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      • KCI등재

        자위단에 대응한 의병의 활동과 지역사회(1907~1909)

        김헌주(Kim, Hun-joo) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2018 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.62

        이 연구는 의병을 진압하기 위해 설치된 자위단과 의병이 대립하는 과정과 그 사이에서 지역주민이 경계를 넘나드는 대응을 했던 맥락을 포착하여 당시 지역사회의 관계구도를 읽어내기 위한 시도이다. 의병은 일제의 대한제국 주권 침탈에 저항하기 위해 일어났는데, 의병을 진압하기 위해 설치된 것이 바로 자위단이었다. 의병과 자위단 간의 대립에서 승패의 관건이 되는 것은 결국 지역주민의 지지였다. 양자는 각각 ‘義’와 ‘文明’이라는 기치를 내세우면서 지역사회의 지지를 얻으려 노력했다. 그 지지를 얻기 위해 의병과 자위단은 부단한 노력을 했고 이런 상황에서 지역주민은 각자가 가지고 있는 기반에 따라 양자를 취사선택하는 방식의 대응을 했다. 이러한 대응은 지역주민들이 자위단과 의진의 대립 속에서 살아남기 위한 자구책임과 동시에 적극적으로 양자를 활용한 것이라고도 볼 수 있다. 이러한 대응이 가능했던 것은 지역주민이 지역의 동리체계 안에서 자위단에 속해 있었지만 동시에 언제든지 의병으로 변화할 수 있는 양자의 경계를 넘나드는 존재였기 때문이다. 의병의 항쟁이 활발했던 1907~1909년 당시 의병과 자위단 그리고 지역주민의 관계는 이러한 관계구도로 존재했던 것이다. This research aimed at investigating the relation among the regional societies by comprehending the conflict process between the self-defense forces and righteous army and the context beyond the boundary of the regional residents between them. Righteous army rose to resist against the Japanese imperialism to regain the sovereignty, here, self-defense forces were installed to suppress the righteous army. The point of victory or defeat between the righteous army and the self-defense forces was the support of the regional residents. Both of them tried to gain the support of the regional society by raising the credo, ‘justice(義)’ and ‘civilization(文明)’, respectively. In order to gain that support, righteous army and self-defense forces exerted constant efforts, in such situation, regional residents responded in the method of choosing between them based on their situation. Such reaction was their strategy to save themselves, at the same time, active utilization of both of them. The point how this was possible was because the regional residents belonged to the self-defense forces within the community system, however they were able to go beyond the boundary between the two parties by changing themselves to the righteous army. During 1907~1909, when the righteous army was activated, the relation among the righteous army, self-defense forces, and regional residents existed in such relation composition.

      • KCI등재

        대한제국기 의병운동을 둘러싼 담론지형과 良民論의 역할

        김헌주(Kim Hun-joo) 한국사학회 2019 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.133

        본 연구에서는 대한제국기 언론의 ‘良民’ 담론을 통해 의병운동과 사회의 관계를 고찰하고자 하였다. 기본적으로 의병에 우호적인 『대한매일신보』와 의병에 비판적인 『황성신문』의 논조는 良民論의 전개과정에서도 유사한 측면이 있었지만 차이점도 분명히 존재했다. 『대한매일신보』의 良民論은 일본군경과 친일협력세력에게 핍박받는 지역주민의 실체를 보여주는 방식으로 전개되었다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 의병과 자위단(일제)를 모두 비판하고 지역주민의 입장을 동정하는 양비론적인 논조도 일부 있었다는 점은 특징적이다. 『황성신문』에서 설정한 ‘良民’의 상은 의병과 일본군경, 친일협력 세력에게 모두 핍박받는 주체였다. 이러한 보도 경향은 전면적인 양비론으로 귀결될 수밖에 없었다. 그런데 양비론의 여파는 의병에게 집중되었다. 통감부가 행정권력과 언론통제권을 장악하고 있던 당대의 현실 속에서 군경과 정부에 대한 비판이 영향을 미치긴 힘들었지만, 의병의 정당성은 ‘義’에 기반한 ‘愛國’이라는 구호 아래 유지되었기 때문이다. 이러한 양비론적 양민론은 의병에 대한 부정적 여론을 만드는데 일조하였던 것이다. This study is intended to review the relation between the righteous army movement and the society through ‘Yangmin’ discourse of media during the Korean Empire Period. Basically, the tones of the 『Korea Daily News』, which was friendly towards the righteous army, and 『the Hwangseong Sinmun』, which was critical to the righteous army, were similar in the development process of ‘Yangmin’ discourse, but there were obvious differences. The ‘Yangmin’ discourse of 『the Korea Daily News』 was in the method of displaying local residents persecuted by and Japanese military and the police, and pro-Japanese groups. However, it also had tones of criticizing both the righteous army and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and sympathizing the position of local residents. The aspect of ‘Yangmin’ set by『the Hwangseong Sinmun』was the subject persecuted by all the righteous army, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and pro-Japanese groups. This coverage tendency had to be the criticism towards both sides. However, the influence of the criticism towards both sides was concentrated on the Righteous Army. In the situation that the Japanese Resident-General of Korea dominated the administration power and media control, the criticism on the military and police and the government was difficult to be influential, but the legitimacy of the Righteous Army was maintained under the slogan of ‘patriotism’ based on ‘justice’. This ‘Yangmin’ discourse of the criticism towards both sides partly contributed to the negative public opinions on the righteous army.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1894년 동학·반동학 세력의 ‘義擧’ 선취 투쟁과 지역 사회의 대응

