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        仁川鄕校 硏究

        남달우(Nam, Dal-Woo) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2005 인천학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The first educational institution is dated from the era of the Three Kingdoms. This institution is one which is founded by government. After that, Gugjagam in its center and Confucian temples in its region were established in the Koryo dynasty through the Unified Silla The Confucian temple along with Gun-hyun system is a kind of the national educational institution for confucianism, which is located in the country, but not in the center, which is called as Gyo-kwan or Je-kwan. It plays a role in admiring and honoring the traditional Confucian scholars in Koryo and Chosun dynasty and old China as well as Confucius Incheon has its units at its districts called as Incheon, Bupeong, Ganghwa, and Kyodong Confucian temple. This is to investigate the time of establishment and construction of Confucial temple and its system though the data such as Incheonhyangyojungsugi by Cheoi-hang, Jungsusangryangmun by Jeong-jong-bin, Incheonhyangyojungsugi by Seong-gyun and Incheonhyangyoji As a result, Incheon Confucian temple is established on the right to east of the current Munhak Elementary School (the old location of the Incheon Dohoboo) Incheon Confucian temple is supposed to be established in the era of King Injong in view of the time of establishment of the Confucian temples in Bupeong and Ganghwa in its similar or lower levels compared with Incheon The System of Incheon Confucian temple is founded through the remodeling processes by several times. Especially, Jungsugi is one of the important data which the system of the Confucian system at that time can be found. Incheon Confucian temple in Chosun Dynasty was remodeled by Shin-gae in 1406, by Min-hyoyeol in 1466, Lee-seongwon in 1501 or 1502. This remodeling of Incheon Confucian temple is caused by the fact that the head of the village should develop the institution and can be promoted by the government for that.

