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      • KCI등재

        국소적 도포법을 이용한 Hair-follicle specific promoter를 가진 HPV-16 E7 DNA vaccine의 효용성

        김찬주 ( Chan Joo Kim ),태우 ( Tae Woo Kim ),노경희 ( Kyung Hee Noh ),이근호 ( Keun Ho Lee ),이해남 ( Hae Nam Lee ),이용석 ( Yong Seok Lee ),박태철 ( Tae Chul Park ),남궁성은 ( Sung Eun Namkoong ),박종섭 ( Jong Sup Park ) 대한산부인과학회 2007 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.50 No.3

        목적: 경피적 면역법 (TCI; Transcutaneous Immunization)이란, 피부 표면에 직접 백신을 도포하는 방법으로, 단백질이나, peptide백신의 경우 adjuvant와 함께 투여하여 세포 면역과 액상 면역반응을 효과적으로 유도함이 보고되어 있다. 경피적 면역을 통한 효과적인 HPV E7 DNA vaccine 개발을 위하여, HPV-16 E7 opt+K 부분과 Hair-follicle 특이성 pK6hf-promoter를 융합한 DNA가 다양한 면역 증강제와 함께 투여되어 효과적인 면역반응을 유도할 수 있는지 알아보고자 한다. 연구 방법: 먼저 HPV-16 E7 opt+K 부분과 Hair-follicle 특이성 pK6hf-promoter를 융합하였다. 다음단계로 C57/BL6 쥐의 피부에 pK6hf-E7 +K DNA와 면역 증강제로 cholera toxin (CT), CpG oligodeoxy nucleotide (ODN)을 사용하여 경피적 면역을 시행한 후 세포독성 T 임파구 (CTL; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte) 반응을 E7-specific IFN-gamma- secreting CD8+ T cells의 수를 intracellular cytokine staining 후 flow cytometric analysis하였다. 결과: 경피적 면역법으로 pK6hf-E7 opt+K DNA 만 투여한 경우와, DNA와 LipofectAMINE 2000을 투여한 군보다 pK6hf-E7 opt+K DNA, Lipofectamine2000, CT을 투여한 군이 더 높은 E7-specific CD8+ T cells의 수를 보였다. 결론: 위의 실험에서 E7 opt+K DNA를 pK6hf와 연결시킨 DNA와 CT을 adjuvant로 이용한 경피적 면역법이 항원 특이성 CTL유도를 할 수 있음을 밝혀내었다. 또한 이러한 결과는 pK6hf promoter를 가진 HPV-16 E7 DNA 백신을 경피적 면역법에서의 가능한 방법임일 제시하고 있다. Objective: Previous reports have shown that transcutaneous immunization (TCI) with proteins or peptides in combination with adjuvants efficiently induces specific cellular and humoral immune responses. We compared the immune response after TCI with new construct which was derived from HPV-16 E7opt+K and pK6hf promoter instead of pCMV promoter and various adjuvant. Methods: First, we made new construct ligated with HPV-16 E7 opt+K to Hair-follicle Specific pK6hf Promoter. Second, we applied pk6hf-E7 opt+K DNA with or without Lipofectamine 2000 and a combination of cholera toxin (CT) and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG) onto cold wax-depilated and hydrated bare skin of C57 BL/6 mice. To assess the ability of CTL(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte) activity, we performed intracellular cytokine staining with flow cytometric analysis to determine the number of E7-specific IFN-gamma- secreting CD8+ T cells generated in vaccinated mice with the DNA vaccine. Results: Female C57BL/6 mice immunized by TCI methods with 30 microgram of pk6hf-E7 opt+K DNA with Lipofectamine2000 and CT efficiently generated E7-specific CD8(+) T cells compared with the group of pk6hf-E7 opt+K DNA only or DNA with Lipofectamine2000. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that TCI of the linkaged-E7 DNA , E7 opt+K DNA to pk6hf, and Lipofectamine2000 and CT induced an antigen-specific CTL response. This result is of potential relevance for the development of therapeutic HPV-specific DNA vaccines with TCI and pK6hf promoter can be used safely.