        김헌주(Kim, Hun-joo) 호서사학회 2020 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.93

        본 연구에서는 1894년 동학농민군과 반동학 세력의 ‘義擧’ 선취투쟁과 지역 사회의 대응을 분석하여 당대 지역사회사를 깊이 있게 이해하고자 하였다. 먼저 동학농민군은 성리학적 의리론을 체화했고 義를 중요한 가치로 인식하고 있었으므로, 동학 농민 전쟁이 본격적으로 전개된 이후에도 지속적으로 격문과 통문을 통해 義의 정신을 강조했다. 따라서 동학농민군은 스스로를 義兵으로 인식했고 봉기는 義擧로 규정하였다. 이러한 과정을 통해 義의 가치를 전유하고 봉기의 정당성 또한 확보하고자 했던 것이다. 하지만 동학을 邪學으로 규정하고 있었던 유생들은 동학을 비판적으로 인식했다. 이러한 인식하에서 동학농민군을 화적 혹은 역적으로 규정했고, 반동학 집강소를 결성하여 무력 투쟁에 나서기도 하였다. 성리학적 의리론을 사상적 기반으로 삼는 반동학 세력은 동학 세력이 義擧를 전유하고자 하는 것을 용납할 수 없었다. 그러나 義擧를 선점하려는 과정에서 벌어진 두 세력의 무력 및 사상 투쟁의 여파, 그리고 동학농민군 참여자 색출을 위한 관군의 폭력은 지역 사회 주민들에게 부정적인 영향을 끼쳤다. 이러한 상황이 지속되면서 지역 사회에서는 동학농민군과 반동학 세력을 모두 거부하는 방식으로 대응했다. 義를 선취하기 위한 두 세력의 치열한 노력에도 불구하고 義擧의 명분은 결국 광범위한 사회적 공감대를 얻지는 못했던 것이다. This study aims to deeply understand the local community history of the time by analyzing the struggle for the cause of ‘the Righteous Resistance(義擧)’ between Donghak Peasant Army and Anti-Donghak Forces and the responses from the local community in 1894. First, Donghak Peasant Army embodied the Neo-Confucian doctrine and considered justice as an important value. Hence, even after the Donghak Peasant War was fully waged, they emphasized the spirit of justice through manifestos and circulars. They regarded themselves as ‘the Righteous Army’ and their uprising as "the Righteous Resistance’, and through those processes they sought to monopolize the cause of justice and to secure the legitimacy of their uprising. On the other hand, the scholars of Confucianism considered Donghak as ‘unorthodoxy’ and criticized it. On this point of view, they labeled the Donghak Peasant Army as a group of bandits or rebels and formed Anti-Donghak Forces for armed struggle against them. The Anti-Donghak Forces, who were theoretically based on Neo-Confucianism, could not tolerate the Donghak Peasant Army monopolizing the cause of ‘the Righteous Resistance(義擧).’ Meanwhile, the aftermath of the armed and ideological struggles between the two forces in the process of attempting to preempt the cause of ‘the Righteous Resistance(義擧)’, and the violence by the government forces for identification of the participants in the Donghak Peasant Army had a negative impact on the local residents. As this situation continued, the community responded by rejecting both the Donghak Peasant Army and the Anti-Donghak Forces. Despite the intense efforts of the two forces to preempt the pretext of justice, the cause of ‘the Righteous Resistance(義擧)’ eventually failed to achieve a wide range of social consensus.