      • KCI등재

        숙종대 김포 장릉(章陵) 방화사건과 읍격(邑格) 변화

        남달우(Nam, Dal-Woo) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2014 인천학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        이 글은 숙종대 김포에서 발생한 장릉 방화사건을 소재로 하여 다음과 같은 내용을 알아보았다. 첫째, 인조가 정원군을 원종으로 추숭하는 과정 속에서 흥경묘가 흥경원, 그리고 장릉으로 명칭이 바뀌었다. 국 왕 사친(私親)의 무덤을 원으로 할 것을 결정한 것은 인조가 처음이며, 이것은 『속대전』에 법 조항으로 규정 되었다. 그리고 흥경원이 장릉으로 격상됨과 함께 김포현은 김포군으로 읍격이 승격되었다. 이는 다른 추숭왕 들의 능침이 조성되는 지역 역시 마찬가지였다. 그러나 한번 읍격 승격이 이루어진 후에는 거듭된 승격은 시행 되지 않는다. 이는 읍격 승격에 따라 생도나 노비 지급액 등등이 증액되어야 하는데 이를 충족시켜 줄 수 없었 기 때문이었다. 둘째, 『추안급국안(推案及鞫案)』의 ‘安士賢等 推案’을 분석하여 장릉 방화사건의 전말을 알아보았다. 장릉 방 화사건 후 서원 안사현이 먼저 체포된 후 고직 최필성이 뒤에 체포되었다. 이들에 대한 추문은 최필성을 먼저??하고, 안사현은 뒤에 하였다. 최필성은 3차례의 추문까지는 자신의 범행 사실은 부인하였으나 추문의 횟수가 거 듭될수록 안사현의 범행을 점차 구체적으로 진술하며 안사현을 방화의 주범으로 지목하고 있다. 최필성은 난장 을 받은 후에 자신의 범행을 자복하였다. 그러나 이때도 자신은 미열한 까닭에 안사현을 따라 능침에 들어가 망 을 보았을 뿐이라고 답하며 안사현을 주범으로 몰아갔다. 반면 최필성의 자백을 받은 후 안사현에게 난장을 가하면서 추문하였으나 안사현은 일관되게 범행을 부인하여??실제 범인은 최필성이라고 하였다. 안사현이 모든 혐의를 부인하자 추국청 설치가 결정되었고, 국청에서 최필성은 안사현이 공여한 뇌물 액수가??40여 량이라며 상세하게 진술하였다. 그러나 안사현은 3차례의 신장 90대를 받을 때까지 범행 사실을 부인하다??마침내 4번째에서 신장 2대를 받은 후에야 자복하였다. 이러한 정황으로 볼 때 장릉 방화사건의 범인은 최필성 이고 안사현은 최필성의 무고에 의해 희생되었을 개연성이 있다고 생각된다. 셋째, 능 방화사건은 대역이며 강상죄이기 때문에 범인은 수범과 종범을 가지지 않고 모두 능지처사하며 처자 는 노비로 삼고 가옥은 파가저택하며 읍호를 낮추며 수령은 파직된다. 즉 범인 자신만이 아니라 거주지까지도??연좌율 적용의 대상이 되는 것이다. 그러나 범인 거주지가 능침이 조성된 지역일 경우에는 읍격이 강등되지 않 았음을 알 수 있다. 이것은 대역죄인의 거주지라고 하여도 왕실의 권위를 유지하기 위하여 능침의 소재처는 읍 격의 강등을 실시하지 않은 것으로 생각된다. 넷째, 숙종대에 발생한 여러 차례의 능 방화사건은 개인의 복수심과 욕심이 우선되어 발생한 것이지만 17세기??말 왕실과 국가 제도에 대한 백성의 인식이 변화하고 있었음을 알려주는 것이라 하겠다. This article is based on material to the Jangrueng arson incident that occurred in Sukjong when Kimpo. with??this material, I tried to examine the contents. First, the name was changed from Heungkeyng tomb to Heungkeyngwon and Jangrueng, in the process that??Injo Chusung Jeongwonkun to Wonjong. First person who decided making circle-shaped tombs was Injo. and that was enacted a provision in??Sogdaejon. Kimpohyeun was upgraded to Kimpokun, Heungkeyngwon as well be promoted to Jangrueng. It was also true in other areas where graves of Choosoong kings were making. After enforcing elevation of the town's class, repeated elevation of the status was not enforced. Because allowance of cadet and slave and others should be increased but this was not satisfied. Second, I analyzed Chooangeupgukan's An sa hyeon and Chooan thereby investigating whole story of??Jangrueng arson incident. Seowon An sa hyeon and Gojic Choi pil sung were arrested after Jangrueng arson incident. An sa hyeon was questioned after Choi pil sung was questioned. Choi pil sung denied his crime up to three times of interrogation but he stated An sa hyeon‘s crime??concretely as the number of interrogation was increased. Choi pil sung confessed his crime after he got beaten. but Choi pil sung said he entered the grave and just??stood guard because he was stupid. he drove that An sa hyeon is mail culprit. On the other hand, After getting a confession of Choi pil sung, An sa hyeon got beaten and was??questioned, but he denied a charge and said criminal is Choi pil sung. As An sa hyeon denied all suspicion, Choogukchung installation was decided. Choi pil sung testified in gukchung that amount of bribe An sa hyeon gave is more than 40. An sa hyeon denied his fault(crime) until 3 sets of 90 times tortures, but finally admitted his crime after a set??more hit on his body. For these circumstances, Choi pil sung seems to be the criminal of Jangrueng arson, and can guess An sa??hyeon may have sacrificed although he is innocent about this crime. Third, Being as incendiary incident is a treason and moral principles crime, all criminal were punished by??dismemberment indiscriminately and family became a slave, house was demolished, Eupho was decreased. Criminal not only himself, but also Residence is also the subject of complicity rates apply. but it is possible to know that village grade had not been demoted, if criminal's residence is area where the??tomb of king is construction. Even though this is a residence of high treason criminal, area where the tomb of king is construction is not??intend village grade demotion in order to maintain authority of the royal family. Fourth, several times the tomb of king arson incident in King Sukjong epoch outbreak because of??individual's revengeful thought and greed. but there are indicator notifying that subjects's thought about??royal family and national system in the end of 17th century has been changing.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 주식게시판을 통한 집단지성과 주식시장과의 상관관계 연구

