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        북한 형사소송법상 수색과 압수

        김재봉(Kim, Jae-Bong) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2016 東亞法學 Vol.- No.70

        남북한의 통합은 반드시 실현되어야 할 한 민족의 과제이지만 그 시기는 아무도 알 수 없다. 지금 우리로서는 남북통합이 급격하게 이루어지는 점진적으로 진행되는 그에 대한 충실한 대비를 하는 것이 최선일 것이다. 특히 형사법의 통합은 형사처벌이라는 매우 민감한 문제를 내포하고 있기 때문에 보다 철저한 준비가 필요하다. 형사법통합의 준비작업은 북한형사법에 대한 충분한 숙지를 전제조건으로 한다. 북한 형사소송법에 대한 연구가 필요한 이유도 여기에 있다. 북한 형사소송법은 수사(제133조 이하)와 예심(제147조 이하)을 구분하고, 예심절차에서 수사의 핵심인 범인의 신병확보와 증거수집을 하는 것을 원칙으로 하고 있다. 따라서 북한에서 수색과 압수는 대부분 예심절차에서 이루어지며, 북한 형사소송법도 수색과 압수에 대한 자세한 규율은 예심절차에서 하고 있다. 북한 형사소송법은 수색 · 압수의 요건으로 범죄혐의와 범죄관련성을 요구한다. 수색 · 압수를 위해서는 검사의 승인이 필요하고, 신분증명서와 수색 · 압수결정서를 제시, 수색 · 압수대상의 제출요구, 수색 · 압수품목록과 수색 · 압수조서의 작성 등이 절차적 요건으로 요구된다. 또한 수색이나 압수는 주간수색 · 압수를 원칙으로 하고 야간실행을 예외적으로 허용되며, 수색이나 압수에 있어서는 입회인을 세우고, 외국 대표부의 건물이나 외교관의 주거에 대한 수색이나 압수시에는 외교적 절차를 따라야 한다. 북한 형사소송법은 예심원이 주도하는 수색과 압수에 대한 통제장치로서 검사의 승인만을 요구하고 있다는 점에서 영장주의를 충실히 준수하지 못하고 있다는 문제점을 지적할 수 있다. 본 논문은 북한 형사소송법상 수색과 압수의 내용을 살펴보고 한국 형사소송법과 비교를 시도하였다. 북한 형사소송법에 대한 철저한 연구는 남북 형사법 통합에 꼭 필요한 작업이지만, 현재로서는 북한 형사소송법 연구에 필요한 자료가 충분하지 못하다는 한계가 있다. 형사절차의 실제에 대한 충분한 정보와 최신 문헌을 바탕으로 한 연구가 계속 이어져야 한다. South and North Korea should achieve a reunification in the near future, that is the aspirations of Korean people. For this purpose, we should prepare for it in many fields, such as politics, economy, culture etc.. Above all, research for the laws of North Korea should not be underplayed. As a way of it, this paper tries to research the provisions and theories of search and seizure in the North Korean criminal procedure. In the first place, this paper takes a view of relation of preliminary procedure and search or seizure in North Korean criminal procedure. Secondly, the requirements of search and seizure are examined. And then, procedure of search and seizure are investigated. Additionally, factors in search and seizure are researched, that are to be observed. Moreover, provisions and theories of search and seizure in North Korean criminal procedure are reviewed from a historical perpective. And a comparative study on search and seizure is made, that compares provisions and theories of North Korea and South Korea and other socialist states, e.g., USSR(the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), China(the People"s Republic of China). Although it seems that a sufficient study on the North Korean criminal procedure is essential for preparation of reunification, there are not currently enough material for research on it, therefore it can not be said, this paper has achieved a complete research result. A Research baded on sufficient informations and latest materials should be continued.

      • KCI등재

        형사소송법개정안의 양형자료조사제도에 대한 검토

        김재봉 ( Jae Bong Kim ) 한국형사정책학회 2006 刑事政策 Vol.18 No.2

        Presentence Investigation refers to the examination of a convicted offender`s background prior to sentencing. Presentence Investigator gathers various kinds of information, including personal information and identifying data describing the defendant, a chronology of the current offense and circumstance surrounding it, a record of the defendant`s previous convictions, home life and family data, educational background, health history and current state of health, military service, religious affiliation, financial condition etc. The data comes to the judge in the form of a presentence investigation report(PSR). All the information in the report helps the judge decide what an appropriate sentence will be. Moreover the knowledge in the report can be used in the other stage in the criminal procedure: for example, by the prison officer, by the parole board, by the probation officer, by the parole officer and by the correctional researcher. The concrete form of presentence investigation varies in countries. In U.S.A. the presentence investigation is evaluated not only in federal jurisdiction but also in every states as essential part of sentencing. The federal statutes that regulate this system are the federal rule of criminal procedure § 32, the federal sentencing guideline, U.S.C. Title 18 §3552. In England a presentence investigation was first enacted into Criminal Justice Act 1991, and now it is regulated by Criminal Justice Act 2003, Powers of Criminal Courts(Sentencing) Act 2000, and National Standards for the Supervision of Offenders in the Community. In Germany a presentence investigation is based on the criminal procedure code. In Japan it has been so long discussed about the introduction of the presentence investigation, but it is not yet accomplished. It is desirable that a presentence investigation is to be introduced in our Sentencing system. But the reformbill has several problems, for example, as to authorized officer, starting time and object of investigation, procedure of sentencing hearing etc. In order to form an appropriate system, we need more examination of the bill and cooperation of related authorities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        불법 집회시위현장에서 사진,비디오 촬영의 형사소송법적 근거와 한계

