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      • KCI등재

        분단 전기(1954~1963년) 베트남 통일문제

        노영순(Nho Young Soon) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2007 亞細亞硏究 Vol.50 No.3

        This Study deals with the issue of reunification in Vietnam during the first half of the Vietnam War, 1954-1963. Detailed approach by Vietnam researches in national unity has been overwhelmed understandably with vehement interest in the Vietnam War. As far as reunification issue of Vietnam is concerned, the period of 1954-1963 is of important even peculiar meanings. First of all, progress for reunification seemed to have rested upon the fulfillment of the Geneva Agreement. It implies that the process of unification in Vietnam could accomplished peacefully. Also in this period the two parties concerned, North and South Vietnam including pro-unification activists in two regions persevered in their effort to contribute unification itself. These features look far clearer when we compared this period with the latter period of the Vietnam War, when the prospect of the territorial unity of Vietnam was to nearly depend on the result of the War with American. This study approaches the unification issue by examining the degree of decolonization, legitimacy and integrating power both of North and South Vietnam. For the South it was vital to disprove alleged neo-colonialized regime meanwhile it is important for the North to be a part of satellite nations of China and Soviet. Also the North and South Vietnam had tried to overcome legacy of French colonization. Legitimacy means the first and basic condition for a power-contendent to prove capability of taking initiative in unification. This article analyzes historical legitimacy as well as political efficiency of two Vietnams. The last clue to understand the unification problem is to apprehend the degree of integration of each regime. It is measured by the efforts and potentials not to isolate any political group in its jurisdiction. It also important for each regime to make relation with at least sympathetic groups of people in the other side. Through the research with the above-mentioned criteria, the article concludes that the North Vietnam proved more successfully its capacity of taking initiative in reunification issue the South. Even if the inauguration of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam which would give a chance for the South people to negotiate with the North and participate with the unification programme, Ngo Dinh Diem's failure led up to the South's failure to copy with the matter, In spite of endeavors by the regimes in North and South and their pro-activists, it became clear at the end of 1963 and early 1964 that reunification issue of Vietnam was to be left up to the war between the North and U.S.

      • 부산입항 1975년 베트남난민과 한국사회

        노영순 ( Young Soon Nho ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2014 사총 Vol.81 No.-

        Based on the Busan archive materials and newspaper information as well as published sources, this article intends to provide a comprehensive account of the 1975 Vietnamese refugees in Korea. The description and analysis are focused on the three aspects of the 1975 Vietnamese refugees in Korea; Korean government efforts to relief, settlement in Korea and resettlement in the third countries; the characteristics of the LST-refugees and Twin Dragon-refugees anchored at Busan; and interactions between the 1975 Vietnamese refugees and Korean society as a whole. The article discovers that whereas the second Vietnamese refugees from 1977 to 1989 in Korea shared the common characteristic with Boat People in general, the 1975 Vietnamese refugees were very special because they were either overseas residents or Vietnamese having connections with Korean who had worked in Vietnam. It led the Korean government to rescue them by dispatching two LSTs, implemented settlement programs including job-finding, housing allowance, supplementary living allowance. Also, the article traces the origin of the 1975 Vietnamese refugees in the context of the deteriorating South Vietnam, Vietnam war and international politics, which would have revealed the symptom of the continuous flows of the Vietnamese refugees until the 1990s. Finally, the article highlights the way that this very first resettlement experience of the Vietnamese refugees with different culture transformed the Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        초기 베트남 공산주의운동의 국외 네트워크와 재외활동가, 1928-1934

