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      • Graham Greene의 Catholic小說의 背景

        金容出 釜山敎育大學校 1993 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        Most novelists create figures who stand for predilection and emphases serving as oblique indications of their inner lives. Graham Greene, too, may use his characters as signposts to his extraordinary and obsessed sensibility which envelops and overflows their individual outlines. Therefore, this study is to research the background of his novels through his travel books, such as In Search of a Character(1961), A Sort of Life(1971), Collected Essays(1966), Journey without Maps(1936). The Lawless Roads(1936), and The Comedians(1966). In his childhood, he had his varied experiences, which were evil, the dark side of human nature and life, loniness, and boredom. Later, he had the experiences and observations of cruelty, violence and ugliness in lands as far as Liberia, Mexico, Indo-China and Haiti. This obsession accounts for a number of recurrent themes and motifs which form a matrix of impulses and circumstances for Greene's characters. Isolation and failure, guilt and betrayal, squalor and corruption, crime and violence, sin and suffering, tragic love and fatality, childhood traumas and adult perversions, excesses of pity and innoence--all these symbolize or dramatize Greene's world in his novels. So his characters in his novels may be formed out of pieces of his own experience. Almost every great novelist explores his own self and tries to realize in his novels what he finds there.

      • KCI등재후보

        교실에서의 구두 영어 학습 방법 연구

        김용출 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1995 초등교육연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This thesis, which is an expanded version of talks and practice material used on training courses over a number of year, is an attempt to meet the primary school English teachers' need, because teaching English is very difficult. In the chapter I, it is referred that the very important in the classroom. The classroom is of course a convenient place for imparting information but our main concern as language teachers is to develop the ability of our students to use the language they are learning for the purpose of communication. Above all, English teachers have to develop the ability to teach the students in order to speak English fluently and to understand the listening. The communicating is the mutual interaction of speaking and understanding between listeners and speakers. The English teacher should train the students systematically at the level of identification and selection, and prepare the students psychologically for situations where they will not have a full understanding of what they hear. In the teaching stages, there are presentation stage, practice one, production one, language game, oral composition, play reading and Audio-Visual aids to language learning, which are submitted in detail in this thesis. In teaching oral English in the classroom, the effectiveness will depend very much on the skill and ingenuity that the teacher makes use of the above stages very relevantly.

      • Faulkner의 'As I Lay Dying'에 나타난 죽음

        金容出 釜山敎育大學 1983 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        The subjict of this novelis Death: its central image is the human corpse, generating furious passions and furious activities. There are many paradoxes in the actions of the Bundrens. From this central paradox, a series of paradoxes proliferate, and before the novel ends, distinctions between tragedy and comedy, being and non-being, sanity and insanity have almost vanished. This novel is the story of the Bundrens, poor whiters, on a ten-day funeral journey through heat, flood, and fire. Written shortly after the somer THE SOUND AND THE FURY, his short novel presents human ecistance as absurdity. If there is any single clue to what Faulkner was about in this simutaneously horrifying and amusing, tragic and comic story, it is a human absurdity. The remarkable success in this novel is achieved by an accumulation of incongruities. But these incongruities are apparent only to a detached reader. The fifty-nine short interior monologues that are used to tell the story permit him to identify with no single character. Therefore he is forced to view the individual characters in broad perspective. There is no auther's voice in the novel. No single chracter can be designed as a spokesman for the auther, and no single charaxter can be considered an objective recorder of events. Because each charater is so individualized, his monologues reveal only his personal view of an event. There are no villains and heroes in the novel. The complextiies and contradictions of the human personality are exposed and explored, and the ultimate result is the reader's awareness of the amusing and tragic incongruities between the individual's vision of himself and his neighbor's wiew of him.

      • 人間愛와 責任意識 : Graham Greene의 The Heart of the Matter

        金容出 동아대학교 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 1990 동아영어영문학 Vol.6 No.-

        The characters in Graham Greene's the Heart of the Matter, as in Brighton Rock and The Power and Glory, are unhappy men who go through the terribly painful situations. In general, Graham Greene's characters are suffering from their outward conficts and their inner ones. As it were, they are in great agony between the responsibility for their neighbors and the strain for the salvation of their souls. Scobie, hero in The Heart of the Matter, goes through the agony spiritually to get the peace of his mind. He not only has the pily and the anguish for unhappy People, but also has the courage of the endeavor to help them. In course of trying to help the unhappy ones, he should go through the loyalty of his duty and the responsibility of his wife and his lover, Helen : that is, he is trying to struggle loose from the terrible anguish between the creed of Church and the humanity. Therefore, Scobie feels that the responsibility and the understanding of humanity are very serious due to the suspicion of the creed by means of his spiritual conviction. His love affair and the problem of hummity can't be solved at all by the feeble power of people. His conflicts can't be eliminated in front of the alter in the church. Scobie is always saddled with too much anguish to solve the human problems from the time when human beings existed on his globe. Greene concluded that these problems should be solved by death. And then Greene shows that those who have no pity and responsibility of humanity and go through no anguish can't feel the true human love.

