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        여항문화 연구와 데이터 모델링

        김지선,유인태 한국한문학회 2022 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.- No.85

        This paper focused on organizing various information about conceptual data modeling for the building of a more extended range of 'Yeohang Culture' database based on the data model of Yeohang Literature proposed by ‘Kim Ji-sun(2019), A Study on the Design and Analysis of the Human Network in 19th-century Collections of Biographies of the Commoner Class(Yeohangjeongijip) -Focusing on Hosanoesa, Ihyanggyeonmunnok, and Huijoilsa’, a full-fledged digital humanities study in the field of Yeohang Literature. Data modeling refers to the process of designing a data model as a kind of blueprint for representing objects existing in the real world as data in the digital environment. Since the analog environment as a physical reality and the digital environment as an electronic representation have fundamentally different properties, the transforming an inseparable object of reality into a segmented one in the digital environment is not simple. When these concerns are combined with the humanistic awareness, the process of 'conceptual data modeling' as a method of conceptualizing objects inevitably entails complicated reasoning. On the other hand, the data modeling process based on micro reading and interpretation of humanities texts and clear humanistic awareness is the basis for creating sophisticated humanities data and the basic clue for enabling varied digital humanities study from it. As part of a model for organizing and portraying the world of 'Yeohang Culture', in which a large amount lot of information is in a complicated relationship through a variety of records, as three-dimensional data in a digital environment, The Class designed through this research includes ‘Person’, ‘Community’, ‘Group’, ‘Writing’, ‘Object’, ‘Book’, ‘Place’, ‘Site’, ‘Event’, ‘Clan’ and ‘Office’. The representative Relationship defined as semantic links between entities belonging to individual classes includes ‘A author B’, ‘A writer B’, ‘A calligrapher B’, ‘A painter B’, ‘A mentions B’, ‘A contains B’ and ‘A member B’. As a medium that comprehensively connects knowledge related to ‘Yeohang culture’, The Class and Relationship can be an effective channel that bridges the barriers between majors such as Sino-Korean Literature, Social History, Art History and Cultural History. In the future, a comprehensive discussion-research that crosses the fields of Literature-History-Art should be conducted in order to compile a 'Yeohang Culture' database that can extensively look into the status consciousness and artistic activities of the commoners in the late Joseon period through the literature directly or indirectly related to them. it is hoped that the contents summarized in this study might be meaningfully used as a basic clue for such a move. 이 글은 여항문학 분야의 본격적 디지털 인문학(digital humanities) 연구로서 졸고 ‘김지선(2019), 「19세기 여항전기집 수록 인물 관계망 구현 및 분석 연구-『호산외사』, 『이향견문록』, 『희조일사』를 중심으로」’에서 제안한 여항문학 데이터 모델을 바탕으로, 더욱 확장된 범위의 ‘여항문화’ 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 개념적 데이터 모델링을 전개하고 그 고민을 정리하는 데 집중하였다. 데이터 모델링(data modeling)은 현실에 존재하는 대상을 디지털 세계의 데이터로 재현하기 위한 일종의 설계도로서 데이터 모델(data model)을 디자인하는 과정을 가리킨다. 물리적 현실로서 아날로그 환경과 전자적 재현으로서 디지털 환경은 근본적 속성이 다르기에, 연속하는 현실의 대상을 디지털 세계에 분절된 것으로 변환하는 과정은 간단치가 않다. 이러한 고민이 인문학적 문제의식과 결합할 경우 대상을 개념화하는 절차로서 ‘개념적 데이터 모델링’ 과정은 복잡한 사유를 수반할 수밖에 없다. 한편으로 인문학 텍스트를 대상으로 한 꼼꼼한 읽기와 해석 그리고 분명한 문제의식에 기초한 데이터 모델링 과정은, 정교한 인문학 데이터를 구축하게 하는 바탕이자 그로부터 다양한 디지털 인문학적 연구를 가능하게 하는 기초적 단서에 해당한다. 다종다양한 기록을 매개로 수많은 정보가 복합적 관계를 맺고 있는 ‘여항문화’의 세계를 디지털 환경에서 입체적인 데이터로 정리ㆍ표현하기 위한 모델의 일환으로서, 본 연구에서 정리한 클래스(Class)는 ‘인물(Person)’, ‘시사(Community)’, ‘단체(Group)’, ‘기록(Writing)’, ‘서화(Object)’, ‘저서(Book)’, ‘장소(Place)’, ‘공간(Site)’, ‘사건(Event)’, ‘가문(Clan)’, ‘관서(Office)’이며, 개별 클래스에 속한 개체들 사이의 의미적 연결로서 정의한 대표적 관계(Relationship)로는 ‘저자이다(author)’, ‘지은이다(writer)’, ‘쓴 사람이다(calligrapher)’, ‘그린 사람이다(painter)’, ‘언급하다(mentions)’, ‘수록하다(contains)’, ‘구성원이다(member)’ 등이 있다. 해당 클래스와 관계는 ‘여항문화’와 관련된 지식을 종합적으로 연결하는 매개로서 한문학, 사회사, 미술사, 문화사 등의 전공 간 장벽을 넘나드는 유효한 채널이 될 수 있다. 추후 여항인과 직간접적으로 관련된 문헌을 매개로 조선후기 다양한 직능을 향유한 중인들의 신분적 감각과 그들의 폭넓은 예술 활동까지 다채롭게 들여다볼 수 있는 ‘여항문화’ 데이터베이스를 편찬하기 위해서는, 문학-역사-예술 분야를 넘나드는 종합적 성격의 논의-연구가 진행되어야 하며 그와 같은 행보(movement)를 위한 기초 단서로서 본 연구에서 정리한 내용이 유의미하게 활용될 수 있기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        명대의 농담과 유머, 웃음의 미학