        盧英順(Nho Young-Soon) 동양사학회 2004 東洋史學硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        This article examines two rather different contexts for Vietnamese communist movement during the late 1920s and early 1930s. The one is evolved around international communist movement which has been charged by the Third Communist International(Comintern). The early communist movement in Southeast Asia is concerned, the Comintern entrusted its direction to the Nanyang Communist party which was a branch of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). But this strategy had to be modified as the communist movement in Southeast Asia was developing and the CCP-led communist movement in Southeast Asia turned out to be activities centered by the Chinese and for the Chinese. A remedy for this failure was to promote localization of Southeast Asian communist movement by helping to found a communist party on the national basis. The one who materialized this idea was a Vietnamese international communist, Nguyen Ai Quoc. As the secretary of the Southern Bureau, he presided over the foundations of communist parties in Southeast Asia including the Vietnam Communist Party(VCP), Siam Communist Party and Malayan Communist Party. At the time that the international communist network in the southern China were disclosed and immediately cracked down, communist movement in Southeast Asia was on the verge of distancing from the influence of CCP and more directly of connecting itself to Comintern. The Other theme of this article is about the Vietnamese communists who worked abroad and their activities there. For this the second part of this study was devoted to several 'revolutionary spaces' of the Vietnamese communists ranging from coastal southern China such as Shanghai, inland border areas between China and Vietnam such as Quangxi as far as to northeast Siam through Laos. The Vietnamese revolutionaries in those areas took responsibility of maintaining and reestablishing liaison with Comintern occasionally through the CCP and assisting restoration of the VCP which had been destroyed in the aftermath of the Soviet movements in Nghe-Tinh. The former was carried out by the Vietnamese communists in southern China. The latter task was tried to be carried out by the Vietnamese communists in Siam. More importantly several Vietnamese communists abroad who also were educated in Moscow established an 'Overseas Directing Committee' which was destined to be a provisional central committee of the VCP. In sum the international communist network was a major nutrition for fledging communist parties in South-east Asia including the VCP. Also the Vietnamese revolutionaries outside Vietnam served as a main asset for the VCP by connecting it to helpful international communist networks and by providing inside Vietnam necessary strategies, personnels, and materials in the most needed time and circumstances of the first half of the 1930s.

      • KCI등재후보

        바다의 디아스포라, 보트피플

        노영순(Nho, Young Soon) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2013 디아스포라 연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 논문은 베트남난민 관련 부산시 기록관 자료와 1977년부터 1993년까지의 신문자료를 대조 보완하여 베트남-남중국해-동중국해-한국-서구로의 선상난민의 행로를 밝혔다. 특히 2차베트남난민이 구조된 시점과 지점부터 입항하는 해항도시와 부산베트남난민보호소 입소 그리고 이들이 언제 어디로 재정착하며 재정착을 결정지은 요인들은 무엇인지에 초점을 두었다. 이를 통해 우리 안에 들어온 베트남난민의 모습을 다각적으로 드러내고 그 변화상과 함의를 규명하고자 했다. 본문은 13년간의 2차베트남난민 유입사의 중간 지점이자 1987년에 이르면 명백해지는 새로운 형태의 선상난민이 우리 안으로 들어온 시기로의 전환기인 1983년을 기점으로 2차베트남난민 전반기와 후반기로 나누어 구성된다. This article is the study of the Vietnamese boat people in Korea from 1977 to 1993. Consulting primary sources housed in the Archives of Busan City and reading through various newspaper accounts, it illuminates the harsh journey of the Vietnamese boat people passing through the coast of Vietnam, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and 7 seaport cities of Korea. Functioning as a de facto First Asylum, Korea government tried to assure the resettlement of the Vietnamese refugees in the western countries as well as provided provisional refugee camp in Busan for 1,382 Vietnamese refugees. Refugee policy and resettlement arrangement of Korea government are discussed in detail in the later part of the article.

