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      • 편도선수술에 의한 혈청면역 Globulin의 변화

        김우태,권삼현 中央醫學社 1989 中央醫學 Vol.54 No.5

        The palatine tonsils are located in entrance of digestive and upper respiratory tracts and they are generally accepted participate in protective, endocrinologic, hematopoietic, digestive function and vitamin production. But recently, defense mechanism of tonsils is strongly accepted immunologically. Authors observed serum immunoglobulin G,A,M,D and E level before and after 20 cases of tonsillectomy, and then compared with 10 cases of healthy individuals as a control in Department of Otolaryngology of Chunbuk National University Hospital During September 1988. The immunoglobulin levels were measured with Radial Immunodiffusion Method, and clinic statistical analysis for achieved data was performed. The results were followed; 1) In the tonsillectomy group, preoperative serum IgG was 1635.7 ± 795.7 (mg/dl), IgA was 191.4 ± 127.2 (mg/dl), IgM was 188.4 ± 77.8 (mg/dl), IgD was 10.0 ± 9.1 (mg/dl), IgE was 30.8 ± 26.3 (mg/dl), and post-operative serum IgG was 1205.0 ± 493.1 (mg/dl), IgA was 166.6 ± 105.4 (mg/dl), IgM was 196.0 ± 95.1 (mg/dl), IgD was 9.9 ± 9.3 (mg/dl), IgE was 88.2 ± 80.6 (mg/dl). In the control group, serum IgG was 1598.1. ± 773.8 (mg/dl), IgA was 274.9 ± 165.6 (mg/dl), IgM was 189.8 ± 106.6 (mg/dl), IgD was 5.51 ± 5.11 (mg/dl), IgE was 49.85 ± 47.1 (mg/dl). 2) Pre-operative serum immunoglobulin levels in chronic tonsillitis patients showed no difference than in control group clinicosatistically. 3) Post-operative serum. immunoglobulin G, A, D levels were decreased but decrease of immunoglobulin A, D level was not clinicostatistically significant. Post-operative serum immunoglobulin M, E level were elevated but elevation of immunoglobulin E was clinicostatistically significant post-operation serum immunoglobulin levels were similar to the levels of control group. But IgA level of control group was higher than that of post-operative group.

      • KCI등재

        CCTV 지능형 영상분석시스템의 범죄억제효과 제고방안

        김우태 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2014 경찰학논총 Vol.9 No.2

        최근 묻지 마 살인 등 주요 강력사건 해결에 CCTV를 활용한 증거수집이 대단히유용한 수사방법으로 인식되면 서 CCTV 확대와 지자체별로 통합관제센터를 구축하여운영 중에 있다. 특히 오늘날 범죄가 차량을 이용한 기 동화·광역화되어 가고 있으므로 차량 판독용 CCTV 확대가 범죄 해결에 큰 도움을 주고 있다. 본 연구에서는 영상분석시스템을 활용하여 효율적인 범죄억제효과 방안을 제안한다. 현재 지자체별로 보유· 확충하고 있는 고정식과 이동식의 차량 판독용 CCTV시스템을 활용하여 수배차량 검거에 효율적으로 활용되 고 있지만, 이들 차량 판독용CCTV는 1대 당 큰 설치비용으로 확충에 어려움이 많다. 그러므로 기존 일반 CCTV와 차량번호인식 프로그램을 개발하여 연계하면 저렴한 비용으로 차량 판독용 CCTV기능이 가능하여 범 죄예방 및 실시간 범죄수사 해결에 큰 효과를 볼 수 있다. 또한CCTV와 얼굴인식시스템을 연계하면 검거대상 수배자들의 얼굴 영상을 등록해 지나가는 불특정 다수 사람들의 얼굴 영상들에 대해 실시간으로 수배자를 추 적 및 검거에 효과적으로 활용될 수 있다. 사람이 직접 많은 영상을 모니터링 하는 경우 중요한 정보를 인지하지 못하는 문제점을 극복하기 위하여 영상 에서 사람, 사물 등 특정 객체나 싸움, 방화, 미아발생등의 특정 행위를 자동으로 검출하고 식별이 가능한 지능 형 영상감시시스템을 활용하여 영상감시의 안전성과 효율성을 높일 수 있다. 또한 각 자치단체에서 구현한CCTV 통합관제시스템을 네트워크로 연동하여 범죄와 안전사고 예방 및 환경, 재난·재해, 복지 등 다양 한 기능을 통합한 시도 단위의 광역화된 유비쿼터스 기반 도시통합관제시스템을 구축하는 것이 예산 절감 및 범죄예방에 효과적이라 생각한다. 최근 고화질 CCTV의 확산, 영상 인식기술과의 연계를 통한 지능형 영상분석시스템의 활용에 따라 개인에 대 한 사생활 침해 우려 등 CCTV의 운영·관리에 대한 사항을 점검하고 추가적인 보완의 필요성을 검토해 볼 것을 제안하였다. Recently, the collection of the evidences with CCTV are recognizedas a useful investigative method against the violent crimessuch as homicides with no motives. Therefore, the use of CCTV isexpanded and local government operates the combined controlcenter. Especially, the crimes using the vehicles become mechanizedand wide-spread, and the CCTV with vehicle number identificationsystem helps in solving the crimes. The present study suggests the effective crime prevention methodwith the application of video analysis system. At the presenttime, the fixed and mobile AVNI CCTV systems used by the localgovernments are effective in the arrest of the runaway vehicles,but the high cost of AVNI CCTV is the difficulty in expanding thesystem. Therefore, with the AVNI system applied to the establishedCCTV, the AVNI CCTV is possible with low cost, and effective inthe prevention and the solving of the crimes. With CCTV and faceidentification system combined , it is possible to register the facesof wanted criminals, and, so, the pursuit and arrest of the criminalscan be possible among the random passers-by on real-times. The safety and efficiency of the video surveillance combinedwith the intelligent video analysis system which can automatically search and identify the certain objects such as human and things,the fighting, arsons, and missing children can be improved in orderto overcome the problems of missing the important informationscaused by many images monitored directly by men, Inaddition, with network connection of CCTV combined control systemoperated by local government, it is thought to be effective inbudget reduction and crime prevention to establish the ubiquitous-based urban combined control system with the functions ofpreventing the crime and negligent accident, and , also, dealingwith the environment, the disaster, and the welfare. With the recent expansion of high definition CCTV, and usage ofintelligent video analysis system connected with video identificationtechnology, this study suggested the need of checking the operationand management of CCTV which, for example, might intrudeon private life and, also, the additional security.

