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      • KCI등재

        경영권 이전과 주식가액 프리미엄

        김화진 대한변호사협회 2012 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.427

        This Article reviews the nature of corporate control and control premium. The purpose of the review is to point out that, contrary to the common understanding, the control premium does not reflect the intrinsic value of the corporation. It is something the purchaser of control block is willing to pay if he or she is sure about the orderly transfer of control. This view may give answer to some of the difficult questions involved in corporate control contests and litigations. The losing controlling shareholder in a hostile takeover is not entitled to control premium. This Article also predicts that corporate law will increasingly be relevant to share transfer transactions amongst shareholders. 이 글은 기업의 경영권과 경영권부 주식거래에 수반되어 지불되는 경영권 프리미엄의 본질을국내외의 판례와 학설에 비추어 생각해 보기 위한 것이다. 이 논문은 경영권 프리미엄의 본질이 지배주주 보유 주식 고유의 속성이 아니라 주식의 매수인의 지불의사에 의해 결정되는 상대적인 것임을 지적하고 그러한 이해로부터 경영권 이동에서 발생하는 몇 가지 법률적 문제에 대한 해답을 제시한다. 특히, 이 논문은 적대적 기업인수에서는 경영권 프리미엄이 지배주주가 아닌 소수주주들에게 지불되는것이므로 경영권을 상실한 지배주주가 경영권 프리미엄을 상실한 것으로 볼 수 없다고 주장한다. 끝으로, 이 논문은 주주들간의 주식거래에 회사법이 단체법적인 고려에서 발달한 원칙으로 개입하는 비중이 증가할 것으로 예측한다.

      • KCI등재

        The proximal tubular α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor attenuates ischemic acute kidney injury through Akt/PKC signaling-mediated HO-1 induction

        김화진,김소라,제지현,정규호,김수지,김혜정,장기철,박상원 생화학분자생물학회 2018 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.50 No.-

        Activation of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) has been shown to attenuate excessive inflammation by inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines during ischemia–reperfusion (IR) injury; however, the underlying kidneyspecific molecular mechanisms remain unclear. The protective action of α7nAChR against renal IR injury was investigated using a selective α7nAChR agonist and antagonist. α7nAChR activation reduced plasma creatinine levels and tubular cell damage, whereas α7nAChR inhibition aggravated the IR-induced phenotype. α7nAChR activation decreased neutrophil infiltration and proinflammatory cytokine expression, increased heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression, and reduced proximal tubular apoptosis after IR as shown by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling staining and caspase-3 cleavage. In this study, we first showed that α7nAChR activation in the proximal tubules induced HO-1 expression through the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway in vivo in renal IR mice and in vitro in proximal tubular cells. Chemical inhibitors of PKC or PI3K/Akt and small interfering RNA-mediated PKC silencing confirmed the signal specificity of α7nAChR-mediated HO-1 induction in the proximal tubular cells. α7nAChR activation inhibited high-mobility group box 1 release by inducing HO-1 expression and reduced proinflammatory cytokine gene expression and apoptotic cell death in tumor necrosis factor α-stimulated proximal tubular cells. Taken together, we conclude that α7nAChR activation in proximal tubular cells directly protects cells against renal IR injury by inducing HO-1 expression through PI3K/Akt and PKC signaling.

      • KCI등재

        장법(章法) 연구의 모식과 그 가치 -진만명(陳滿銘)의 장법학(章法學)을 중심으로

        김화진 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2008 中國學論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        台灣學者陳滿銘成功地建立一個比較科學的章法學體系, 他和他的弟子們在章法學成爲獨立的學科做出了獨特的貢獻。所謂"章法", 指的是篇章之邏輯條理或組織。章法所探討的是, 篇章之條理, 亦卽連句成節(句群)、連節成段、連段成篇的邏輯組織。這種源於人心原本的邏輯條理或組織, 就自覺或不自覺地反映在各類作品中。到目前爲止, 陳滿銘從古今辭章上所發現的, 以整體之條理而言,可用四大規律加以統合; 以個別之條理而言, 約有40種章法類型, 散見於各文體; 而由各章法所形成之結構, 則將近200兩百種, 應用於各類作品。這些章法學法則閱讀和寫作敎學中是有用的, 是學術價値也흔高。本文卽特別以章法規律及其類型爲重點, 考辨其相應的邏輯條理或結構, 以見章法結構之究竟與價値。