      • KCI등재

        식민시기 사이공/코친차이나에서의 귀화법과 베트남인 프랑스시민권자

        노영순(Nho Young-Soon) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.78 No.-

        본 연구는 법적ㆍ문화적으로 크로스보더의 가능성이 가장 극대화되었던 식민 해항도시, 사이공을 중심으로 한 코친차이나라는 공간을 한 축으로 하고, 국가라는 경계를 넘어 국적을 확대시키는 프랑스 귀화법을 다른 한 축으로 하여 전개된다. 본문을 이룰 주요한 연구 내용은 네 가지이다. 하나는 프랑스제국의 특징을 나타내는 국적법 혹은 귀화법이 코친차이나에 들어오는 과정을 추적한다. 둘은 코친차이나에 적용된 귀화법 자체를 귀화의 자격에 중점을 두어 분석하고 베트남 인으로서 프랑스 국적 혹은 프랑스시민권을 가짐으로써 누릴 수 있는 권리와 특혜를 설명한다. 셋은 프랑스 귀화정책의 본질과 왜곡 문제를 다루면서 충돌이 일어나게 된 사상적 배경을 논구한다. 넷은 사이공/코친차이나 출신으로 프랑스시민이 된 10여명의 베트남인들의 사례를 통해 실제로 이들이 식민구조 내에서 존재했던 방식을 다룬다. 간단히 말해 본문에서는 어떻게 프랑스의 국적과 프랑스 시민권이 경계를 넘어 식민지 사이공에 들어오는지? 코친차이나 사람들은 어떻게 국가 혹은 민족 그리고 전통 문화를 넘어 프랑스화되고 어떤 모습으로 존재하는지? 경계를 넘은 두 요소가 왜 충돌하며 어떤 결과를 만들어내는지를 살핀다. 결론 부분에서는 귀화를 통한 일종의 경계 넘기가 가지고 있는 역사적 의미를 재정의하려고 했다. 여기에는 프랑스시민이자 베트남인이라는 두 정체성을 동시에 가진 이들이 수행한 동서 문화의 교류와 혼용 그리고 식민지자유개혁 논의가 포함된다. This study is based on two pillars. One is a colonial sea-port city, Saigon and its surrounding areas called Cochinchina which have been recognized as the space having the most potential for cross-border. The other is the French naturalization laws and decrees which has expanded over to the foreign territories, colony. The questions for the research are composed the following four. First question is how and in what context did the naturalization laws cross over to Cochinchina. Second one is in regard to the naturalization law itself such as the qualification, right and obligation of the naturalization. Third question is about the nature and characteristics of the naturalization laws including conflict and distortion between the colonial authorities and indigenous elite in Saigon. Lastly, through the case study of about 10 naturalized french citizens, the paper draws the portraits of the francized Vietnamese in their political and cultural life. By answering these four questions, this study concludes that naturalization has resulted in cultural interaction in various forms and the evolution of sense of identity.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 뜨득 황제 전반기의 관료군주제 고찰 -군주와 고위관료가 내우외환, 개혁, 실지회복에 대처하는 방법론을 중심으로-

        노영순 ( Young Soon Nho ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 (구 역사학연구회) 2012 사총 Vol.76 No.-

        The study is to show how the bureaucratic monarchy in the first half of Tu Duc(嗣德, 1847-1883) functioned in the social and political milieu in which Vietnam needed reform and opening up than ever. This has been done by reexamining historical events and major actors, emperor himself and mandarins. The historical events includes internal troubles such as a palace coup d`etat by Hong Tap and the rebellion of Ta Van Phung as well as external troubles for example the French attack on the port cities, the coercive conclusion of treaty in 1862. The high officials analysed in this article are the Regents(Phu Chinh dai than, 輔政大臣) of Tu Duc, Truong Dang Que, Lam Duy Hiep and Nguyen Tri Phuong in addition to the Privy Council(Co mat Vien,機密院), Nguyen Ba Nghi and Phan Thanh Gien. Upon examination of these events and figures, this paper makes at least two disputable points clear. The first point has to do with political system of Nguyen Dynasty(阮朝, 1802-1945). Most prior research on the emperor of Tu Duc postulates his regime for absolute monarchy or confucian monarchy. The paper argues that bureaucratic monarchism was operating in the court Hue. Through showing how the monarchy and bureaucracy dealt with troubles both at home and abroad, the matter of reform and opening up, and the recovery of occupied territory, this research highlights the importance of the mandarins in shaping the policy of the Nguyun kingdom. The Second point involves a divergence of interest between the monarchy and mandarins in the 1850s and 1860s. In the initial years of Tu Duc`s reign were of typical of traditional bureaucratic monarchy in the sense that the degree of convergence between two was high. But in the face of ``modern`` challenge represented by the French force, there was a subtle but substantial divergence of interests within the Hue court. Emperor Tu Duc preferred to keep the throne and ancestral shrine, while most mandarins seemed to concern about people`s life, Because under the bureaucratic monarchy of Tu Duc, even if monarchy reigned, it was the mandarins who ruled the people. This conclusion may have important implication for the reason how and why the Vietnamese monarchy collapsed.

