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      • 제주지역 콩 파종기별 생육 반응특성

        김용덕,이광주,송인관,강형식,김성택 한국작물학회 2010 한국작물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.04

        콩 파종후 생육초기에 토양수분 부족으로 생육이 다소 억제되었고 7월 하순부터 8월 하순까지는 흐리고 습한 날씨고 지속되어 1차, 2차, 3차 파종시기에서 검은뿌리썩음병이 많이 발생하여 수량감소의 큰 원인이 되었다. 주요 생육단계 도달일수는 파종기가 빠를수록 길었고 파종기가 늦을수록 짧았는데 비교적 파종기간에는 차 이가 크지 않았고 각 파종시기별 개화기 단축일수는 4.8일이였고 생육일수는 8.2일 단축되었다. 건물중 및 엽면적지수도 경장과 같은 경향을 보였으나 전 파종기를 놓고 볼 때에 생육이 R2 stage 생육은 부족한 편이었 다. R5 stage에 Sink/Source비는 생육량이 적은 늦은 파종기 일수록 높게 나타나 단위 엽이 분담해야 될 역할이 증가되는 일반적인 경향을 띄었고 1차 파종에서 비율이 높았던 것은 선유콩과 풍산나물콩에서 생육이 건전한 데 기인한 것으로 생각되었다. 생육이 R5~R7 stage 사이의 순동화량(NAR) 은 품종별 파종시기간 차이는 크지는 않았으나 3차 파종기의 풍산나물콩이 순동화량이 컸음을 주목할 필요성이 있는데 이 시기에 수량증수 의 잠재성을 지니고 있다는 판단을 하였다. 성숙기의 경장은 R5 stage와 같은 1차 파종에서 2,3차 파종과 비교 시 약간 짧아으나 주경절수는 1차부터 3차까지 비슷하였다. 개체당 협수는 1차 파종에서 많았으며 2,3,4차 파종기는 비슷하였고 수량성은 4,5차 파종기가 많았는데 1,2,3차에서 수량이 낮고 경향치가 일정하지 않은 것은 뿌리썩음병의 발생이 많았는데 기인한 것으로 보인다. 품질중 단백질함량은 파종기가 늦어질수록 다소 낮아지는 경향을 보였으며, 지방산은 파종기가 늦어질수록 C16:0, C18:2,C18:3은 많아지고, C18:0은 변화가 적었으며, C18:1과 oil함량은 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 아이소플라본 함량은 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라 많아지 는 경향을 보였다. 제주지역에서 콩의 안전증수를 위해서는 6월25일 파종에서 7월10일 사이가 적합한 것으로 생각되며 수량 및 품질의 연차간 변이에 주목할 필요성이 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Polish-German Border Line during the Second World War

        김용덕 한국유럽학회 2010 유럽연구 Vol.28 No.2

        During the Second World War the Polish-German border line was one of the key interests of the Polish government in exile. The conceptions of the border line took different forms, changing from the maximum line to intermediary stages and then going straight to the minimum conception. The works on the post-war Polish-German border line were conducted by different ministries. But the main task of preparing the whole conception belonged the Ministry of Congress Works. The ministry responsible for preparing Polish demands for peace conferences was created immediately, after the government in exile had been established. This ministry was supposed to prepare forecasts for the after-war future. The main goal was to formulate the aspiration for the continuity of the Polish nation, and especially the aspiration to create a new, strategically and economically more convenient Polish-German border line. The Ministry conducted very broaden studies on the future of the western border of Poland. Finally the post-war Polish border line was decided by allied powers without taking the Polish government's opinion under consideration. As a result of the Second World War, Poland lost the area of 180,000㎢ in the east, including Vilnius and Lviv. In the west and north of Poland gained the area of 104,000㎢, including Gdańsk, Wrocław and Szczecin. Current Poland has a much better strategic, economic situation than prewar days. As far as the cultural and territorial aspects are concerned, it is far less convenient-as its area is 76,000㎢ smaller. 전후 영토 변경 사안, 그중에서도 폴란드-독일 국경선 문제는 제2차 세계대전 당시 폴란드 망명정부의 주요 임무 중 하나였다. 전후 폴란드-독일 국경선 사안은 2차 대전 기간 내내 폴란드 망명정부 내에서 뜨거운 토론의 대상이었다. 국경선 계획안은 최대라인에서 다양한 중간라인을 거쳐 최소라인에 이르는 등 여러 가지 형태를 띠면서 발전과 변화를 거듭했다. 임시정부 각 부처는 각자 맡은바 분야에서 전후 폴란드 국가 재건을 준비했으며, 국경선과 관련된 사안은 주로 평화회담부가 담당했다. 폴란드-독일 국경선을 포함한전후 영토는 결국 폴란드 정부를 배제시킨 가운데 열강들 간의 타협으로 결정됐다. 전후 유럽을 두 개로 나눈 뒤, 그 증 하나를 소비에트 블록으로 만들며, 이에 따라 전전 폴란드 동부 국경선을 희생으로 하여 소련 영토를 서쪽으로 이동시킨다는, 스탈린의 계획이 폴란드 영토를 확정짓는데 결정적 요인으로 작용했다. 제2차 세계대전으로인한 영토 변경의 결과, 폴란드는 빌뉴스와 르부프를 포함한 동부 지역 180,000㎢를 소련에게 상실하고, 그 대가로 서부와 북부에서 브로츠와프, 그다인스크, 쉬체친을 포함한 104,000㎢의 지역을독일로부터 획득했다. 이 결과를 분석해보면 전전 폴란드에 비해 현재 폴란드가 군사적, 경제적, 민족적 면에서 훨씬 유리하다고 할 수 있다. 하지만 문화적, 영토적 면에서는 심각한 손해를 입었다. 무엇보다 76,000㎢에 달하는 지역, 즉 전전 영토의 약 20%를 상실했다. 게다가 폴란드 경제에서 중요한 역할을 담당하던 도시이자, 그 무엇보다 문화 중심지이며 폴란드 역사에서 뗄 수없는 빌뉴스와 르부프의 상실은 커다란 타격이었다. 반면 군사적 면에서 얻은 가장 커다란 이득은 다음과 같다. 즉 동프로이센의 소멸과 함께 이제 폴란드가 독일 포위망으로부터 벗어나고 광대한 바다로의 출구를 획득했으며, 무엇보다 독일과의 국경선이 눈에 띄게 단축되고 직선화됐다는 점이다. 경제적 이득으로는 지하자원이 풍부하고 산업이 발달한 실롱스크 지역을 차지한 것을 들 수 있다. 또한 국경선이 변경하면서 발생한 또 다른 긍정적인 면은, 폴란드가 다수민족 국가 체제에서 이제 극소수의 소수민족만을 가지는 단일민족 국가로 바뀌었다는 점이다.