      • KCI등재

        마을주민의 시선에서 본 의병운동(1894~1909)

        김헌주(Kim hun joo) 고려사학회 2012 한국사학보 Vol.- No.49

        The author of the 〈Hajae ilgi (荷齋日記)〉 Ji Gyu-sik lived a peaceful life in Bunwon Village, where he earned a living from the ceramic industry that was first established during the late Joseon era. However, his ‘peaceful’ life found itself falling prey to the waves of ‘upheaval’ that marked the late 19th century. The righteous army (uibyeong) was the first to arrive in the village. Although the righteous army trumpeted itself as an instrument of great righteousness (daeui), their demands for materials inevitably must have felt like violent encroachment to the residents of Bunwon Village who could not directly feel the value of such ‘righteousness’. However, the residents adopted an antinomic attitude toward the government force and Japanese imperial force that simultaneously arrived in the village. Above all, Ji Gyu-sik and the residents had strong hostility toward both parties because the government and Japanese imperial forces were as exploitative as the righteous army. However, they were able to use their prior relationship with the government to engage the latter’s force in a negotiation that ultimately led to its withdrawal. However, the Japanese imperial forces proved to be a different animal. The Japanese unilaterally plundered Bunwon Village and suppressed the villagers to an unprecedented extent. This situation consequently brought about the unity of the village community.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 사회운동의 계승관계에 대한 고등학교 한국사 교과서 서술 분석 - 동학농민전쟁과 의병운동을 중심으로 -

        金憲柱(Kim Hun Joo) 역사교육연구회 2021 역사교육 Vol.159 No.-

        When we analyze [Donghak Peasant Revolution Participation White Paper] and [Independence Patriots Achievement Record], severance was more common than succession in terms of the succession of personnel from Donghak to Righteous Army. Also, the Confucian students, who were the central force of the Righteous Army, were generally hostile to Donghak. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the schema of simply connecting the genealogy setting of the modern and contemporary social movement history from Donghak to Righteous Army. However, we should not completely deny the succession from Donghak to Righteous Army altogether and determine the succession from anti-Donghak to Righteous Army, e ither. As mentioned in this paper, there was no Righteous Army leader in then northern Gyeongsang-do area who was from anti-Donghak party and there were several cases that some former Donghak participants joined the Righteous Army. These mean that there were people who crossed between different forces in the local communities. However, the existence of people in the intersection of those two forces and defining the succession of personnel between the two powers is another matter. This is because the aspect of the succession of orientations between the two forces must also be considered. In conclusion, the dichotomy between the progressive succession and severance from Donghak Peasant War to the Righteous Army Movement must be overcome. The reality of the time was not simply the succession based on the developmental stage theory, nor was it a complete segmentation. It is necessary to accurately recognize the concrete reality of the time where some forces were intertwined, even though they were mostly opposed, and their boundaries were not fixed but variable. On this basis, we will be able to figure out the succession and historical position of the modern and contemporary social movements history in Korea more correctly.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        뇌혈관질환과 관상동맥성 심질환의 위험요인에 관한 환자-대조군 연구

        박종구,김헌주,박금수,이성수,장세진,신계철,권상옥,고상백,이은경,Park, Jog-Ku,Kim, Hun-Joo,Park, Keum-Soo,Lee, Sung-Su,Chang, Sei-Jin,Shin, Kye-Chul,Kwon, Sang-Ok,Ko, Sang-Baek,Lee, Eun-Kyoung 대한예방의학회 1996 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.29 No.3