      • KCI등재

        태평양 해역의 해양경계 획정과 해양영토 분쟁

        노영순(Nho, Young-Soon) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2018 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.18

        태평양 도서국들의 해양경계 획정 문제와 도서 영유권 분쟁은 거의 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 그 자체에 대한 이해도를 높일 뿐만 아니라 태평양에 대한 시각의 확대를 위해서도, 그리고 해양자원의 이용, 해양영토 획정, 해양영토 문제 해결에 집단적, 다국적, 지역적 노력이 태평양 해역에서 어떻게 진행되고 있으며 아시아 환태평양 지역에는 어떤 함의를 줄 수 있을지 사고하는 계기를 마련하기 위해서도 태평양 도서국들의 해양경계와 해양영토 문제는 충분히 살펴볼 가치가 있다. 본 논문은 두 부분으로 구성된다. 전반부에서는 태평양 해역 도서국들의 특성을 그대로 드러내고 있는 해양영토 획정 시스템에 대해 살펴본다. 이를 위해 태평양 해역 도서국들의 현황과 이들이 구축하고 있는 지역협력 체제와 기구들을 먼저 파악하고, 기선, 제도기선, 배타적 경제수역과 대륙붕의 외곽 경계 등의 해양경계가 획정되는 방식을 살펴본다. 후반부에서는 섬을 비롯해 태평양 해역의 지형물 영유권에서 발단한 태평양 도서국들 간의 해양영토 분쟁 사례들을 다룬다. 그 중에서도 토레스 해협의 섬들을 둘러싼 파푸아뉴기니와 호주의 해양영토 분쟁과 매튜 섬과 헌터 섬을 둘러싼 누벨칼레도니(프랑스)와 바누아투의 해양영토 분쟁에 초점을 두었다. There are many studies as for the maritime territorial disputes in the Asia-Pacific, - including the problem of coastal island sovereignty and the maritime boundary delimitation including the exclusive economic zone/continental shelf. Although this paper will be referred to them in the sense that it covers the entire Asian Pacific Rim, it focuses on maritime territorial disputes in the Pacific waters, which have not received much attention from academia and media. First, the paper will examine how the countries in the Pacific Ocean was and are in the process of dispute and settlement of the coastal islands claims and how they address the maritime boundary delimitation issues in the exclusive economic zone, particularly the continental shelf. Next, the paper will address two specific case studies, focusing on the peculiarities of the problem of coastal island belonging - land and maritime characteristics - and implications for the settlement of East China Sea and the South China Sea maritime territorial disputes. The first case is the territorial dispute between Australia and Papua New Guinea for the sovereignty of the islands in Torres Strait. The second case is the territorial dispute between New Caledonia (France) and Vanuatu over Matthew and Hunter Island.

