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      • 동부하이텍 구조조정 평가

        김홍길 경제개혁연대 2010 경제개혁이슈 Vol.2010 No.2

        ○ 동부그룹의 구조조정은 반도체 사업에 강한 의지를 가진 김준기 회장의 뜻에 따라 반도체 사업 부문은 그대로 둔 채 동부하이텍의 유동성 위기를 해결하는 것에 국한하여 진행되고 있다. ○ 동부하이텍이 대주단과 약속한 자금 조달을 위해 계열사들은 자산 매입,차입금에 대한 담보 제공, 차환을 위한 자금 대여 등으로 동부하이텍을 지원했다. 동부하이텍의 구조조정은 결국 재무위험을 계열사들로 분산?전가하는 결과를 낳고 있다. ○ 앞으로도 외부에서 자금이 유입되지 않는 한, 동부하이텍은 계속해서 계열사로부터 자금지원을 받을 가능성이 크다. 따라서 동부하이텍의 재무구조가 근본적으로 개선되지 않는다면 계열사들에게 부실이 전가될 위험성이 있다. ○ 반면, 김준기 회장은 부실한 동부하이텍에 추가 출자를 하는 대신 알짜배기 자회사인 동부메탈의 지분을 매입해주는 방식으로 사재출연 명분도 살리고 개인의 위험도 최소화하였다. ○ 재벌총수의 지배권이 유지되는 상황에서 기업자율을 강조하는 방식의 구조조정은, 총수의 독단적 의사결정에 의해 구조조정이 지연되거나 계열사들에게 위험을 전가하는 등의 심각한 문제를 발생시킬 수 있다. 산업은행 등 대주단은 동부하이텍의 재무상황과 계열사간 거래를 예의주시하면서 적시에 필요한 조치가 취해질 수 있도록 하고, 계열사들에게 위험이 전가되지 않도록 방화벽(firewall)을 쌓는데도 주의를 기울여야 할 것이다.

      • 제주 아쿠아리움 방문객의 고객만족이 재방문의도와 추천의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김홍길 김천대학교 2014 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        This study is to investigate a specific type of impacts on the tourists' evaluation of the ocean aquarium's images, experience programs, visitor's satisfaction and intentional ecommendation to visit. It leads general audiences to understand their choice behavior and to set up some strategic marketing plans to help increase management perfor-mance of existing and future Jeju ocean aquariums. For those purposes, Empirical analysis led to the following findings: ticket booth, food court, educational experience variables influenced on aquarium satisfaction. The images and experiences factors for influencing to revisits of tourists investigated according to ticket booth, educational and esthetic experiences. The aquarium satisfaction were analyzed for influencing revis-its and information by word of mouth of tourists. Since the study only examined Jeju quarium in empirical analysis, the results are hard to be generalized. Given that there s no clear establishment of the concepts of an ocean aquarium's images and images tend to be rather subjective, it's a fact that tourists can differ from each other in their perceptions of an ocean aquarium. The future study need to be compensated for by adding more objects of research. The theoretical study on the images of an ocean aquariumshould also be more concrete, objective, and in-depth.

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 전공만족도가 교사이미지에 미치는 영향: 셀프리더십의 매개효과

        김홍길,이진화 한국육아지원학회 2019 육아지원연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of self-leadership on the relationships between levels of academic major satisfaction and teacher images in pre-service early childhood teachers. For the purpose, 286 college students in their fourth year, who had finished teaching practicum in Daejeon and Chungchong areas, answered on the questionnaires. Means, standard deviations, and Pearson's correlational results were reviewed, and then, Baron and Kenny(1986)’s three-step regression was conducted to examine mediating effects among the variables. The results of the study were as follows. First, pre-service teachers' levels of major satisfaction, teacher images, and self-leadership tended to be generally high. Also, there were positive correlations between major satisfaction and teacher images (the total and each sub-domain scores). Next, the pre-service teachers' major satisfaction significantly predicted their teacher images. In particular, pre-service teachers’ self-leadership was found to partially mediate the impact that major satisfaction had on their teacher images. These results suggest that it is necessary to develop curricula and various teaching strategies for the future in order to improve major satisfaction and self-leadership among pre-service early childhood teachers, which likely help them to form positive teacher images. 본 연구는 예비유아교사의 전공만족도가 교사이미지의 미치는 영향에서 셀프리더십의 매개효과를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 대전, 충청권 소재의 교육실습을 완료한 유아교육과 4학년 학생들 286명 대상으로 자기보고식 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 평균, 표준편차, Pearson의 상관관계를 산출하였고, 셀프리더십의 매개효과는 Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 회귀분석 3단계를 실시하 였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 예비유아교사의 전공만족도, 교사이미지, 셀프리더십의 경향은 비교적 높았다. 또한 전공만족도와 교사이미지(전체)와 각 하위영역은 모두 긍정적인 상관성을 나타내 었다. 둘째, 예비유아교사의 전공만족도는 교사이미지를 유의하게 설명하는 예측변인이었고, 특히 셀프리더십은 예비유아교사의 전공만족도가 교사이미지에 영향을 부분 매개변인으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과들은 예비유아교사들의 긍정적인 교사이미지를 형성하는데 필요한 전공만족도와 셀프리더십을 향상시키기 위해 미래사회에 부합하는 교과목 개발 및 다양한 수업전략개발 등이 필요함을 시사한다.

