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김지태,진경혁,김수전,김영복,Kim,Ji-Tae,Jin,Kyeong-Hyeok,Kim,Soo-Jun,Kim,Young-Bok 한국방재학회 2007 한국방재학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.1
In this paper, the inundation simulations were carried out by using GIS tools for the analysis of detention efficiency based on the results of runoff analysis according to location and scale of regional detention facilities. The inundation maps could be drawn by the inundation simulations, and the locations and magnitude of inundation areas could be estimated through the inundation maps. The inundation simulations with GIS tools are approved to be the one of the useful method in designing optimized location and scale of regional detention facilities.
김지태,Kim, Ji-Tae 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1995 과학과 기술 Vol.28 No.12
서울환경교육연구회는 환경문제에 관심있는 유치원 및 초ㆍ중등교원 53명이 「환경교육선언문」을 발표하면서 발기하여 93년 9월 25일 창립되었으며 현재 5백여명의 회원이 회지발간, 세미나 개최, 현장학습 등 왕성한 활동을 펴오고 있다.