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      • 충북복지의 발달과정과 평가

        남기민 청주대학교 국제협력연구원 2006 國際文化硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 해방 이후 2000년대 최근까지 충북복지의 발달과정을 시대별로 고찰함과 더불어 충북복지의 현황소개와 이에 대한 평가 및 향후 발전과제를 제시함으로써 지방분권화시대 충북복지의 발전을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하려는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 충북복지의 발달과정은 해방이후~1959년, 1960년~1979년, 1980년~1999년, 2000년 이후와 같이 4단계로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 그리고 충북복지의 평가 및 향후 발전과제는 기본방향의 문제, 대상자의 사회복지 욕구문제, 사회복지 인력과 시설의 문제, 사회복지 재정의 문제, 사업내용의 문제에 관해서 평가하고 향후 발전과제를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to offer useful basic data for developing Chungbuk welfare through examining its historical development up to the 2000 present since the 1945 Liberation of Korea, and suggesting the present status of Chungbuk welfare and the developmental tasks based on its evaluation. The historical development process analysis of Chungbuk welfare shows it is divided into 4 steps such as unsettled period(1945~1959), settled period(1960~1979),activated period(1980~1999) and systematized period(since 2000). The developmental tasks based on the status evaluation of Chungbuk welfare are summarized as the followings. First, it is important to formulize the basic direction of Chungbuk welfare suitable to the characteristics of Chungbuk region and the residents' needs considering the change of social welfare environment. Second, some efforts to secure and reinforce the human resources that can make social welfare policies suitable to Chungbuk region should be made. Third, public welfare professional personnels to cope the rapid increase of the elderly population and their needs should be increased, and the delivery system of welfare and health should be integrated, too. Fourth, the Chungbuk Social Welfare Center should be completed shortly and its operation should be supported to be fair and faithful. Fifth, private welfare professional personnels should be participated in public policy-making process for meeting community welfare needs. Sixth, social welfare facilities personnels should be supported legally and materially for the better treatment and wage. Seventh, legal measures should be taken for the local autonomous authorities' allocated welfare budget to be surely executed based on community welfare plan. Eighth, regarding all residents of Chungbuk as social welfare subjects, the basic living security and various social welfare services for them should be taken in institutional perspective.

      • 새마을運動과 忠北地域의 社會福祉

        南基旻 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1988 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The main purpose of this paper is to suggest some measures that can develop social welfare in Chungbuk region through Saemaul Undong. After the analysis of the present condition and problems of social welfare in Chungbuk region, this paper suggested some measures as follows. 1. Above all, in order to increase the income of the low-income group, employment opportunities for them should be enlarged. Also, the basis that they can thoroughly stand on their own feet should be made. And it is desirable Continuously to develop the present Saemaul work for the special support of income. 2. As for the housing security, the construction expenses of rent apartment for the low-income group should be supported as a Saemaul work in the urban region like Chongju city. Also, the housing improvement work of rural region should be diversified as styles suitable for rural condition. And the public benefit facilities of rural region should be increased and arranged effectively. 3. As for the medical security, the 2nd kind medical insurance should be propelled as a Saemaul work connecting it with Saemaul Undong. If it is connected with Saemaul Undong, the medical need of regional residents will be greatly met. 4. Finally, in order to develop social welfare service, the activity of community welfare center should be propelled as a Saemaul work of Chungbuk region. Also, it is desirable to connect such a civil organization as Social Welfare Council with Saemaul Undong.