        김지선 중국학연구회 2022 중국학연구 Vol.- No.100

        본 연구는 明代 日用類書에 나타난 다양한 형태의 농담과 유머를 분석함으로써 저급문화의 독자층이 즐겼던 웃음의 미학에 대해 분석한 것이다. 日用類書에 수록된 수많은 농담과 유머는 내용은 士大夫들이 향유하였던 문화와는 완전히 다르다. 고급문화를 갈망하면서도 때로 저급한 방식으로 경전과 고전의 권위를 끌어내리고, 쾌락원칙에 충실한 농담을 던지며 수많은 검열에서 벗어나기도 한다. 이 과정에서 고급문화와 저급문화가 서로 交融하는 과정을 겪게 된다. 연구대상은 《萬寶全書》에 수록된 笑話와 打油詩, 酒令과 燈謎 등의 놀이문화, 한자로 그림문자를 표현한 삽화 등으로 설정하였다. 먼저 《萬寶全書》의 笑話는 교화나 풍자의 의미보다는 불특정 다수를 향한 조롱과 비웃음이 주를 이루었고, 打油詩, 酒令과 燈謎 등은 정통 시의 권위, 경전의 엄숙주의를 깨트리고 유희적인 사유를 좇았음을 밝혀내었다. 또한 建安派 삽화가 교육적인 기능과 함께 오락적, 심미적 기능을 추구하고 있었던 상황을 논의하였다. 日用類書의 진지하지 않은 농담과 유머는 저급하고 유치하며 ‘醜’의 미학을 보여준다. 불특정 다수를 향해 조롱하고 비난하거나 권위를 비틀며 웃는 웃음이 대부분이다. 日用類書가 추구하였던 추하고 저열한 웃음은 궁극적으로 전통적 가치관이 붕괴하기 시작한 명대의 사회적 상황과 무관하지 않다. 경전의 엄숙주의와 권위가 무너진 시대에 웃음은 카니발의 정신처럼 고급문화와 저급문화의 경계를 허물어갔다. 《萬寶全書》가 보여주는 웃음 담론은 이처럼 시대적 정신을 보여주는 근거가 되기에 주목할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of different contraction methods on pelvic floor muscle contraction in middle-aged women

