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      • 문화연구의 이론적 고찰을 통한 텔레비전 시청의 이해

        박강우 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.2 No.1

        In this article, I try to investigate cultural studies to see new meaning of TV viewing. Cultural studies broaden our concern about methods that people make meaning actively or creatively and construct their own culture. As a result, media consumption become a important problem as active area of cultural production. On the basis of this perspective, analysis about television is to be applied and developed. This development increased our understanding to be connected with TV viewing. In this context, this article understand TV viewing as TV experience, a part of broad cultural experience. Thus, through the exploration of cultural studies perspective, this article describes characteristics of TV viewing.

      • KCI등재

        Efficiency Wage and Cyclical Asymmetry

        박강우,최봉석 한국계량경제학회 2015 계량경제학보 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper examines the cyclical implications of the efficiency wage model for the labor market and inflation dynamics in a New Keynesian framework with search frictions. Shapiro and Stiglitz's (1984) efficiency wage framework is incorporated into the otherwise ordinary Nash-bargaining wage determination, thereby generating downward real wage rigidity over business cycles. Introducing the efficiency wage scheme enables the model to replicate the asymmetric dynamics of real activity indicators, especially labor market quantities, observed in the data; the model exhibits a significantly left-skewed distribution for employment, vacancy, and real output. Furthermore, real wage rigidity induced by the efficiency wage scheme can address Shimer's (2005) volatility puzzle and explain the observed weak cyclicality of real wages.

      • KCI등재

        Cyclical Implications of Optimal Labor Contracts in the Equilibrium Search Model

        박강우 한국계량경제학회 2011 계량경제학보 Vol.22 No.1

        The optimal contract under moral hazard is embedded in a standard equilibrium search model. Under standard assumptions, we show that when firms cannot perfectly observe workers' productivity, the optimal contract akes the form of a standard debt contract. When this contract is embedded in the standard model, the calibrated model can possibly generate a more rigid wage and more volatile employment than the standard model. However, for the model to capture the observed cyclicality of employment, the largest portion of wage should be paid as a base wage which is constant irrespective of worker's performance. When the sources of wage rigidity are investigated, we find that the introduction of optimal contract setting---the absence of bargaining power and the limited incentive effect at the optimum---plays most important roles. This paper provides an endogenous mechanism for real wage rigidity even under the presence of performance-based pay, induced by moral hazard problem.

      • KCI등재

        개인의 노력 및 선호를 반영한 불평등 측정:등가소득 분석

        박강우,서영선 한신대학교 민주사회정책연구원 2016 민주사회와 정책연구 Vol.0 No.31

        Employing Korean Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS) data, we evaluate the equivalent income of individual wage-earners, which indicates the welfare level accounting for the difference in individual effort and leisure-labor preference. Comparing the distribution between the observed income and the equivalent income, we find that the distribution of the equivalent income, reflecting the disutility from labor effort measured by hours worked, is more unequal than that of the observed income over the whole sample period. The reason is two-fold: high-income earners, on average, work less hours than middle-or-low-income earners, and there are huge differences in hours worked among the workers earning the same level of income. In addition to hours worked, when educational achievement is accounted for as another factor representing individual effort, there is no qualitative change in our main results. While the degree of inequality in the observed income is stable across the sample period, that of inequality in the equivalent income is strikingly mitigated after the Global Financial Crisis. When we estimate the determining factors of inequality, the degree of inequality by father’s or householder’s educational achievement as well as that of one’s own is markedly higher in the equivalent income than in the observed income, while the degree of inequality by sex is lower in the equivalent income than in the observed income. This implies that the well-bred or well-educated workers tend to earn higher income and simultaneously work less. 본고에서는 우리나라 노동패널 데이터를 이용하여 근로시간으로 대표되는 개인의 노력수준과 여가-노동에 대한 선호 차이를 반영한 후생수준을 나타내는 등가소득을 추정하고, 등가소득과 실제 관측소득의 분포 및 불평등도를 비교하였다. 분석 결과, 전체 표본기간에 걸쳐 근로의 비효용을 반영한 후생수준을 나타내는 등가소득의 불평등도가 관측소득에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 우리나라의 경우 고소득층의 근로시간이 중저소득층의 근로시간에 비해 평균적으로 짧을 뿐만 아니라, 같은 소득을 버는 개인 간에도 근로시간의 격차가 매우 크기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 또한 개인의 노력을 대표하는 변수로서 근로시간과 함께 교육수준을 고려한 경우에도 불평등도의 절대수준은 소폭 감소하나 여전히 등가소득의 불평등도가 관측소득에 비해 높았다. 한편 시간에 따라 불평등도가 대체로 일정한 관측소득과 달리 등가소득에 따른 불평등도는 금융위기 이후 최근으로 오면서 뚜렷하게 줄어드는 모습을 보였다. 아울러 연도별 회귀분석을 통해 등가소득과 관측소득의 결정요인을 추정·비교한 결과, 성별 소득격차의 경우 등가소득이 관측소득에 비해 불평등도가 낮은 것으로 나타났으나, 본인이나 아버지 또는 가구주의 학력에 따른 소득격차의 경우 등가소득이 관측소득에 비해 불평등도가 전반적으로 높게 나타났다. 이는 본인의 학력과 가정배경 등 환경요인에 따라 고소득을 벌어들이는 직업을 가진 사람은 대체로 근로시간도 짧은 경향이 있음을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Welfare Effect of Sorting in the Labor Market: A Search-Theoretic Analysis