      • KCI등재

        晚清 중국인들의 이국 여정을 복원하다 晚清 海外竹枝詞의 자료활용을 중심으로

        김화진 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 人文科學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        Zhuzi Ci is the mainstay of traditional Chinese poetry, and among them, the Late Qing Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands is a variant of Zhuzi Ci. Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands, which recorded East Asia and East Asia, has already existed since the Ming Dynasty, but Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands, which is based on the Western Hemisphere, appears only after the Opium War. After the Opium War, China began to take a peek at their new civilization, touring the West to explore the path of its salvation. Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands is a unique style created under this historical background, recorded the history of Chinese and Western exchanges in a straightforward and lively manner, and is a literary work that reflects the changes in modern relations. Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands, which records East Asia and Southeast Asia, has a high value for historical, geographical, and folklore data. Meanwhile, Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands, which records the West, has high value in data from modern history and cultural relations. In addition, the transitional aspects of modern literature that develop from classical poetry to modern poetry, such as the subject matter of poetry, the use of foreign words, and the annotation are well illustrated. Therefore, if the value of literary and cultural data is enhanced by examining and analyzing the contents of the late Qing Dynasty in general, it can contribute not only to modern literature but also to modern history. In addition, a new chapter will be set in the study of Zhuzi Ci Poems about Foreign Lands, which is relatively barren of research compared to other genres. 竹枝詞는 중국 전통 시가의 주종으로, 晚清 海外竹枝詞는 기존 죽지사와는 다른 새로운 양상을 보인다. 동아시아⋅동남아시아를 소재로 한 죽지사는 明代부터 이미 존재했으나, 서양을 소재로 한 해외죽지사는 아편전쟁 이후에야 등장한다. 아편전쟁 이후 중국은 구국 강병의 길을 모색하기 위해 서양을 유람하며 그들의 신문명을 엿보기 시작했다. 해외죽지사는 이러한 역사적 배경에서 생성된 독특한 문체로서, 직설적이고 생동적으로 중국과 서방 교류의 역사를 기록했으며, 근대 중서관계 변화를 잘 반영한 문학작품이다. 동아시아⋅동남아시아를 소재로 한 죽지사는 역사학⋅지리학⋅민속학적 사료 가치가 높지만, 서양을 소재로 한 죽지사는 근대사상사⋅중서문화 관계사에서 사료적 가치가 높다. 또한 시의 주제⋅외래어 사용⋅주석 등 전통시가 현대 백화시로 넘어가는 근대문학의 과도기적 양상도 잘 드러나 있다. 따라서 만약 만청 해외죽지사를 전반적으로 고찰 분석하여 그 문학적⋅문화적 가치를 제고한다면, 근대문학사는 물론 근대 사상사에도 일조할 수 있을 것이다. 아울러 다른 장르에 비해 상대적으로 연구의 불모지라 할 수 있는 해외죽지사 연구의 새로운 장을 마련할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Concentrated Ownership and Corporate Control: Wallenberg Sphere and Samsung Group

        김화진 서울대학교 아시아태평양법연구소 2014 Journal of Korean Law Vol.14 No.1

        Samsung Group’s success cannot be attributed to its corporate governance structure, at least thus far. The corporate governance of Samsung has been rather controversial. As the group faces the succession issue the corporate governance has become as crucial as their new products and services. Samsung has discovered a role model on the other side of the planet, Wallenberg Sphere in Sweden. Much effort has been made to learn about Wallenberg’s arrangements and key to its success. However, a fundamental difference between the institutions in Sweden and Korea has made the corporate structures of the two groups radically different. Wallenberg uses the dual-class commons whereas Samsung relies upon the circular shareholdings through affiliated firms. This Essay explains and analyzes the two different institutions and corporate structures, and argues that the introduction of the dual-class commons in Korea would make the corporate governance of Samsung more transparent and efficient, if and only if accompanied by Samsung’s commitment to socially responsible corporate citizenship. This Essay also explains and analyzes the recent developments in corporate governance of non-banking financial institutions in Korea and looks into the issue from the perspective of Samsung’s structure in comparison with Wallenberg’s structure.

