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        일본에서의 지방자치와 지방교육자치의 관계에 관한 연구

        문명현(Moon, Myung-Hyun) 한국비교공법학회 2018 공법학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 일본에서의 일반지방자치와 지방교육자치의 관계를 고찰하여 우리나라 지방교육자치의 개선방안을 위한 시사점을 얻기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 있다. 일본은 제2차 세계대전 이후 미국에 의한 평화헌법의 제정으로 미국식의 새로운 지방교육행정체제로 개편하였다. 지방교육의 기본이념으로서 교육의 기회균등, 교육수준의 유지향상 및 지역의 실정에 적합한 교육의 진흥을 위한 국가와 지방공공단체의 적절한 역할분담 및 상호협력을 취하고 있다. 그에 따른 기본원리로서 교육행정의 지방분권화, 일반행정으로부터의 분리․독립, 주민통제의 원칙을 도입하였으며, 이의 실현을 위하여 지방교육행정체제로서 교육위원회제도를 도입하였다. 일본의 지방교육자치제도는 미국의 영향으로 지방분권이 중시되는 지방교육자치행정을 하고 있으나 각 단계별 교육행정기관 간의 연계성이 강조되고 합의제 집행기관인 교육위원회를 두고 있어 지방분권과 중앙집권적 교육행정이 잘 조화된 체계라 할 수 있다. 교육에 있어서 중앙과 지방의 관계에 대하여는 특히 지방분권개혁추진법, 교육기본법, 지방교육행정법 등에서 제시하고 있다. 교육행정과 일반행정을 통합하여 지방교육자치를 강화하고 있으며, 지방자치단체에서 지방교육자치에 관한 조직은 각 자치단체에 공통적으로 설치되어 있는 교육위원회와 지방의회, 지방자치단체의 장이 교육에 관한 주요 기능을 자주적으로 수행할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, 일본의 경우 지방재정과 지방교육재정이 일원화되어 있는 체계이며, 지방교부세를 통해 지방 간의 재정조정이 이루어진다. 이는 누리예산의 편성 등 지방교육의 재정부담으로 인한 정치적 논란이 일고 있는 우리나라의 상황에 시사점을 준다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 일본의 지방교육자치제도는 각 지역에 적합한 지역적 교육기능을 회복하고 지역의 모든 교육주체가 공동체의식을 발휘하여 정상적인 학교교육을 위하여 고심하는 우리나라의 현황에 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to provide a basic data to obtain suggestions for the improvement of local self-government of education in Korea by examining the relationship between local government and local self-government of education in Japan. After the Second World War, Japan was reorganized into a new American local educational administration system due to the establishment of pacifist constitution by the United States. As the basic ideology of local education, it takes proper role allocation and mutual cooperation of national and local public organizations to promote equalization of education opportunities, improvement of education level and promotion of education suitable for local situation. As a basic principle, local decentralization of educational administration, separation and independence from general administration, and the principle of inhabitants’ control were introduced, and to this end, the education committee system was introduced as local education administrative system. Although the local self-government of education system in Japan has local self-government of education administration that emphasizes local decentralization due to the influence of the United States, the linkage between educational administration agencies at each stage is emphasized while having an education committee, a collegiate administrative agency. It is a harmonious system between local decentralization and centralized educational administration. The relationship between the central and local governments in education is presented, in particular, by the Decentralization Reform Promotion Law, the Basic Education Law, and the Local Education Administration Law. Local self-government of education is strengthened by integrating education administration and general administration. In the local government, the organization related to local self-government of education is divided into the education committee and the local council, which are common to each local government, and the head of local government to perform the major functions of education independently. In addition, in Japan, local finance and local education finance are unified, and financial adjustment is made between provinces through local allocation tax. This suggests the situation in Korea where political controversy arises due to financial burden of local education such as the budget of Nuri Curriculum. Such local self-government of education system in Japan will be able to restore the local educational function suitable for each region and help the situation of our country where all the educational agencies in the region show community consciousness and struggle for normal school education.

