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      • KCI등재

        시지각적 이미지 변용과 표현에 관한 연구 -[New Trees]시리즈를 중심으로-

        김형섭 ( Hyung Sup Kim ) 현대사진영상학회 2015 현대사진영상학회논문집 Vol.18 No.3

        This is a study about photographs of “New Trees” series. The subject is pruned trees along the street which brought about an idea that they would be transformed into being branchless after lots of generation. When trees are changed by people without aesthetic consideration, they might not be symbolized by the current standards of perception at some point in the future, which is visualized in the series. The preceding works referred in visualizing images are “To Alice......” series with long exposure technique by HongChun Park. They are excellent in visualizing the world after humanity. In terms of the content, any artificial elements in the background are entirely removed and replaced by cloudy sky in order to present trees in the disparate and strange space like heterotopia by Michel Foucault. In addition, the “unconscious world” mentioned by Walter Benjamin, which are elements not perceived at the time of taking photos, is changed by using photo editing program and all the “conscious world” remains to best reflect the intention at the time. The easy modify of images result from the horizontal migration from silver halides photography to digital photography which William Mitchell called post photography in contrast with previous photographs. The simple change of digital images may be one of the most loved media in the postmodern era. As shown in the “New Trees” works, photographers would be more actively involved in artistic expression to reconstruct and provide different ways of looking at the present.

      • KCI등재

        학교폭력 예방을 위한 법제 연구 ?학교경찰(School Police) 제도를 중심으로-

        김형섭 ( Hyung Sup Kim ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2013 영남법학 Vol.0 No.36

        In March 2013, a high school student in KyeongBuk province committed suicide because of school violence. These circumstances have become issues as a serious social problems in Korea. Although our government and municipalities have established and implemented many measures to root out school violence, they could not have as many effects as expected. Accordingly, it is necessary for the government and all the people to have interests and seek for solutions in an effort to solve the problem. Recently, police started operating a few systems for direct and effective activities with police officers entering the school sites. It is urgent to prepare measures because school violence can be transferred to a greater national problem if school violence is left out as it were. Form the perspective of theses circumstances, the operation of a school police system can be appropriate in terms of time. Accordingly, the satisfactory effects can be possible if the involvement of public authority is enforced under the prudent and thorough planning above all when this system is operated. Considering these aspects, this essay mutually compared many school police systems appropriate in our country. This essay derives conclusions by mutually comparing the police officer system dedicated to schools which police station is operating police officers in charge of school violence with regard to the introduction model in a Korean way. With regard to these matters, this study is comparatively superior and a reasonable alternative as the introduction model of school police in a Korean way. Many advanced countries including USA, Germany, England have made assurance doubly sure to prevent school violence and prepare measures for proper school police system through constant development of relevant programs and active supports at the national level. Several studies have already suggested that school police can be usually used as a very effective tool at this moment. As demonstrated in foreign cases, it is the most critical to develop a unique school police system according to the local historical and cultural differences. Now, based on more careful and close examinations, both the Government and the society should try to find the best approach to introduction of school police into Korea.

      • 철골-콘크리트 부분합성 단면보의 휨 거동에 관한 연구

        김형섭 ( Kim Hyung-sup ),안종문 ( Ahn Jong-moon ),이광수 ( Lee Kwang-soo ),신성우 ( Shin Sung-woo ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2003 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        Recently, domestic buildings are becoming more diverse and special with the changes of times and culture, the study has been investigated with increasing emphasis on the composite beam system in variable methods. The purpose of this study is to present the evaluation method for the deflection of the partially composite members. To achieve this purpose, concrete thickness and the amount of shear stud were selected as test variables, and 7 specimens were manufactured and tested under two points static load. Test Results as followings, 1) as the distance of concrete thickness is increased that of neutral axis is increased, 2) moment of inertia for partially composite members can be exactly calculated by neglecting the lower concrete area of the neutral axis.