        김재봉 ( Jae Bong Kim ) 한국경찰법학회 2008 경찰법연구 Vol.6 No.2

        In letzter Zeit wird Lichtbilder oder Bildaufzeinungen von Staatsanwaltschaft oder Pozeibeamte immer wichtig, weil sie in dem Erimittlungsverfahren eine große Rolle spielen. Das Fotographieren ist als eine notwendige Ermittungsmethode vor allem am Tatort oder unmittelbar nach der rechtwidrigen Versammlung oder Demonstation angesehen. Jedoch kann man eine Moglichkeit nicht ausschlißen, wichtige Grundrechte zB. Privacy, Personlichkeitsrecte, Versammlungsfeiheit usw. dadurch verletzt zu werden. Je mehr technische Mittel entwickelt werden, desto wird die Gefahrlichket großer. Unglulicklich kann man die Vorschriften dauber in den koreanichen Gesetzen nicht finden. Deswegen mussten die Losungen theoretisch erforscht werden, Bild- oder Videoaufzeinungen zutreffend zu regeln. Hier konnte mehrere Kriterien eingefuhrt werden. Zuerst sollte die Herstellung der Lichtbilder in der nicht offentlichen Sphare fur Zwangsmaßnahme gehalten werden, sind Gesetzlichkeitsprinzip und Richtersanordnung geboten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizeibeamten konnen im Prinzip frei in den offentlichen Orten Bider aufhnehmen. Wenn die Bilder doch langfristig und fortdauernd aufgenommen werden, werden die Grundrechte auch in dem offentlichen Gebiet eingegriffen, deshalb sind Gesetzlichkeitsprinzip und Richtersanordnung erforderlich. Wenn die Bildauzeichnungen auch als feie Maßnahme betrachtet werden, sollten Verhaltnismaßigkeit und Ubermaßverbot befolgen werden. Es ist oben de lege lata dargestellt. Doch ist es erwunscht, die ausdruchkliche Vorschriften in der Strafprozessordung einzufuhren.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Transcriptional Regulation of the Xbr-1a/Xvent-2 Gene by BMP-4 Signaling during Xenopus Embryonic Development

        김재봉(Jae-bong Kim),이효상(Hyo-sang Lee),노동현(Dong-Hyun Roh),황유석(Yoo-Seok Hwang),Ren-He Xu, Hsiang-Fu Kung, Yong-Chul Bae, 박매자(Mae-Ja Park) 대한해부학회 2000 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.33 No.5

        BMP-4 signaling is mediated through Smad proteins which may translocate to the nucleus to activate transcription. Little is known about how BMP-4 signaling regulates the transcription of its target genes, e.g., Xvent genes. Therefore, we isolated the genomic clone of a BMP-4 responsive homeobox gene, Xbr-1a/Xvent-2. This clone contains a promoter and three exons for the entire coding region. Using the primer extension, we identified the transcription initiation site corresponding to position -64 bp upstream to the ATG codon of the Xvent-2 gene. The promoter was linked to the luciferase reporter gene, and promoter activity determined by luciferase assay. The temporal promoter activity peaked between embryonic stages 13~17, in agreement with its temporal mRNA expression in the whole embryo. Through the serial deletion mutation, the upstream -235 bp of the promoter retains the full transcriptional activity, and is regulated by BMP-4 signaling. The present results suggest that the BMP-4 responsive element is located on the upstream 235 bp of the promoter. BMP-4의 세포 내 신호전달은, Smad 단백질이 세포핵내로 이동하여 표적 유전자의 전사를 자극하는 과정에 의하여, 매개되는 것으로 알려져 있지만, BMP-4가 자신의 표적유전자 중의 하나인, Xvent유전자의 전사를 어떻게 조절하는지는 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 본 실험실에서는 BMP-4 responsive homeobox 유전자인, Xbr-1a/Xvent-2의 genomic clone을 분리하였으며, 이렇게 분리된 clone에는 promoter와 coding region의 전부위에 해당하는 세개의 exon이 들어 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 primer extension 실험결과, 전사시작 지점이 Xvent-2 유전자의 ATG 코돈에서 상류쪽 -64 bp이란 것을 알 수 있었다. Promoter 부위를 luciferase reporter 유전자에 연결한 다음, promoter 활성을 luciferase assay를 통하여 측정하였다. Promoter 활성은, 개구리 배자에서의 Xvent-2 유전자의 mRNA 발현양상과 비슷하게, 13~17 배자기에 최고치를 나타내었으며, serial deletion mutation실험을 통하여, promoter 부위의 -235 bp 부위에서 BMP-4/Smad1에 의하여 조절되는, 완전한 전사활성이 관찰되었다. 본 실험의 결과는, Xbr-1a/Xvent-2유전자의 promoter부위에서, 상류쪽 -235 bp 부위에 BMP-4 response element가 존재한 다는 것을 보여주는 것으로 사료된다.

      • 후방저속충돌조건에서 차체손상 최소화를 위한 크래쉬박스 최적설계에 관한 연구

        김재봉(Jae Bong Kim),김문영(Moon Young Kim),이준영(Jun Young Lee),임홍재(Hong Jae Yim) 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2013 No.12

        The purpose of the crash box is to absorb impact energy for protection of car body structure in low speed impact. This paper describes optimal crash box model that can be used to reduce the impact energy of a car body structure. the determination process for the cross sectional dimensions is proposed to improve the energy absorption of the crash box. The objective function is to minimize the internal energy of the vehicle. And constraint is maintain of mass. Response surface method(RSM) is performed to determine the cross sectional dimensions of the crash box to reduce demage on the body structure based on the RCAR test conditions. Through the proposed process, optimal crash box is suggested with the detailed shapes.

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