        박강우 한국계량경제학회 2009 계량경제학보 Vol.20 No.3

        We construct a labor-barter economy under search friction, introducing quality heterogeneity and information asymmetry into the economy. Under this environment, we examine the welfare effect of a sorting device. The main modifications to the standard sorting model are that i) an agent’s type is endogenously determined by his optimal behavior and ii) rejecting trade is an option available for agents, so a “lemon market” problem may possibly emerge. Our findings are as follows: First, sorting can prevent the labor market from collapsing even under a serious information asymmetry by providing a more favorable condition for good-type workers. Second, sorting has a positive welfare effect, as opposed to the standard sorting models, by disciplining bad-type workers and encouraging trade. Finally, introducing a sorting device can significantly reduce the equilibrium unemployment rate by alleviating the informational friction and creating a positive externality, which prevents a possible coordination failure caused by that friction. We construct a labor-barter economy under search friction, introducing quality heterogeneity and information asymmetry into the economy. Under this environment, we examine the welfare effect of a sorting device. The main modifications to the standard sorting model are that i) an agent’s type is endogenously determined by his optimal behavior and ii) rejecting trade is an option available for agents, so a “lemon market” problem may possibly emerge. Our findings are as follows: First, sorting can prevent the labor market from collapsing even under a serious information asymmetry by providing a more favorable condition for good-type workers. Second, sorting has a positive welfare effect, as opposed to the standard sorting models, by disciplining bad-type workers and encouraging trade. Finally, introducing a sorting device can significantly reduce the equilibrium unemployment rate by alleviating the informational friction and creating a positive externality, which prevents a possible coordination failure caused by that friction.

      • 텔레비전 다큐멘터리의 양식과 사실구성에 관한 이론적 고찰

        박강우 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.3 No.2(A)

        In this article, I try to investigate mode of television documentary to understand forms of documentary. From the beginning of documentary films in the 1920s, documentarists and critics had few disagreements about the fundamental nature and essential characteristics of documentary. However, there is general agreement about the broad definition of documentary: documentaries were to be based on real life, but documentarists were given considerable leeway in shaping that raw material into a dramatic form that hopefully would engage audiences. As Documentary is media text, it is produced in mutal relevance with a socio-political context, an institutional circumstances of media which text is constructed and an internal aesthetics of cultural text. Essentially, Documentary have various expressive forms. In this viewpoint, this article emphasis the idea that documentaries are artefacts constructed in a variety of ways, and inquire into mode of represention. Modes of representation are basic ways of organizing texts in relation to certain recurrent features or conventions. Bill Nichols discusses four modes of representation of most documentary films.

      • KCI등재

        통화정책이 부문별 가격에 미치는 효과

        박강우 한국은행 2009 經濟分析 Vol.15 No.3

        본고에서는 개별가격분석이 용이한 요인을 부가한 벡터자기회귀 모형(FAVAR:Factor-Augmented Vector Auto-Regression)를 이용하여 우리나라 1991년 1분기부터 2008년 2분기사이의 생산자물가를 대상으로 통화정책충격에 대한 개별가격의 반응을 추정하고 관련 시사점을 도출하였다. 실증 분석 결과 첫째, 우리나라의 경우 미국과 달리 개별가격변동 중 거시경제충격에 의해 설명되는 부분이 거의 절반에 가까워 거시충격에 가격이 상대적으로 민감하게 반응하며 이러한 경향은 외환위기 이후 더욱 강화되었음을 확인하였다. 둘째 개별가격의 충격반응 및 분산분해 분석 결과 집계가격만을 살펴볼 때와는 달리 개별가격은 통화정책충격에 대해 초기에 신축적으로 반응하며 반응의 크기뿐만 아니라 부호에도 상당수준의 부문간 차이가 존재함을 확인하였다. 이는 통화정책의 비용채널(cost channel)효과의 개연성 및 집계가격의 경직성이 집계편의(aggregation bias)의 산물(artifact)일 가능성을 시사한다. 셋째, 부문별 특성과 통화정책 반응과의 관계를 살펴본 결과 시장경쟁의 정도가 낮을수록, 원재료집약도가 높은 부문일수록 통화정책충격에 대한 반응이 경직적인 것으로 나타나 시장구조 및 비용가격책정이 통화정책 충격시 우리나라 부문별 가격설정행태를 잘 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 개별부문요인에 의한 가격조정이 잦고 폭이 큰 부문일수록 통화정책충격을 비롯한 거시경제충격에도 민감하게 반응하는 것으로 나타나 기업들이 거시경제 및 개별부문충격에 대해 한꺼번에 가격을 조정하는 경향이 있음을 발견하였다. We document the impulse response of disaggregated PPI (1991Q1~2008Q2) to monetary policy shocks in Korea, employing the factor-augmented vector autoregression model of Bernanke, Boivin and Eliasz(2005). According to the estimated results, Korean disaggregated PPI is more sensitive to macroeconomic shocks, relative to that of U.S. This stylized fact gets more striking after the financial crisis in the late 90s. Unlike aggregate prices, disaggregate prices respond very flexibly to monetary policy shocks, in particular, soon after they occur. Furthermore, there exists a great deal of heterogeneity in the sign and magnitude of those responses. This result hints at the valid cost-channel effect of monetary policy in Korea, and even suggests that the apparent stickiness of aggregate prices may be just an artifact of aggregation bias. We also find that the less competitive or the more materials-intensive sector tends to respond more rigidly to monetary shocks. This result implies that market structure and cost pricing are two main factors in explaining the pricing behavior of Korean business sector.

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