      • A Burnt-out Case 에 나타난 人間愛

        金容出 釜山敎育大學 1987 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        A Burnt-Out Case is one of the grimmest of Greene's novels. Querry begins his journey to Africa in order to look for his new spiritual place, as he feels that it is simply the last one on earth. When Querry stops at the leprosarium, the finds himself in physical hell where he has illusions of safety from his past. He arrives in a condition of emotional lethargy and spiritual decay because his interest in anything outside his physical comfort has atrophied. He has been maimed by his pregressive loss of faith in his vocation, in human love, and in God. He confronts the horror or his aridity with a kind of dignified stoicism, but underneath the surface impassiveness there lies a moldering self-pity. When Querry makes conversations with Rycker, Parkison, Marie, Deo Gratias, priests, etc., he can look at himself by means of their looking-glass. But it is Colin's diagnosis of the original reason for Querry's coming to the colony that startles the patient in expressing sad truth about himself for the first time. Querry has the experience that an atheist, Dr. Colin, has been curing leper patients much harder than any believer. After all Querry surprises himself with a declaration to Dr. Colin that he has found happiness at the colony. He finds Dr. Colin a true humanist. As Colin works very hard to cure the patients, Querry feels Colin has a truer humanity than anyone else. Querry's decadence is not cured by the religional faith, but by the warm humanity. But Querry is beguiled by Merie's innocence; he is killed by Rycker, Marie's husband. Greene's search for some sort of tolerance and understanding within the confines of his faith does not seem so very far from the new feeling the Catholic Church has been promulgating. The fact is that since his first novel Greene's career has involved him in an ever-widening circle of interests and beliefs that have taken him farther and farther from dogmatic Roman Catholicism toward a widerranging humanism; and it is this tendency towards humanism which places him strickly within the tradition of English letters, and marks at the same time his place as the most compelling and the best of modern novelists.

      • 惡과 善과 正義 : Graham Greene의 Brighton Rock에 나오는 人物分析 Analysis of the Characters in Graham Greene's Brighton Rock

        金容出 釜山敎育大學 1992 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        This Thesis aims the study themes implied in Graham Greene's so-called serious novels: Brighton Rock(1983), The Power and the Glory(1940), The Heart of the Matter(1948), and A Burnt-Out Case(1961), G. Greene, a Catholic himself, wrote on Catholic subjects for one period, and major characters in these novels of his are more or less related to Catholicism. Among his heroes, however, there are those who have gone astray out of the traditional Catholic doctrine, and Greene also is considered to have claimed in these novels that human salvation can be expected here on earth rather than in heaven. This means that he is a writer who thinks much of the world and its humanistic tradition though he is a Catholic novelist. Brighton Rock, his first Catholic novel, deals with pinkie with a Catholic upbringing who indulges in murdering as an incarnation of evil. He is a cruel creature of a dark society who could do anything for his cause and a smooth human relationship with others. He is the weird and ugly world full of violence, which influences him to from his character. It is quite natural that the love of Rose whom the writer called goodness couldn't lead the of Pinkie to a normal and healthy human being, and it is also natural that Ida's justice without any hint of love couldn't transform him into another man, After all, in Brighton Rock, the writer seems to leave the problem of Pinkie's salvation untold and the reader cannot refer to it, either.

      • William Faulkner의 "Light in August"의 硏究

        金容出 釜山敎育大學 1984 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        One of the remarkble achievements of the novel is the consistency with which William Faulner creates the opposing canvascs. The stories of Gail Hightower, Joe Christmas, and lena Grove are narrated with the images of glorious past, alienation, and virtue. Faulkner is really commenting here on certain unique Southern attitudes, as in Hightower's attiude to the town of Jefferson when he had arrived there with his wife twontyfive years before, full of romantic dreams of his grandfather's Civil War exploits. In fact, almost all of characters in 'Light in August' are in some ways isolated by their own motives. Byron Bunch, although he has lived In Jefferson for seven years, remains still a "stranger", completely cut off from the community. Gail Hightower's isolation comes from his inability to face reality as it is because hi is overcome by the strength of the glorious past. He is so haunted by his grandfather's heroic acts during Civil War that he cannot have any meaningful relationship with both his congregation and his community. Joanna Burden's isolation is forccd upon her by Calvinistic inheritance. And Simon McEachern and old DocHines are alienated from the outside world since they are vitims of religious fanaticism. Unlike other characters in 'Light in August', Lena Grove is represented as a simplc, uncomplicated being, who is able to commune with other people. She leaves jefferson with Byron for search of peace, which is a symbol of virtue. Joe Christmas's story and Gail Hightower's, therefore, belong to their past, but Lena Grove's story belongs to the present. This must be the meaning of gradually changing the dark past into the bright present.