      • KCI등재

        유행선도력에 의해 세분화된 남성 소비자 집단의 특성비교

        김찬주(Chan Ju Kim) 한국복식학회 1998 服飾 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper has main purpose of identifying the differences of the characteristics of male consumers who have different levels of fashion leadership. 538 male consumers living in Seoul area was surveyed using questionnaire. Samples were segmented as 3 groups by fashion leadership and named fashion leader, fashion follower and fashion retards. Various characteristics in terms of personality, attitudes, lifestyle activities, magazine readership, use of fashion information sources, shopping behavior, risk perception and demographics were compared using univariate and multivariate analysis among 3 segments. 3 groups showed significant differences in many characteristics such as venturesomeness, cosmopoliteness, extensity of travel, art/culture activity for off-time, reading of male-oriented magazines, information search through fashion magazine, fashion knowledge, shopping preferrence, clothing expense. Based on major characteristics of each segment, some tips for marketing strategies were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        한국현대패션에서의 한국적 디자인 전개과정 분석과 세계화를 위한 제안

        김찬주(Chan Ju Kim),장인우(In Woo Jang) 한국복식학회 1999 服飾 Vol.48 No.-

        The globalization of Korean beauty comes partly from the succession of Korean traditional culture and its modernization will be the one of very important issues in 21st century. This paper was done in order to analyze the process of Korean design development in modern Korean fashion in terms of the succession and modernization of Korean traditional beauty and, based on this analysis, also suggest new possibilities for successful globalization of Korean fashion in 21st century. 227 fashion designs which represent typical elements of Korean traditional costume were selected from fashion magazines, books, SFAA collection books, and company brochures published from 1986 to 1997. Content analysis was used with 8 variables including 7 design elements(line, shape, color, textile, motif, detail, accessories) and year. Results of analysis showed that the process of Korean Design development in modern Korean fashion has been directed in 3 major trends: simplification, diversity and folklore. Simplification had occurred mainly in the use of straight lines and simple silhouettes. Diversity could be found in the application of various kinds of outwear items as well as in the variety of materials and details. Symbolic traditional motifs and accessories were used to enliven the Korean folklore image. These trends became more salient with the turning point of 1993 when a few designers began to participate in Paris Collection. For successful globalization, designers should have more active attitudes toward exploiting the essence of Korean beauty and developing them as modern and global styles.

      • 복합상업시설 활성화를 위한 이용자 동선체계 연구

        김찬주(Kim Chan-Ju),민선영(Min Seon-Young),이용선(Lee Yong-Sun) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.31 No.2(계획계)

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the human-traffic factors in commercial Multi-Complexes and relationships among them. This study focuses on also how the combination of factors affects the complex’s activity level. Samples of this study was taken from ‘Coex’ and ‘Central city’. According to this study, there are 3 factors influencing the activity level of the multi-complexes. First, the circulation of main path and sub path keep the horizontal connection activity. Second, the main escalator locates in main path. It helps that many user can perceive it. Finally, the vertical and horizontal dimensional connection which placed at open plaza is being developed at the mall.