      • KCI등재

        일본어의 관용표현과 일본문화교육의 접목

        문명재 ( Myung-jae Moon ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.96 No.1

        본 고찰에서는 「有り難うございます」「將棋をさす」「家をつぐ」의 세 표현을 대상으로, 그 의미의 배경을 밝히기 위하여 문학 역사 문화 등 다양한 측면에서 접근해 보았다. 「有り難うございます」에서는 인사말의 생성 과정으로서 ウ음편현상과 일본인의 정서에 대해 살펴보았고, 「將棋をさす」에서는 일본 장기의 특징을 통해 「さす」라는 동사의 쓰임을 설명하고 역사적 사건을 통해 일본 장기의 문화적 특징을 생각해 보았다. 그리고 「家をつぐ」를 통해서는 「家(이에)」라는 어휘에 담긴 일본인의 상인정신을 『日本永代藏』에 묘사된 에도시대의 초닌(町人)의 모습을 통해 규명해보고자 하였다. 이상과 같 은 언어와 문화를 접목시켜 이해하고 교육하는 일부의 사례를 통하여, 언어, 특히 관용표현의 교육은 단지 그 의미가 무엇인가를 가르치는데서 그쳐서는 안 되고, 표현의 생성 과정과 그 역사 사회 문화적인 배경을 이해하고 교육하는 것이 반드시 필요하다는 것을 밝히고자 하였다. 그렇게 함으로서 언어교육에 있어서 학습자의 흥미를 높일 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 효율적인 교육의 효과를 얻을 수 있고, 언어와 문화를 접목한 교육을 통해 해당 언어를 사용하는 국가에 대한 종합적인 이해도 가능하게 될 것이다. In this review, approach from different aspects as literature, history and culture and so on, in order to uncover the background of the meaning of the three targeted expressions ‘arigatogozaimasu’ ‘syogiwosasu’ ‘iewotugu’, From ‘arigatogozaimasu’, as a process of creating greetings,looked at the occurrence of u-eumpyeon and Japanese emotion, and from ‘syogiwosasu’, it will be described by Japan`s ‘syogi’ features, I thought about Japan`s ‘syogi’ cultural characteristics through historical events. And through the ‘iewotugu’, evaluate to investigate the appearance of the merchant through the Edo period of Japanese craftsmanship depicted contained in the vocabulary of ‘ie’ to "Nihoneitaigura".Understanding by combining language and culture, such as over and through some examples of education, language particularly idiomatic expressions training, just not cease in teaching what is its meaning, and the creation of a representation of the process and its history, socio-cultural understand the background and the characters were saying that it is necessary to educate.In doing so can increase the interest of the learner in language training is possible to obtain the effect of not only efficient training, through the combined language and culture training will also be a comprehensive understanding of the state of the applicable language.

      • KCI등재

        국회 상임위원장 선출에서 다선원칙의 현실적 의미 분석

        문명학 ( Myung Hak Moon ),이현우 ( Hyeon Woo Lee ) 한국의회발전연구회 2016 의정연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 국회상임위원회 위원장 선출의 기준과 관행을 경험적으로 분석하고 있다. 연구는 두 가지 연구 가설을 분석하였다. 첫째, 선출의 기준이 선수인지, 그리고 선수의 세부적 기준은 무엇인지 확인하였다. 분석결과 상임위원장 선출에 있어 새누리당은 3선 의원을 기준으로, 새정치민주연합은 상임위원장을 역임하지 못한 다선 의원부터 우선적으로 고려하였다. 둘째, 선수 기준에 따른 선출의 예외적 사항을 분석하였다. 양당 모두 상임위원장보다 상위의 직위에 오른 경우에는 위원장 선출에서 제외되었다. 의원직 상실형이 예측되는 재판을 받고 있는 의원도 제외되었다. 분석결과 양당의 상임위원장 선출은 전문성을 고려한 선출이 아니라 순번제에 따라 ‘선출의 평등’만을 고려한 국회 권력자원의 배분으로 볼 수 있다. This paper utilizes empirical data to scrutinize the selection rules of chairs of the standing committees in Korea. It introduces two main ideas. First, if seniority rule is ubiquitous, the question is what factors indicate election career. Empirical analyses turn out that the Grand Nation Party (GNP) requires more than three-time reelection career for the chair of the steering committee and that the New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD) offers the leadership to the congressmen who have not served before. Second, there are a few exceptional cases from the seniority system. Both of the political parties do not select the congressmen who have served higher position than the chairs. Congressmen on trial are also excluded from the candidates of the chairs. It is found that selection of the chairs in the Korean National Assembly is not based on the rule of speciality but the rotation for the fair distribution of political power. Even though seniority rule has many merits, most of them are not realized in Korean politics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『今昔物語集』의 창의성 고찰 - 역사와 설화 사이-