      • 노년기의 웰빙 증진방안에 관한 연구

        남기민 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 2004 한국사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 개인의 일상생활 차원과 제도적인 차원에서 노년기의 웰빙 증진방안을 제시함으로써 우리 사회에서 노년기 삶의 질을 높이기 위한 유용한 기초 자료를 제공하려는데 목적을 두고 있다. 개인의 일상생활 차원에서의 접근은 신체적 접근, 정신적ㆍ영적 접근, 사회적 접근으로 구분하여 살펴보았는데 첫째, 신체적 접근에서는 적절한 영양관리, 올바른 식생활습관, 적당한 운동을 통해 신체적 건강을 유지한다. 둘째, 정신적ㆍ영적 접근에서는 자아통합으로 마음의 평화를 얻고 절대자에 대한 신앙을 통해 내세에 대한 희망을 갖는다. 셋째, 사회적 접근에서는 여가나 자원봉사와 같은 사회활동에 적극 참여함으로써 인생의 즐거움과 보람을 느낀다. 제도적 차원에서의 접근은 노인소득보장, 노인의료보장, 노인주거보장, 노인복지서비스로 구분하여 살펴보았는데 첫째, 노인소득보장에서는 국민기초생활보장 및 경로연금의 수급범위를 넓히고 급여수준을 현실화 하며 취업기회를 제공한다. 둘째, 노인의료보장에서는 노인의료비가 경감될 수 있도록 국민건강보험제도를 개선하고 장기노인요양보장제도를 확립한다. 셋째, 노인주거보장에서는 임대형 집단 노인전용주거시설을 보급하고 임대료 또는 주택수리비를 지원한다. 넷째, 노인복지서비스에서는 노인여가복지시설이 활성화 될 수 있도록 정책적 지원을 하고 재가노인복지시설을 확대하고 활성화 시켜 나간다. The purpose of this study is to offer some useful basic data for improving quality of life in old age in our society through suggesting the promotion measures of well-being in old age in perspective of individual's daily life level and institutional level The well-being approaches in perspective of individual's daily life level are composed of physical approach, mental and spiritual approach, and social approach. The study results of this part are summarized as the followings. First, in case of physical approach, the elderly can maintain physical health by means of proper nutrition management, good eating pattern and regular exercise. Second, in case of mental and spiritual approach, the elderly can get peaceful mind and accept their own death without fear by means of real ego integration and religious faith in God. Third, in case of social approach, the elderly can enjoy life and increase quality of life by means of positively participating in various social activities including leisure activity and volunteer activity. The well-being approaches in perspective of institutional level are composed of income security for the elderly, medical security for the elderly, housing security for the elderly and welfare service for the elderly. The study results of this part are summarized as the followings. First, in case of income security, the Government authorities should not only increase the receipt scope and benefits level of National Basic Life Security and Old Age Pension for the poor elderly, but also offer job opportunities for them to get income by means of work. Second, in case of medical security, the Government authorities should not only improve National Health Insurance System for the elderly to reduce their medical expenses, but also increase nursing facilities for the elderly and introduce long-term nursing insurance system for them. Third, in case of housing security, the Government authorities should not only supply lease-typed group housing facilities of the eldery only for the elderly single and couple, but also support a rent or house repairing charges for the elderly. Fourth, in case of welfare service for the elderly, the government authorities should not only offer policy support for leisure welfare facilities for the elderly to be fertilized, but also increase and promote in-home service facilities for the elderly.