        김지선,신원섭,최종덕 물리치료재활과학회 2015 Physical therapy rehabilitation science Vol.4 No.2

        Objective: Pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) form the base of the abdomino-pelvic cavity and also the PFMs function is important for urinary continence. PFMs training (PFMT) is considered to be the first method for PFM dysfunction. This study demonstrated correct PFMs contraction among commonly used different contraction methods for PFMT. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: In this study, nineteen middle-aged (40-70 years) women participated. To evaluate PFM function, ultrasonography was used to measure the distance of the bladder base movement. The distance of the PFM movements were calculated at rest and during the other contractions. The following four different contraction methods were performed randomly: (1) PFM contraction, (2) abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM), (3) anal contraction, and (4) hip adductor muscle contraction. The participants held the contraction for 3 seconds for a total of 3 times with a 30 seconds rest period between each trial. The mean of three measurements in each position were obtained and compared with that in the resting position. Results: The bladder base movement values were significantly greater when comparing PFM with ADIM and hip adductor contractions (p<0.05). The bladder base movement values were significantly greater when comparing ADIM and anal contractions with hip adductor contractions (p<0.05). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that performing PFM contractions is the best method among the common methods for PFMT. Performing PFM contractions was more effective than the other contraction methods.

      • KCI등재

        GMA 위보기 및 수직자세 초층용접 최적조건 선정에 관한 실험적 연구

        김지선,김인주,김일수,Kim, Ji-Sun,Kim, In-Ju,Kim, Ill-Soo 대한용접접합학회 2012 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.30 No.6

        Due to increase in demand of stable and long pipelines in natural gas industry, wide range of researches are being performed on automation welding to improved welding quality with respect to weld process parameters in real time measurement. In particular, the coupling between the pipe manufacturing process and location of the weld seam, the measured size of the gap that exists in the weld position and the weld angle depending on whether the movement of molten weld. This is due to absence of controlling welding penetration position, depending on the required size of the angle of the setting. In addition, the optimum welding conditions must be considered while selecting, the correlation between these variables and the systematic correlation has not yet been identified. Therefore, in most welded pipe root-pass weld solely depends on the experience of workers in relation to secure a stable weld quality. In this study, automation welding system is implemented to select a suitable root-pass STT (Surface Tension Transfer) welding method using the optimal welding conditions. To successfully accomplish this objective, there were various welding conditions used for welding experiment to confirm that the assessment required for construction through the pipe and automatic welding process is proposed to optimize this plan.

      • KCI등재

        5-Aminolevulinic Acid(ALA)를 이용한 광역학 치료:in vitro, in vivo에서의 항암효과에 관한 연구

        김지선,정필상,이상준,오충훈,정상용,박지연,김영생 대한이비인후과학회 2005 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.48 No.2

        Background and Objectives:ALA is a precursor of heme and converted to protoporphyrin IX used as effective photosensitizer. The aim of this study was to find the ideal concentration and incubation time of ALA for PDT on in vitro and in vivo experiments and to assess the anti-tumor effect of PDT using ALA on CT-26 colon cancer cell line. Materials and Method:CT-26 cell was cultured with serum free media including ALA in the dark room to show the intracellular accumulation of PpIX. The fluorescence of PpIX in the cell was detected under confocal laser scanning microscope. Also CT-26 cell was incubated with various concentration of ALA (1.0-0.001 mg/ml) and was irradiated with LED at 0 hr, 3 hr, 6 hr, 9 hr, 12 hr and 24 hr after application of ALA. The cell viability was assessed by MTT assay. In vivo PDT was done with optimal treatment condition and the anti-tumor effect of PDT using ALA was measured by tumor volume change. Results:The fluorescence of PpIX was saturated at 6 hour after the ALA application to CT-26 cell and the optimal incubation time with ALA for PDT was 6 hours. For in vivo Study, 632 nm laser irradiation was done around the tumor 6 hours after ALA injection. The PDT using ALA on transplanted CT-26 tumors shows 40% cure rate and 40% partial remission and significant decrease of tumor volume. Conclusion:The peak accumulation of PpIX in the cell and in the tumor was reached 6 hours after the application of ALA. The PDT using ALA for CT-26 cells was very effective and this findings suggest that ALA is one of candidate for photosensitizer in head and neck solid tumors. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2005;48:234-40)

