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        논문(論文) : 근대(近代) 산동(山東) 자호(字號)의 경영 성격과 지역적 특성 -장구(章丘) 맹가(孟家) "상(祥)"자호(字號) 경영을 중심으로-

        김형열 ( Hyong Yol Kim ) 중국사학회 2015 中國史硏究 Vol.94 No.-

        Meng family members were landlords and merchants who owned massive lands and ran shops by capital from land-rent profits in Zhangqiu district of Shandong province through Qing dynasty and modern period. They ran shops named with ‘Xiang’ in Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai. The shops named with ‘Xiang’ that Meng family ran were all over the trade area of open-port and accumulated gigantic fund in late Qing and early Republic of China. Thus Meng family members changed from landowner who owned massive lands into capitalist who owned capital in large quantities. The Meng family who ran the shops named with ‘Xiang’ had two local characteristics in general compared with the management character of the other traditional shops in those days. First, they were managing landowners based on land-rent and expanded business through accumulated fund from land exploitation, then they bought lands using profits from business again. Once they had massive capital and extended shops they ran, they changed from landlords into capitalists. Second, their business were affected by Confucius culture based on traditional local culture of Shandong. It was absolute that the Confucius culture of Qi-Lu area affected the management character of Shandong merchants. The Qi culture that was mercantilistic pragmatism and the Lu culture that was moral courtesy were upheld by Shandong merchants and affected their characteristic, life and management ideology. This cultural tradition was applied to the management method of the traditional shop, Ruifuxiang.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        신문화운동기 리다자오(李大釗)의 조화사상과 정치인식