      • 충북 노인복지의 실태와 과제

        남기민 淸州大學校 都市·地域開發硏究所 1999 都市·地域開發硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        노인인구의 증가로 노인문제가 심각한 사회문제로 대두되고 있다. 충북은 65세 이상 노인인구가 1998년말 현재 도전체 인구의 8.3%에 달하고 있어 이미 고령화 사회에 진입하였다. 최근 사회문제화되고 있는 노인문제는 경제적 빈곤문제, 질병과 건강보호문제, 역할상실과 여가문제, 고독 및 소외문제 등으로 요약되고 있다. 이상과 같은 노인문제에 대응하는 충북노인복지의 실태를 소득보장, 의료보장, 여가 및 사회활동보장, 복지서비스 등으로 구분하여 분석하고 그 결과에 기초해서 2000년대 충북 노인복지의 과제를 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 첫째, 소득보장이 확립되어야 한다. 생활보호대상 및 저소득빈곤노인에 대한 급여수준을 현실화하고 수혜범위도 확대해 나가야 한다. 또한 일반노인의 소득보장대책으로 고령자 고용촉진법의 권장규정을 의무화하고 고령자취업알선센타 및 공동작업장을 확충하고 활성화시켜 나가야 한다. 특히 최근 제안된 1기업 1노인회 결연사업과 같은 충청북도의 시책은 적극적으로 추진되어야 한다. 둘째, 의료보장이 강화되어야 한다. 의료보험과 의료보호에서 노인의료비의 자부담율을 낮추어야 한다. 또한 와상 및 치매노인들을 위한 장기노인요양보호시설의 공급체계를 구축하는 것이 필요하다. 특히 노인전문요양시선에 대한 수요가 급증하고 있으므로 이에 대한 확대설치가 요망되며 실비 및 유료노인요양시선은 지역적 특성을 고려하여 소규모시설로 구축하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각한다. 그 밖에 방문간호서비스의 개발과 확대가 필요하다. 셋째, 노인여가 및 사회활동이 활성화되어야 한다. 경로우대제도의 할인범위를 좀 더 확대하는 것이 필요하고 노인복지회관을 시·군별로 1개소씩 확대해 나감으로써 노인문화 활성화의 현장으로서 활용하는 것이 요망된다. 또한 경로당 및 노인교실을 활성화하는 것이 중요하며 경로당프로그램으로 노인자원봉사활동을 추진해 나가야 한다. 넷째, 노인복지서비스가 확충되고 내실화가 이루어져야 한다. 재가노인복지서비스는 도시지역중심에서 벗어나 농촌지역까지 균형있게 서비스가 제공되어야 한다. 현재의 가정봉사원서비스는 생활보호대상 독거노인뿐만 아니라 점차적으로 일반노인에게 확대해 나가야 하며 유급봉사원제도도 본격적으로 도입해야 한다. 노인 주간 및 단기보호시설도 확대설치가 요망된다. 한편 충북의 양로시설은 생활보호대상자로 제한된 입소조건을 완화해서 정원을 다 채우는 방향으로 개선되어야 하며 앞으로 노인만을 위한 다양한 노인주거복지시설이 설치운영되어야 한다. Along with rapid population aging, the problems of older persons are recognized as serious social problems. Chungbuk became an aging society a few years ago. The proportion of the population 65 years of age and over was 8.3% of the total Chungbuk population in 1998. Recently in our society, the lives of older persons have been plagued with major problems : economic poverty, illness and health care, role loss and long leisure, and loneliness and isolation. This paper analizes current situation of welfare for the elderly in Chungbuk and suggests the21C welfare tasks of the elderly in Chungbuk as the followings. First, income security should be established. Above all, the benefit level for the livelihood protection elderly or the low-income elderly and the scope of recipient should be enlarged. Also, the employment recommendation regulation of Elderly Employment Promotion Law is needed to be compulsory as income security measures of the general older persons. And Elderly Job Placement Centers and Elderly Workplaces should be enlarged and activated. Especially Chungchongbuk-Do policy such as the Connection Program of One Industry and One Senior Citizen Organization should be executed positively. Second, medical security should be reinforced. The self- burden rate of elderly medical cost should be decreased in medical insurance and medical care. Also, the construction of long-term nursing homes for the elderly ill in bed and the elderly with dementia is needed. Especially as the demand of professional nursing homes for the elderly is rapidly increasing, it is an urgent need to enlarge them. It is also desirable to construct paid or low-paid nursing homes as small-scale facilities in consideration of regional characteristics. Besides, it is necessary to develop and enlarge visiting nursing services. Third, leisure and social activities for the elderly should be vitalized. The discount scope of Special Treatment Program for Older Persons should be enlarged, and one more senior welfare centers should be constructed and utilized as the field of elderly culture every city or every county. Besides, it is important to vitalize elderly activity centers and elderly classrooms, and to promote elderly volunteer activities. Fourth, welfare services for the elderly should be enlarged and fertilized. Home care services for the elderly should be adequately provided up to the rural area far away from the center of urban area. Current home help services should be gradually enlarged not only for the elderly living alone under livelihood protection, but also for the general elderly. Also, paid home help services should be actually introduced. Day care centers for the elderly, and short-term care centers, need to be increased. Besides, the entrance eligibility of elderly homes in chungbuk should be improved to accept the poor elderly through the alleviation of eligibility limited to the elderly under livelihood protection, and in future various residence welfare facilities only for the elderly should be set up.

