지만 그녀는 손진두와 같은 기회를 얻지 못한채 여러 범죄 사건에 연루되면서 일생을 살아가게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 과체중 관련요인에 관한 연구

        박미아,문현경,이규한 대한영양사협회 1998 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors to child overweight through investigation of children aged 6-12. Data on physical examinations, family history and dietary habits were obtained. Children were classified into normal(98 persons) and overweight(118 persons) group using the combination of height for age, weight for age and weight for height standard by the World Health Organization. Children's height, weight and BMI exhibited a significant difference between groups except children aged 8 for height. Unbalanced diet was a risk factors for overweight (Odd ratio : 1.765, 95% CI : 1.022∼3.048). Number of brothers showed negative significance especially in two brothers compared to that of one (Odd ratio : 0.456, 95% CI : 0.209∼0.995). But Birth weight, feeding practice, overeating, taking nutrition pills, sleeping time, mother's education level and employmental status didn't have any difference. We found out there were different risk factors between obese and overweight group. They should be divided into different groups in studying risk factors. And we should pay much attention to overweight children in order to prevent improving to obesity.

      • KCI등재

        중고등학생들의 과학 관련 경험도에 있어서의 성 차에 관한 연구

        박미아,신영준,장남기 韓國生物敎育學會 2001 생물교육 Vol.29 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine secondary and high school students' experiences related to science. The study involved 3599 students from 87 schools in 16 cities and counties who completed a survey designed to elicit students' experiences. Science-related experiences include these three categories; curricular activities (common activities, using instruments, feeling, club activities, lab activities), extracurricular activities(common activities, hobbies), concern of parents and the others(concern of parents, computer, field trip). Our study showed that there were gender differences in all science experiences categories especially in extracurricular activities. Boys reported more experiences with electric tools, making stuffs using scientific principle, and reading articles about science whereas more girls indicated they have experiences with raising pets, plants, etc., and making some goods using simple and easy methods. This study support the historical supposition that boys tend to have more experiences in the physical sciences than girls do.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 여성과 암시장 - 해방 직후의 경제활동을 중심으로 -

        박미아 한국여성사학회 2019 여성과 역사 Vol.0 No.30

        After World WarⅡ, Koreans in Japan(Zainichi Koreans) were forced to delay or gave up repatriation to Korea or various reasons including delays in the planned repatriation, the issue of property transfer, and political and economic instability on the Korean Peninsula. Those who involuntarily settled in Japan had to find their livelihood in Japan's black market. The black market provided opportunities for women who had previously been peripheral to economic activities. At the same time, Zainichi women were also responsible for the household economy through the black market. However, women who had never received opportunities such as for technical training or regular schooling tended to stay in poverty. Zainichi women who worked in the black market after the war were rarely noticed and left behind by history because they could not speak out about their own existence and role. These women were financially self-reliant but emotionally dependent, reflecting the limitations of their era and the complicated reality of Koreans in Japan. 재일조선인은 해방이 된 후에도 계획수송의 지연, 재산반출 문제, 한반도의 정치경제적 불안정 등 여러 상황으로 인해 귀국을 연기하거나 포기하게 되었다. 비자발적으로 일본에 정주하게 된 이들은 생계를 위해 패전국 일본의 암시장에서 일자리를 찾았다. 암시장이라는 공간은 경제활동에서 주변적, 보조적 존재였던 여성들도 주체로 참여할 수 있는 기회를 마련해 주었고, 재일여성들도 가계경제의 일익을 담당하게 되었다. 하지만 경제적으로 가장 역할을 하면서도 일본 사회와 가정에서는 중층적 차별구조에 둘러싸여 있었다. 본 연구에서는 기존 연구에서 조망하지 않았던 해방 공간 재일조선인 여성의 암시장 활동, 그 중에서도 기술습득과 정규교육에서 배제된 비식자(非識者) 계층, 빈핍 계층의 여성들을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 전후 암시장이라는 특수 공간은 재일 역사 속에서 조명 받지 못했던 이 여성들의 존재를 가장 뚜렷하게 부각시킬 수 있는 장소이기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        재일조선인과 해방 직후 암시장 - 도쿄 우에노의 사례를 중심으로 -

        박미아 역사학연구소 2017 역사연구 Vol.- No.33

        The Koreans residing in Japan after liberation had to settle their livelihood through the black market. The black market was a temporary economic phenomenon that emerged from a transition period between 1945 and 1950. For the Koreans, Ueno black market in Tokyo became the center of Korean activity. However, it is not easy to measure the scale of the black market and the number of the workers. Even the Koreans didn't count for much to the Japanese after the end of imperialism. As a result, Koreans were either distorted or ignored by the Japanese people. Koreans only got bad reputation of the black market and the image is still circulating. The black market dealt with food and clothing as staples, additionally Ueno was also known as the specialized market for producing and distributing sweets and soap. The Korean people also engaged in these specialized industries, and this experience has paved the way for various industrial and commercial sectors to enter the market today. Meanwhile, the black market caused frequent conflicts with the Japanese. The struggle in the market sparked social problems and racial sentiment which causes serious physical conflicts and casualties. 본 논문은 해방 직후, 일본에 잔류한 재일조선인의 암시장 활동을 도쿄 우에노라는 지역을 중심으로 분석한 것이다. 암시장은 1945~1950년 사이 패전 직후 혼란기에서 회복기로 넘어가는 과도기에 나타난 일시적인 경제현상이었다. 하지만 패전 직후 혼란기에 유동성이 강한 암시장은 그 규모와 실태가 좀처럼 알려져 있지 않았다. 일본인 종사 인구 및 암시장의 경제규모에 대해서도 구체적 자료가 없고, 통계에 포착되지 않는 재일조선인의 경우, 조사 주체인 일본인들에 의해 왜곡되거나 무시되었다. 그 결과 재일조선인은 암시장의 어두운 면면마다 불명예스러운 익명으로 남았고, 이런 이미지는 현재까지도 유통되고 있는 실정이다. 암시장은 식량과 의류를 주요 상품으로 취급했지만 우에노는 이러한 기본적 물품들 외에 사탕, 비누의 생산과 유통을 담당하는 특화시장으로도 알려졌다. 재일조선인들도 이러한 특화 산업에 종사하였고, 이 경험은 오늘날 다양한 상공업으로 진출할 수 있는 기반을 마련하였다. 그런 한편, 일본의 패전으로 인해 ‘해방민족’이 된 재일조선인의 암시장 활동은 패전의식에 빠진 일본인과 잦은 갈등을 일으키는 요인이 되기도 했다. 암시장의 존재 자체가 불법이기도 하지만 식민지기의 제국질서가 전도된 상황에서 생존을 위한 약육강식이 일상을 지배했다. 상권쟁탈을 위한 대립은 상호 민족감정을 자극해 심한 물리적 충돌과 살상사건까지 초래하는 사회문제로 비화되었다.

