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      • 2.4/5.8GHz 이중 대역 코프래너 급전 평면형 모노폴 능동 안테나 설계

        김준일,장진우,이원택,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Chang, Jin-Woo,Lee, Won-Taek,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 2007 전자공학회논문지TC (Telecommunications) Vol.44 No.8

        This paper presents design methods for dual-frequency(2.4/5.8GHz) active receiving antennas. The proposed active receiving antennas are designed to interconnect the output port of a wideband antenna to the input port of an active device of High Electron Mobility Transistor directly and to receive RF signals of 2.4GHz and 5.2GHz simultaneously where the impedance matching conditions are optimized by adjusting the length of $1/20{\lambda}_0$(@5.8GHz) CPW transmission line in the planar antenna The bandwidth of implemented dual-frequency active receiving antennas is measured in the range of 2.0GHz to 3.1GHz and 5.25GHz to 5.9GHz. Gains are measured of 17.0dB at 2.4GHz and 15.0dB at 5.2GHz. The measured noise figure is 1.5dB at operating frequencies.

      • KCI등재

        초광대역 평면형 모노폴 안테나를 이용한 능동 안테나 다이플렉서의 설계

        김준일,이원택,장진우,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Lee, Won-Taek,Chang, Jin-Woo,Jee, Yong 한국전자파학회 2007 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.18 No.9

        This paper presents active antenna diplexers implemented into an ultra-wideband CPW(Coplanar Waveguide) fed monopole antennas. The proposed active antenna diplexer is designed to direct interconnect the output port of a wideband antenna to the input port of two active(HEMT) devices, where the impedance matching conditions of the proposed active integrated antenna are optimized by adjusting CPW(Coplanar Waveguide) feed line to be the length of 1/20 $\lambda_0$(@5.8 GHz) in planar type wideband antenna. The measured bandwidth of the active integrated antenna shows the range from 2.0 GHz to 3.1 GHz and from 5.25 GHz to 5.9 GHz. The measured peak gains are 17.0 dB at 2.4 GHz and 15.0 dB at 5.5 GHz.

      • KCI등재

        초광대역(UWB) Coplanar Waveguide 급전 L자 평면형 모노폴 안테나 설계

        김준일,이원택,장진우,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Lee, Won-Taek,Chang, Jin-Woo,Jee, Yong 한국전자파학회 2007 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper presents a coplanar waveguide fed L-planar type monopole antenna which covers ultra wideband(UWB) region of 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. The proposed UWB L-planar type monopole antenna is designed and implemented on the organic substrates( ${\varepsilon}_{r}=3.38,\;@10\;GHz$). The radiation elements, feed line, and ground planes of the antenna are printed on the same conductive layer of the substrates. The bandwidth of the proposed antenna is measured in the range of 3.0 GHz to 11.0 GHz. The measured radiation patterns are symmetrical in E-plane and omni-directional in H-plane. Antenna gains ranges from 1.4 dBi to 4.6 dBi. The proposed UWB antenna shows that the structure is adequate for the design of RFIC.

      • 코프래너 급전 이중 주파수 모노폴 안테나

        김준일,최순신,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Choi, Soon-Shin,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 2005 전자공학회논문지TC (Telecommunications) Vol.42 No.8

        The design method for a dual frequency antenna using CPW feed lines is presented. The antenna structures can be simplified by CPW feed lines and easily designed on integrated circuits. The presented antenna has two resonant frequency ranges and each respective resonant frequency is determined by its own length of monopole antenna. We used an impedance matching method by using a monopole coupling related to the ground of CPW feed lines As a result, the resonant frequencies were 5.25[GHz] and 23.5[GHz] and their bandwidths $35.2\%,\;and\;41.3\%$, respectively, and also, the separation of the two frequencies $370\;%$. We presented an analytical designing method to implement a dual frequency monopole antenna and showed simple antenna structures having two frequency ranges for RFIC Integrations.

      • MCM/PCB 회로패턴 검사에서 SEM의 전자빔을 이용한 측정방법

        김준일,신준균,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Shin, Joon-Kyun,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 1998 電子工學會論文誌, D Vol.d35 No.9