      • KCI등재

        소셜 북마킹 시스템의 스패머 탐지를 위한 기계학습 기술의 성능 비교

        김찬주(Chanju Kim),황규백(Kyu-Baek Hwang) 한국정보과학회 2009 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        소셜 북마킹(social bookmarking) 시스템은 사용자가 북마크를 저장하고 공유할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공하는 웹 기반(web-based) 시스템으로 폭소노미(folksonomy)를 이용한 대표적인 웹2.0 서비스이다. 소셜 북마킹 시스템에서의 스패머(spammer)란 자신들의 이익을 위해서 시스템을 고의적으로 악용하는 사람을 말한다. 스패머는 많은 양의 잘못된 정보를 시스템에 포스팅(posting)하기 때문에 전체 소셜 북마킹 시스템의 리소스(resource)를 쓸모없게 만들어 버린다. 따라서, 스패머를 빠른 시간 안에 탐지하고 그들의 접근을 차단하는 것은 시스템의 붕괴를 방지하기 위해 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 사용자가 사용한 태그에 대한 데이터를 추출하여, 사용자가 스패머인지 아닌지를 예측하는 모델을 기계학습의 다양한 방법을 적용하여 생성한 후 그 성능을 비교해 보았다. 구체적으로, 결정테이블(decision table, DT), 결정트리(decision tree, ID3), 나이브 베이즈 분류기(na?ve Bayes classifier), TAN(treeaugmented na?ve Bayes) 분류기, 인공신경망(artificial neural network)의 방법을 비교하였다. 그 결과 AUC(area under the ROC curve)와 모델 생성시간을 고려하였을 때 나이브 베이즈 분류기가 가장 만족할 만한 성능을 보였다. 나이브 베이즈 분류기의 분류 결과가 가장 좋았던 이유는 성능을 비교하는 데 사용된 AUC가 결정트리 계열의 방법(ID3 등)보다 나이브 베이즈 분류기에서 일반적으로 높게 나오는 경향이 있다는 것과, 스패머 탐지 문제가 선형으로 분리 가능한 경우(linearly separable)와 유사할 가능성이 높기 때문으로 여겨진다. Social bookmarking systems are a typical web 2.0 service based on folksonomy, providing the platform for storing and sharing bookmarking information. Spammers in social bookmarking systems denote the users who abuse the system for their own interests in an improper way. They can make the entire resources in social bookmarking systems useless by posting lots of wrong information. Hence, it is important to detect spammers as early as possible and protect social bookmarking systems from their attack. In this paper, we applied a diverse set of machine learning approaches, i.e., decision tables, decision trees (ID3), na?ve Bayes classifiers, TAN (tree-augment na?ve Bayes) classifiers, and artificial neural networks to this task. In our experiments, na?ve Bayes classifiers performed significantly better than other methods with respect to the AUC (area under the ROC curve) score as well as the model building time. Plausible explanations for this result are as follows. First, na?ve Bayes classifiers are known to usually perform better than decision trees in terms of the AUC score. Second, the spammer detection problem in our experiments is likely to be linearly separable.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 기초화장품 용기의 색채 특성 비교

        김찬주(ChanJu Kim),수연(SooYeon Kim) 한국색채학회 2015 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.29 No.3

        변화하는 소비자들의 기호에 따라 화장품에서도 품질과 기능의 우수성을 추구함과 동시에 디자인의 감성적 매력이 강조되고 있다. 화장품 패키지디자인에서 색채는 시각적 영향력이 큰 디자인 요소로 작용한다. 본 연구는 한국과 중국 기초화장품 용기의 색채 특성을 색상, 색조, 배색의 관점에서 비교하여 화장품 용기에 반영된 양국 여성들의 색채감성의 유사점과 차이점을 이해하고자 하였다. 자료 수집을 위해 토너, 로션, 세럼, 크림의 4종 기초 화장품 용기를 연구대상으로 선정하였고, 한국과 중국 화장품 브랜드의 웹사이트와 잡지를 검색하여 한국 218개, 중국 96개 총 314개 용기사진을 수집하였다. 수집된 자료들은 Minolta Color Reader(CR-11)를 이용하여 먼셀 HV/C 값을 측정하였고, 이들을 10개 기본색을 4단계(2.5-5.0-7.5-10.0)로 나눈 40색상환, PCCS 색조분류와 고바야시 색상-색조시스템에 따라 적용하여 색상과 색조의 분포를 분석하였다. 배색은 색상과 색조의 차이에 따라 동일, 유사, 대비의 3가지 유형으로 분류하였다. 분석결과 한국의 화장품 용기는 주황, 빨강과 같은 난색계열의 색상과 연하고 부드러운 색조들이 주를 이루어 여성스럽고 부드러운 이미지에 대한 높은 선호도를 나타내었다. 중국은 화장품 용기 색상으로 전통색인 빨강색의 사용빈도가 낮은 대신 자연을 상징하는 초록과 파랑계열 색상에 대한 선호도가 높고 색조는 회색의 부드럽고 밝은 색조들이 주를 이루었다. 배색에서는 한국은 동일하거나 유사한 색상과 색조를 사용하는 유사배색이 많고 중국은 유사배색과 함께 대비배색도 높게 사용되었다. 화장품은 피부에 직접 밀착하는 제품이므로 용기 색채로 순하고 친환경적 이미지를 표현하는 것이 중요함을 시사하였다. Cosmetics not only must be of high quality and function but also stress importance on design in order to fulfill the fast-changing taste of women. Color is a powerful design element that expresses visual emotion. This study analyzes the color of cosmetics containers for Korean and Chinese women by hue, tone, and color coordination, objected to understanding similarities and differences in emotional expression of Korean and Chinese women through color. Data samples were containers of four items - toner, lotion, serum, and cream - collected by browsing Korean and Chinese cosmetic brand websites and magazines. 225 Korean and 98 Chinese items, a total of 323 items, were collected. Munsell HV/C value was obtained using Minolta Color Reader (CR-11), and hue was measured in four levels, 2.5-5.0-7.5-10. Hue scale, PCCS Tone Scale, and Kobayashi Hue & Tone System by Adobe Photoshop were applied. Color coordination was categorized into three standards - identical, adjacent, and contrast - based on the distance of hue and tone. Korean containers showed higher preference for adjacent coordination while adjacent and contrast coordination appeared similar in Chinese containers. Korean and Chinese women showed similarities and differences in expressing emotion through color. Korean women liked warm-colored designs with pale and soft tones, showing strong preference for feminine and soft images. Chinese women preferred greenish colors which are cool yet soft images that remind of the nature, instead of their symbolic red color. This speaks for a growing importance on eco-friendliness and mild image of cosmetics, since cosmetics are directly applied to skin.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경부암 세포에서 retinoid / interferon 에 의한 성장 억제 조절의 새로운 분자생물학적 기전