      • 地域社會組織의 社會計劃的 接近 : 實踐過程을 中心으로

        南基旻 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 1983 한국사회과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Because of varied approach to communty organization practice, the practitioner often experiences considerable uncertainty and confusion. Jack Rothman described the three models of community organization practice as locality development approach, social planning approach, and social action approach. This paper developed the processes of community organization practice with the schemes for problem-solving suggested by Robert perlman and Arnold Gulin utilizing the social planning approach of Jack Rothman. In relation to the roles, methods, and skills of the practitioner, the processes are as follows 1. Defining the Problem The way in which a problem is formulated will strongly influence how it will be handled in the succeeding stages of community organization practice, the practitioner is frequently enmeshed from the outset in a variety of prejudgments and constraints that stem from the auspices under which he is operating andvarious other factors. Euthet exercise of appraising the problem with as much freedom from predefinition as possible provides an apportunity to consider a range of alternatives. In this stage the practitioner seeks to understand the problem in its broadest dimensions in order to consider all of the factors that may be relevant to his work in the later stages of policy development and program implementation. 2. Building the Structure Since planned change is a process that extends over time, the development of structure is not a single act but one that takes different forms, depending on the stage reached in the development of a project. In the earliest building stage of structure informal explorations take place to ascertain various perceptions of a problem, need, or purpose and no specific proposals are yet emerged. In the process of exploration the practitioner should evaluate people's state of thinking about the general problem, the areas of concensus and disagreement, and the degree to which potential participants in the venture are being propelled toward change. Most of the literature on community organization and planning has dealt with structure from one of the following three perspectives: concensus, cooptation, or centrally planned change. The practitioner weighs and chooses among various kinds of structure in order to foster the interaction and communication he considers most germane to the problem at hand. 3. Study of Alternatives and Choice Developing alternatives depends upon the practitioner's creativity for the most part and collected informations, knowledges, or past experiences in part. After developing various alternatives the practitioner should understand and evaulate their merits and demerits, consequences of adoption, contributory degree of problem solving, and the major elements which bring about this difference of each alternative. In this stage it is the practitioner's role to recommend more efficient alternatives to decision-maker and assist him to choose them. At this time the practitioner can make an effective analysis by utilizing knowledges of systems analysis, operations research, etc. Robert Perlman & Arnold Gulin outlined a number of major elements in the methodology of policy analysis as follows; ① ends-means analysis ② system analysis ③ benefits analysis ④ resources analysis ⑤ policy strategy. Because policy involves both ends and means, it cannot be viewed only as a technical function. Policy formation is a process of making choices and the choices at the level of policy are in a large measure choices of values in the sense that they determine the purposes that are to be served and the benefits to be sought. 4. Program Design and Implementation It is here that specifies what tasks need to be performed to achieve agreed-upon goals, by whom, when, and with what resources and procedures. Programming involves the mobilization of resources and their delivery to where they are needed. The major elements to be considered here ars as follows; ① relating ② motivating ③ communicating ④ helping ⑤ interviewing ⑥ coordinating ⑦ referring to resources ⑧ individualizing ⑨ timing ⑩ enabling ⑪ directing, guiding, and leading ⑫ anticipating ⑬ setting the stage 5. Monitoring and Feedback Evaluating information and feeding it back to guide action applies to the process of community organization practice in two ways. First, evaulation applies to the action outcome or end product of the total process. Second, this describes a continuous activity that permeates the processes we have been describing, that is, defining the problem, building the structure, study of alternatives and choice, program design and implementation, and monitoring and feedback.

      • 사회적 노화이론들에 관한 연구

        남기민 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2011 한국사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        최근 노인인구의 증가현상은 인구혁명의 시작이라고 표현될 정도로 고령화가 급속히 이루어지고 있다. 이와 같이 고령화가 가속화되면서 노화현상을 설명하는 사회적 이론들도 다양하게 전개되고 있다. 노화와 관련된 사회적 현상은 그렇게 단순하지 않기 때문에 그만큼 많은 사회적 이론들이 형성되고 발전되어 온 것으로 보여진다. 본 연구에서는 지금까지 개발된 사회적 노화이론들을 미시적 노화이론들과 거시적 노화이론들로 구분하여 각각의 이론을 간략히 소개하고 그 이론의 유용성과 더불어 한계를 비판적으로 검토하였다. 미시적 노화이론들로는 역할이론, 활동이론, 은퇴이론, 노령초월이론, 지속성이론, 하위문화이론, 교환이론, 사회적 와해이론, 사회구성주의이론, 제3기 인생이론을 고찰하였고 거시적 노화이론들로는 현대화이론, 연령계층화이론, 정치경제이론, 생애과정이론, 여성주의이론을 고찰하였다. 본 연구에서 사람들과 사람들 사이의 관계를 더 강조하는 이론들은 미시적 노화이론들의 범주로, 그리고 사회제도, 사회체계, 전체사회를 더 강조하는 이론들은 거시적 노화이론들의 범주로 분류하였다. 이상의 제 사회적 노화이론들의 고찰을 통해 우리가 노화현상을 바라보고 설명할 수 있는 다양한 사회적 관점을 조망하였다. 이러한 사회적 노화이론들은 개인적인 차원이나 사회적인 차원에서 노인과 사회가 노화현상에 대처하거나 노인문제의 해결을 위해 어떻게 할 것인지 유용한 시사점을 던져주고 있다. 그러나 이상의 이론들은 우리와 사회문화적 배경이 다른 서구사회에서 개발된 이론들이다. 그리고 이와 같은 이론들이 한국적 상황에 잘 적용될 수 있는 지는 충분히 검토되지 못하였다. 따라서 다양한 사회적 노화이론들을 한국적 상황에서 경험적으로 검증하는 작업이 학계를 중심으로 활발하게 이루어져야 할 것이다.

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