      • KCI등재

        해방 직후 재일조선인과 암시장 - 1945~1950년 암시장 가쓰기야(担ぎ屋)를 중심으로 -

        박미아 한국근현대사학회 2016 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.76 No.-

        Defeated in World War II, the war-oriented Japan’s industries also collapsed and lead to mass unemployment. The Koreans in Japan who mainly worked in those industries confronted an overall unemployment and they desperately looked for a means of living. Under this condition, the Black Markets sprout and Koreans were engaged in with no choice. The experience of the Black Markets had provided the development of Zainichi business in particular area. Above all, YAKINIKU(Korean style barbecue) and PACHINKO(slot machine) were definitely derived from the Black Markets. On the other hand, some specific manufacturing such as rubber, textile, metal and machinery, plastic business also deeply involved with the Black Markets and the relevance has been continued up to the present. KATSUGIYA, which is an individual delivery business, is the bottom layer of the Black Markets. It required no experience and with small amount of capital or supplies therefore people could set out immediately. KATSUGIYA visited rural area and bartered food and general merchandise. They delivered the goods to the Black Markets in the cities. It hardly could be a decent and profitable job with small commissions, however, Koreans who couldn’t get into the real job market and no way to survive attached to the lowest part of the Black Markets as KATSUGIYA. Under the controlled economics, rice and food were great demand in the Black Markets and KATSUGIYA carried the supplies to run all the risks. Meanwhile, bootlegs and traditional candy made by the Koreans also sought by the Japanese consumers and it grew popular in the markets. However, it provided a reason to Japanese government to conduct a raid to the Korean village later. The Black Markets are the stage of fierce survival for both of the Japanese and the Koreans and became one of the political arguments. Among the Korean KATSUGIYA, some people could make a great capital from the job and get a chance to transfer other profitable business. Some of them opened YAKINIKU restaurants which represent the characteristics of Korean culinary tradition and some others made an investment in PACHINKO. Since Koreans were excluded from job market by implication after Japan regained sovereignty, they tended to be more concentrated on such occupations. Besides, specific manufacturing, service sectors, realty, private loan business which Japanese wouldn’t willingly accept also became the great parts of Zainichi business. After all, this paper underlined that the role of KATSUGIYA which explains the present characteristics of the Zainichi business largely originated from the Black Markets after liberation. The history of the Koreans in the Black Markets could be an index how Zainichi business will transform and affect in time to come.

      • KCI등재

        Case-control study 를 이용한 유치원 원아의 비만관련요인 연구

        박미아,문현경,김올상,조금호,이규한 대한영양사협회 1996 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.2 No.1

        This study was undertaken to evaluate the relation between obesity and dietary life of children aged 4-7 divided into two groups based on height for age, weight for age and weight for height. Controls were selected based on sex and age similar with those of cases. Cases and controls were selected using the combination of weight for height, weight for age and height for age by the World Health Organization standard. Cases were 23 children judged as obese. Controls were 37 judged as normal. Whether their mother had a job or not, showed relative risk 1.35(95% CI: 0.32∼5.64). In obese group, employmental statue of mather was 17.4% compared with 13.5% in control group. In mother's concern for cooking pattern, the relative risk was 5.64 and 95% CI was 1.70∼18.66 in the item of 「We consider the color arrangement when we serve foods」which was the highest rate. The item having the lowest relative risk was 「We cook the meal by ourselves with spending time」which of the relative risk was 0.52 and 95% CI was 0.16∼1.65. The item having a great significance in the dietary habit of subjects were 「They beat the tablewear with the chopstick」(RR: 1.64, 95% CI: 0.22∼12.73) and 「I talk with food in my mouth」(RR: 1.11, 95% CI: 0.39∼3.15), and the other items didn't show significancy. Number of food eating per day for male was 30.0±10.93 in obese group where as 23.2±9.80 in control group. 22.3±4.56, 21.8±10.91 were taken obese group and control group respectively in female. In the survey for general habit in life, the item of 「We has a time for conversation with our family regularly」was high correlation to obesity and item of 「We made our children change clothes and go to toilet themselves」has slight relation to obesity. From above, we observed normal and obese children had different factors such as mother's attitude for preparing meals, table manners and habit of living. So we should take a continuous interest in children's dietary life in order to correct the wrong dietary habit and to protect from future problems.

      • KCI등재

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