      • KCI등재

        소년원 퇴원자의 사회복귀프로그램 효율성 제고

        김지선 한국소년정책학회 2007 少年保護硏究 Vol.- No.10

        About 2000 juvenile delinquent leave the training school and return home each year. They leave correctional facilities with little preparation or fife on the outside, no assistance with reintegration, and a high likelihood of return to correction facilities for new crimes or parole violations. And little is known about the ingredients of successful transition to community life or juveniles. The aim of this study was to examine the challenges involved in reintegrating juvenile delinquent back into their farnilies and communities, to exarnines aftercare services that provide youth upon their release from the juvenile justice system, and to offer policy-makers a critical opportunity to develop effective programs and policies for improving the impacts of the reentry process. Despite the critical importance of effective strategies for improving youth reentry, in Korea relatively little systematic empirical attention has been given to this issue. Therefore, this study review one of the most promising aftercare initiatives in the U. S. A., the Office of Juvenile and Delinquency prevention’s Intensive Aftercare Program(IAP). This aftercare model includes an emphasis an prelease planning and services; structured, short term transitional programming and structured, longer term reintegrative activities that balanced supervision, treatment and services. The IAP is premised on the notion of overarching case management that spans the entire justice system. and includes five components; 1) assessment, classifications, and selection of high risk youth; 2) individual case planning inocrpcration a family and community perspective; 3) a mix of surveillance and services; 4) a balance of incentives and graduated sanctions coupled with the imposition of realistic, enforceable conditions; and 5) service brokerage with community resources and linkages with social networks. In LAP aftercare can be defined as reintegrative services that out-of-home placed juveniles for reentry into the community by establishing the necessary collaborative arrangements with the community. The process does not begin only after an offender is released Instead, a comprehensive aftercare process typically begins after sentencing and continues through incarceration and an offender’s release into the community Based on the definition and critical components in IAP, this study diagnosis present volunteer and compulsory aftercare services for juvenile delinquent and suggested the reform measure for comprehensive and systemic aftercare services.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Parameters Related to the Duration of Automatic Positive Airway Pressure Titration

        김지선,Yun Jin Kang,박찬순,황재형,Yeon-Ji Kim 대한수면학회 2020 sleep medicine research Vol.11 No.1

        Background and Objective Automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) therapy is a treatment and titration method for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, little is known about the optimal duration of APAP titration for identifying effective pressure. 1) To evaluate the response of patients with OSA to low-span APAP titration for up to 3 months; 2) to find the optimal duration of APAP titration necessary to achieve the lowest treatment pressure; and 3) to identify variables that affect the APAP titration. Methods This retrospective study was done in a single tertiary-care academic medical center. It included 50 patients with low-span APAP treatment from January 2016 to December 2018. The patients were divided into low-variation and high-variation groups depending on the median value (18%) of change in the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) from 1 week to 1 month. Results The AHI estimated by the APAP machine showed different features over time in each group and changed significantly even after a month. The change in AHI was greater in patients with a larger forced vital capacity (FVC) (> 92.5% predicted value) of a pulmonary function test, and was lesser in older (> 52 years) patients. This change was also compared with body composition between the two groups. Conclusions Final titration pressure may be established at approximately 1 month after APAP titration. In particular, for patients with larger FVCs, it may be necessary to further adjust the treatment pressure to a minimum to improve compliance.

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