      • 패권전환기 미국의 동맹우선주의와 한반도 평화지도력: 한반도문제의 다자 균형과 편승의 딜레마

        김홍길 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 지역과 세계 Vol.32 No.2

        This study dealt on the challenge and power shift for peace leadership and alliance of ROK-U.S. After ten years ago, The traditional paradigm in Korea as peace and security coalition model have changed and fronted on the power challenges not only domestic factors U.S and ROK but also international factors as hard power and soft power change from relation neighboring countries. Especially south Korea have influenced from the enlargement of citizen power through the democratization and regime change. Since 1998, south Korea government tried to role shift that conflict and security structure as international democratic alliance partner as well as the moderator to peace making and cooperative regime. The critical dilemma is related incomplete information and lower trust among NK, SK, U.S. the incomplete security coalition model have impacted many confusion and conflict. especially the null and validity data is not clearly discriminated. and security index of accountability to NK change yet depend on the highly uncertainty. conclusionly in this paper is that the condition of U.S. the hegemonic power may be infronted of declining. The challange of global hegemony is very serious in U.S.A and environment of Korean Peace making. Current transitional condition to Korean peninsula peace regime is not immature. However we'll be get the opportunity the making peace Korean regime although the following situation which the decline of hegemonic power in U.S. and Multilateral security system in North East Asia. We try to persuade international society through the basic and logical method Korea peninsula Peace is do good peace in all of the world. 이 연구는 미국이 동맹을 우위에 내세우는 전략으로 전환된 배경을 미국패권의 확장의 결과라기보다 미국패권의 쇠퇴를 예방하기 위한 전통적 동맹의 응집결과에 주목한다. 탈냉전 이후 미국패권동맹은 다자주의에 영향을 받았다. 파트너 국가의 협조를 이끌 인센티브와 제휴의 획득이 좌절될 때 동맹퇴조현상도 나타났다. 상호의존의 증대와 국익추구는 동맹우선주의를 약화시킨 요소가 되었고, 미국은 자국이익추구와 다자전략을 병행하지만 첨예한 쟁점은 동맹우위전략으로 봉합하는 행태를 보여왔다. 북핵문제의 장기화 국면에서 미국은 외부위협에 따른 결속을 이끌 중력관리에 빈번히 실패했고, 전폭적인 동맹활동에 대한 위임현상도 대체되었다. 한반도는 독자적으로 한미관계 재조정과 남북관계 정상화에 대한 지향이 증대되었다. 국익충돌은 한미공조와 다자균형이 엇박자를 내는 현상을 초래했고, 동맹공조의 위기도 가져왔다. 이런 구조에서 평화이행을 위한 전략적 제휴는 복합적이고 다층적 협력구조를 보이게 되었다. 결론적으로 동맹중심의 한반도 평화구상이나 평화지도력이 한계를 노출함에 따라, 다자적 전략제휴를 통해 다층적 협력을 형성, 진전, 활성화시키는 가운데 북한변화를 이끌어내는 능동적인 접근이 요구되고 있다.

      • 한국 컨벤션 산업의 문제점과 활성화 방안 연구

        김홍길,윤병국 한국관광정보학회 2002 觀光情報硏究 Vol.- No.12

        After Korea Visiting Year in 2001, Korea and Japan World Cup Game and Busan Asian Game, Korean Convention industry is becoming brisk because Korea has been spotlighted as a country with the favorable conditions to hold a variety of the large scale of international conferences, fairs and exhibitions. To boost Korean convention industry, we need to expand and upgrade overall convention facilities and competencies considering the regional characteristics, educate and retain the high caliber and establish the special organization in charge of this industry. In addition, we need to drive forward the systematic marketing and promotion activity and develop the city for the international conference for further attraction. Lately, participants who attend the conference with the vacation and traveling are increasing rather than the one just for the business. Thus, it offers the opportunity to make them enjoy their free time at the reasonable price with satisfying their purposes, business and entertainment. In this aspect, some of new hotels in Jeju Island are trying to have a convention facility in order to offer the academic seminar and group training. It would be great to make a unique program combined with the environmental charicteristics such as the culture, the way the residents live, the nature. Some people may say that out tourism competitiveness is decreased against the rise of Singapore, Hong Kong and China. However, our main tourists are Asian and we should raise our international awareness and promote Korea as a clean and dynamic country so that we can maintain and improve our conpetitiveness. Even though we have the advanced convention center and the attractive venue, the qualified and experienced manpower is fully required because the most substantial factor in bolstering the competitiveness is competent people. In addition, the quantitative growth should be converted into the qualitative growth, because what participants are satisfied with the service, facility and the contents of the conference is most improtant than just attracting meetings. The structure of the convention industry in Korea has been set up in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and Jeju Island. However, we are shout of the operation know-how and the service in terms of software, people and hardware, the facility, which play an important role to survive in the rapidly changing global era. Above all, we should pay attention to whether participants are satisfied with the overall services. For this, we should provide the comprehensive and systematic services effectively for the customer satisfaction, raise the customer loyalty and draw the satisfaction of the internal customer because if the internal customers are not fully satisfied, then the external customers will not as well. In conclusion, we have gotten into this industry late, so we should develop the convention industry as the strategic industry, settle down the infrastructure and tax benefits with looking ahead 10 years and set up the creative and unique tourism culture. We also make the continuous efforts on the people development. The investment on both hardware and software is a yardstick to determine competitiveness of the Korean convention industry and these efforts will play a crucial role in enhancing the image of this convention industry and more over our country.

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