        Cerebrovascular disease and coronary heart disease are the first and the fourth common causes of death among adults in Korea. Reported risk factors of these diseases are mostly alike. But some risk factors of one of these diseases may prevent other diseases. Therefore, we tried to compare and discriminate the risk factors of these diseases. We recruited four case groups and four control groups among the inpatients who were admitted to Wonju Christian Hospital from March, 1994 to November, 1995. Four control groups were matched with each of four case groups by age and sex. The number of patients in each of four case and control groups were 106 and 168 for acute myocardial infarction(AMI), 84 and 133 for subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH), 102 and 148 for intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH), and 91 and 182 for ischemic stroke(IS) respectively. Factors whose levels were significantly higher in AMI and IS than in responding control group (RCG) were education, economic status, and triglyceride. Factors whose levels were significantly lower in hemorrhagic stroke than in RCG were age of monarch, and prothrombin time. The factor whose level was higher in AMI than ill RCG was uric acid. The factor whose level was higher in AMI, ICH, and SAM than in RCG was blood sugar. Factors whose levels were significantly higher in all the case groups than in RCG were earlobe crease, Quetelet index, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and total cholesterol. The list of risk factors were somewhat different among the four diseases, though none of the risk factors to the one disease except prothrombin time acted as a preventive factor to the other diseases. The percent of grouped cases correctly classified was higher in the discrimination of ischemic diseases(AMI and IS) from hemorrhagic diseases(SAM and ICH) than in the discrimination of cerebrovascular disease from AMI. The factors concerned in the discrimination of ischemic diseases from hemorrhagic diseases were prothrombin time, earlobe crease, gender, age, uric acid, education, albumin, hemoglobin, the history of taking steroid, total cholesterol, and hematocrit according to the selection order through forward selection.


        두부외상후 심리사회적 예후

        박기창,김헌주,Park, Ki-Chang,Kim, Hun-Joo 대한신경외과학회 2000 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.29 No.2

        Objective : This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between the initial neurosurgical or psychosocial factors and the psychosocial outcome. Patients and Methods : We analyzed 123 head-injured patients who were referred to the department of psychiatry for the evaluation of psychosocial function. We analyzed initial neurosurgical variables such as Glasgow Coma scale(GCS) score, skull fracture, CT finding, and psychosocial outcomes with regards to psychosis, personality change, depression, anxiety and IQ on Intelligence Scale. Results : Patients with mild head injury(GCS score 13-15, N=94, 76.4%) had better recovery rate on Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS), less personality change than those with moderate or severe head injury. However, depression, anxiety and intelligence were not significantly different between two groups. The skull fracture(N=37, 30.1%) did not influence on the psychosocial outcome with reference to personality change, depression, anxiety and intelligence. The patients with abnormal CT findings(N=64, 52%) had lower recovery rate on GOS, more frequent tendency in psychosis, personality change and severe depression, less frequent in anxiety and mild depression, than patients with normal CT finding. However, levels of intelligence were not different between two groups. The patients with industrial accidents(IA) had lower educational level, milder head injury, more delay for the psychiatric evaluation (longer treatment period) than those with motor vehicular accidents(MVA). The psychosocial outcome with reference to personality change, depression, anxiety, intelligence were not different between two groups. Conclusion : These findings indicate that the more severe initial trauma, the poorer psychosocial outcome. However, it was frequently observed that patients with mild head injury suffered from mild anxiety and depression. Therefore mild head injury appeared to be more complicated by psychosocial stressors. The patients with IA, despite the fact that initial head injury was mild, required longer treatment period than MVA.


        내경동맥에 발생한 외상성 가성동맥류에 대한 혈관내 스텐트 치료

        정현호,김헌주,이명섭,황금,조성민,허철,변진수,홍순기,Jung, Hyun Ho,Kim, Hun Joo,Lee, Myeung Sub,Whang, Kum,Cho, Sung Min,Hu, Chul,Pyen, Jhin Soo,Hong, Soon Ki 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.2

        This 18-year-old male patient had a massive epistaxis after motorcycle traffic accident on 1st day of admission. There were no other significant brain parenchymal lesion on initial brain CT exam, except multiple pneumocephalus and basal skull fracture lines. We treated epistaxis conservatively till vital signs were corrected, and then conventional cerebral angiogram was followed. On angiogram, there was traumatic pseudoaneurysm on C5 portion(by Fischer) of ICA, so we treated it only by endovascular stenting. For the purpose of sparing parent arterial patency, endovascular stenting on pseudoaneurysm may play a role with safety and good results.

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