      • KCI등재

        지방분권형 자치경찰제에 관한 연구* : 문재인정부의 지방분권추진기구와 현 정부에서 도입예정인 자치경찰제를 중심으로

        김형섭(Kim, Hyung Sup) 한국부패학회 2019 한국부패학회보 Vol.24 No.2

        지방자치제도는 각 지역의 지방자치단체가 지역 내의 공공과제를 자치기구에 의해 스스 로의 책임 하에 처리함으로써 국가적 과제를 덜어 지역주민들의 자치역량을 고취시켜 정치의 민주화와 권력의 분립을 실현하는 자유민주적 통치기구의 중요한 조직원리이다. 또한 대통령 발의 대한민국헌법 개정(안)에서 가장 핵심적 내용은 주민자치권에 근거한 지방분권 관련 헌법개정이 가장 중심적 내용이다. 그동안 지방자치의 발전과정에서 주민의 경제생활과 문화복지 등의 정책에 있어서 국가와의 밀접도보다는 지방자치단체와의 밀접도가 훨씬 높은 것을 인지하게 됨으로써 지방자치에 대한 주민의 욕구는 더욱 증가하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이에 지방자치의 실현을 위하여 지방분권이 절실히 요구되고 있는 시점이다. 지방분권 (decentralization)은 계층적인 국가조직의 외부에서 고유한 법인격을 가진 행정주체에게 행정사무를 배분하는 것으로 정의된다. 즉, 지방분권은 중앙에 집중된 국가의 권한을 지방에 분산시키고자 하는 원리인 동시에 국가와 지방자치단체의 역할을 합리적이고도 적절하게 분담시켜 지방자치단체에게 역할의 중점을 부여하는 원리, 또는 중앙정부에 집중되어 있는 권한과 재원을 지방자치단체에 이양하고 국가의 관여를 최소화 시켜서 지방자치단체의 자율성과 독립성을 보장해 주는 정치형태로 정의되고 있다. 현재 제주특별자치도에서 자치경찰제도가 시행중이다. 노무현 참여정부에서는 제주도를 자치분권의 이념을 기반으로 해서 국제적으로 경쟁력을 갖추고, 명실상부한 국제자유도시로 조성․추진하기로 했다. 시범적 자치제도로 조직과 인사 및 재정 등에 관련한 자치권 강화, 자치경찰과 교육자치의 도입, 7개의 특별중앙행정기관에 대한 이관을 추진하고, 각종의 행정규제를 대폭적으로 완화하여 경영․투자여건의 조성을 통하여 교육과 관광 및 의료 분야의 첨단산업을 집중적으로 육성할 계획을 수립했었다. 하지만 제주특별자치도의 자치경찰은 반쪽자리 경찰이라는 오명 하에 경찰로서의 역할이 제한적이다.자치경찰제도입은 주민의 안전과 기본권보장이 직결되는 중요한 문제이며 그간 운영되어온 국가경찰제를 벗어던지고 새로운 제도를 입는 것이다. 현재 우리나라에서 처음으로 도입 되어서 시범적으로 운영되고 있는 제주자치경찰는 실질적으로 모두의 무관심속에서 운영되고 있으며 개선해야 할 부분이 많다. 따라서 우리 실정에 맞는 지방분권형 자치경찰제 도입 안을 연구․검토해 보고, 큰 틀에서 현재 문재인정부의 광역자치경찰 정부(안)을 바탕으로, 광역자치경찰이 현재 국가․지역적인 재정상황과 치안수요 등을 고려해서 지방자치단체의 입장에 가장 부합하는 자치경찰제인지 확인해 보고자 한다. 이를 통해 우리 실정에 가장 적합한 도입(안)을 도출해 낼 수 있으리라 생각 된다. The local autonomy system is a system in which local governments in each region handle public tasks in the region under its own responsibility by self-governing bodies, thereby empowering local residents to self- It is an important organizational principle of the governing body. In addition, the most important content in the amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea by the President is the revision of the constitutional amendment related to decentralization based on the citizens autonomy. In the process of development of local autonomy, the residents desire for local autonomy is increasing more and more because they are aware that the politics of residents economic life and cultural welfare are much closer to the local government than the close relationship with the state It is a reality. Currently, an Self-governing police system is in operation in Jeju. The Roh Moo-hyun administration decided to build Jeju Island as an international free city with international competitiveness based on the principle of autonomous decentralization. As a pilot self-governing system, it will strengthen the autonomy of the organization, human resources and finance, introduce Self-Governing Police and education self-governing, transfer to seven special central administrative agencies and considerably reduce administrative regulations to create management and investment conditions. To establish a high-tech industry in education, tourism and medical care. However, Self-Governing Police in Jeju Special Self - governing Province have limited role as police under the stigma of half - way police. The introduction of the Self-Governing Police system is an important issue that directly affects the safety of residents and guarantees of basic rights. Currently, the Jeju Self-Governing Police, which has been introduced for the first time in Korea, is operating in the indifference of all, and there are many parts to be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to study and examine the introduction of the Self-Governing Police system which is suitable for our situation. Based on the present government of the Self-Governing Police government of Moon Jae-in, Considering this, I want to check whether it is an Self-Governing Police system that best matches the position of local autonomous entities.Through this, I think we can derive the most suitable introduction to our situation.

      • KCI등재
      • 철골-콘크리트 부분합성 단면보의 휨 거동에 관한 연구

        김형섭(Kim Hyung-Sup),안종문(Ahn Jong-Moon),이광수(Lee Kwang-Soo),신성우(Shin Sung-Woo) 한국구조물진단유지관리학회 2003 한국구조물진단학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Recently, domestic buildings are becoming more diverse and special with the changes of times and culture. the study has been investigated with increasing emphasis on the composite beam system in variable methods. The purpose of this study is to present the evaluation method for the deflection of the partially composite members. To achieve this purpose, concrete thickness and the amount of shear stud were selected as test variables, and 7 specimens were manufactured and tested under two points static load. Test Results as followings, 1) as the distance of concrete thickness is increased that of neutral axis is increased, 2) moment of inertia for partially composite members can be exactly calculated by neglecting the lower concrete area of the neutral axis.

