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Sulfonylurea계 제초제가 처리된 다년생 잡초의 재생양상과 저장전분량의 변화
황인택(Hwang I.T.),이관휘(K.H. Lee),홍경식(K.S. Hong),김진석(J.S. Kim),이병회(B.H. Lee),조광연(K.Y. Cho) 한국농약과학회 2002 농약과학회지 Vol.6 No.1
Characteristics of regrowth and starch degradation in perennial weed rhizomes were investigated in a greenhouse. Cyperus serotinus started regrowth at 24 days after treatment of 1.25 g ai/㏊ of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl. The regrowth of Sagittaria trifolia, Eleocharis kuroguwai, and S. pygmaea required 30~39 days, and Potamogeton distinctus regrew at 55 days after treatment of 1.25 g ai/㏊ of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl. However, all of 5 perennial weeds hardly regrew until 45 days after treatment more than 5 g ai/㏊ of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl. Regrowth of C. serotinus 4-node rhizomes was 2 times higher than 2-node rhizomes, and 1~1.5 g of E. kuroguwai large tubers regrew faster than 0.3~0.5 g of small tubers treated with bensulfuron-methyl. Regrowth of C. serotinus was enhanced with delayed application of bensulfuron-methyl, however, 2-leaf stage of E. kuroguwai plants regrew better than 3 leaf stage of plants when treated with equal volume of bensulfuron-methyl. The critical periods of S. trifolia and E. kuroguwai growth depending upon the rhizome detachment were 12 and 18 days after sprouting, respectively. The starch stacked in the S. trifolia and E. kuroguwai tubers were exhausted at 18 and 27 days after sprouting, respectively. The highest level of sugar contents was showed at 9 days after sprouting in S. trifolia, and 18 days after sprouting in E. kuroguwai.
김진석(J. S. Kim),황상무(S. M. Hwang) 한국소성가공학회 2009 압연 심포지엄 Vol.2009 No.4
Excessive wavy surfaces formed by a cold or hot-rolling process in a thin plate degrade the value of the plate significantly, which is called flatness problem in the industry. It is a result of post-buckling due to the residual stress caused by the rolling process. A unique difficulty of the problem as a buckling problem is that the buckling length is not given but has to be found, a new approach is developed to solve the flatness problem by extending a classic post-buckling analysis method based on the energy principle. The approach determines the buckling length and amplitude. The new solution approach can be used to determine the condition for the maximum rolling production that does not cause the flatness problem.