        문명재 ( Moon Myung-jae ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2021 日本硏究 Vol.- No.90

        『今昔』の説話が歴史的史実といかなる関連を持っているかを見ることは、『今昔』の文学性を究明するために必要な過程であろう。本考察は『今昔』に描かれた日本仏教伝来という歴史的事件と聖徳太子との関連叙述に焦点を合わせ、『日本書紀』を中心とする関連資料との照合を通して、史実から説話への過程について、その意味を分析してみたものである。 日本に仏教が伝わった後、朝廷でそれを受容するまでは紆余曲折があったし、歴史上重要な出来事であっただけに、史料でも詳しく記している。その中心に聖徳太子があり、彼に対する民衆の高い尊崇が彼を超人的聖人に再誕生させているが、その過程と結果の一つが『今昔』の聖徳太子説話なのである。 本考察では『日本書紀』のような正統史料の史実が、『日本霊異記』 『三宝絵』 『聖徳太子伝暦』などの文献を経て『今昔』の説話に至る過程を検討してみたが、一つの説話が生れるまでは多くの資料の重疊が地層のように蓄積されていることが知れる。従って説話文学を鑑賞、研究するにおいて、現在の記録の裏に数多く見えない資料が存在することを忘れてはいけないだろう。このような視角から『今昔』の聖徳太子説話を見ると、相当の部分は既に『日本霊異記』をはじめそれ以前の説話的文献の段階で形成されていたものであることを否めない。しかし、その部分を除いても、太子中心的叙述方法と神聖性の強調など、『今昔』なりの注目すべき特徴が随所で息づいていることが分かる。但し、史実から説話への過程において、事実と異なるところも存在していることが分かるが、それが編者の構想によったものかどうかは別にして、現存の姿を『今昔』の文学的特性として評価し、史実から説話への過程として受け止めるべきであろう。何故なら、『今昔』は史実の記録ではなく暮らしの記録なのであり、それゆえ説話文学なのである。 It is thought that examining how the folktale of 『Konzaku』relates to historical facts is an essential process in clarifying the literary nature of 『Konzaku』This review analyzes the meaning of the process from historical to narrative by focusing on the historical event of Japanese Buddhism tradition described in 『Konzaku』and the related description of Prince Shotoku, and comparing it with various related materials centered on 『Nihonshoki』. After Buddhism was introduced to Japan, there were many twists and turns from the government to accept it, and as it was an important event in Japanese history, it is recorded in detail in historical records. Prince Shotoku is at the center of it, and the high respect of the people for him is reborn as a superhuman saint, and one of the processes and results is the story of Prince Shotoku in 『Konzaku』. In this review, we reviewed the process of leading to the tales of 『Konzaku』 through literature such as 『Nihonshoki』『Nihonryoiki』『Sanboe』and 『Shotoku taishidenryaku』, until one story is born, we can feel that a lot of data is accumulated like a stratum. Therefore, in appreciating and studying narrative literature, it should not be forgotten that there are numerous invisible materials behind the current records. From this point of view, it is difficult to deny that much of the story of Prince Shotoku in 『Konzaku』 was already formed in the previous narrative literature stage, including 『Nihonryoiki』. However, in the process of changing from historical facts to folk tales, we find that there are parts that are different from the facts, However, even if that part is excluded, it is confirmed that the notable characteristics of 『Konzaku』, such as the emphasis on prince-centered description method and sacredness, are breathing in various places. However, it is found that there is a different part from historical facts in the process of storytelling, whether it was based on the idea of the writer or not, it should be evaluated as a literary characteristic of 『Konzaku』 and accepted as a process of storytelling in history. Because 『Konzaku』 is not a record of history, but a record of life, so it is a folktale literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        『곤자쿠모노가타리슈(今昔物語集)』에 나타난 업(業)의 고찰