      • KCI등재

        SSM(기업형 슈퍼마켓) 규제 조례의 현황

        김형섭(Kim, Hyung-Sup) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2019 東亞法學 Vol.- No.82

        본 연구에서는 현재 우리나라는 대기업과 중소기업(영세중소상인), 경영자와 노동자, 부자와 서민, 권력자와 비권력자 들의 사회적 양극화로 인하여 서로의 이익을 대변하기위한 갈등이 심화되고 있으며, 이로 인한 폐해는 국력의 약화, 국민들의 분열을 가속시켜 사회적 불신의 골이 깊어지고 자신들의 이익만을 대변하는 다툼이 생겨나는 것에 대한 고민으로 시작됐다. 유통산업발전법을 근간으로 하는 전주시의 “전주시 대규모점포 등의 등록 및 조정 조례”가 의결되었고, 전주시의 대형마트와 전국의 모든 SSM들이 한달에 2번의 의무휴업이 이뤄지고 있다. 그리고 전주시를 따라 수많은 시 · 도 기초의회들이 조례를 의결했고, 모든 시 · 도 기초의회에서 조례가 만들어져서 대형마트와 SSM의 규제가 전국에서 일어나고 있다. 대기업의 시장진입과정에 장벽을 친다는데 대한 부정적인 의견과 영세중소상인들의 동네상권보호에 찬성하는 의견이 대립되는 가운데 외국사례에서 보면 미국 · 일본 · 유럽 각국의 예전 법안은 필연적으로 인위적인 진입장벽을 만들어 영세상인과 중소유통점의 상생의 길을 모색했었다. 하지만 현재 외국의 법안은 예전의 법안들이 유통부문에서의 경쟁을 사라지게 하고 이것으로 인해 소비자의 후생을 감소시켰다라고 주장하고, 다시 자유경제체제의 논리하에서 유통부문의 진입장벽이 국가경쟁력에 부정적 영향을 미친다는 사실을 인식하고 이것을 개혁하겠다는 강한 의지를 보이고 있다. 특히 우리나라에서의 SSM 규제 논쟁은 SSM의 시장 진입을 규제해야 한다는 논리로 SSM이 기존 상권에 진입할 경우 일시적으로는 소비자들의 후생이 증가할지 모르지만 장기적으로는 이들이 기존 중소유통업을 몰아내고 시장을 독점하여 독점력을 행사하며 소비자를 착취하여 궁극적으로는 소비자의 후생이 감소하게 될 것이라는 것이다. 이제 우리는 대기업과 영세중소상인의 상생을 모색할 시점에 온 것이다. 우리는 앞으로 한동안은 규제를 통한 자유경쟁 속에서 영세중소상인들의 변화와 발전의 시간을 벌어주어야 한다. 영세중소상인들의 경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 시간과 국가 정책적인 지원이 있은 뒤에 자유시장경제질서에 맡겨도 늦지 않을 것 같기 때문이다. In this study, the conflicts between the big companies and small and medium enterprises (small and middle sized enterprises), managers and workers, rich and poor people, power and non - power people are getting more and more intense to represent each other`s interests. And the disintegration of the people, the deepening of the goal of social distrust, and the struggle to represent their own interests. The registration and adjustment regulations of Jeonju city large-scale stores were decided by Jeonju city based on the development law of the distribution industry, and the large marts of Jeonju city and all SSMs nationwide are closed for duty twice a month. Many city and provincial parliaments passed the ordinance along with Jeonju city, and regulations were made in all city and provincial councils, and regulations of large marts and SSM are taking place all over the country. In the case of foreign companies, the old legislation of the US, Japan, and Europe inevitably creates an artificial barriers to entry. We have sought the way of coexistence of small merchants and small retailers. However, current foreign legislation argues that previous legislation has eliminated competition in the distribution sector and has reduced consumer welfare, and again, under the logic of the free economic system, entry barriers in the distribution sector have had a negative impact on national competitiveness It recognizes the fact that it is growing and is showing a strong will to reform it. In particular, the controversy over SSM regulation in Korea is that SSM should regulate the market entry. If SSM enters the existing market, it may temporarily increase the welfare of consumers, but in the long run, they will exempt the existing small- It is that the monopoly power is used and the consumers are exploited and ultimately the consumer welfare will decrease. Now we have come to the point of looking for coexistence of large corporations and small business owners. In the future, we should make time for the change and development of the small business people in the free competition in the free competition through regulation. It is unlikely that it will be too late to leave the free market economy order after time and national policy support to secure the competitiveness of small businesses.

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