      • KCI등재후보


        김화진 서울대학교 법학연구소 2007 서울대학교 法學 Vol.48 No.1

        The Market for Corporate Control and Hedge Fund Activism in Korea133)Hwa-Jin Kimtakeovers in the improvement of the corporate governance of Korean companies as exemplified by the KT&G case and other recent takeover cases. Also, this 2007. 3.] 기업 경영권 시장과 헤지펀드 279article accounts various risks that hedge fund activism could bring about. This is particularly important for Korea because Korea expects the new consolidated capital markets law in 207. The new law would revolutionize the Korean capital markets through liberalizing the busines activities of the securities companies and the introduction of new financial products. In recent years, hedge

      • KCI등재

        포트폴리오 자산관리와 자본시장법

        김화진,이민경 사법발전재단 2016 사법 Vol.1 No.35

        Global asset management trend is evolving from individual transactions to portfolio-oriented asset management services that can provide integrated long-term investment advisory solutions in line with investment objectives. Korea is no exception to this trend. Wrap accounts, rather than certain financial investment products, are increasingly becoming popular as it allows investors to build a diversified investment portfolio. Yet there are several provisional constraints under the current Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act of Korea (hereinafter “Capital Markets Act”) as to a financial investment business entity adhering to market demand and offering such integrated portfolio asset management services. This paper explores the following in regard to the Capital Markets Act: (i) restriction on a discretionary investment manager’s asset classification and inclusion criteria, blurred distinction between collective management and collective order, and regulation as to issue of electronic documents; and (ii) an investment advisor’s duty to explain and restriction on classification of investment assets. In addition, this paper examines foreign case studiessuch as the Wrap Fee Program of Merrill Lynch which leads the fee-based advisory service market in the U.S., the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and regulations on business activities (e.g., registration, disclosure, investment recommendation, asset management, and fee) under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rulesthat would be a useful guide for changing financial regulatory stances in order to contribute to developing Korea’s portfolio asset management market. Based on the findings, this paper seeks measures to improve the regulatory framework of the Capital Markets Act from a broader perspective. Furthermore, this paper reviews the concept of “financial portfolio management (Finanzportfolioverwaltung)” under Germany’s Securities Trading Act (WpHG), which is to have a significant implication on Korea’s Capital Markets Act. 세계적으로 자산관리 트렌드는 개별 거래에서 장기적인 투자자문 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 투자목적에 기반한 포트폴리오 중심의 자산관리서비스로 진화하고 있다. 최근 국내에서도 특정 금융투자상품에 대한 투자보다는 투자분산이 이루어질 수 있는 통합자산관리계정이 각광을 받고 있다. 그런데 이러한 시장의 요청에 부응하여 금융투자업자가 통합적인 포트폴리오 자산관리서비스를 제공함에는 현행 자본시장법상 많은 제약이 존재한다. 이 글에서는 그러한 현행법상 제약으로 (i) 투자일임업자의 투자대상자산의 종류와 편입절차에 대한 제약, 집합운용과 집합주문의 불분명한 구분, 전자적 방식의 서면자료 교부에 대한 규제와, (ii) 투자자문업자의 설명의무 및 투자대상 편입자산의 제약 등을 논의하고 이에 대한 개선방안과 함께 보다 큰 틀에서 자본시장법 체계개선의 필요성을 검토한다. 나아가 국내 포트폴리오형 자산관리시장의 발전을 위하여 금융규제법상 관점을 전환하는 데에 참고가 될 수 있는 해외 사례로 미국 랩보수프로그램(Wrap Fee Program)의 내용과 1940년 투자자문업자법(Investment Advisers Act) 및 이에 따른 SEC Rule상 등록 및 공시·투자권유·운용·보수 등 영업행위 규제 사항을 살펴보고, 보수기반 자문서비스 시장을 선도하고 있는 메릴린치의 랩보수프로그램 사례를 살펴본 다음, 우리 자본시장법상 시사점을 도출한다. 나아가 우리 자본시장법상 많은 시사점을 제공해 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대되는 독일 증권거래법(WpHG)상 금융포트폴리오관리(Finanzportfolioverwaltung)의 개념에 대하여도 간략히 살펴본다.

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