        김형열 ( Kim Hyong-yol ) 대구사학회 2018 대구사학 Vol.131 No.-

        리다자오의 조화사상은 한마디로 상호 모순적이고 대립ㆍ저항적인 두 현상과 가치체계가 병존과 일치를 이룰 수 있다는 조화주의적 세계관이자 인생관이라 할 수 있다. 리다자오는 우주 만물이 순환한다고 보았다. 번영과 쇠퇴, 삶과 죽음, 파괴와 창조, 건장과 쇠약, 늙음과 젊음, 탄생과 죽음이 서로 반복된다고 생각하였으며 상호 대립적인 두 현상은 모두 필연적이고 필수적인 것으로 결국은 같은 것의 서로 다른 모습이라는 것을 말하고자 했다. 리다자오의 건설적이고 실천적인 우주관과 세계관은 새로운 중국을 만들기 위한 지식인의 정치적 각성과 인위적 노력을 끌어내는 작용을 하였다. 그럼으로써 중국인들이 청년중국의 부활에 걸림돌이 되는 구중국적 요소인 전제주의를 일소하고 그것을 대체할 요소로서 민주주의를 요구하도록 만들어 주었던 것이다. 이른바 ‘청춘’ 우주관이라 할 수 있는 이러한 대립·병존, 모순·다변의 세계관은 다른 말로 표현한다면 조화 사상이라고 할 수 있었다. 이 조화 사상은 신문화운동기 리다자오가 발표한 여러 글들에서 드러나 그의 정치론과 사회론을 형성하였으며, 이후 정치적 모순과 사회적 모순의 극복을 위해 그가 지향한 정치운동의 성격을 상당 부분 결정하였다. 리다자오의 전체 사상체계 속에서 볼 때 그의 조화사상을 마르크스주의자로 변모하기 전의 미성숙한 철학이론 또는 부르주아적인 일탈로 치부하기에는 그 사상적 영향관계가 너무 긴밀하고 지대함을 간과하기 힘들다. 그의 사상과 글 속에서 매우 큰 비중을 차지하는 청춘과 청년이란 개념은 늙고 병든 중국이 현 상황에서 빠져나와 이루고자 한 이상적 미래만을 의미하는 것이 아니라 당시의 중국이 이미 배태하고 있던 또 다른 중국의 면모라고 할 수 있었다. 그는 당시의 중국인들에게 재생과 부활의 이상적 가치만을 심어주고자 한 것이 아니라 현실사회 속에서 청춘중화 즉 신중국을 만들 수 있는 원리와 힘을 찾아주고자 한 것이었다. 이러한 대립·병존, 상반상생의 조화사상은 단순히 유심주의적 사상으로서 비물질적 요소만을 강조하는 것이 아니라 정신과 함께 물질까지 우주운용의 주요 요소로서 수용하고자 하는 경향으로까지 발전할 수 있었다고 보인다. In a word, Li Da-zhao's idea of harmony is a harmonious view of the world and a view of life, in which two phenomena and values, which are mutually contradictory and conflicting, can be of one accord and be coexisting. Li Da-zhao saw that everything in the universe is rotating. He thought that prosperity and decline, life and death, destruction and creation, health and decay, old and young, and birth and death both of which were necessary and inevitable were repeated, and in the end, were different appearances of the same things. What should have created new China, new ideas and new institutions should have been practically young, new, dynamic, and energetic society, not just seemingly new and young society. Li Da-zhao's constructive, practical view of the universe and view of the world served to induce the political awakening and artificial efforts of intellectuals to create a new China. By doing so, the people have been forced to demand democracy as a substitute for monarchism and to wipe out the despotism, an element of the old tradition of china that has hindered the revival of young China. Such a conflicting and coexisting, contradictory and changeable view of the world, which is known as the “Youth” universe view, was, in other words, harmonious ideas. This idea of harmony was revealed in several writings published by Li Da-zhao in New Culture Movement era to shape his political and social theory, and later determined the character of political campaign he sought to overcome the political and social contradictions. In Li Da-zhao's whole system of thought, it is too difficult to dismiss the ideological influence so that we can’t look his idea of harmony as an immature philosophical theory or a bourgeois deviation before he became a Marxist. The concept of youth, which was very important in his ideas and writings, could not only mean the ideal future that the old and sick China had to pulled out of the current situation and wanted to achieve. It was another character and appearance china already had at that time. Li Da-zhao did not only want to give the Chinese at the time the ideal value of regeneration and rebirth, but to find the principles and power to create youth china, or new china, in a real society. This idea of harmony between confrontation and coexistence could develop into a trend to accept the matter along with the spirit as a key element in operation of universe from the phase of emphasis on non-materialistic factors. Then, the spiritualism that Li Da-zhao showed in embracing Marxism, in other words, would be an evidence that he has been embraced materialism in a system of idealistic thought.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        근대(近代) 일본 식민도시의 유곽(遊廓) 형성과 창기업(娼妓業)

        김형열 ( Kim Hyong-yol ) 한국일본근대학회 2021 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.71