      • KCI등재

        아메라시안(Amerasian)의 존재 양태와 국제입양(1945~1975) - 베트남-미국 혼혈아를 중심으로 -

        盧英順(Nho, Young Soon) 역사교육연구회 2021 역사교육 Vol.157 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Amerasians and international adoption from World War II to the Vietnam War. The paper focuses on the Vietnam-U.S. mixed-race children while looking at the whole picture of Amerasians who had born in Philippines, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. The conclusion of the paper is that no matter what the dictionary, conventional or scholarly definition, Amerasians were socially an orphans to the country of birth and were destined to be the subject of international adoption during the Cold War. The paper consists of four chapters. Following the introduction, chapter 2 examines the origins, population, and characteristics of Amerasians in the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, and Korea. Chapter 3 focused on the Vietnamese Amerasian and examined its scale and living conditions in detail. Chapter 4 traces the relationship between Japanese and Korean Amerasians and international adoption, focusing on Pearl Buck, the Welcome House/Pearl Buck Foundation, and Holt and Holt International Children’s Services, representing the first and second phases of international adoption. Chapter 5 analyzes the activities of Rosemary Taylor and Friends of Children of Vietnam, which shifted the focus back to Vietnam and brought about the third phase of international adoption. It also reveals that the unprecedented Babylift Operation in 1975, which airlifted 3,000 ‘war orphans’ from Vietnam, corresponded to actually a full-fledged and one-sided international adoption operation.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아의 베트남난민 수용과 각국의 난민 정책

        노영순(Nho, Young-Soon) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2017 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.16

        본 연구는 베트남난민이라는 하나의 문제를 한국, 일본, 중국과 홍콩이 어떻게 풀어나갔는지를 짚어보고자 한다. 동아시아 각국이 베트남난민을 구조하고, 임시수용하고 정착시키는 제반 과정에 대한 종합적이고 회고적인 글쓰기는 아시아 난민 역사를 아시아의 시각에서 볼 수 있는 단초를 마련할 수 있는 계기이자 베트남난민을 통해 동아시아를 새로 보기 위한 시도라고 할 수 있다. 본문은 두 개의 장으로 구성된다. 2장에서 여러 상황과 요인의 영향을 받으면서 전개되었던 동아시아 삼국과 홍콩으로의 베트남난민 흐름이 만들어낸 규모와 특징을 국가별 그리고 시기별로 살펴본다. 구조와 임시체류의 대상이 된 베트남난민들이 어떻게 제3국 정착지로 송출되는지, 동아시아 삼국과 홍콩에서 정착한 베트남난민들이 동아시아의 어디에서 어떻게 정착하는지, 정착국과 베트남난민들의 문화적 동/이질성은 무엇이었는지를 다룬다. 3장에서는 한국, 중국, 일본과 홍콩이 베트남난민을 수용하는 과정에서 겪게 되는 제도적, 정책적 변화를 추출해 내고 그 의미를 추적한다. 한편으로는 동아시아 각국의 베트남난민 정책 변화가 글로벌 해법의 공유로 나아가는 방식과, 다른 한편으로는 베트남난민문제의 국내화라고도 할 수 있는 특수성이 표현되는 방식 모두에 주목하고자 했다. 그 무엇이 되었든 고찰의 대상으로 하고 있는 동아시아 각국의 베트남난민 정책은 역사적 경험으로써 그리고 아시아난민문제의 해결 주체로서의 아시아를 사유하는 데에 유무형의 자산이 될 것이다. This study examines how Korea, Japan, China and Hong Kong have tried to solve a common problem, Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s and 80s. Comprehensive and comparative study on the process of rescuing Vietnamese refugees and temporary acceptance and resettlement by East Asian countries will serve as a momentum to see other aspect of Asian history and to consider Vietnamese refugees problem from the perspective of Asia. The main content consists of two chapters. Chapter two examines the scale and characteristics of the flow of Vietnamese refugees to the three East Asian countries and Hong Kong, which were influenced by various different circumstances and national interests, by country and time. It shows how the Vietnamese refugees were rescued, accepted temporarily in East Asia and sent to the third country for resettlement. Also, it deals with how the Vietnamese refugees were resettled in the East Asian societies and influenced by cultural dynamics in East Asia. Chapter three investigates the institutional and policy changes that Korea, China, Japan and Hong Kong have experienced during the process of accepting Vietnamese refugees and traces their meaning. On the one hand, it pays attention to the way in which changes in Vietnamese refugee policy in East Asia have led to the sharing of global solutions, and on the other hand the way in which the particularity of Vietnamese refugee policy in each country was expressed. In its turn the Vietnamese refugee policy in East Asia will be an invaluable asset for historical experience and for thinking about Asia as a solution to the Asian refugee problem.

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