      • 政治參加論 小考

        金宇泰 慶北大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The present paper is a study on political participation. The purpose of this paper is to make a contribution to the orientation of conducting researches in Korean political participation by the examination of the findings which political scientists have achieved so far. For this study writer defines the concept of political participation, classifies the variables that influence political participation, and examines the relationship between the findings on participation and the theory and practice of democracy. He defines the term political participation as those voluntary activities by which members of a society share in the selection of rulers and, directly or indirectly, in the formation of public policy. The opposite concept to this term is apathy that means a state of withdrawal from, or indifference to, such activities. The study of political participation is very important to social scientists, for the right to participate is an essential element of democratic government, inseparable from such other attributes of democracy as consent, accountability, majority rule, equality, and popular sovereignty. He classifies the variables into three categories: the social environment, psychological variables, and the political environment, for (a) individuals are embedded in a matrix of social force that orients them toward or away from political participation; (b) in addition, characteristic differences in drives and capacities will cause individuals to vary in their readiness to respond to political stimuli; and (c) the degree to which these social and psychological predispositions find expression as political activity depends partly on the nature of the political environment itself. And the political environment includes the political structure and institutions, the party system, and the pattern of political values and beliefs. The three sets of variables are closely linked and intermingled. A change in any of them can, therefore, increase or decrease participation, and an analysis based on only one of them is bound to be misleading and incomplete. 1. The social environment. The elements that compose the social environment include education, occupation, income, age, race, religion, sex, mobility, and residence. Most of these variables correlates to some degree with participation. In general, participation tends to be higher among the better educated, members of the higher occupational and income groups, the middle-aged, the dominant ethnic and religious groups, men, settled residents, urban dwellers, and members of voluntary associations. But the correlation between participation and some of these variables are low and unstable and they may vary from one cultural-political context to another. 2. Psychological variables. Participation survives by virtue of its capacity to provide rewards for those who engage in it. Political observers throughout the ages have variously attributed man's political activity to his need for, competition, achievement, affiliation, money, prestige, status, recognition, manipulation etc. But systematic data on the relative frequency and influence of any of these motives are extremely sparse. Nor do we know whether political participation gratifies certain needs that are not satisfied by other kinds of endeavor, or whether the motives that induce active forms of participation differ from those which prompt simpler, less arduous activities like voting. 3. The political environment. Much is asserted but little is reliably known about the political correlates of participation. Political apathy is alleged to be affected by the size, remoteness, and complexity of modern political systems. It is also alleged that political apathy is affected by the frequency of elections, the number of offices to be filled, the length of the ballot, and the necessity for observing and making decisions about four levels and three branches of government in the United States. Three areas that shape participation in modern societies are the party system, the nature of the campaign, and issues and ideology.