        유곽은 일본 에도시대에 등장했다. 도요토미 히데요시 시대에 창기들을 단속하기 위하여 娼妓業에 종사하는 여성들을 한 지역에 모아서 성매매를 하도록 하였는데, 포주는 이들 娼妓들에 대해 몸값을 지불하고 통제하면서 유곽이 만들어지게 되었던 것이다. 이후 창기업이 번창하게 되고 유곽에 있는 창기들이 가부키나 우키요에 등의 모델이 되는 등 에도시대를 지나면서 유곽은 ‘유곽 문화’라는 용어를 사용할 정도로 하나의 국가적 전통문화로서 자리매김하게 되었다. 이후 메이지 유신을 거치면서 법령을 제정하여 근대 公娼制가 처음으로 형성되었다. 일제가 본격적으로 해외로 진출하면서 아시아 곳곳에 일본의 식민지가 건설되었고 일본인이 거류지에 정착하였다. 식민지를 개척한 일본인들은 본토에서 누리던 문화를 계속하여 접하기 위해 그들이 거주하는 조계지에 일본의 문화와 제도를 이식하였다. 유곽은 바로 이러한 이유로 인하여 일본의 식민 도시마다 군대, 신사와 더불어 존재할 수 있었다. 조선과 중국에 건설된 일본인 거류지에도 유곽이 건설되었다. 유곽은 건설 초기 식민지에 홀로 건너온 일본인 남성을 중심으로 하여 남성 노동자가 많이 거주하는 지역에서 집중적으로 성매매를 진행하였지만, 점차 창기업이 성황을 이루면서 1920-40년대에는 식민도시 사회에 깊이 침투되어 유곽과 창기업은 도시의 대표적 유흥문화의 하나로 발전하였다. 근대 조선과 중국의 일본 식민도시에는 예외 없이 일본식 유곽문화가 형성되었으며 이러한 유곽을 통한 공창제도의 실시는 해외에 진출해 있는 일본인들의 불만을 해소하거나 지역 이익을 창출하는 것 이외에도 해외에 주둔한 일본 군대에 안전한 성을 공급하기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌다. 따라서 이러한 공창제도는 일본 식민당국의 식민통치를 원활히 하고 식민지역에 대한 적절한 통제를 실시하는 데 유용했을 뿐 아니라 주둔군의 사기를 진작시켜 줌으로써 제국주의적 침략을 확대하고자 하는 일본의 이익에 영합하는 사회제도라 할 수 있었다. The Meiji regime has restructured the public prostitution system modernly, modeling their prostitution control policies while inspecting European countries. As the Japanese imperialism go abroad in earnest, japanese colony was built in several Asian countries and the Japanese settled in the colonial cities. The Japanese wanted to live as much as possible in the colonies as in the mainland of Japan, so they introduced the mainland system and culture to their settlement. Thus, the Japanese settlements of the Japanese colonial cities were essentially equipped with military, shrines, and fortresses, and the Japanese settlements built in Korea and China were also built. For the purpose of construction, the red-light district started to operate for Japanese men at first, but as the establishment of the red-light district became more successful, it was deeply infiltrated into the colonial city society in the 1920s and 30s, and the red-light district of colonial cities developed into one of the representative entertainment cultures of the city. In modern Korean and Chinese colonial cities, Japanese-style red-light district culture was formed without exception, and the implementation of the legal prostitution system was aimed at providing safe sex to Japanese troops stationed abroad in addition to reducing complaints from Japanese overseas or generating local interests. Thus, this legal prostitution system was useful not only to facilitate Japanese colonial rule and to enforce proper control over the colonies, but also to Japan's interest in expanding imperialist aggression by boosting the morale of its troops.

      • KCI등재

        근대 산동(山東) 지역 해방(海防) 정책과 해양기지의 건설 -위해(威海)와 교주만(膠州灣) 기지건설을 중심으로-

        김형열 ( Kim Hyong Yol ) 중국사학회 2019 中國史硏究 Vol.0 No.123

        The “Sea Defense” policy taken by the Qing dynasty shows China’s perception of the world at that time, regardless of its military strategy. Despite his excellent scientific technique on various fields of the country, he eventually fell into a well-worn frog due largely to the lack of a national-level strategy to actively respond to the outside world. Of course, it is true that the fact that China has never experienced a large-scale invasion from the sea or that the threat of the frontier has always started in the north has lowered the level of the sea defense and made it a strategic military system centered on land power. However, the fact that China, which had the largest battleship in the world until the Ming dynasty, still possessed naval power at the level of the Middle Ages when the Opium War broke out, and that he tried to maintain the system of the heavenly dynasty of China until the second Opium war could indicate that chinese intellectuals at that time still had a serious problem on their perception of outside world. Moreover, like the overlapping and confusion shown by fulfilling chinese westernized reform whose aim was consolidating the governance structure of the Qing Dynasty, the conditions of selecting the naval base in the Qing Dynasty indicated the closed and shortsighted nature of chinese westernized reform. In this paper, we will look at what changes took place in the sea defense policy after the First Opium War, focusing on the Shandong region, and then on how the construction of sea defense led by Li Hong-zhang during the chinese westernized reform. In addition, we will figure out how Germany, which wanted to build a colony with a naval base in East Asia, approached China through their maritime policies and explore how the process of colonizing the Kyoju Bay by Germany has progressed.

      • KCI등재

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