      • 오스카 와일드의 희극에 미친 여러 가지 영향

        김용덕 東亞大學校 1996 東亞論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        This is an attempt to study influences on Oscar Wilde's comedies; the French influence by comparing French thesis play with Wilde's Lady Windmere's Fan An Ideal Husband, Ibsen's influence by contrasting Pilars of a Society with An Ideal Husband and that of the English comedy of manners by analyzing A Woman of No Importance. Many critics have complained about Wilde's indebtedness and adherence to a tradition that was already established in comic drama; post-romantic French drama and the plays of his English contemporaries. Our superficial understanding of his plays might lead to the false conclusion that his achievement lay merely in putting together melodramatic situations, using techniques from the well-made play, and projecting them onto a background of social criticism in the problem play. The real problem of his plays is the tension between men and women, the individual and society, between public and private life, and between established norms and their deliberate violation. There is little denying that in his first three comedies Wilde was burdened with the tradition of French thesis play. But compared with the theses of Dumas fils and Augier, Wilde's were less conventional. In all his three comedies there is a secret that either sets the plot in motion or at least has a decisive influence on its course. Futhermore, this secret always concerns something in conflict with social or moral convention, that is, the indiscretions of Mrs Erlynne and Mrs Arbuthnot in lady Windmere's Fan and A Woman of No Importance, and the corruption of Robert Chiltern in An Ideal Husband. In particular the moral scheme of the plot in An Ideal Husband has, demonstrably, some unusual implications, which reflect the tolerance and compromise of Lady Windmere's fan rather than the moral absolutes of A Woman of No Importance. In Lady Windmere's Fan and A Women of No Importance Wilde attacked an uncompromising attitude, such as Dumas and Augier took, towards the demi-mondaine, and in An Ideal Husband the demi-mondaine, though foiled, is not humiliated. But It is only with his complete escape from the thesis play in The Importance that Wilde realized his potentiality in comedy Despite the fact that Wilde continually touches on the conflict between public and private life, we cannot assign leis comedies to the genre of the problem play like that of Henrik Ibsen. The tradition of problem play did not suit Wilde at all, for it ran contrary to his anti-realistic concept of art and he was not really interested in social reform. The impact of Ibsen on England helped to develop the English "problem play" of the nineties, when English drama lagged so far behind French drama that the first effect of Ibsen on English drama was merey to encourage it in going as far as Augier and Dumps. Like Shaw, Barrie, Jones, Fryers. and the rest. Wilde yielded to the epidemic temptation to rewrite Ibsen, such as taking overt drammatic situations in Ibsen, but more often added something distinctive of his own - a comic twist or like Austin Fryers, a transformation of Ibsen's text to make an effect and a point uniquely his. Especially in An Ideal Husband Wilde realized his ambitious self-conception as the peer of Ibsen' by producing shock waves capable of reaching us today through shaking the pillares of society. It should not be supposed that Wilde is attempting to imitate any one genre rather than anther; however, the Individua1 kind of comedy which he initiated and developed has even stronger affinities with the English than with the French trandition. One striking principle of construction In his comedies, which corroborates such a view, is the way in which it is organized, in part, by means of hierarchy of wit based on traditional English comedy of manners. Such a scheme would place the chief spokesmen of Wildean dandyism such as Mrs Erlynne, Lord Darlington, Lord Illingworth and Lord Goring, and two couples of lovers in The Importance in the highest rank, their tone being echoed by choric figures and the sincerely earnest at the bottom. In A Woman of No Importance Wilde created the world of a next-restoration conclict by restating a number of the standard situations of Restoration comedy, and using the stock antitheses of the genre - town and country, wits and sentiment, libertine and courtly attitudes, men and women, cits and aristos - as thc basis of reference for a critical treatment of some of the real issues of the age' There is no denying that he was interested not only in matters of technique, but also in the themes used by his predecessors; however, he made two vital contributions to the development of British drama: a new style of language and a new critical perspective. His alternation of techniques in style of language - non-commitment, witty aphonsms, paradoxes, hidden dialogue and direct expression - was the original feature that emanated directly from his own peculiar gifts, and his new critical perspective consisted in his scepticism as regards the efficiency of communication at a time when social consensus was becoming increasingly difficult, his focus on the dilemma of a the Individual seeking meaningful identity in the clash between public and private life, and his undermining of traditional conventions. Thus the works of T. W. Robertson, S. Grundy, H. A. Jones and countless other nineteenth-century playwrights have been more or less forgotten, whereas Oscar Wilde's comedies have load an asset of tremendous value, that of appealing to the common man.

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