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류관희 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 2000 농업생명과학연구 Vol.4 No.-
The purpose of this study was to develop an automated vegetable production system for plant factory from transplanting to harvesting. The system was designed to be able to have consistent automatic processes of operation such as transplanting, complementary transplanting for the cells with missed or bad seedling, transferring growing troughs into the cultivation benches, automatic spacing at growth stages, harvesting and packing. The design criteria for the automated vegetable production system were set up, the individual units of the system were tested separately, and the integrated system was also tested through lettuce growing experiment. The automated vegetable production system functioned well, but the work capacities and accuracies of the some units such as the harvesting unit should be further improved.
과실수확(果實收穫) 로봇에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) -폐쇄회로(閉鎖回路) TV 카메라에 의한 과실(果實)의 위치검출(位置檢出)-
류관희,노상하,김영호,Ryu, K.H.,Noh, S.H.,Kim, Y.H. 한국농업기계학회 1989 바이오시스템공학 Vol.14 No.2
The most important subject in developing agricultural robots for fruit harvesting is to detect accurately the location of a fruit about the given coordinate system. This study was carried out to develop an image processing algorithm which enables finding out the three dimensional locations of a fruit. The digital image processing device consisted of an optosensor (Closed-circuit TV camera), image processing interface board (Digitizer) and microcomputer (IBM PC/AT). A stereo-image processing method using the two cameras attached to the manipulator was evaluated through experiment with apples. The accuracy and quickness of detecting the location of apples by this method was not satisfactory. The maximum errors of the detected locations by the stereo-image processing method in x-, Y-, and z- directions were 3, 4 and 4 cm, respectively. The maximum time required to get the rectangular coordinate data of a fruit was about 2 minutes.
류관희 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 2001 농업생명과학연구 Vol.5 No.-
This study was carried out to desing, construct, and test a greenhouse monitoring system for supervising the greenhouse environment from a remote site, by using internet. The measurement items selected among many environmental factors were temperature, humidity, solar radiation, CO_2 concentration, SO and NO concentration of atmosphere, EC, pH of nutriend solution, the state of control devices, and images of the inside of greenhouse. The greenhouse monitoring system was composed of a network system and a measurement module.
열화상 정보를 이용한 온실 환경 모니터링 및 환경제어 시스템 개발
류관희 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 1999 농업생명과학연구 Vol.3 No.-
This study was carried out to investigate a plant-growth monitoring system using infrared thermography which can detect plant responses to improper environment. The experimental system for measuring leaf temperature using thermography consisted of a thermal camera, image processor, personal computer, and plant growth chamber. Under the N-deficiency or excess stress, the leaf temperatures of cucumber and lettuce were 2℃ and 1℃ lower than controls, respectively. Under the N deficiency stress the leaf temperature of hot pepper was 1℃ lower than control. Under the N excess stress, however, the leaf temperature of hot pepper did not change. Under the potassium deficiency or excess stress, the leaf temperatures of cucumber and hot pepper were 2℃ lower than controls, respectively. Under the potassium excess stress, the leaf temperature of lettuce was 2℃ lower than control. Under the potassium deficiency stress, the leaf temperature of lettuce did not change. Under the phosphorous deficiency stress, the leaf temperatures of cucumber and hot pepper were 2℃ and 1.5℃ than controls, respectively. However the leaf temperature of lettuce did not change. Under the water deficiency stress, the leaf temperatures of cucumber and lettuce were 2℃ and 1℃ higher than controls, respectively. However, the temperature of hot pepper was 1℃ lower than control. It was possible to detect the changes in leaf temperature by infrared thermography when subjected to nutrition or water stress. Since the changes in leaf temperatures were different each other for plants and kinds of stress, however, it would be necessary to add a nutrient measurement system to a plant-growth monitoring system using thermography.
과실수확(果實收穫) 로보트에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) -머니퓰레이터와 제어시스템 개발-
류관희,노상하,김동우,Ryu, K.H.,Noh, S.H.,Kim, D.W. 한국농업기계학회 1988 바이오시스템공학 Vol.13 No.2
This study was carried out to develop an agricultural robot for fruit harvesting. As the first step an experimental manipulator and its control system were constructed. The articulated manipulator driven by DC motors has 3 degrees-of-freedom. The manipulator has a gripper adequate for fruit harvesting and an upper arm which forms a kind of guiding channel so thai harvested fruit can pass through. Point-to-point control of joints are accomplished by a digital control system with a PID controller which consists of optical shaft encoders, power amplifiers using PWM, a microcomputer and a software. The microcomputer also computes the positions of manipulator and sequence of motions. The motion of the manipulator was to slow and rough that it would need further improvement.