        문명재 ( Moon Myung-jae ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.77

        『今昔物語集』(以下『今昔』と略す)の人間群像の生き方を究明するためには色々な視角からの接近が必要であるが、「業」は貴賤男女を問わず、彼等が逃れられない槪念の一つであった。人々は自分の現在の姿や事柄を「業」と關連づけて解釋しようとしたのである。したがって「業」は當時の民衆の考え方を知るための重要な手掛かりとなる。 まず惡業と對比される善業は、他にも善心、善根、道心などが類似した槪念として用いられたが、これらを合わせても、說話數においては惡業が絶對的な優位にあることが分かる。これは、「業」という言葉自體に佛敎的な色合いが濃く投影されているからであり、惡業の具體的な行爲と應報が民衆の關心と興味を引いていた故であろう。とりわけ生きていく過程が惡業造りであり、前世の惡業から逃れるために死ぬこともできるという認識が見られたことも注目される。 また、善惡業と冥界との關連においても、當時の多樣な意識世界が展開されている。智光のように優れた學問と修行を積んだ僧であっても、散亂した心では淨土に生まれる善根を造りがたく、賴光のように觀想念佛修行に徹してこそ極樂往生を遂げられるという話には、平安時代の淨土思想が强く反映されていると思われる。 一方、立山地獄說話には冥界の姿が生々しく描かれており、富士山、白山とともに日本の三大靈山として厚く信仰されていた所以が感じられる。冥界で受ける罪苦は生前の「業」によるものであるから誰かが代わられないが、といって絶對的なものでもなかったし、法花經や金剛般若經の讀誦と書寫供養のような佛法の力によって「業」の消滅も可能であった。 定業の認識も强く、衆生の善惡業は恰も万刧を重ねた巖のように、絶對變えられないとする。しかし、これまた地藏菩薩の助けによって業障を消滅して冥界から甦られ、定業の不可變性の中でも救援の手を希求していた民衆の希望が現われたものと見られる。 To identify human life in 『Konzakumonogatarisyu』, we need access from various angles. Karuma was one of the inevitable concepts to all peoples in the hierarchy. People think their present appearance and work are karuma. Thus, karuma becomes an important clue to people’thoughts. First, good-karuma compared with bad-karuma is used as a similar concept to good-heart, good-roots, buddhist-heart. And the number of bed-karuma stories is overwhelmingly more than good-karuma stories. The reason is that buddhist colors are strong in the word ‘karuma’, and specific act and retribution attract attention and interest. Especially noticed, the process of living makes up bad-karuma, and people thought can die to run away from past life karuma. Also in relation karuma and the nether world, various consciousness worlds of the time are being developed. Even if it is a monk as Chiko who has a great discipline and performance, it is difficult to make borning in paradice with a scattered heart. A monk as Raiko who is thorough on a perform buddhist sutra chanting and thinking of paradise in the head, can be born in paradase, reflect strongly the pure land thought of the Heian age. Meanwhile the stories of Tachiyama hell has a vivid description of the underworld. Since suffering in the afterlife is due to karuma, nobody can replaceit. But that was not absolute, like a sutra chanting and transcription of Beopwha buddhism scripture and Kunkangbanya buddhism scripture, by the power of buddhism, it was aiso possible to destroy karuma. Invariant karuma consciousness is also strong, people’karuma can never be changed like ten thousand years of rock. But this can also be eliminated whit the help of Jijang bodhisattva. This means that the people wanted the hand of salvation.

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