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      • KCI등재
      • Structure-Performance Linkages in the Korean Banking Sector and Policy Implications

        박강훈 예금보험공사 2006 金融安定硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        Two competing hypotheses, the market structure hypothesis and the efficient structure hypothesis, have been proposed in regard to the relationship between structure and performance in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper is to identify the major determinants of profitability in the Korean banking sector for the period of 1992~2002 by testing the two competing hypotheses in an integrated model which incorporates the variables representing both hypotheses. The results indicate that bank efficiency has a significant effect on bank profitability and support the efficient structure hypothesis. The unique feature of this paper is the estimation of allocative inefficiency by the directional technology distance function and the use of this estimate in explaining bank performance. Another contribution of this paper is a finding that the major determinants of bank profitability in Korea have changed between pre-and post-crisis periods. Before the currency crisis, all three variables- market concentration, market share and efficiency-were significant explanatory variables. However, after the crisis, the measures of efficiency stand out as the most significant variable, and the importance of equity ratio was also noted. This paper also provides several policy implications for bank regulatory reform

      • KCI등재


        朴江訓(박강훈) 한국일본어학회 2012 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.35

        This paper aims to clarify (i) grammaticalization of Korean and Japanese exclusive expressions such as pakk-ey/oe-ey and hoka/igai from the viewpoint of linguistic typology, and (ii) what kinds of principles and mechanisms work there. The proposals of this paper are as follows: a. Grammaticalization of exclusive expressions in human languages such as pakk-ey/oe-ey in Korean, hoka/igai in Japanese, but in English, auβer in German and buiten in modern Dutch is cross-linguistically quite similar, that is, their usage originally comes from "the out", which is also supported by their etymology. b. Grammaticalization processes of the expressions in Korean and Japanese are also quite similar as followed: (i) semantic change: physical space > non-physical space > exclusion (ii) categorical change: noun > adverb > postposition/negative sensitive item In addition, the above processes are similar to ones of the other languages. Therefore, it can be generalized that the exclusive expressions in human languages similarly undergo the semantic and categorcial changes. c. [Principles and mechanisms]: the semantic change can be explained by decategorization in terms of grammaticalization theory and the categorical change can be described by unidirectionality.

      • KCI등재

        日本語における多重否定極性表現について ─その生起条件を中心に─

        박강훈 한국일본학회 2009 日本學報 Vol.79 No.-

        This paper examines syntactic properties of so-called multiple negative polarity item constructions (multiple NPI constructions) in Japanese. I argue that NPIs in Japanese such as shika ‘only’, 1-Classifier-mo (hitori-mo/hitotsu-mo, etc ‘even a person/ even a thing’), Indeterminate-mo (dare-mo/nani-mo/dokoni-mo ‘anyone/anything/anywhere’) and kessite ‘never’ have the following syntactic constraints in order to occur in the multiple NPI constructions: NPIs in Japaanese multiple NPI constructions should appear only in the adjunct position. A majority of recent literature suggests that on the one hand shika ‘only’ and 1-Classifier-mo cannot be allowed to appear in multiple NPI constructions, on the other hand Indeterminate-mo and kessite ‘never’ can be. However, the literature indicates only the phenomena, and none of them gives us any explanations as to (i) which factors bring about the phenomena, and (ii) what syntactic properties of the phenomena are. There have been no past studies to focus on the syntactic positions of the NPIs in multiple NPI constructions. In fact, it is partly true that shika ‘only’ and 1-Classifier-mo cannot be allowed to appear in multiple NPI constructions unlike Indeterminate-mo and kessite ‘never’ as what past studies indicate, however, this is not always true because shika ‘only’ and 1-Classifier-mo can be allowed to appear in multiple NPI constructions when they appear in the adjunct position. In other words, they can be allowed to appear in multiple NPI constructions when they are in the adjunct position, but they cannot be allowed to appear when they are in the argument position. This phenomenon is the same as Indeterminate-mo and kessite ‘never’, namely they only appear in the adjunct position in multiple NPI constructions. This shows us that syntactic positions of NPIs are one of the significant factors for the syntactic properties of Japanese multiple NPI constructions.