      • Graham Greene 소설의 소재 연구 : In Search of a character 분석 In Search of a character

        김용출 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2002 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        When we read Graham Greene's novels, especially his serious ones A Burn-Out Case, The Comedians, The Heart of the Matter, The Potting Shed, England Made me, The Confidential Agent, and Travels with My Aunt, it is said that the sources of them come from his journals. In Search of Character, Graham Greene propose that the value of his two travel diaries lies in their showing the kind of raw material a novelist collects and considers to be of creative interest. During his trip Greene found that he needed to take notes concerning the treatment of Reprosy. It is necessary that he used it also to store ideas about the novel. But some of this material eventually found its way into the novels, some was discarded. Querry, one of the important characters in A Bwrn-Out Case, keeps a journal in which he chronicles his private thoughts and feelings about having come to the end of his talent as an architect. This fear, of course, coincides with Greene's personal fear of having reached the end of his powers as a novelist. Quarry's positive reaction to Africa also corresponds to Greene's as expressed in both tracel books. Like Greene, he hears 'anestral voices' which compel him to remain in Africa, and he is also threatened by the appalling 'emptiness' of the forest. Finally, his recovery from depression and despair is somewhat like the process described in Greene's journals.

      • Graham Greene 소설의 소재가 되는 여행기 분석 (I) : Journey without Maps

        김용출 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 1999 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        Graham Greene has written fiction for more than four decades and has earned a reputation as one of the most distinguished novelists of this century. This reputation is due in part to the fact that he has traveled incessantly and has chronicled his experiences with some regularity. He has recorded a number of these experiences directly in works of non-fiction and indirectly, or creatively, in works of fiction. This study will examine the factual accounts of Greene's travels and the tendrils connecting them to this fiction. Journey without Maps is the first travel writing that Graham Greene wrote about his journey. His travel book, the Liberian adventure, is called the "turning point" in Greene's development as a writer and accordingly describes Journey without Maps as the pivotal item on the list of his writings. Following the Liberian journey, however, the focus and quality of his novels changes. Greene is for the first time intent on suggesting the demensions of the unsolvable mystery of the human condition, beyond or beneath and sociological or historical or psychological explanation.

      • KCI등재후보

        의사소통 능력 향상을 위한 영어 교수방법

        김용출 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1996 초등교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The main goal of learning English at the beginning is to learn to communicate verbally in the language. The ability to communicate with native speakers appropriately in real situation is called communicative competence. So, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of communicative competence and to propose the effective teaching methods to develop the ability to communicate. In principle, it should be a primary teaching aim to develop communicative competence because it involves almost all linguistic competence. If we are interested in an approach to language teaching which will develop only linguistic competence, we will lead the learner to miss the pragmatic and socio-linguistic competence for communication by the contentration on isolated sentences rather than notions or functions. For communicative competence, we must lead the learner toward the ability to handle and to create discourse in terms of linguistic, pragmatic, and socio-linguistic competence. That is to say, communicative drills should be designed to have the learner use in less controlled situations what he has learned at the habituation stage and communicate ideas in real-life situation. The teaching methods discussed in this paper are Audio-Lingual method, Situational Reinforcement method, and Notional-Functional Approach method. What is meant by the communicative methodology in a foreign teaching is that there is a desirable shift of focus from teaching a language as a set of structures, separated from the actual situation, to teaching a language as a means of communication. From this point of view, we have suggested that the communicative methodology in a foreign language teaching should involve focus-shifting as follows: (1) from usage-based to use-based; (2) from sentence-based to discourse-based; (3) from accuracy-based to fluency-based (4) from learning-based to acquistion-based. What has been suggested to us is that we have to be aware of the importance of communicative competence in foreign language teaching and seek the specific techniques in order to develop communicative competence. To summarize, what communicative methodology dictates to us is that language teaching through communication should be promoted as a method of teaching.

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