        남달우(Dalwoo Nam),박진우(Jinwoo Park),김민경(Minkyung Kim),조현(Hyeon Jo),김성희(Sounghie Kim) 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2012 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.12 No.2

        According to financial press reports, the internet stock message boards can move stock markets. This study used about two hundred thousand messages concerning 46 companies in KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Price Index) from Naver Finance which is the most popular Korean Internet stock message board (finance.naver.com). We found that investment opinions in the Internet stock message board can explain the stock return. Collective investment opinion is measured to analyze correlation with stock market. Entire stock market and industries had a positive significant correlation with collective investment opinion, while individual stocks did not have a significant correlation with collective investment opinion.

      • KCI등재

        전자정부의 체계적 수출에 관한 연구

        남달우(Dal-Woo Nam),홍종현(Jong-Hyun Hong),김성휘(Soung-Hie Kim),조현(Hyeon Jo) 한국무역연구원 2013 무역연구 Vol.9 No.6

        In this paper, we propose the roadmap for strategic export of Korean e-government. We draw research motivation and implication by examining related studies and we reviewed related terms and organizations. We suggest the roles and responsibilities through governance system by classifying main parts of e-government export to government institute, related institute and private companies. In conclusion, we propose the road map consisting of 8 sub steps. Main organizations and related agencies should communicate and collaborate organically for successful export. This paper will be helpful for strategic export of Korean e-government and global e-government level.

      • KCI등재

        정보기술수용 모형을 활용한 소셜 네트워크 서비스 사용자들의 전환 의도 분석

        조현(Hyeon Jo),남달우(Dal-woo Nam),이석기(Seok Kee Lee) 한국정보기술학회 2013 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.11 No.4

        Social Network Service (SNS) actively used all over the world is more sensitive to the trend and the time needed for the users to change their main service is shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the factors which affect the switching intention of users. This study identifies the factors affecting the switching intention of SNS, and also verifies the success factors through the empirical analysis. Fundamental variables are selected based on TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), additional variables are chosen by switching behavior researches. As variables, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived joyfulness, alternative attractiveness, peer influence, switching intention are introduced. While perceived usefulness and perceived joyfulness can not affect switching intention, alternative attractiveness, peer influence, perceived ease of use affect switching intention significantly. In addition, alternative attractiveness, peer influence are adopted as moderating variable, and these variables have a interaction with perceived ease of use.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        웹 뉴스의 양과 주가의 관계에 관한 연구

        김상수(Sang Soo Kim),남달우(Dal-Woo Nam),조현(Hyeon Jo),김성희(Soung Hie Kim) 한국IT서비스학회 2012 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        In the stock market, the investors rely on stock information to trade. Good information may stimulate buying, raising the stock prices and the bad information may result in selling, decreasing the stock prices. In terms of the relationship between information and stock prices, stock prices can be viewed as reaction of investors to all the information flowing into the market. The significant increase of web stock news volume is often associated with the significant changes of stock prices. When the web stock news volume for a firm increases significantly, the stock price movement is often oscillatory. This paper attempts to investigate the relationship between volumes of information from Korean web IT and stock prices in Korean stock market. This research shows that when the web stock news volume increases significantly, volatility, trading volumes and rate of returns are increase too. The results of the study provide us with the new clues to the microstructure of the stock market from the perspective of the web news.

      • KCI등재

        공공부문 정보의 모바일 서비스 고도화 방안에 관한 연구

        조현(Hyeon Jo),박진우(Jinwoo Park),남달우(Dalwoo Nam),김상수(Sangsoo Kim),김성희(Sounghie Kim) 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2011 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the present condition of mobile information and to find the advancement planning of mobile service of public sector information. Through the analysis of present condition of mobile information and past studies, the five development ways are found: Context awareness, Digital native(Multi-channel management), Globalization, Web2.0(User participation), Information management. Also we chose the top priority projects that should be worked in each development way. If the projects are conducted according to development steps(introduction step, maturity step, plateau step), the ubiquitous services can be provided to users.

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