      • KCI등재


        박강훈 한국일본학회 2008 日本學報 Vol.75 No.-

        This paper argues, contrary to what is widely observed in the literature, that (i) shika ‘only’ in adjunct position, Indeterminate-mo (dare-mo/nani-mo/dokoni-mo 'anyone/anything/anywhere'), 1-Classifiermo( hitori-mo/hitotsu-mo, etc ‘even a person/ even a thing’)’, kessite ‘never’ in Japanese must be categorized as an Negative Concord Item (NCI) and that (ii) a diagnostic test to distinguish an NCI should be added to 5 diagnostic tests, that is, ‘ability to co-occur with other NCIs in the same negative clause’. In past studies, it has been widely accepted that shika, Indeterminate-mo, 1-Classifier-mo, kessite should be categorized as an NPI based on Klima(1964)’s analysis on English NPI anyone/anything/any-where. Assuming that their analyses were correct, they cannot explain that why dare-mo/nani-mo/dokoni-mo in Japanese syntactically behave quite differently from anyone/anything/ anywhere in English in the following 5 properties : a. Ability to appear in non negative contexts, b. Ability to appear in pre-verbal position, c. Ability to be modified by expressions like almost, d. Ability to be used as an elliptical answer, e. Clause-boundedness. In fact, according to Watanabe(2004), an NCI must have the above 5 properties and this fact shows that Indeterminate-mo, 1-Classifier-mo should be categorized as not an NPI but an NCI. This paper aruges that besides Indeterminate-mo, 1-Classifier-mo, shika in adjunct position and kessite have properties as an NCI. Furthermore, this paper argues that an NCI should co-occur with other NCIs in the same clause.

      • KCI등재후보

        「밖에」と「しか」の用法 ─日本語教育の観点から─

        박강훈 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        本稿の目的は、いわゆる否定極性表現と呼ばれている韓国語の「밖에」と日本語の「しか」の性質を日本語教育の観点から明らかにすることである。従来、韓日両言語の「밖에」と「しか」は多くの先行研究において頻繁に捉えられてきた。また、これらの先行研究は「밖에」と「しか」をまったく同一の表現として扱っており、これまで両者の相違点について詳しい分析は行われてこなかった。その主な理由はこれらの表現が次のように統語的及び意味的に類似するからであると考えられる。 (i)「밖에」と「しか」の統語的類似点 ① 否定極性表現としての性質を持つため、両者は必ず否定文に現れなければならない点 ② ホスト名詞句との統語的関係や分布の自由性などが類似する点 (ii)「밖에」と「しか」の意味的類似点 否定辞である「-않다/ない」と共起してはじめて「限定」の意味を持つ点 このような先行研究の主張により、日本語教育の現場においても韓国語の「밖에」と日本語の「しか」は互いに一対一対応する表現として教育されてきたと考えられる。 しかしながら、両者を同一に捉えた場合説明できない構文が存在する。というのは、両者が同一節内において他の否定極性表現、例えば「不定語도/モ」「1-助数詞도/モ」「陳述副詞(「결코/決して」など)」と共起した多重否定極性表現構文において「밖에」は許容されるのに対し、「しか」は許容されない。その上に、反語構文においても「밖에」は許されるのに対し、「しか」は許されない。もし先行研究の指摘通り、両者がまったく同様であると考えた場合、このような非対称性は生じないはずである。 本稿は今までの先行研究の指摘と異なり、「밖에」と「しか」はまったく同様ではないことを述べ、このことは日本語教育の現場においても適用されるべきであると主張する。すなわち、「밖에」は「しか」と異なり多機能的な表現であり、「しか」だけではなく、従来「しか」と共に「其他否定」表現と呼ばれてきた「ほか」「以外」とも対応すると主張する。

      • KCI등재후보

        韓国初等学校における日本語教育の現況と課題 ─慶尙・江原・濟州地域─

        박강훈 한국일어교육학회 2010 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.18


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