        본 논문은 주사전자현미경(SEM)의 전자총을 이용하여 MCM 또는 PCB 회로기판의 신호연결선에서 전압차를 유도시켜 개방/단락 등의 결함을 측정 검사하는 방법을 제시한다. 본 실험에서는 주사전자현미경의 구조를 변형시키지 알고 회로기판의 개방/단락 검사를 실시할 수 있는 이중전위전자빔(Dual Potential) 검사방법을 사용한다. 이중전위전자빔(Dual Potential) 측정검사 방법은 이차전자수율 값 δ의 차이를 유기시키는 δ < 1 인 충전 전자빔과 δ > 1 인 읽기 전자빔을 사용하여 한 개의 전자총이 각각 다른 가속전압에 의해 생성된 두 개의 전자빔으로 측정하는 방법으로 특정 회로네트에 대한 개방/단락 등의 측정 검사가 가능하다. 또한 읽기 전자빔을 이용할 경우 검사한 회로 네트를 방전시킬 수 있어 기판 도체에 유기된 전압차를 없앨 수 있는 방전시험도 실시할 수 있어, 많은 수의 회로네트를 지닌 회로 기판에 대해 측정 검사할 때 충전되어 있는 회로네트에 대한 측정오류를 줄일 수 있다. 측정검사를 실시한 결과 glass-epoxy 회로기판 위에 실장된 구리(Cu) 신호연결선은 7KeV의 충전 전자빔으로 충전시키고 10초 이내에 주사전자현미경을 읽기 모드로 바꾸어 2KeV의 읽기 전자빔으로 구리표면에서의 명암 밝기 차이를 읽어 개방/단락 상태를 검사할 수 있었다. 또한 IC 칩의 Au 패드와 BGA의 Au 도금된 Cu 회로패드를 검사한 결과도 7KeV 충전 전자빔과 2KeV 읽기 전자빔으로 IC칩 내부회로에서의 개방 단락 상태를 쉽게 검사할 수 있었다. 이 검사방법은 주사전자현미경에 있는 한 개의 전자총으로 비파괴적으로 회로 기판의 신호 연결선의 개방/단락 상태를 측정 검사할 수 있음을 보여 주었다. This paper presents a characterization method for faults of circuit patterns on MCM(Multichip Module) or PCB(Printed Circuit Board) substrates with electron beams of a SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) by inducing voltage contrast on the signal line. The experimentation employes dual potential electron beams for the fault characterization of circuit patterns with a commercial SEM without modifying its structure. The testing procedure utilizes only one electron gun for the generation of dual potential electron beams by two different accelerating voltages, one for charging electron beam which introduces the yield of secondary electron $\delta$ < 1 and the other for reading beam which introduces $\delta$ > 1. Reading beam can read open's/short's of a specific net among many test nets, simultaneously discharging during the reading process for the next step, by removing its voltage contrast. The experimental results of testing the copper signal lines on glass-epoxy substrates showed that the state of open's/short's had generated the brightness contrast due to the voltage contrast on the surface of copper conductor line, when the net had charged with charging electron beams of 7KV accelerating voltages and then read with scanning reading electron beams of 2KV accelerating voltages in 10 seconds. The experimental results with Au pads of a IC die and Au plated Cu pads of BGA substrates provided the simple test method of circuit lines with 7KV charging electron beam and 2KV reading beam. Thus the characterization method showed that we can test open and short circuits of the net nondestructively by using dual potential electron beams with one SEM gun.


        GTR치료시 e-PTFE 차단막의 노출에 따른 하악이개부의 치유효과

        김종관,김준일,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Kim, Joon-Il 대한치주과학회 2000 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.30 No.3

        In order to evaluate the effects of the early exposure of e-PTFE membrane on the periodontal regeneration, 21 cases of 21 patients diagnosed as the chronic adult periodontitis were evaluated. All were class II furcation involvement cases. The control group was composed of 7 cases treated only by the flap operation. 14 cases were treated by the e-PTFE membrane as the experimental group, the membranes of 7 cases were exposed more than 1mm during healing period, which were named as the experimental group I, and the others, experimental group II. Clinical parameters such as probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level, bone probing depth, and gingival recession were recorded before the treatment and 6 months after the treatment. The results were as follows. 1. Significant probing depth reductions were observed for all groups(p<0.05), but no group shows significantly greater reductions than another. 2. Significant clinical attachment gains were observed for the experimental group II(p<0.05), no significant gains were observed in the other groups. 3. Significant bone probing depth reductions were observed for the experimental group II(p<0.05), no significant reductions were observed in the other groups. 4. All but the experimental group II exhibited a significant increase in gingival recession(p<0.05). The result suggested that is case of the e-PTFE membrane is exposed, the result is similar to that of flap operation without membrane. Therefore selecting the proper treatment case, intricate surgical procedure and infection control are essential for minimizing the chance of membrane exposure and finally for the good treatment results.

      • CPW 급전 광대역 사각 슬롯 안테나 설계

        최순신,김준일,지용,Choi, Soon-Shin,Kim, Joon-Il,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 2005 전자공학회논문지TC (Telecommunications) Vol.42 No.11

        본 논문에서는 광대역에서 동작하는 대역폭 조절 패치를 갖는 CPW 급전 사각 슬롯 안테나를 제시하였다. 안테나 설계 방법으로서 구조적 변수인 사각 슬롯의 가로폭 및 세로폭을 이용하여 반파장 다이폴 안테나 특성을 보이는 낮은 공진 주파수와 높은 공진 주파수 영역을 설정하였고, 대역폭 조절 패치를 이용한 $50{\Omega}$ 임피던스 정합 조절 과정을 통하여 $20GHz\~33GHz$ 영역에서 동작하는 $50\%$ VSWR=2 임피던스 대역폭을 지닌 안테나 구조를 제시하였다. 안테나 사각 슬롯의 가로폭을 4.6mm로, 세로폭을 3.5mm로, 비율이 $70\%$정도인 안테나 구조에서 중간 주파수 26GHz, 대역폭 $20GHz\~33GHz$의 측정 결과를 나타냈다. 이 결과는 의료용 안테나가 대역폭 조절 패치를 이용할 때 단순한 사각 슬롯 안테나의 구조로 구현됨을 보여 주었다

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