      • 韓國 民族主義의 發生時期와 發展段階

        金宇泰 경북대학교 1988 論文集 Vol.45 No.-

        This paper aims to make contributions to the study of Korean Nationalism, especially to the study of the birth and development of Korean Nationalism by theoretical generalization of the results of Korean Nationalism studies since 1945. Korean Nationalism came into existence during the 1860s. Grounds of argument are as follows: (1) western impact became so serious as to bring about identity crisis to Yi Dynasty during 1860s; (2) the Dong-Hak was founded in the year 1860; (3) the Daewongun seized political power in 1864. Korean Nationalism has evolved in four stages: (1) First stage is from 1860 to 1910. During this stage, several nationalist groups appeared. Their ultimate aim was to preserve Korea independent. However, they separated and failed to get this goal. (2) The peak of the second stage(1910∼l919) is the March First Movement. The Movement holds a key post in the history of Korean Nationalism by the two reasons: a) "Korean nation" had not really become a "nation" in modern sense until this Movement; b) democracy became an indispensible element of Korean Nationalism since the Movement. (3) The third stage(1920∼1945) is divided into two periods: the 1920s and after. Disruption and opposition were the special feature of the stage, which continued after World War Ⅱ. (4) The fourth stage(1945∼present) is the age of divided-typed nationalism.

      • 現代政治學의 理論的 흐름

        金宇泰 경북대학교 사회과학연구소 1988 社會科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to pursue the trends of contemporary political science. The writer classifies contemporary political science into four main streams: a) traditionalism, b) behaviouralism, c) post-behavioralism, and d) interpretative political science. Key articles of faith of each political science are as follows. 1. Traditional political science (1) Political science is not, nor is it ever likely to become, a science. It cannot become a science. (2) Overt political behavior tells only part of the story. To understand what they do, one must go beyond, or behind, observable behavior. (3) Political phenomena cannot be analyzed by quantification. (4) Applied research and a concern with questions of public policy are desirable. (5) Significant political issues invariably involve moral and ethical issues. (6) There are many areas where an interdisciplinary approach may be useful but care must be taken to preserve the identity and integrity of political science. 2. Behavioral political science (1) Political science can ultimately become a science capable of prediction and explanation. (2) Political science should concern itself primarily overt political behavior. (3) Data should be quantified and findings based upon quantifiable data. (4) Political scientists should be in favor of pure reseach. (5) The truth or falsity of values cannot be established scientifically and are beyond the scope of legitimate inquiry. (6) Political scientists should be more interdisciplinary. 3. Post-behavioralism (1) Substance must preceede technique. (2) Behavioral science conceals an ideology of empirical conservatism. (3) Behavioral research must lose touch with reality. (4) Research about and constructive development of values are inextinguishable parts of the study of politics. (5) Members of a learned discipline bear the responsibilities of all intellectuals. (6) To know is to bear the responsibilities for acting and to act is to engage in reshaping society. (7) Politicization of the professions is inescapable as well as desirable. 4. Interpretative political science (1) According to interpretative political science, the nature of politics is community-building(not conflict-resolving). (2) Interpretative political scientists regard justice as goodness(not as fairness). (3) They interpret a society and culture with an elitist angle of vision. (4) Interpretative political science evaluates a certain peoples, attitude and value by means of cross-cultural comparison.

      • 이하선 종양에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김우태,이영찬,조규모,윤용주 의과학연구소 1989 全北醫大論文集 Vol.13 No.3

        Parotid tumors constitute about 70 to 80% of all salivary gland tumors. Likewise, about 805 of parotid tumors are benign. The authors reviewed 15 cases of parotid tumors, operated in Chonbuk National Unibersity Hospital for recent ten years(1979-1988). We have analyzed clinico-statistical charateristics on the basis of fallowing points. 1. the ratio of malignant & benign tumors 2. age, sex and side of each tumor 3. duration of symptom 4. clinical symptom according to tumor classification 5. evaluation of frozen section 6. location of tumors according to tumor classification 7. method of treatment and complication

      • 문서 영상의 표 구조 분석을 위한 Primitive Cell 인식

        김우태 가야대학교 1998 가야대학교 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In this paper, we propose a method for the structure analysis of the table in the document image. The proposed method is composed of four procedures: the extraction of the table location from the document image, the removal of filled-in characters or symbols from the extracted table, the extraction of the feature of primitive cells, and the decomposition of the table structure based on primitive cells. The table is usually represented with the set of primitive cells of the rectangle or triangle shape. Region labeling method is adopted for the purpose of extracting primitive cells. The method can minimize the effect of noises such as strokes of filled-in characters attached to the table frame. The performance of the proposed method proves to be quite noise tolerant and to diminish the complexity of computing process, compared to the early proposed approach based on the line extraction.

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