        수평(Soo Pyung Kim),남궁성은(Sung Eun Namkoong),승조(Seung Jo Kim),은주(Eun Joo Kim),엄수종(Soo Jong Um),박종섭(Jong Sup Park),이근호(Keun Ho Lee),김찬주(Chan Joo Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.3

        N/A Objective: Retinoic acids (RAs) and interferons (IFNs) have been implicated in the growth regulation of cervical cancer cells, which was suggested by clinical trials and in vitro experiments. However, the molecular mechanisms of growth regulation are not fully defined, The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of RA and/or IFN on human cervical carcinoma cells in vitro and to analyze their action mechanisms in HPV-positive cervical carcinoma cells by molecular biologic studies. Methods: HPV-positive (CaSki, HeLa), HPV-negative (C33A, HT-3), and non-cervical cancer Cos-1 cell lines were treated with RA and/ar IFN. Their effects on cell growth were evaluated by the cell pmliferation assay and the following BrdU DNA incorporation assay. The molecular mechanism was further investigated by a series of immunoblottings and transient cotransfection assays, which were conducted in HeLa cells and C33A cells using the CAT reporter gene assay. To observe the down regulation of HPV E6/E7 gene expression by RA/IFN, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was perforned. Results: The powth of RA-treated cells was less suppressed than that of IFN-treated cells. Combined treatment of RA and IFN leads to additive effect on the growth suppression of HeLa and CaSki cells. The proliferation activity was most severely reduced in Hela cells by treatment of both all-trans-RA (AtRA) and IFN-r. Combined treatment of AtRA/IFN-r causes a great increase in the level of interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) protein in HeLa cells, whereas no induction of IRF-1 was observed in C33A cells. The CAT gene expression for IRF-1 was greatly induced by IFN-r in HeLa cells. Immunoblotting assays shows the concurrent induction of p21 CDK inhibitor and dephosphorylation of Rb protein in HeLa cells. In RT-PCR, an individual treatment of either RA or IFN reduced HPV E6/E7 mRNA levels and significantly cooperative when both RA and IFN were treated. By deaeasing E6 levels, the p53 level was increased in HeLs cells treated with RA and/or IFN. Transient cotransfection of IRF-1 and p53 as the transcription factors leads to the cooperative activation of a common p21 promoter to regulate the cell cycle. Conclusion: RA/IFN suppressed the growth of HPV-positive cervical cancer cells. When they were both #treated, additive suppressive effects were observed in cellular proliferation as well as DNA synthesis. The growth suppressive effect is likely to be related to the increased expression of IRF-1 and p21 (antitumoral effect; p53-independent). The down regulation of HPV E6 gene suppression may account for the resultant increase of p53 levels (antiviral effect; p53-dependent). Both induced IRF-1 and p53 cooperatively augument tbe suppession of p21 CDK inhibitor, which results in dephosphorylation of pRb. Although clinical effects are likely complex and may include interactions of in vitro growth inhibitory effects with immunomodulatory and antiangiogeaetic effect, tbese results suggest the optimal clinical role for the combination of RA/IFN in the treatment of cervical canccers.

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